
From The Urban Dead Wiki
Revision as of 17:11, 18 January 2011 by Ev933n (talk | contribs) (→‎PPGC Goals: BUHLETED)
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are you new? | I am currently looking for a silly group for my primary. Go to my Talk Page!

NOTE: The Bending Unit 22 in my Ev933n userpic is FLEXO, not Bender!

PS: I have made 1046 posts as of 19:26, 11 March 2007 (UTC).


I have been obsessed with Zombies for a very long time. I have been playing this game since Aug 2005, and I have been through a few characters, some of which I have played as immersive as possible, some not so much.

Syringe crosshairs sml.jpg Fertilize the Land Policy
This user or group believes in regaining NT buildings at any cost!
Kareliya (Small).jpg We love Lachryma!!!
Ev933n loves the hot Russian lady!!!
Stalker.jpg I is teh dirty Stalker
This user stalks anything that moves and is also a word twisting asshat.



Elite zed-killing robot.
Joined: 2005-08-02
Character class: Civilian Drunkard Holy Man / Robot
Favorite equipment: Trusty Axe, Wine, Crucifix
Character profile: Urban Dead profile
Current status: OVER NINE THOUSAND!!!1!!
Character group: Ghetto Cow
Character stats: 113 deaths, lots of revives, Level 41 Priest
Journal: No journal for ev933n

in-game profile Add me, if you like!

    I play the Naked Zombie.    

That was my only profile for Ev933n for quite a while.

Ev933n doesn't take anything too seriously. He is really very lazy when off-duty. It is why he remained a naked, suicidal zed for so long. Being a zombie is just easier. Death is only what happens when you sleep as a zombie. Humans have to bother with all of that waking up...

One day, he got revived in Miltown. He helped keep the hospitals there afloat for months. Barricading and healing everyone! Eventually, The_Coalition pissed him off so much that he just moved on to greener pastures... those being near Whittenside. Every time that a nut in the Coalition killed him, he would head over to Woolley Grove where someone would revive him.

Since he got revived one day, and realize that a human put a lot of effort in, he has been attempting to help with the clearing out of Fort Perryn.

He then left Perryn to aid in the on-going WAR at Caiger Mall. To see some transcriptions of what goes on there, click here

He has not so firm stances on: Anti-Headshot (this used to read differently, in the day when head-shots cost XP.) And, strangely... the one thing he agreed with the Coalition on, they seemed to take issue with him on a false premise... that being the Dual_Nature_Policy


Zcow.jpg Suck the Cow!
In the grim darkness of Malton there is only war. And rats.

Cow-fitti.jpg GHETTO COW
we off tha heezie.. fo' rizzle!
Check it out!

My current home...

I don't have a home...




probably gnawing idly at your ankle...
Joined: 2006-10-26
Character class: Zombie
Favorite equipment: none
Character profile: Urban Dead profile
Current status: Always Dead
Character group: 0:00
Character stats: Level: Maxed Out Zombie, Died: 35 times, First died: during the early outbreaks
Journal: No journal for brainrotter123

0:00 Shift
Punch In,
It's Time to Kill
19:00 Local
New York

She is exactly like she sounds. She in life was not much cooler. Pale, goth chick who was miserable and really only wanted out. She eventually tried to kill herself during the early outbreaks. She failed and went to visit her recently deceased boyfriend who wanted to show her a good time. She arrived, and his room was filled with smoke, with the lights turned off. This was nothing new for her. She just meandered in and decided to attempt to find him. She was met with her current situation. Her current goals are to join the RRF and to start a splinter of the RRF.

Since listing her info page would give enemies an unfair advantage, here is her description circa January 2007... A girl in a trench coat is gnawing idly at your ankle. She has half of a face and a large hunk taken out of her neck. She is missing her right hand.

She has firm stances on: Pro-Brain Rot. Pro-ZKer. Anti-GKer. Anti-Revivification. Anti-Barricades. Anti-Dual_Nature_Policy.


Ashihei Gushiken
Bring it Zach!
Joined: 2007-02-09 04:01:28
Character class: Military
Favorite equipment: Axe, Flare Gun, Wirecutters, FAK, Pistol
Character profile: Urban Dead profile
Current status: Alive
Character group: none
Character stats: 3 deaths, 2 revives, Level 1 Scout
Journal: Journal for Ashihei Gushiken

A Napkin Map of Roftwood

Scout's Map of Roftwood


Niven Graves
To Protect and Serve
Joined: 2005-08-02
Character class: Police
Favorite equipment: Twin Mark VII Action Express .50 Desert Eagles
Character profile: Urban Dead profile
Current status: Dual Natured
Character group: none
Character stats: 7 deaths, Level 2 Police Officer, First died: unknown
Journal: for Niven Graves

Church.png Rescue
This user thinks that adding 1 AP to the revive cycle is pointless.

Staunch Defender of Crooketon


human == zombie == corpse

Real Life


Swing on the spiral.

  • everything happens for a reason that we may never know
  • the perfect way to be human is to simply be human
  • faith is the only important thing as far as faith is concerned
  • whatever one has faith in is good enough


  1. Be Happy.
  2. If not happy, find ways to become happy.
  3. Don't cause anyone else to be unhappy.

(These are in the order of their importance.)

Random Stuff

SuperKing is pleased!

I am polyamorous and pansexual. Always remember rule #34.

I have a friend named Isis. She is a rat. Her favourite food is yogurt covered raisins.

This user is Libertarian.
Nyflag.gif New York, USA
This user is a New Yorker
Who lives in Rochester, NY, USA
Linux.png Linux
Ev933n has and supports Linux.

Important for every serious zed player to pick up



UDTranslate: Zombish/Zombese translator extension for Firefox

  • automatic, Zombie-to-English, translation of Zombish (first code) and Zombese (second code) for other user's speech and graffiti
  • English-to-Zombish (first code) or Zombish-to-English (as appropriate) context-menu translation of text-edit fields (but does not support the second code for English-to-Zombese translation)
  • to speak, type the text you want to say, right-click and Translate to Zombish, then hit Speak
  • now handles numbers and limited punctuation (dash, comma, period, exclamation mark and question mark)
  • correctly handles lower-case 'r's at the ends of words and 'A's or 'a's by themselves.
  • uses first code with additions- see page for details

First Code ("Zombish")

English Zombish English Zombish
a A n N
b B o HR
c ZZ p BZ
d GB q GHG
e HA r R
f MB s RZ
g G t BG
h H u NM
i AR v BB
j GA w MNM
k BM x M
l MN y RA
m M z Z


PPGC or Project: Pimp Ghetto Cow aims to do just that. Using absurd amounts of graffiti and assisting newbs until we rule the world! Or, at least our corner/section of it. The members of Ghetto Cow simply understand the vast superiority of our group. Hence, this project.

PPGC Promotional Template

To slap the template below (in all its glory) on any page, simply type {{User:Ev933n/Promotion}}

Join Ghetto Cow!

WARNING: shameless promotion below!

We are a survivor group that is dedicated to both killing zombies and protecting each other. We have a penchant for assisting newbies with their schooling. Our most recent exploits were at the battle of Stickling Mall defending Shearbank from the Mall Tour '07. We are a mobile group that has fought at Caiger Mall a few times. If you have any desire to join our group, either click here, or my email is It doesn't matter if you are level 1 or level 41, we would love to have you aboard! If you so happen to be a dedicated Zombie player, Ghetto Cow will cater to you as well with the new and exciting Ghetto Cow/Zach team!

--Ev933n / Talk--

Family Crest
Why should you join?
  • We work together. You'll always know you have a place to fall back to, some medkits waiting for you, and some armed-to-the-teeth-people to help you deal with big clumps of zombies.
  • If you play UD, you're part of a big community. If you read this wiki, you're part of a slightly smaller community. And if join Ghetto Cow, you're part of an even smaller community! See, it's logical.
  • Group effort is so much more effective. One person can't do everything. It took a group to make the nuclear bomb, a group started the civil rights movement, and a group made the zombie virus (as far as we know).
  • We have rats AND scotch! No one can beat that!



Rat-ah-tat-tat.jpg Here, have a rat!
Lachryma has given Ev933n a rat to keep Isis company!
Z sad tree.jpg "There's No Santa Claus?!?!"
This user has entered the
Christmas Tree Dead Pool
Z sad tree.jpg "There's STILL No Santa Claus?!?!"
This user has entered the
Christmas Tree Dead Pool II

Cookie.jpg A FREE COOKIE
Cap'n Silly has given Ev933n a cookie for getting a cookie from Cyberbob.
Cookie.jpg A FREE COOKIE
Cyberbob240 has given Ev933n a cookie for recognising the true path to improving the wiki.

Templates by Self

Template:FreeRat, Template:New_York, Template:PenelopeSearch, Template:CoC, Template:GC2, Template:GCdumb, Template:GCmanifesto, Template:DeleteTollyton, Template:RESCUE!, Template:DirtyStalker