Edmund General United/sandbox

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Edmund General United
EDU is assisting EDU as a EDU


Home History Staff Directory Human Resources Surgigcal Tips In Cooperation With Testimonials Phone Directory Endorsements
This is some Test text, strolling through the page. Watch how I sit here nice, calming to your age.
This is more Test Text, sitting here polite. We don't mean no harm and we wish you no fright.



Edmund General United
Abbreviation: EDU
Group Numbers: Somewhere around a dozen souls
Leadership: Elingold - Chief Administrator
Goals: To keep Edmund General in Grigg Heights open for patients day or night and to support any and all who fight the zombie hordes
Recruitment Policy: Simply join up if you are near Edmund in Griggs and want to help out
Contact: EvelynEmrys

Welcome to Edmund General Hospital

of North West Grigg Heights

Currently seeking musical acts and bands for the first annual Edmund General Hospital Benefit Concert Revival and Revue. The stage is set for the best of Malton to come and jam with the blues greats of Grigg Heights to help the infected and wounded in the war against the zombie horde. Dance with us at the Wakeford! Dates to be announced but coming soon!

Want to join us on stage? get in touch!

--Elingold 10:03, 16 October 2010 (BST)

This is not the end. Several years ago, the zombies entered our city. They came not as friends and equals, though we would gladly have welcomed them as such (had they not been so ugly), but as thieves and conquerors. They saw a city at peace and mistook the strength of our convictions for frailty of arms, the wisdom of compromise for the timidity of cowards. They attacked without provocation or mercy, slaying many of our citizens, terrorizing entire suburbs, and sacrificing hundreds of beings to appease their bloodlust. They believed we would be easily defeated, because they believed we would yield without a fight.

They were wrong.

We have fought at Grigg Heights, Starlingtown, Ruddlebank, EdgeCombe, and Molebank – we have fought them every leg of the way from the outer edges into the core of the city. We have lost untold numbers of loved ones, every one of us knows someone among them, and now we are battling in the heart of Edmund General United itself. We are still fighting. Soon, the enemy will be in our faces, in our homes, already they are roaming the dark underlayers of our city. To those able to evacuate and to those trapped behind, I say the same thing I would tell my friends – were I able to reach them behind enemy lines: Keep fighting. This is not the end. Numerous times already, EGU-led forces have decimated zombie hordes, and we enter each battle with better tactics. We have prevailed against ruthless enemies before. This is a war we know how to win. Keep fighting until you can fight no longer, then exhaust the enemy chasing you, and turn and fight some more. Keep fighting. I promise you, we will prevail.

Long live Edmund General United!!!

- shadowofhope

--Elingold 02:21, 30 March 2010 (BST)

We are Edmund General United, a small yet growing group of highly trained Medical professionals dedicated to providing valued healthcare and keeping our hospital open day and night for the citizens of Grigg Heights. If a zombie's gnawed on your toe or you're feeling a bit out of sorts after a Rotter bit you in the neck, come on in! We're here to help. We are based at Edmund General Hospital in the North West area of the suburb, and we also specialise in revivification through our very own revive point, Sherring Place, located one block south of the hospital at (1,52). Our ultimate goal is to unite the 4 Edmund General Hospitals of Malton (Grigg Heights, Shearbank, Peddlesden Village, and Judgewood) into one Group. So if you're based in any of these suburbs, and wish to help us, please visit our Forum [1] or contact Doc's talk page [2] and let us know.

We also have an official dedicated radio frequency of 27.30 MHz, so unless its an emergency, please keep off it!

Forum & Recruitment

A forum at NecroConnect has just been made, so if you're a EDU member already, sign up there. A public forum is there, for anyone wanting to contact us in that way.

For member access:

  1. Sign up at the NecroConnect forums
  2. Click on "Preferences" at the top
  3. Select "Joinable Groups"
  4. "Request Approval" for Edmund General United
  5. Include your profile link in the notes

In The Lobby

Items of interest overheard in the lobby

  • "Grraaanhh? Zmbahr rwa brrhaannzzzz! Hr hr hr!"
  • ""very nice .. now go find somewhere else to ransack! shoo! shoo! zombies Shoo!""
  • "Who shit on my desk?"
  • "Harman grab mah banana manbag...harh harh harh harm harmanz"[Sticky Jones]
  • "Nam nam nam! Harman bra!nz!"[Grumio]

Edmund Lobby Magazine and Newspaper Rack:

(Please read while you wait)

Top News from the city of Malton
 B   B   C 
Column The End Of Forks, From the Other Side, by Jack Ebbutt
Column Santa Shot Down, From the Other Side, by Jack Ebbutt
Column A New Infestation, From the Other Side, by Jack Ebbutt
Column Protesters Protesting, From the Other Side, by Jack Ebbutt
News/Story the testimonial of the last man alive at the fall of fort creedy, Edited by Harvey Levin
News/Interview A short interview with Alpharius of the Gibsonton Nationals, By Les Nessman
News/Story The Day the Love Died...Wedding crashed in Brooke Hills, from the associated press
More news from the BBC

Suburb Map

The Malton Suburb of Grigg Heights
Gilbey Street the Loveridge Arms the Wriford Museum Kitchingman Place Colmer Way Markess Bank St. Seraphim's Hospital the Ripley Building the Burtoft Arms the Shiplow Building
Haddock Road Police Department Edmund General Hospital the Bengefield Hotel Wrentmore Bank Grey Bank Abney Boulevard Forshaw Drive
a junkyard a carpark the Monks Arms
Besant Avenue Sherring Place
the Wakeford Motel Victor General Hospital the Linnett Museum Adam Plaza Dauncey Towers Lansdowne Crescent Shortman Lane McIlhargey Plaza
Moodborn Library Gilles Street Paillet Alley McGarth Plaza Redfern Boulevard Pople Street Tozer Place Rayment Row St. Julius's Hospital Cornelius General Hospital
Low Walk Leighton Way Ackerman Walk Waugh Road Haygarth Row Railway Station Campain Drive Mack Auto Repair Whish Walk the Watherston Hotel a factory
Club Whittem Kempe Auto Repair Ivins Towers the MacGilvray Hotel Brower Lane a carpark a carpark Bowers Boulevard School the Sankey Arms Murrey Square
a warehouse the Timmins Building the Mees Monument the Ashwin Building Sullivan Walk the Heneage Monument the Lane Monument the Estmond Museum the Crawshaw Building Cleverly Lane
Spry Road Police Department Woof Plaza School Viney Place Lees Boulevard Police Department a warehouse Veazey Plaza
Greatwood Road a warehouse a factory Spooner Lane
wasteland Higdon Crescent Falvey Boulevard Riddles Place
Blaxall Way Police Department a warehouse St. Wolfgang's Hospital Pye Street the Whitcombe Hotel Club Allerston
St. Laurence's Church Wigfield Avenue Club Whittard Upsdale Bank the Merson Building
the Langner Building the Maidment Building the Pincoffs Building Bastable Alley a carpark

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