User:Karen Howard/Archive/May07

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May 31, 2007

Location: Holloms Auto Repair (Darvall Heights)


May 30, 2007

Location: Holloms Auto Repair (Darvall Heights)


May 29, 2007

Location: Holloms Auto Repair (Darvall Heights)

The sun had been up for a few hours when I woke and headed out after a sparse breakfast to patrol the suburb. I paused in the cemetery, where I saw a survivor in the distance leaning against a headstone; I didn't think much of it, figuring he must have just woken from being revived, so I respectfully searched the swaying zombies for any of my friends and allies. I found one and was in the process of reviving him when I heard the survivor scream. Startled, I turned to find a zombie lunging at me; the other survivor was on the ground, the amount of blood showing fatal wounds.

I stumbled over my ally's body as I fought the zombie off, gaining several gashes on my arms in my attempts to defend myself. Despite my pain and panic, I managed to maneuver one ofthe larger headstones between my undead attacker and myself, giving me a chance to flee for the church beside the cemetery. Climbing inside its low barricades, I rested while tending to my injuries before building up the barricades to a stronger level.

Exhausted and aching, I made my way back to Caiger Mall to restock my medical supplies; as I was searching, I saw the lights in the Latrobe building flicker. Worried, I headed into the NecroTech facility and found a lone zombie inside, while survivors frantically worked on the barricades; as they worked, the zombie managed to destroy the generator. Biting back the urge to curse, I opened fire on the zombie, not stopping until my pistol was empty before switching to my shotgun until it was out of shells.

Grumbling under my breath, I stepped out of the undead creature's line of sight, leaning against a wall as I reloaded my pistol, then started to load shells into my shotgun; I had just slid the second shell home within the shotgun's chamber when I head a hammer being drawn back. I didn't think much of it, assuming one of the other survivors was finishing off the zombie; the shotgun blast caught me by surprise, my flak jacket catching most of the buckshot and I could feel my ribs creaking from the force of impact, knocking the wind out of me. Stray pellets of the buckshot had managed to get past my flak jacket and I gasped for breath as I staggered for the fire escape, remembering despite my pain and fear to keep my head down. The shotgun roared again and I could feel pellets from the buckshot strike the back of my flak jacket and the back of my shoulders.

I was bleeding heavily as I clamored from Latrobe, slipping on my own blood into Caiger. Panting for breath, my vision dizzy, I paused to begin tending my injuries, seeking to halt the flow of blood. My hands were shaking as I finished and I had just started to crawl to where I had seen Nicholas resting when the fine hairs on the back of my neck prickled. Carefully I peered around the corner and I choked back a scream as I saw my attacker.

Even with the distance I could smell him, his body unwashed and he looked familiar....where had I seen him before...?

My mind was racing and I was lightheaded form blood loss. I couldn't get to Nicholas without being seen by him. Carefully I headed to a different part of the Mall, cautiously keeping an eye our for him, fearful he would see me and follow me; I'd been killed at Caiger once before by a human and I didn't look forward to repeating the experience again. Nervously I peeked and saw him still between Nicholas and myself before deciding to head for Holloms -- I saw a fellow member of FANNY and one of my more low-key allies there -- perhaps I can find help there.

My hands shaking and vision blurry, I left Caiger and as I stumbled into Holloms, the adrenaline that was keeping me conscious left me in a sudden rush and I collapsed by my ally...

May 28, 2007

Location: Caiger Mall (Darvall Heights)


May 27, 2007

Location: Caiger Mall (Darvall Heights)


May 26, 2007

Location: Caiger Mall (Darvall Heights)

I slept off and on, recovering from my injuries. I was awakened by the radio, someone asking why my allies did what they did. It was probably foolish of me, but i got on the radio and told them bluntly that it was because it was felt by my allies that those whom slept in vital resource buildings were ignorant and the safest place to be would be in the centers of learning. Somehow, I doubt my words of caution and reproach are going to be heeded. But really now, its not like their objectives are that obscure and unknown...

May 25, 2007

Location: Caiger Mall (Darvall Heights)

I came to to find another survivor tending to my injuries; I had done what I could as I fled Latrobe yesterday and I barely recall waking to another survivor clumsily tending my wounds. Exhausted, hurting, I rested for the day, curled up on a mattress in the furniture store, where many survivors rested...

May 24, 2007

Location: Caiger Mall (Darvall Heights)

I woke shortly after dawn and made a quick run to the Latrobe Building next door to stock up on syringes; I noticed the barricades falling and went to work to rebuild them. The struggle to keep the undead out seemed utterly futile as I fled to Caiger to call for reinforcements before leaping back into the fray once more. Unfortunately, I received more damage then I delivered on the undead menace and barely dragged myself back to Caiger, where I passed out...

May 23, 2007

Location: Caiger Mall (Darvall Heights)


May 22, 2007

Location: The Herman Building (Darvall Heights)


May 21, 2007

Location: The Herman Building (Darvall Heights)

My day started late in the morning and I set out on a quick patrol around the suburb to familiarize myself with the revive points.

May 20, 2007

Location: The Wagner Building (Darvall Heights)

The Latrobe Building came under siege by the undead only hours after I had woken; the battle was futile, our numbers overwhelmed and we fled. Wounded, I fled to an adjacent building with Nicholas.

May 19, 2007

Location: The Latrobe Building (Darvall Heights)

It was almost noon when I woke and after nibbling on a brunch from my provisions, I searched the building for syringes once more. With little luck, I returned to repairing my clothing; with how tattered a pair of my blue jeans are, I can turn them into shorts, which would be appropriate with the warmer weather coming. One thing I wasn't looking forward to would be the stench of decaying bodies in the hotter days...

May 18, 2007

Location: The Latrobe Building (Darvall Heights)

I woke late in the morning, the ache from my wounds lessening as I moved around. I left the Mall for the NecroTech building next door to search for syringes. I gave up as my searching seemed to prove futile and work on repairing my clothing since there was a generator running to provide light.

May 17, 2007

Location: Caiger Mall (Darvall Heights)

My health and strength is returning; I was up a few hours after sunrise to once again search for supplies. My results are varied and my progress slow as I strive not to pull any of my stitches. When I was satisfied with what I had gathered, I decided to rest for the rest of the night...

May 16, 2007

Location: Caiger Mall (Darvall Heights)

Most of the day was spent napping or searching for supplies; I've managed to replace what I couldn't repair of my clothing and restocked my provisions and sewing supplies...

May 15, 2007

Location: Caiger Mall (Darvall Heights)

I woke in an empty cemetery; the night sky was cloudless and the stars twinkled merrily, at odds with my aching and stiff body. What...what happened...?

Vaguely I recall a NecroTech, barricading it. A zombie was inside, along with a survivor. I was in the middle of placing a chair in the barricade when it fell and another zombie got inside...after that, I don't really remember...

Then where am I? How long have I been out...?

Shakily I rose to my feet, the now familiar fever and buzz telling me of an infection. I managed to stagger to a building close by with low enough barricades for me to climb into; I found out I was inside Darvall Heights, just a few blocks from Caiger Mall!

Fighting the infection, I was determined to make it to the mall and stumbling as though intoxicated, I made it; I was lucky enough to find antibiotics for the infection and set about treating it and my injuries; I was determined to find more supplies...but after I rested...

May 13, 2007

Location: the Zwanenburg Museum (East Grayside)

I woke late and skipped breakfast to check the revive points; I heard the police department beside us had fallen and worried for Nicholas. I found him there, swaying at the revive point. Only seconds after I removed the empty needle from his neck, I was blindsided by one of the zombies at the revive point. Of all the stupid...! How could I have been so careless to let my guard down...?!

Its sharp claws raked my arms, as I had brought them up to protect my head; I grappled with the undead creature, struggling to get free as I forced myself not to scream in pain as it's decaying teeth chomped my forearm. The wound burned and I managed to get a foot between us onto it's abdomen; pushing as hard as I could, I shoved it away and fled, hoping it was too disoriented to follow

Luck seemed to be with me and I few blocks away, I treated the bite wound, knowing I was probably infected from that foul creature's bite; the rest could wait until I was safely indoors. Since my allies operation is nearly complete, my supplies almost gone, I decided it was time to move out, heading for the next target...

May 12, 2007

Location: The Kynaston Building (Danversbank)

Waking an hour after dawn, I went searching for provisions; on my search I received word from my allies that we'd be moving out of Danversbank soon, heading for the Caiger Mall area. Apparently the Mall was once more back in survivor hands; it'll be a welcome chance to properly restock my medical supplies and provisions, perhaps scavenge some new clothes...

May 11, 2007

Location: The Kynaston Building (Danversbank)

I woke late and nibbled on the last of my provisions for breakfast before my patrol of the revive points; I found a pair of my allies swaying in the Park and swiftly revived them.

May 10, 2007

Location: The Kynaston Building (Danversbank)

The banging on the barricades kept waking me up during the night; when I am finally able to get out of Malton -- if I do get out of Malton, that is -- how will I be able to sleep at night, with all the noises of a bustling city?

May 9, 2007

Location: The Kynaston Building (Danversbank)

I left the Pitts building just after dawn, searching for much needed provisions. During my futile search, I found the NecroTech had been retaken by the living and returned to it to continue stocking up on the valuable syringes; my other supplies are running low and a Mall Run appears to be in order soon...

May 8, 2007

Location: The Pitts Building (Danversbank)

The police department came under heavy assault not too long after I woke; those inside were forced to flee and I searched around for a safe place to rest for the night, coming across the high barricades of the Pitts Building in time to rest for the rest of the day...

May 7, 2007

Location: Sleway Row Police Department (Danversbank)

I wok late in the morning and after a sparse breakfast, went on a patrol; the NecroTech was still in undead hands and I was only able to revive two of my allies, using the last of my syringes...

May 6, 2007

Location: Sleway Row Police Department (Danversbank)

Apparently the undead have some sort of affection for the NecroTech building; we were under siege yet again. This is very tiresome, especially with my poor luck searching for syringes! The battle was long and hard fought before we abandoned the building with four of the undead fiends inside...

May 5, 2007

Location: The Kynaston Building (Danversbank)

Once more only a few hours after waking the NecroTech came under siege by the undead. The battle was chaotic and I was forced from the supportive role of medic to combatant, grappling with a zombie and ending up with it's jaws embedded in my shoulder; I managed to get it off of me and kicked it into a hail of gunfire. The familiar burning around the wound told me of infection setting in and I collapsed against the wall, watching the battle begin to ebb as I passed out from the infection setting in; when I came to, the battle was over and it was dark out and I fumbled to treat my injuries. That was when I heard a familiar voice -- Nicholas!

He knelt by me and reached into the medical kit he carried around his waist, bringing out the antibiotics needed to treat the infection; together we managed to patch me up. I ventured out a few hours later for a quick patrol, where I found a pair of allies in need of returning to the land of the living. Exhausted, I returned to the NecroTech for rest...

May 4, 2007

Location: The Kynaston Building (Danversbank)

I had a late start to the day, but apparently the confused zombie was a survivor in search of a revive, which I believe he received. I headed out on my patrol of the revive points and found three allies swaying at one; I picked up a zombie follower on my patrols, constantly asking over and over again "Mrh?"

Unfortunately, I was exhausted and low on syringes, so I returned to the NecroTech building to search for more of the life-restoring syringes...

May 3, 2007

Location: The Kynaston Building (Danversbank)

There was midmorning sunlight streaming through the broken windows and barricades as I woke. Still stiff from my return to the living late yesterday, I carefully checked over my wounds, finding them at a state of half-healed, with no sign of an infection setting in; however, I doubt I could salvage the sweatshirt I had been wearing...

There came the expected rattling of the barricades as zombies sought entrance to the powered building; one managed to come through, killing a survivor and as the others attempted to repair the barricades, it apparently thought that due to my bloodstained appearance, I'd make a tasty meal. Not soddin' likely.

We grappled, its claws managing past my weakened defenses a couple times before I put a boot between us and shoved as hard as I could. I fell back and hit the wall; everything went dark...

I came back to consciousness finding a man that looked like a mad scientist form the cheesy B-grade horror movies leaning over me, tending to my injuries. I'm not sure how long I was out, but I went back to my searching for syringes after changing into one of my remaining spare teeshirts. I was about to call it an evening when the barricades went down and another pair of zombies wandered into the NecroTech; one instantly attacked a wounded survivor while the other just seemed...confused.

I took advantage of their lack of attention, working on repairing the barricades. One survivor perished and as I was shoving a drinks machine towards the lobby doors, the hostile zombie seemed to vanish back outside...

What a day...

May 2, 2007

Location: The Kynaston Building (Danversbank)

My body was stiff and the breeze was warm when I came too on the hard grassy ground of Angerstein Park; the trees, now with leaves coming to bud sway in the slight wind. Around me, gently swaying, reminiscent of the tree branches were other living beings trapped in the form of the undead. Slowly, shaking off the stiffness of my muscles, I rolled to my hands and knees, rising to my feet. There was no buzzing in my mind or pain and warmth to suggest an infection, so I must have been lucky when... when I...died.

Mentally shaking myself from those thoughts, I looked more closely to my surroundings, seeing that among those on the ground and three of the undead swaying were my allies. Digging into my medical bag, working on sheer reflex by now, I cautiously approached them.

One I recognized immediately, the mysterious and highly respected Sir F, along with Sir WV and Sir AE... After reviving them, I found my stockpile if syringes and medical supplies at an all time low and retreated to the NecroTech building, where I find myself once more in a den of my allies' enemies...