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====Discussion (Suggestion Name)====

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Syringe Modification

Timestamp: Lexicality 19:32, 17 January 2009 (UTC)
Type: Equipment Change
Scope: The Undead.
Description: Syringes act the same as headshot, adding an extra 5AP onto the standup cost.

Why? Because according to the syringe's flavour text, when you inject a zombie, you're pumping a "glittering serum" that does "slow, molecular work". This is not something that you just jump up from. Having your flesh revitalised from rotten to living shouldn't happen instantly. I would prefer it to always cost 15AP, but there's no way that would be accepted. Your thoughts?

Discussion Syringe Modification

Your scope says the dead. surely you mean the living? As this would massively disadvantage them? --RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 19:45, 17 January 2009 (UTC)

Why? It may be more realistic, but all it really does is take more time away from the player. --  AHLGTG THE END IS ACTUALLY NIGH! 19:47, 17 January 2009 (UTC)

I actually like this idea, it's quite logical and imo in-genre. However, it has one very big problem: it's a massive buff to combat revives. --WanYao 19:58, 17 January 2009 (UTC)

I said the undead because you're neither alive nor dead after being revived. But yes, realism, and inconvenience to the breathers.--Lexicality 20:02, 17 January 2009 (UTC)

Canned Food

Timestamp: Red Hawk One 07:05, 17 January 2009 (UTC)
Type: New recovery item
Scope: Survivors.
Description: Imagine yourself as a survivor who just miraculously survived a zombie attack with a small amount of HP and an infection. You crawl off into a warehouse to die when an untouched can of food left on one of the shelves catches your eye. You quickly wolf it down and, feeling slightly rejuvenated now that you have food in you, think you may be able to make it to the local hospital to seek medical attention. Canned food would be a new method of healing HP, along with First Aid Kits and alcoholic beverages. When used, food would have a 50% chance of restoring 5 HP, and a 50% chance of restoring 1 HP (representing spoiled food). Food would have a 2% encumbrance, not cure infection, and only be useable on oneself. It could be found in warehouses (8%), schools (5%), stadiums (3%), cinemas (3%), and possibly in malls (a new grocery store/ food court?). Canned food would help survivors, particularly low-leveled ones, in situations where a hospital is out of reach (low AP, over barricaded, etc.) and health is severely needed.

Food would also be an interesting addition in the RP sense as well. Currently zombies are able to eat when active, while survivors seem to be mysteriously immune to the effects of hunger. While it is possible survivors eat while logged off, there are also just as many times where they would eat during activity as well- a survivor celebrating a triumph over a zombie with a snack comes to mind.

Any and all comments/ideas/criteque are welcome.

Discussion (Canned Food)

So. At random in some buildings there are cans of food (like corpses for zombies but more random.)

You have a button saying eat food. and you get a random number of HP and then its gone?

Maybe. But.

  • Certainly not in ruined buildings.
But not kill, as falling from a ruined building? Also, it does need some adjusting, but then again, that's the purpose of this page. 19:47, 17 January 2009 (UTC)
Can you not die by falling? never knew that. --RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 19:49, 17 January 2009 (UTC)
Isn't this a dupe? --WanYao 20:00, 17 January 2009 (UTC)

Scent Blood Improvement

Timestamp: Faranya 01:36, 10 January 2009 (UTC)
Type: Skill improvement
Scope: Zombies
Description: Scent Blood allows you to see the HP values and infection status of nearby survivors, right? But what of those zombies you have become acquainted with? Basically, I propose that zombies with Scent Blood should allow zombies to see the HP values of those on their contact list, regardless of whether they are human or zombie at the time. This of course only applies to those contacts located in the same block at the time. Infection status too, I suppose, but that might be kind of redundant. This doesn't apply to all zombies, just the ones on your contact list. The reason being, a random zombie is just that, a random zombie, an you would have no idea if it was suffering from fresh wounds indistinguishable from the old. But, a zombie you know, you should be able to realize when they have new wounds.

Discussion (Scent Blood Improvement)

Useless. What good would it do to see a zombie's hit points as a zombie? You can't heal or help them. And then as a cross over skill, this would cancel zombie anonymity and make it to easy to kill zombies.--Pesatyel 03:50, 10 January 2009 (UTC)

Hmm, perhaps it ruins anonymity...of course, being on someone's contact list does that anyways. Faranya 04:30, 10 January 2009 (UTC)
But it doesn't currently show you their HP values, which is not something zombies like broadcasting. --William Told and Co. ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ 19:54, 10 January 2009 (UTC)
Exactly. It gives TOO much information to survivors, who would be the only ones to use this "zombie skill". And if you excluded it as a cross over, its useless because, as I said, what do zombies care what the HP of other zombies is? They can't DO anything about it.--Pesatyel 20:01, 10 January 2009 (UTC)
Yes, they can. They can kill them. It lets them avoid headshot and it allows them to stand up with full HP. But that doesn't mean that I think this is a good suggestion.--Midianian|T|DS|C:RCS| 09:40, 12 January 2009 (UTC)
Not only that but in a horde situation breaking into a high population zone it would allow active zeds to not only save their fellows headshop AP but also steal kills and basically muck about with the combats dynamics way too much. --Honestmistake 09:50, 12 January 2009 (UTC)

Not useful for zombies. Unless you are in a damned war and wish to exterminate the other. But then is not very likely. --LithedarkangelMeth!The Great Meth Man 01:27, 11 January 2009 (UTC)

It's scent blood. I assume the skill scents the blood which flows harmanz veins. Zombies, however, are dead... There's nothing there to scent... Except the rot... ROT! ROT! ROT! ROT! ROT! ROT! ROT!!! Erm.... excuse me, I got a little carried away there. But you catch my meaning, no? ;) --WanYao 07:05, 16 January 2009 (UTC)


Timestamp: Blake Firedancer T E RNL? P.I.S.I.T. 00:25, 8 January 2009 (UTC)
Type: Item.
Scope: Survivors
Description: Manuals are found in Libraries at a rate of 7% unpowered, 3% for ruined and 10% for powered, in Mall Bookstores for 8% unpowered, 2% ruined and 12% powered, and in Schools for 6% unpowered, 1% ruined and 9% powered.

Once you have found a Manual, you must use it (by clicking the button) to find out what type of manual it is. There is an even chance of it being one of the following, with the following effects being enabled for as long as you carry the manual:

  • Engineer's Manual - Building repair costs are reduced by 10%
  • Medical Dictionary - Adds 2 HP to the effect of all FAKs
  • Computer Technician's Manual - Manufacturing syringes costs 18 AP (Still cannot manufacture without the required skill)
  • Martial Arts Manual - Adds 1 point of damage to Fists

Each manual has 8% encumberance. The effect begins as soon as you find out what the manual is, and is in effect for as long as the manual is in your inventory.

The effects do not stack with each other, so carrying 5 Medical Dictionaries will have the same effect as carrying one.

Discussion (Manuals)

The Martial Arts one doesn't quite make sense to me. I can understand using the other manuals while performing the respective actions, but asking a zombie to stand still while you check the manual for "how to punch" seems a little weird. Other than that I think this will get shot down because it's a buff to survivors with not so great a cost. - User:Whitehouse 00:35, 8 January 2009 (UTC)

That's fine, I was pushing a bit for that one. Definately the weakest of the bunch. --Blake Firedancer T E RNL? P.I.S.I.T. 06:35, 8 January 2009 (UTC)

Yeah, what Whitehouse said. It needs some cost associated with it, other then the searching. Linkthewindow  Talk  02:43, 8 January 2009 (UTC)

The same, it needs to cost more for survivors...until that it's just a buff to make things easier for survivors. --LithedarkangelMeth!The Great Meth Man 03:02, 8 January 2009 (UTC)

I'm not quite sure as to how to increase the cost. Perhaps all moves that require a manual (aside from repairing buildings) have double the AP cost in order to use the book. --Blake Firedancer T E RNL? P.I.S.I.T. 06:35, 8 January 2009 (UTC)

Manufacturing cost 20AP -> 8AP is way too much. --Midianian|T|DS|C:RCS| 10:06, 8 January 2009 (UTC)

Oh, right. Sorry. I thought it was 10 AP to start. I'll edit that now. --Blake Firedancer T E RNL? P.I.S.I.T. 10:29, 8 January 2009 (UTC)

Give them an xp cost to use and only allow one at a time, logically this could be considered as having learned the books contents and keeping it to hand in order to consult for technical details. Oh and a zed should be allowed to carry 1 manual too. Obviously zombies are not noted for their reading ability; however we have all seen films where the hero is saved from a bullet by that handy pocket bible or watch.... as such a zombies manual should have a 10% chance to negate the next shot that would "kill" it, this attack would instead destroy the book.

Yes I am (mostly) joking ;) --Honestmistake 14:12, 8 January 2009 (UTC)

Perhaps if you had to read the manual for the same cost and chance of success as a book, and it granted the bonus for, say your next 5 actions...and negated the XP you would have earned for doing those actions... Faranya 15:11, 8 January 2009 (UTC)

What if performing an action that benefits from the manual has a chance of using it up. "You feel you have learned everything useful in the manual." Or, manuals can be part of a buildings library. You install it in buildings just like a generator, and it only benefits that one building and gets destroyed when it's ruined. --A Big F'ing Dog 18:38, 8 January 2009 (UTC) w 5 899999999999999999999999999999999999 Change the mechanics and activate the effect upon using the magazine. Then give a % of the magazine taking effect that is inversely proportional to the number of actions taken since the book was read, I suggest an equation of x = 100 - 7.5n, X being the percentage and N being the number of actions taken after reading the magazine. --Diablor 02:37, 10 January 2009 (UTC)

Overpowered. Not necessarily terrible in concept, but way overpowered. And one sided. - tylerisfat 08:09, 11 January 2009 (UTC)

This isn't one sided because zombies lack the intelligence to read --Diablor 19:35, 11 January 2009 (UTC)
Its one sided because survivors would get basically a free buff to their choice of actions and zombies get nothing but hit with more damage. - tylerisfat 05:32, 12 January 2009 (UTC)
That and you can't argue zombies are stupid in a game where zombism is more evolution than revival. Note Scent Tree, zombie speech, gesturing, re-cognative ability(Memories of Life), and that the players themselves are smart(it means the characters they play will act in a manner that shows intelligence). If Kevan wanted zombies to be stupid they've be NPCs with different flavor.--Judge Karke, self-proclaimed Decider of Everything and Ruler of All 05:48, 12 January 2009 (UTC)

Well, the first thing you do wrong is proposing search rates for powered and unpowered. When proposing a search rate provide only one, powered or unpowered, powering or ransacking a building increase/decrease the search rate by a set percent put into the game system already so all proposing different search rates does is make it impossible to know what the real search rates will be. The second mistake I see here is that it's a permamnent upgrade; Bad idea, we don't need more useful forms of flak jackets, much less do we need to make survivors have the ability to nullify a week or more of zombies holding a building by repairing with a fifth off. If you're going to have the buff item it needs to be randomized upon reading, so you don't know what you get, and it needs to last for only a certain amount of time after reading. Like say a day with the item disappearing after use. Also, I like the idea of giving punching a buff very much.--Judge Karke, self-proclaimed Decider of Everything and Ruler of All 05:13, 12 January 2009 (UTC)

OK, I think that the 'benefit only for next action' method would work better. Oh, and as for a change in the repair one, how about it only takes 10% off the repair cost if the ruin requires more than 30AP to repair? --Blake Firedancer T E RNL? P.I.S.I.T. 13:37, 16 January 2009 (UTC)

Reading manuals can give you skills (already represented by books granting XPs), but if you need to consult the manual still, you'll be working SLOWER and getting WORSE results for most tasks. The exception is when for some reason the tasks require different info each time you do them (eg, referencing specs and diagrams for car repairs on various different models)- which isn't really the case in any of the above examples, nor would a single manual suffice for the variety of cases encountered. SIM Core Map.png Swiers 03:06, 16 January 2009 (UTC)

You know what would be cool. Skills that can only be gained from XP from certain books in the game. They'd have to be somewhat strong to justify the difficulty in getting them though. Like say car repair. --Judge Karke, self-proclaimed Decider of Everything and Ruler of All 03:20, 16 January 2009 (UTC)
Related to Swiers' point, how about reducing the AP for an extended action through reading? For ruins it might be considered overpowered with their sliding cost, but what about syringe manufacture? Spending 1 AP to read the Syring Manual (New Item) would reduce the cost of manufacturing a syringe as your next action to 16 AP? What's the maths on that? -- To know the face of God is to know madness....Praise knowledge! Mischief! Mayhem! The Rogues Gallery!. <== DDR Approved Editor 03:29, 16 January 2009 (UTC)

Suggestions up for voting

Feral Hearing

This suggestion is up for voting here and its discussion is now here . --RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 15:32, 13 January 2009 (UTC)


This suggestion is up for voting here and its discussion is now here --RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 14:21, 17 January 2009 (UTC)