
From The Urban Dead Wiki
Revision as of 17:55, 22 September 2008 by VI (talk | contribs) (→‎General Topics)
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Join NecroWatch... NOW!

Interested in becoming a full-time NecroTechnician? Of course you are! Who wouldn't want the fame and glory commonly associated with publically posting NecroNet scans, fame and glory lost on those survivors who scan and fail to report their scans. What's up with that? Just be sure to read the FAQ first so you know exactly what you're signing up for. Anywho, if you still want to join then just sign on the dotted line and provide the following information:

User Name - Who you are on the UD Wiki. Sure you could just sign your post and I would know, but this is more formal. What? I'm ALL about formality.
Profile(s) - Provide links to the characters you wish to dedicate to the job of providing NecroNet scans for NecroWatch. You are not limited to just one character, obviously, so long as your alts are not working together or within close proximity. But that just goes without saying.
Group Affiliation - Feel free to plug the group(s) associated with your character(s). I fully support shameless advertising.
Suburb(s) - List the suburbs you plan to cover. If your character(s) is mobile/nomadic then you can simply state "Malton". It's not necessary to report which characters will be reporting scans from which suburbs... after all it's healthy to be paranoid.

And that's it. Simple right? After that your name will be added to the Members List in the appropriate rank/alphabetical order and then you're official. Of course you don't need to become a NecroTechnician to report scans. In those instances please refer to the appropriate section (below) where you can post links to your NT scans.

User Name - A Helpful Little Gnome
Profile - Yabel
Group Affiliation - None.
Suburb(s) - Shuttlebank and surrounding area. Doesn't really matter though.
--  AHLGTG THE END IS NIGH! 19:54, 4 December 2007 (UTC)

User Name - Asoka Wu
Profile - Asoka Wu
Group Affiliation - NecroWatch.
Suburb(s) - Planning to visit every NecroTech facility in Malton.
--Asoka Wu 24:03, 17 June 2008 (UTC)
User Name - BlackReaper
Profile - BlackReaper
Group Affiliation - Detulux Inc, MEAR
Suburb(s) - Malton. Usually, the south.
--BlackReaper 22:13, 24 December 2007 (UTC)
User Name - Blanemcc
Profile - Blanemcc
Group Affiliation - The Northern Regiment
Suburb(s) - Varying depending on the location of the regiment. Somewhere in the north of Malton.
--Blanemcc 22:33, 24 December 2007 (UTC)
User Name - Duke Garland
Profile(s) - (no information)
Group Affiliation - LCD/Independent
Suburb(s) - center, east, south-east, possibly anywhere.
--~~~~ [talk] 20:03, 25 December 2007
User Name - Aphaythea
Profile(s) - Aphaythea
Group Affiliation - CCPD Family
Suburb(s) - South East Boundwood/Sheppard NT and North Yagoton/Style NT
--Aphaythea 05:44, 26 December 2007 (UTC)
User Name - cuio 
Profile(s) - unmentholated, cuio
Group Affiliation - None
Suburb(s) - Various, mostly around malls in the middle strip of Malton
  --cuio (talk) (NW) 05:36, 27 December 2007 (UTC)
User Name - Skritz
Profile - Nazdreg
Group Affiliation - None.
Suburb(s) - Any place I happen to be...
User Name - Tec7890
Profile(s) - Techhead7890
Group Affiliation - RCDC
Suburb(s) - Rhodenbank
--Tec7890 04:17, 4 January 2008 (UTC)
User Name - Sexualharrison
Profle(s) - Sexualharrison asshole doctor
Group Affiliation(s) - המוסד למודיעין ולתפקידים מיוחדים, QSG
Suburb(s) - Danger Close, all of Malton.
----SexualharrisonStarofdavid2.png Boobs.gif 12:50, 9 January 2008 (UTC)
User Name - Lufio
Profile(s) - Lufio
Group Affiliation - N/A
Suburb(s) - Penny Heights and neighboring suburbs
--The Masked Lurker 05:04, 10 January 2008 (UTC)
User Name - Anasazi
Profile(s) - Ghita
Group Affiliation - N/A
Suburb(s) - I wander around.
--Ghita 05:04, 10 January 2008 (UTC)
User Name - MiniGemmel
Profile - MiniGemmel
Group Affiliation - B-Town Boyz
Suburb(s) - Quarlesbank, Ketchelbank, Chancelwood.
--MiniGemmel*B-Town Boyz 20th January 2008
User Name - Rosslessness
Profile - Carlosinspace
Group Affiliation - N/A
Suburb(s) - All over Malton.
--RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 14:59, 20 January 2008 (UTC)
User Name - Keypunch
Profile - Keypunch
Group Affiliation - N/A
Suburb(s) - All over Malton.
--Keypunch 19:13, 20 January 2008 (UTC)
User Name - OverlordQ
Profile - ZS Revitech
Group Affiliation - Zombie Squad
Suburb(s) - Western Malton
--OverlordQ 00:03, 24 January 2008 (UTC)
User Name - Sloping Flange
Profile - Bobby Brownbum
Group Affiliation - None.
Suburb(s) - Settled in and around Ridleybank
--Sloping Flange 10:07, 28 January 2008 (UTC)
User Name - Adobewedge
Profile - Adobewedge
Group Affiliation - The Q Alliance
Suburb(s) - Essentially, Around the Tompson Mall.
--Adobewedge 03:14, 29 January 2008 (UTC)
User Name - Commie Woman
Profile - Commie Woman
Group Affiliation - THEM
Suburb(s) - Chancelwood, specifically the Haslock Building.
--Commie Woman 16:03, 29 January 2008 (UTC)
User Name - Another alias
Profile - Jarkendel
Group Affiliation - N/A
Suburb(s) - Brooke Hills, around Hellyer NT.
--Jarkendel 20:27, 30 January 2008 (UTC)
User Name - N00bert
Profile = N00bert
Group Affiliation - FOXHOUND
Suburb(s) - Dulston, Rhodenbank, Pescodside, Rolt Heights.
--N00bert 20:24, 31 January 2008 (UTC)
User Name - cannywizard
Profile = theshinysword
Group Affiliation - None
Suburb(s) - Malton
-- Cannywizard 21:25, 9 February 2008 (UTC)
User Name - Dehavilland
Profile - dehavilland
Group Affiliation - Reid Library
Suburb(s) - West Chudleyton
--Dehavilland 20:49, 16 February 2008 (UTC)
User Name - William Joel 
Profile - [William Joel]
Group Affiliation - /zom/
Suburb - Primarily Shearbank
--William Joel 23:48, 2 March 2008 (UTC)
User Name - Quincy Kildare
Profile - Quincy Kildare
Group Affiliation - The Opportunists
Suburb(s) - I don't know where I am half the time. I go to sleep somewhere,
then wake up in a totally different place with a buzzing in my ears, a couple
missing days, and blood and gray gooey stuff all over my clothes. What's that
about? Maybe it's something neurological - I should probably see a doctor. Oh,
that's right, I AM a doctor.
--Quincy Kildare 07:32, 3 March 2008 (UTC)
User Name - Viktor Suvorov 
Profile - Viktor Suvorov
Group Affiliation - 404: Barhah not found
Suburb - Varying, now Dulston


10:18, 3 March 2008 (UTC)

User Name - Atan Varno
Profile - Atan Varno, Gabriel Holding
Group Affiliation - Edmund General United, QSG
Suburb(s) - Grigg Heights/Owsleybank, Roftwood and surrounding areas.
--Atan Varno(Talk) of EDU 10:59, 3 March 2008 (UTC)
User Name - "Citizen VI"
Profile - Vigilis
Group Affiliation - Philosophe Knights
Suburb(s) - Malton.
--User:VI/signature 20:13, 14 March 2008 (UTC)
User Name - Morgan Blair
Profile - Morgan Blair
Group Affiliation - M.E.R.C.Y.
Suburb(s) - The Four Corners region and surrounding area.
--Morgan Blair 01:22, 24 April 2008 (BST)
User Name - Tal'Rahsha
Profile - Tal'Rahsha
Group Affiliation - None
Suburb(s) - Anywhere.
--Tal'RahSha 08:07 23 June 2008 UTC

General Topics

Do you want to chat with the people running Project: NecroWatch? Looking for an outlet through which you can express random thoughts and ideas? Well then this is the place for you, unless of course your post is of a more technical nature, in which case check the next section. But if your comments are generic, then just post them here being sure to keep the newest posts at the top.

Total Scans

Does this number include scans of buildings previously scanned? I can see how this would be pointless with regard to cake, but since the goal of this organization is to maintain scan maps I can also see how it could also be used simply as a representation of a particular member's usefulness to the organization, and to Malton's survivors. VI 18:55, 22 September 2008 (BST)

do you guys protect nts or just check them?

if u guys protect i was wondering if you would want a little help protecting them i am shade0095252 in game and i am leader of the new(and small sadly) group the shades of malton we would be willing to help if ypu do though we only have 4 active members for now we have a wiki here if you would like to check that out i hope to hear from you guys soon thanks for your time. --Shade0095252 00:19, 15 August 2008 (BST)

This use to be dedicated to just showing the scans from NT buildings, I don't think the founders do it anymore though.--N00bert foxhound 03:52, 15 August 2008 (BST)

(Scenteral Intelligence, aka SI) is a group I'm owrking on that would have similar methods, structure, and purpose. However, instead of updating NecroNet scans using NecroNet access, memebers would use Scent Death to update the Scenteral Intelligence Map. There are only 81 SIM points, compared to 200+ necrotech buildings, so this should be comparatively easy, but for the map to be useful, updates need to be fairly frequent. What I really need is people with "junk alts" to park them on SIM points and register as being the "watcher" for that point, then update it daily. That takes just 1-17 Ap and 2-3 IP hits. If you want to spend a few more AP, you can bounce back and forth between two adjacent (even diagonally adjacent) points and cover them both every day for only 13-28 AP (15 or 16 IP hits). Obviously the alts need "Scent Death", but lurching gait (and ankle grab) are not needed, unless you really want to cover 3-4 points a day. SIM Core Map.png Swiers 18:34, 30 April 2008 (BST)

Annoyance of Resets to Blanks Scans

In the suburbs I usually "patrol", the NT Buildings lay in ruins, primarily due to the zombie rampage throughout Malton. Anyways, because of the zombie occupation, another Wiki user reset the NecroNet scans for those buildings back to the "missing scan" image. How annoying. Sure, it reflects the current status quo, but that's more work for the next updater to do, having to re-type details in the template and having to dig up the Upload page for the NecroNet scan image. Unnecessary hassle, bleh. Anyone else run across resets or make the resets yourself? --The Masked Lurker 21:02, 29 March 2008 (UTC)

I did a reset a few months ago, but that was because the scans I posted were back from early-2007. That was back in the day when I posted any scan I could find for a location and the only member of NecroWatch was yours truly. After the project really started getting off the ground I felt it would be in everyone's best interests to get rid of those older scans so those of you posting scans could feel the glory of "posting first" for said location. It has a certainly thrill to it.
That said, I had originally intended that scans would be reset to static after a set period of inactivity. What that period would be, I hadn't decided. One month? Two? I suppose it really just depended on how out-dated the information was, especially in terms of the current zombies situation. As such, I mostly leave it in the hands of locals to decide. --Mobius 13:27, 31 March 2008 (BST)
- It has been suggested that a flag be added that switches the scan between the missing scan picture and the recent scan picture. That way, the filename and filetype doesn't have to be manually changed each time a NT Building goes active and inactive. As for the situation I was describing earlier, it had only been three days since I put up a scan before it got switched over to a picture of a missing scan. That's what I annoyed me the most. --The Masked Lurker 03:40, 3 April 2008 (BST)


Just completed my 50th scan. All it took was headshotting two zombies, repairing the building, installing a genny and searching a ruined auto repair for fuel. But man, was it worth it. If only i can survive the night in a loosely caded fully powered NT on my own...............--RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 20:53, 19 February 2008 (UTC)

You know that you didn't need to get rid of zombies to take the scan?.. Excellent job, anyway --~~~~ [talk] 22:27, 19 February 2008 (UTC)
Yup. Zombies just let you power-up an NT building and scan away while they drool. Mind you, the life expectancy of your generator will be very short if left in the hands of the living dead, but hey, at least you get the scan. Good job collecting 50 scans! You're now 1/3 of the way to claiming your cake! --Mobius187 13:40, 20 February 2008 (UTC)

Ghost Towns

According to the local news for Roachtown, it has too much activity going on to be really considered as a ghost town. However, it is still considered as one in the map of Malton suburbs. Would a NecroNet scan taken in Roachtown at this time count for the Ghost Recon ribbon? Or should we hoof our way over to East Becktown if we want the ribbon? --The Masked Lurker 18:18, 25 January 2008 (UTC)

We had some conversation about ghost towns on Ottari's talk page... Hm... Not sure what will Mobius say, but i think technically you qualify. Also i think that this ribbon must be removed fully as being dependent from sources outside A.L.I.C.E.'s reach. Maybe substituted with some another ribbon, maybe not. --~~~~ [talk] 18:40, 25 January 2008 (UTC)
It looks like the danger status of Roachtown is being contested as right now it's not ranked as a ghost town on the suburb map anymore. At this time only East Becktown is still considered a ghost town, so that option is still open to you. As Duke pointed out, if a suburb is considered a ghost town and your scans prove that is not the case you would still get the Ghost Recon badge, as the purpose of the badge isn't just to scan ghost towns, but rather report on their current status. Proving a suburb is not a ghost town is one of the reasons why scanning is important because the danger report system for suburbs is often based on flawed information (more often than not). It should be mentioned that if you do prove a suburb is NOT a ghost town, please update its suburb danger status, pointing to the scans as proof. On a final note, I will say that Ghost Recon, while a great idea (of mine) does have some issues. I am planning to add a few new medals and I will keep this in mind to avoid confusion in the future. Until then, East Becktown is your best bet at this time. --Mobius187 15:05, 26 January 2008 (UTC)

Status Report

   From: NecroTechian L3 Duke Garland
     To: <all@broadcast>
Subject: Status Report
According to form FORMS-EN-2794-FORM as of 15:45, 22 January 2008 (UTC) there 
are 149 files in the NTNET2Local database, 57 are still counting as corrupted
or missing. This might be a success of project, as 73.4% of data was restored
just in several weeks of work since A.L.I.C.E. restoration. Congratulations!
Duke B. Garland
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Nice report. I posted it (more or less/formatted for space) on the main NecroWatch wikipage. :) --Mobius187 13:56, 23 January 2008 (UTC)

The Most Crowded Scan

Can you beat this, huh? 578 zombies on 1 scan! --~~~~ [talk] 18:16, 14 January 2008 (UTC)

Impressive. I hope you reported that in the Pitneybank news as it's a real headline-grabber. ;) --Mobius187 13:01, 15 January 2008 (UTC)
Nope, didn't even think about that... Should i? --~~~~ [talk] 17:18, 15 January 2008 (UTC)
Only if you want to. Just link to the suburb reports, or Necrowatch, and quote the number of zombies (total). I would suggest also mentioning which buildings are being threatened, but I don't think that's really changed since I last reported (other than the numbers). Your call. --Mobius187 17:50, 15 January 2008 (UTC)

Due to old revisions of images being deleted (what i was generally against :( ) i've reuploaded the image here (good that i have all my scans archived) --~~~~ [talk] 07:51, 23 January 2008 (UTC)

Yup. Word came down the grapevine (i.e. Grim) that I needed to delete old revisions because they were eating up too much space on the server (or eventually will if they kept piling up). As such, I am tasked with cleaning up old scan image revisions as their due dates come up. A shame really, as I liked the idea of the images creating a "history of scans", but it seems that goes against current wiki policy. Ah well. --Mobius187 13:53, 23 January 2008 (UTC)
Oh lookie, I include(makes it not show up on unlinked).--Karekmaps?! 21:02, 29 March 2008 (UTC)
Argh! Making me do math at 8:18 AM on a Monday? Well two can play at that game, I cheated and used the Windows Calculator so all that pesky math wouldn't hurt my brain. I counted 578 zombies. Not bad, but Giddings Mall still had more. Nevertheless, an "A" for effort. --Mobius 13:21, 31 March 2008 (BST)

I did a completely blank scan today. And another two with only one zed on each. Can I claim the least crowded prize?--RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 20:19, 24 January 2008 (UTC)

In my humble opinion, yes. --~~~~ [talk] 22:26, 24 January 2008 (UTC)
Go for it! :) --Mobius187 03:00, 25 January 2008 (UTC)
And another one today. This is silly. Want to get a rank quickly. Try and do the SE recon like me. I'm averaging 4 a day.--RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 18:42, 25 January 2008 (UTC)
So far only one person has managed to get a Recon Master ribbon badge, and that's Ottari. I checked to confirm if this was the case. So the field is wide-open for you to earn teh first SE Master Recon badge. You can do it! --Mobius187 13:14, 31 January 2008 (UTC)

Got the new most crowded scan contender big numbers --Mr NoName001 05:59, 31 January 2008 (UTC)

That's... wow... 799 zombies. Very impressive. Methinks I shall increase the zombie numbers for the Combat Recon ribbon medal. --Mobius187 13:14, 31 January 2008 (UTC)
Ehm, no... Don't increase it. Don't limit all necrotechians to this single siege... --~~~~ [talk] 13:19, 31 January 2008 (UTC)
Well I certainly woouldn't raise it to 800, if that's what you're inferring. I was just thinking that maybe 150/250 was on the low side after seeing these results. Perhaps 250/400 (one location/scattered)? --Mobius187 13:52, 31 January 2008 (UTC)
I like 150/250 more. I'm actually seeking a place outside Giddings siege that would qualify this. If raise to 250/400 - it would be nearly impossible --~~~~ [talk] 14:51, 31 January 2008 (UTC)
Well I wouldn't want to make it a pain in the butt to get that ribbon. Alright I'll keep the original numbers. --Mobius187 19:07, 31 January 2008 (UTC)

Just when you thought the numbers couldn't get any higher Even Bigger--Mr NoName001 16:05, 31 January 2008 (UTC)

Problem with the Eagan Building

I just tried to update the Eagan Building. It was the first scan for the building, but where you usually need to replace NTmini=Missing with NTmini=Eagan, Eagan was already filled. Everything else looked and looks normal, but the image is not displaying properly ( I'd appreciate another set of eyes on this, as I don't know what I'm doing wrong.   --cuio (talk) (NW) 08:40, 11 January 2008 (UTC)

Interesting. It seems the problem was that the template's 3rd variable, "Scan", was deleted. The default for that variable is "Missing" so with it gone it tried to point to static GIF, but of course the file type had been updated (by you) to PNG. No worries, I've added it back and it's working fine now. --Mobius187 12:51, 11 January 2008 (UTC)

Discussions: Improvements & Issues

If you're interested in NecroWatch, are full of new ideas or perhaps want to discuss existing ones, this is the place to do it. Here users can also post about any issues they've encountered, in the hopes of working out fixes. As always post the more current topics at the top of this section.


Good to see more awards avaliable. But heres a moan. If like me your concentrating on SE Malton, theres nothing really i can get! How about an award for the rowcliffe building? I mean its got a zombie group who's only aim is to destroy it!--RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 20:34, 30 January 2008 (UTC)

Maaan, i did rowcliffe on 22nd, don't won't to return there again. besides, it's just 1 suburb away from morrish, that had an award added. all in one place = bad --~~~~ [talk] 20:45, 30 January 2008 (UTC)
OK. Whats a good south eastern award? ITs just impossible in the SE. No ghost towns, no 5 burb NT's. Its 25 suburbs people. Surely we can find something?--RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 20:53, 30 January 2008 (UTC)
Dunno... There's a tight group of NTs almost in the corner - i've did them all recently. Did i already grumble about not liking "tours of duty" being bind to suburbs? (if remove grid, most of the "grouping" the NTs listed in tour wouldn't look too logical) --~~~~ [talk] 20:59, 30 January 2008 (UTC)
Maybe the Axtence Building? It stands near center of it's suburb that doesn't have other NTs or malls. very stand-alone --~~~~ [talk] 21:02, 30 January 2008 (UTC)
I'm all for providing ribbon medals associated with SE Malton. In general there are two types of ribbon medals associated with suburbs, either one to commemorate an important/famous NT building (i.e. the Blackmore Building) or a "tour of duty". The main stipulation for a tour being that it has 5-6 NTs, or has 4 that are proven be be under constant threat (i.e. because a dangerous zombie horde occupies that suburb for a majority of their time). I don't think I'll add anymore tour ribbons at this time, but you can make a case for an important/famous NT building in your area. Just name the ones you think are famous and tell me why. For example, how famous is the Went Building in Stanbury Village? --Mobius187 23:19, 30 January 2008 (UTC)
Went? Quite very famous, it is even believed that the outbreak began from failed experment in this NT. It's always talked about when Nichols is under siege, as all other near-the-mall nts. On the other hand, it's 1 suburb far from Blackmore... --~~~~ [talk] 07:46, 31 January 2008 (UTC)
True, there should be some distance between the NTs, especially when we're fishing for a new title-holder among NTs which are all fairly famous to some degree. A pity the Quartly Library in Roftwood isn't an NT. Hmmm. How about the Malcolm Building in Whittenside? It seems like a popular NT associated with Fort Perryn. Someone at least went to a fair bit of trouble to record the building's history on its wikipage. --Mobius187 12:57, 31 January 2008 (UTC)
On a different note, how about the SW sector if the SE sector will get one? Sure, I'm glad that the SE sector is being considered since that sector is where my sole char is hanging around the majority of the time. However, the SW sector should be considered, just to be fair. The northern half of Malton does have the majority of the suburb-related ribbons. --The Masked Lurker 16:39, 31 January 2008 (UTC)
I wonder what makes north Malton so damn popular? Well you're in luck, as I planned to release ribbons in sets of three anyway, so one of the remaining two ribbons could be for an NT in SW Malton. Does anyone have any suggestions for a famous NT in SW Malton? --Mobius187 17:01, 31 January 2008 (UTC)
Just for a note, SW part of Malton has fewer NTs than rest. Look at Crooketon, Mornington, Wykewood, Reganbank, Lerwill Heights - no NTs at all, 1 in Grigg Heights and 1 in North Blythville... A bit thicker in south, but not as thick as in Molebank are, for example, or Eastonwood area. --~~~~ [talk] 22:18, 31 January 2008 (UTC)


Another thought. How about a ribbon for each of the 4 corners of Malton? There's already one for Dakerstown. So let's put one together for Dulston, for Miltown, and for New Arkham. --The Masked Lurker 16:45, 31 January 2008 (UTC)
I like this, someting like malton wanderer. And solves the whole, nothing in the se problem.--RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 16:52, 31 January 2008 (UTC)
Right, I'll look into creating a ribbon for this. I had actually something planned along these lines, a "marathon ribbon" of sorts that required you to report from a series of NTs (one per designated suburb) along a route, with the goal of completing the course within a set time frame. The four corners were a major part of that course. Later the holders of these ribbons would be allowed to participate in a larger marathon that would involve one of the much anticipated "trophies" I mentioned. For those who don't know, trophies will either be connected to an event (like a marathon possibly) or a stat. For example, say, "Most Populated Scan". The person who wins the trophy holds it and has his name etched into it (so to speak) until the next person wins it. Of course before I go forward with any of this I would like to hear what people think about these ideas. No point starting up something no one is interested in, so it's survey time! --Mobius187 17:01, 31 January 2008 (UTC)
How about multiple levels of marathon ribbons or multiple race courses? Since you were talking about qualifying races for participating in a trophy event, how about a 2-week-long race where one character has to acquire NecroNet scans from all the NT Buildings from each of the corner suburbs (i.e. Dakerstown, Dulston, Miltown, and New Arkham). It doesn't matter what order, as long as all the scans are acquired by one profile within the span of 14 days. The first one to do it in that timeframe would get a qualifying ribbon. Iwitness would be necessary to record your presence at an NT Building.
Hmmm, maybe it shouldn't be called a ribbon anymore. If it's going to be an event that's going to be announced as taking place at certain times of the year, maybe it should be called a medal. It's appropriate since it's going to be used as a qualifier (Possibly have a race one-a-month?) for participating in a trophy event (Trophy race once every three months? A seasonal event? Held during each equinox and each solstice?). --The Masked Lurker 17:41, 31 January 2008 (UTC)
To build upon what you suggested Lufio, what we could do is have marathon ribbons, which would act as merits (similar to "tours of duty", just on a grander scale) and marathon trophies/medals that would be awarded to a specific winner of a marathon, rather than just to whoever chooses to participate. A qualification to participate in the trophy/medal race(s) would be to get at least 1 marathon ribbon, for example "Four Corners" could be one. You still have to report that you complete all the required scans from all 4 suburbs from each corner, but you're not competing against anyone but time deadline.
I could create, say, 3 marathon ribbons, with "Four Corners" being the starter. Based on that distance seems a bit "done", as that's the maximum a player can actually travel. The other two ribbons, if I end up opting to create them (based on feedback), would probably have to either be a set path through more dangerous suburbs or increasing the number of NT scans required (i.e. 1 NT from each suburb between Dulston and Dakerstown, for example).
That said, the marathon trophy/medal would be an event where we set a specific date, and then everyone sets off to collect all the scans. Since you guys are fairly scattered I don't think it's fair to create a "starting point". Rather you can select the NT closest to your location (as they would be evenly spread out in every quadrant so to be fair) and then you move outwards from there. The goal will be to report scans from all the building on the list (race course) in the shortest time possible. To make it interesting I think we should also agree to post a link to each scan in a race header I'll create, so everyone can keep track of how well their competitors are doing. Perhaps even reporting commentary on incidents along the way (i.e. travel to an NT, but find it's being sacked by zombies). The person who completes the race first would then be awarded the trophy/medal (via template) and have their name added to a list on the Members wikipage for that trophy. Also the duration time (from first scan to last) would be posted so people can compare how they do against previous winners.
I do have a question, how do you guys think we should handle the way-points? Should it be any NT within a target suburb, or a specific NT in each suburb (for added difficulty), or all the NTs within a target suburb (for even more difficulty)? --Mobius187 19:51, 31 January 2008 (UTC)
I think it would be better to do a list of NT's you had to scan, and that was it. That way you could pick a route, try to anticipate which ones would be powered etc. --RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 19:55, 31 January 2008 (UTC)

Okay, here is what I've come up with so far on the "marathon" ribbon medal(s):

  1. Minor marathon ribbons will be isolated to each quadrant, but obtainable by members who prefer to stay on in that quadrant of Malton (4 ribbon medals).
  2. Major marathon ribbons will require members to cross all 4 quadrants of Malton in varying degrees based on difficulty.
  3. Members must post an iWitness link to their scan in addition to posting the actual scan image.
  4. Members must report scans from each of the required NT buildings (way-points), but may do so in any order.
  5. The scan images (via iWitness) must all be completed within a specific time period.
  6. The fastest time(s) will be recorded for each race, and members ranked according to their times upon successful completion of each race.
  7. At least one minor marathon ribbon is required prior to competing for a major/trophy marathon.
  8. Some marathon races may include "scoring" based on random factors (i.e. total survivors inside NT, total zombies shown, total ID'd horde zombies, total race time, ect).
  9. Races that include scoring will rank racers based on the total score, not just the race completion time (i.e. fastest time).

No doubt this brings up certain questions. The reason for scoring is that it allows shorter races to still have something to aim for other than time. Some races may even be won based on major local battles, so timing itself becomes a factor. Namely, do you try to collect scans when a major horde is assaulting a suburb and hope for a higher score, but risk being killed in the process and your race time penalized for it? To start things off I think I'll create the minor marathon ribbon medals, and two major ribbon medals (the aforementioned "Four Corners" and one other). Based on how much you like these races we can expand from there. --Mobius187 20:07, 3 February 2008 (UTC)

No further comments? I'll assume then that you all agree with these guidelines for the marathon ribbon medals. I'll begin work on creating the 6 ribbons previously mentioned and will let everyone know when they are availble. --Mobius187 18:19, 5 February 2008 (UTC)


Im thinking out loud. How about other challenges. Maybe a necrotech is experiencing problems, with calibration or something. You could ask a necrotechnician to do X scans from that building within a timeframe of Y days or something. Which would be quite hard with say blackmore.--RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 18:15, 3 February 2008 (UTC)

That possible. I'm reluctant to place a ribbon medal though at a location where someone can already earn another ribbon medal from reporting there, so I think that may need to be factored in (i.e. Blackmore Watchkeeper). We could create it that the ribbon is not associated with a specific suburb, but instead requires a suburb reported as "Red" (Very Dangerous), although that does bring back the issues associated with proper reporting of the suburb's threat level (i.e. Ghost Recon). The other option is to try and select a suburb known to be a hotspot, say in central Malton. Then the objective would be to report at least once per day for a set number of days. The only concern I would have is if RL came along and ruined it for someone, so we may not wants challenges that take too long to reduce the likelihood that RL will interrupt it, especially if they lasted for a long time only to have that happen. --Mobius187 20:26, 3 February 2008 (UTC)
It would be a challenge if said building is constantly ruined, for example Stonnard and some of Eastonwood NTs. you need to bring your own gen+fuel to make 1 scan (that is enough for recon progress) in such NT, but it (gen) will be destroyed by guarding zombies within few hours. Thus to report, say 7 days in a row is a big challenge indeed! Blackmore? not really, when it is battled, it's easy to spot a moment when there's a running gen without using your own. --~~~~ [talk] 11:26, 4 February 2008 (UTC)
But as an idea, how about a co-op for such ruined challenges? (and ribbons earned in co-op in general) --~~~~ [talk] 11:45, 4 February 2008 (UTC)
I agree, a challenge ribbon would make more sense if it were associated with a specific building, namely one that is known for being often ransacked/ruined or occupied with zombies, but at the same time is not famous enough to merit survivor intervention (so no easy openings or assistance from other survivors). That said, as there is already a "Tour of Duty" ribbon associated with Eastonwood I think we may want to look for another suburb. What about the suburbs along the west border in northwest Malton? I'm fairly sure they stay red/orange or ghost town almost year-round due to the efforts of Extinction. Roywood perhaps? The Gilesi Building in particular is surrounded by 5 empty blacks making it harder to approach and was reported to be "protected" by zombies.
On the matter of co-op ribbons, I'm all for it, but can you guys pull it off? NecroWatch is pretty much an organization that scatters you guys across Malton. I would hate to think I'm creating a scenario similar to a co-op mission in Guild Wars, where you have to find a team, but no one (or hardly anyone) is at that mission. It sucks big time. The other option is, well, that co-op is optional. Or more specifically, if you want to work with someone jointly to obtain the ribbons (for each of you), you can or you can work alone. Obviously working alone would be harder. --Mobius187 13:51, 4 February 2008 (UTC)
Well, i've noted recently that my characters sometimes are 1-3 days after Rosslessness or Ottari, I've already met in-game and said hi to Techhead, the Gnome, Ghita and Yabel, so we're not that spread out. Co-op can help in situations with busy RL that you mentioned. i also don't like it being made too mandatory. --~~~~ [talk] 19:23, 4 February 2008 (UTC)
How many days do you guys think a challenge should last for? I'm thinking maybe 5-7 days, with one scan per day. As Duke noted, that could add up to 5-7 generators/fuels. You would also need to factor in possible searches if you lacked the supplies (i.e. working alone) or were killed (you would need to be revived before you miss the 1-day scan window between scans. --Mobius187 18:17, 5 February 2008 (UTC)
7 days... 5 days... i cannot decide. i'm bending towards 7 + "you can do it together" co-op (i.e. if another guy posted one today, you may not bother posting your own - it will count to your "team" anyway. Though, leave some kind of limitation, like each co-oping teammate needs to do at least 3 out of 7 if there are two of them and 2 out of 7 if three) --~~~~ [talk] 19:38, 5 February 2008 (UTC)
2-3 scans out of 7 in itself doesn't seem like much of a challenge in and of itself. How about either we cap co-op as 2-member teams or we incur additional days per each member beyond the initial. So if you try the challenge by yourself it requires 5 scans, 1 scan per day. If you try the challenge with other members for each additional member add +2 days. So 7 days/scans for a 2-member co-op team, 9 days/scans for a 3-member co-op team, ect. That way you share resources and "lives" (should one of you meet an unfortunate end), but it adds additional risk. Regardless though, let's have it that each member of a co-op team would need to report at least 3 of the scans themselves. --Mobius187 21:37, 5 February 2008 (UTC)

No Peer Review?

When I was first looking through the site, it all seemed so slick, for a minute I actually believed the "A.L.I.C.E. automatically promotes" line... But for all the various ribbons, I figured there would be some sort of application process, or required documentation, or whatever. Heh, maybe I'm just the kind of person who likes paperwork and such, but of course, having more (or any, where not needed) isn't really a good thing, and submitting a NecroNet scan already requires updating no less then three wikipages. However, I have this vague feeling of... "impropriety'"—for lack of a better description—when I can simultaneously award myself both the All-Seeing Eye Medal and the Paynterton Tour of Duty Medal, while at no point having to announce, record, or in any way justify that it was in order for me to do so (and "no", I'm not just looking for fanfare).

So, I have the audacity to suggest consideration of the following "two" implementations. One, expansion of the Recon page (or an additional page in a similar layout), so that licensed NecroTechnicians can sign the record whenever they have been "awarded" a ribbon (and perhaps also briefly document what it was for: in the case of the All-Seeing Eye, Ghost Recon—what suburb—and Combat Recon Medals—what facility, how many zeds); and Two, a Talk sub-page where we can just say, "Hey, this suburb was listed as a ghost-town "here", and when I scanned it, scans had not been made since "when", so I'm awarding myself "this" ribbon. No disputes? Great." Aside from being a place for people (such as myself) to assuage the need for some measure of "processing", it would be nice to have a place to see when other NecroTechnicians are achieving great feats of NecroNet scanning prowess!

Maybe this would all be both totally unneeded and unwanted (but maybe not), so I thought I'd put it out there, and see if there was any support for something like this. I don't think it would be at all difficult to do (wiki-wise)—maybe a bit of A.L.I.C.E. humor (and some ASCII art of cake), and as for using it, I don't think it would require any more effort then submitting a routine scan, and would of course need to be done with far less frequency. The hardest part would be to document previously earned achievements, a task which I would volunteer for of course, it being my proposal! --Morgan Blair 21:50, 29 April 2008 (BST)

Report NecroNet Scans

Do you have a NecroNet scan you're dying to share with NecroWatch? Too lazy/evil to update the it yourself? We understand, and in some cases, our sub-goal is to discourage people from thinking this job is easy so all our NecroTechnicians are treated almost like gods for performing actions that, without all the smoke and mirrors, are fairly straightforward. But rather than lose precious scan information we're stepping up to do the job for you. Just post a link to the iWitness report or image/screenshot with the scan. Be sure to date it, or else your timestamp will be considered the date/time the scan was taken. In the case of iWitness reports we use the provided MT (Malton Time). You will of course be given credit for any and all scans you post here. How awesome is that? No, don't think about it! Just believe us. Excellent.

Dr. Asoka Wu's Scans

6/26/08 Pursey Building, Lockettside (27, 84) Pursey Building

Asoka Wu

6/26/08 Brockliss Building, Spicer Hills (25, 90) Brockliss Building

Asoka Wu

6/24/08 Button Building, Old Arkham (19, 97) Button Building

Asoka Wu

6/23/08 Mitchener Building, New Arkham (1,95) Mitchener Building

Asoka Wu

6/17/08 Wreford Building, New Arkham (5, 98) Wreford Building

Asoka Wu

6/15/08 Harford Building, New Arkham (8,99). Harford Building

Asoka Wu

6/13/08 Denty Building, New Arkham (7, 99). Denty Building

Asoka Wu

Iscariot's Scans

If you are searching for Iscariot's older NecroNet reports, you can find them here.

The Henley Building
-- Iscariot 22:07, 23 February 2008 (UTC)
Uploaded. --Mobius187 13:18, 25 February 2008 (UTC)
The Blackmore Building
-- To know the face of God is to know madness....Praise knowledge! Mischief! Mayhem! The Rogues Gallery!. <== DDR Approved Editor 18:19, 30 April 2008 (BST)

N00bert Scans

If you are searching for N00bert's older NecroNet reports, you can find them here.

In all seriousness!! SilwoodBuildingNT in Wray Heights.--N00bert F 21:35, 13 February 2008 (UTC)

FramBuildingNT Wray Heights
DarnellBuildingNT Wray Heights
TelferBuildingNT Ketchelbank

Good night.. --N00bert F 05:00, 14 February 2008 (UTC)

Updated all scans. Keep up the good work. :) --Mobius187 13:08, 14 February 2008 (UTC)
InmanBuildingNT Pescodside --N00bert F 04:59, 3 April 2008 (BST)

GracewoodBuildingNT Paynerton--N00bert foxhound 00:06, 7 April 2008 (BST)

You boys still doing this NW thing? If so; MorrishBuildingNT Pitneybank --N00bert foxhound 16:08, 7 April 2008 (BST)

theshinysword's scans

If you are searching for theshinysword's older NecroNet reports, you can find them here.

Sexualharrison's Scans

If you are searching for Sexualharrison's older NecroNet reports, you can find them here.

Nisbet building----SexualharrisonStarofdavid2.png Boobs.gif 19:25, 14 March 2008 (UTC)
whippy building----SexualharrisonStarofdavid2.png Boobs.gif 12:52, 15 March 2008 (UTC)

Done and done. But not exactly in that order. --Mobius 03:47, 16 March 2008 (UTC)

ZS Revitech Scans

If you are looking for ZS Revitech's older NecroNet scan reports, you can find them here.

Ghita's Scans

If you are searching for Ghita's older NecroNet reports, you can find them here.

Mr NoName Scans

If you are looking for Mr NoName's older NecroNet scan reports, you can find them here.

Lufio's Scans

If you are looking for Lufio's older NecroNet scan reports, you can find them here.

February 23, 2008 - After today, I'm going back to uploading my own stuff. This will be the last Iwitness links I'll be putting up here for a while. Heh, I can't believe those zombie guards in the McCullock Building are just now finally getting around to damaging the Portable Generator I set up days ago.

Anyways, with Miltown done, Fryerbank is now the last suburb on my list. Once I have those 3 NT Buildings, I will have taken a scan from all the NT Buildings in the SE sector of Malton. That SE ribbon will be mine! --The Masked Lurker 00:36, 24 February 2008 (UTC)

Many zombies lack the same work ethic common to members of NecroWatch. They're all like, "I'll destroy that generator... later... after my lunch break!". Unionization destroyed many a zombie's will to destroy things now. It's sad really. Oh, and I uploaded those scans and good luck with the SE Master Recon ribbon. --Mobius187 13:29, 25 February 2008 (UTC)

Wan Yao's scans

A scan from the The Copeland Building in West Grayside. Too lazy to crop a photo tonight :) --WanYao 06:36, 6 April 2008 (BST)

Moar skanz I'm too lazy to crop ;) The Delay Building in Nixbank. And the Selway Building in Ruddlebank. --WanYao 23:22, 9 April 2008 (BST)

Nitro378's scans

Here you go. Fliney Building. For some reason it took like 3 days for someone to put up a genny. [1] --Nitro378 T JNL 11:47, 22 June 2008 (BST)

[2] Here's A report from The Hosken building. It came out a little weird with the UD toolbar on.... --Nitro378 T JNL 16:36, 26 June 2008 (BST)