User:Karen Howard/Archive/Mar07

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March 29, 2007

Location: Albyn Bank (Peppardville)

I woke up at the Howdell Monument, the swaying forms of two of my allies over me. Groggy, my body aching, I rose shakily to my feet. Warily I looked around, trying to unobtrusively stretch my stiff, aching muscles. Feeling somewhat better, I managed to revive my allies and hot footed it to the nearest safehouse; so far there's only another in this building and I'll keep my distance as I patch myself up...

I woke from my uneasy slumber to find the barricades down. Tired, weakened from being revived only earlier today, I was unable to put up much of a fight. Please, not again....

March 27, 2007

Location: the Marks Building (Peppardville)

I awoke to the NecroTech Building being attacked, the fighting is confusing and chaotic, so many survivors fighting against zombies; in a lull, Nicholas bandaged wounds I didn't recall getting. After he fell in battle I fled onto the street, pausing when I saw a pair of my allies swaying at the Howdell Monument. When I went to find a safe haven, I find nothing, buildings ransacked and standing open with zombies swaying inside...

I'm terrified...I don't want to die again...

March 26, 2007

Location: the Marks Building (Peppardville)

I spent most of the day searching for much needed syringes and resting. A feeling of dread makes me wonder what will come tomorrow...

March 25, 2007

Location: the Marks Building (Peppardville)

My patrols led me to a NecroTech building in the next suburb, where I've decided to rest and search for much needed syringes...

March 24, 2007

Location: the Bradbury Library (Pimbank)

On my patrol, I found an ally of mine swaying at Howdell Monument and revived him...

March 23, 2007

Location: the Bradbury Library (Pimbank)

I spent most of today resting in the safety of the Library, when I wasn't looking for supplies from the Mall that is...

March 22, 2007

Location: the Bradbury Library (Pimbank)

I've not found thee suburbs Necrotech building yet, but I've still got a good supply of syringes at the moment.

March 21, 2007

Location: the Bradbury Library (Pimbank)

Not much of a patrol today, since I spent most my time searching for food and supplies.

March 20, 2007

Location: the Bradbury Library (Pimbank)

I went out and made a brief patrol around this new suburb, trying to get myself familiar with the layout; as I was still rather tired form my long jaunt to Pimbank, I spent most of the day recovering.

March 19, 2007

Location: the Bradbury Library (Pimbank)

I've arrived in Pimbank and am utterly exhausted; I've paused to rest in this library...

March 18, 2007

Location: the Eagan Building (Barrville)

After gathering what more syringes I could, I decided to turn in early for the night and prepare for heading out in the morning.

March 17, 2007

Location: the Eagan Building (Barrville)

I've been searching for and manufacturing syringes as often as possible; it seems safe here, so I actually seem to get a decent night of sleep...

March 16, 2007

Location: the Eagan Building (Barrville)

After receiving orders to move, I headed to the closest powered NecroTech building to restock my dismally low supply of syringes...

March 15, 2007

Location: Ray Library (Havercroft)

My allies put on a performance at Ackland Mall; I hear it was a rousing success from my fellow doctor. He says they recorded the play they put on with a salvaged video camera and despite the lack of sets or props, I find myself eager to see it -- with their mannerisms and voices, I bet they were simply smashing! Oh how I miss the theater...

March 14, 2007

Location: Ray Library (Havercroft)

I reluctantly left my home suburb and returned to Havercroft, patrolling the revive points for any of my allies in need of reviving. After not finding any, I returned to the safety of the Library for a restful night's sleep.

March 13, 2007

Location: Lukins Auto Repair (Lukinswood)

After an eventful day of reviving my allies, I found myself in my old home suburb of Lukinswood. I peeked in on my old hospital and saw it occupied of survivors.

March 12, 2007

Location: Ray Library (Havercroft)

After short patrol to get myself used to the new area's Revive Pints, I found an ally of my friends swaying at the last revive point on my route and revived him before heading back indoors...

March 11, 2007

Location: Ray Library (Havercroft)

Well, the weather's finally cleared up enough for me to do a quick patrol; at a revive point, I noticed two of my allies swaying among a small mobs of zombies. I was able to revive them and returned to my nice, warm safehouse...

March 8, 2007

Location: Ray Library (Havercroft)

I've made it to my destination, heading out rather late -- the weather was quite dreadful, making it difficult to proceed earlier. I'm just grateful the weather cleared up enough to be on my way...

March 7, 2007

Location: a warehouse (Ketchelbank)

Well, I received orders to move out, so move I did, pausing to rest when the weather gets worse; unfortunately, the weather has been rather disagreeable, so I have to keep stopping and I've entered Roachtown. What a bizarre name for a suburb if you ask me. After a nap, I headed onward to rest in a warehouse beside the City Zoo where I saw something rather interesting resting inside -- a wounded turkey vulture. To my surprise, it let me near it, close enough even to tend to its wounds....

March 4, 2007

Location: Parrott Towers (Dulston)

There wasn't a lot to do or be done today, and the weather was a bit nippy, so I stayed inside the safe for now building and caught up on my rest...

March 3, 2007

Location: Parrott Towers (Dulston)

Treeweeke Mall seems to be back up and operating again. I've made brief jaunts into it to search for supplies but am wary of staying there for long...

March 2, 2007

Location: Parrott Towers (Dulston)

I woke with the dawn and did some brief scouting into the mall, searching for any survivors or those seeking to be revived. I'd just finished a scan of a female zombie when she seemed to wake from her swaying and attacked. I managed to slip from her hold and exited the mall. When are the zombies most alert? Are they like some predators, alert around dawn and dusk rather then just at night? So many questions...

March 1, 2007

Location: Parrott Towers (Dulston)

I awoke to find other survivors tending to my injuries and found myself strong enough to go on a short patrol to inspect Treeweeke Mall, finding it infested with zombies. A nearby building housing an ally of mine had its barricades damaged, so I repaired them and moved to a safer spot to rest and recover...