Template talk:Dunell Hills Groups

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DHPD Removal from Groups Active in Dunell Hills

The main body of the DHPD are not, for obvious reasons (i.e. we can calculate odds and work out that taking on an opponent 10 times as large as we are is not only stupidity bordering on the suicidal but also basically not fun), operating in Dunell Hills on a regular basis at the moment. We continue to consider the suburb our home base, have a few officers still in the area doing basic scouting and helping where they can, and will resume regular operations there once it isn't clearly mind-numbingly stupid to do so.

The Dead clearly feel very strongly that this wiki is terribly compromised if the DHPD are listed as active in Dunell Hills whenever fewer than a dozen officers are present in the suburb. We are not really all that fussed exactly which group is listed on which wiki template. This being the case we are not going to get into an edit war over whether we should be listed as active in the surburb or not. Really, if this is so desperately important to the Dead, then we are happy for them to trumpet the fact that with 1500 zombies at their command they managed to keep fewer than 100 survivors out of a single suburb on the map for a couple of months. Purple Cat ~ DHPD 16:47, 9 May 2011 (BST)

I have long been watching this fascinating debate. The fact of the matter is, that in the previous two months I have not seen any activity from the Dunell Hills Police Department in Dunell Hills. I have come across them in other suburbs, far from Dunell Hills, but not once in the last two months in Dunell Hills. I only say the last two months because that springs most readily to mind, but truth be told it was at least 2007 when there was any serious, or should I say, "active", presence of the Dunell Hills Police Deparment in Dunell Hills.
I remember seeing Marty Banks himself get killed in Cholmondeley Towers [29,53] up in Lerwill Heights. That was months ago, and he has not resurfaced since. For such a loquacious and vociferous officer he sure seems to spend a lot of time not doing his duty in Dunell Hills.
I fully support the removal of the DHPD from this suburb as they have not been active in 3 years. --Capt Schwartz 00:33, 31 May 2011 (BST)
Does it really count as active when they are never there? Or would it be better to move them to the zombie groups section? --You rated this wiki '1'! Great job, go hog wild!|||||||||||||||||||||||||| 00:39, 31 May 2011 (BST)

Dunell Hills Police Department

DHPD is not just a pro-survivor group, they are also a zombie group. A group. of. zombies.

And so much for protection if a sysop can just edit it at will without agreement from the other sysops. --Aeon17x 11:09, 3 July 2008 (BST)

Sorted. -- Cheese 11:36, 3 July 2008 (BST)

Unusual and incorrect locking of this template

I am writing today on the very unusual and also incorrect locking of this template.

For months this template was static and the Dunell Hills Police Department were not active in the suburb, and were thus rightly not on the list.

However, the wiki vandal Codeist decided to vandalise and deface this template to incorrectly include the Dunell Hills Police Department. This is a bald faced lie, a fabrication of the rudest and highest order. How can this remain?

The conscientious and community minded Vasari returned the template to its unspoiled state.

Wiki vandals Rosslessness and Michaleson have then attempted to steamroller their vandalism through this wiki, and despite the valiant effort of WikiTruth fighters SprCobra, Vasari, Sykic, Laughing Man and myself (who gave mostly moral support) this vandalism has now been accepted and the page locked.

Return this page at once to its previous uncontested state, and ban these vandals Codeist, Rosslessness and Michaleson for their WikiWarring, which is strictly forbidden in this wiki's WikiLaw. --Capt Schwartz 00:45, 31 May 2011 (BST)

You'll need to contest it through A/A, but you're unlikely to succeed, as groups tend to be allowed to list themselves wherever the fuck they want. I myself have tried to get groups which aren't active in a suburb de-listed, but, full disclosure: I was unsuccessful. I'd wager you will be too.--Yonnua Koponen T G P ^^^ 00:49, 31 May 2011 (BST)
IMHO, It is not unreasonable for the Dunell Hills Police Department to be listed under Dunell Hills Groups.
It should also be noted that, while there may or may not be grounds to debate their level of activity in the suburb, listing the DHPD as a Zombie group, while vaguely amusing, is plainly incorrect and is what led me to the conclusion that the edit war was deliberatey non-constructive.--The General T Sys U! P! F! 01:29, 31 May 2011 (BST)
What a gigantic mistake! Next time someone is reverting the page every two seconds I shall maintain my most serious serious face in light of their 100% constructive edits in the edit war that they started.--You rated this wiki '1'! Great job, go hog wild!|||||||||||||||||||||||||| 01:34, 31 May 2011 (BST)
Perhaps taking it to A/A, A/P or even A/VB might have been more productive than perpetuating an edit war?--The General T Sys U! P! F! 01:50, 31 May 2011 (BST)
Seeing as how the Dunell Hills Police Department hasn't been active in Dunell Hills for months, much less the three+ years the Dead have controlled the Hills they really have no business being on the active group list and in fact have not been listed on the group list since May 8. --You rated this wiki '1'! Great job, go hog wild!|||||||||||||||||||||||||| 01:46, 31 May 2011 (BST)
Exactly. If DHPD want to be listed as an active group in Dunell Hills, perhaps they should have an actual presence in the suburb. The Dead has been removed from suburb group listings simply because we had less than 20 zombies in a given suburb, and not one eyelid was batted by sysops. Refute that however you like but it's still a fact that should apply to everyone. A little symmetry to practises would be refreshing. - Serious Post. Please do not silly. You rated this wiki '1'! Great job, go hog wild!|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| DealWithIt.gif 02:13, 31 May 2011 (BST)
There is a yearly clean-up of all suburb group templates. Bitching about whether group x is active somewhere or not can be done during that time, can all parties involved here please stop being whining cunts about it and spend the time saved doing something more constructive like pulling the sticks from their asses? Strength is just an accident arising from the weakness of others 03:22, 31 May 2011 (BST)