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F/Sgt MarcusFilby[1], RAF No. 22 Squadron, C Flight

~~ Day by day, disproving the notion that any landing you can walk away from is a good one (in Malton). ~~

The Past

Prior to a forced landing in Clapton Stadium, West Grayside during the initial stages of the Malton outbreak, F/Sgt Filby happily served as a Sea King crew chief out of Anglesey, Wales. Presently, his only involvement with his past employer is throwing empty beer bottles at any of the choppers foolish enough to fly low over Malton around Christmastime, refusing to pick him up.

After coming to terms with the fact that he was stranded in the quarantine zone and realizing that there was little demand for chopper crewmen, F/Sgt Filby signed up with the Malton Police Department in hopes of seeing some semblance of order returned to the decimated city. Enrolled in the KoTD campus of the DEM Academy, he experienced the usual baptism by fire typical of Academy cadets, leading a small team of MPD and MCDU recruits during RRF incursions into the Roftwood area and a Mall Tour 09 visit to Nichols in Stanbury Village. Upon graduation he received his Sergeant's stripes and was posted to Holly Crescent PD in West Grayside, though more often than not this period found him up in Kempsterbank, opposing the MoB's thrust through that suburb. After this action he was promoted to Chief Inspector of his district, just as Mall Tour rolled through Wyke Hills on its way towards Pole Mall in West Grayside, bringing Filby's Malton journey full circle.

The Present

Chief Inspector Filby presently oversees MPD operations in the DEM's SE-4 district including West Grayside, his home away from home. A proud graduate of the KoTD division of the DEM Academy, CI Filby seeks to discharge his duties with the honour and excellence exemplified by campus traditions.

R - Weaponsmaster.gifR - Hand to Hand Specialist.gifR - Fitness.gifR - Sniper.gifR - Community Support.gifRadio Operator flat.jpgR - Engineer.gifR - Field Medicine.gifR - Scientific Achievement.gifDEM Surgery Ribbon.jpgR - Acquisition.gifR - Recon Specialist.gif

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Shotgun.jpg Right to bear arms
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Mpd.png Malton Police Department
MarcusFilby is a member of the MPD.
Handinhanddp1.png Pay It Forward Supporter
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Get a revive, give a revive.
TomatoesGross.jpg Tomatoes
Slimy, tasteless, and gross.
Police Helmet1.jpg Malton Police Departments Group
This user or group supports the MPDG in their attempt at restoring law and order in Malton.
Llama.JPG Drama Llama
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Knights Templar!

800px-Flag of the United States.svg.png Why is capitalism superior to communism?
"Because I get to have sex on a huge pile of money while you work to feed your lazy brothers." -???
Armycoater.jpg Real Life Soldier
This user was or is a member of the real military of some country, and has learned that spending XP is way easier than boot camp.