Malton roadtrip '09
We are a tour group who will go all across Malton to hot spots people identify; forts, malls, mansions, places with funny names and everything in between! We stay at our chosen location, party a bit, do a bit of clean-up and we're off on our merry way.
The first goal is to see as much as we can in a few short weeks. The key word is...Explore! Fight zombies, help heal/revive survivors, say hello to ferals, fend off sieges/battles, see the whole town, and maybe find a few PKers ;)
The second goal is to seek out those who are not in groups (especially newbies) and give them a chance to get a feel for the groups/community of Urban Dead. Also...for them to have fun and gain experience.
The tour spans at least 5 suburbs and the *tentative* list of locations is more than 30...we've only just started! Sign your group up, or yourself if the case may be, and we'll see you in Wray Heights!
List of locations we definitely plan to visit
- Hitchcock building
- Vagg Road
- Raper Plaza
- Douch Street
- Norris Bank
- Fort Creedy
- Fort Perryn
- Woodroffe Mall
- Kersley Mansion
- Nichols Mall
- The Blackmore Building
- Alner Mansion
- St. Luke's Cathedral
- Stickling Mall
- The Whatmore Building
- Yagoton Revive Clinic
- Mycock Building
- Diaper Library
- The Brain Museum
- Butt Bolevard
- Dike Lane
- Caunt Street Police Department
- Clitsome Square
- Cake Walk
- Club Goodenough