User:Revenant/Duke D'oeuvre

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Duke D'œuvre
Duke D'œuvre
Man in the Bowler Hat.jpg
DNA Profile: Database corrupted
Join Date: 2007-09-02 15:46:14
Last Update: 2010-01-23 13:34
Class: Military/Private
Level: 41
Favorite Equipment: Shotgun, Fencing Foil, Fancy Clothes
Current Status: Hunting…
Group: Lord Curton's Gentlemen's Hunting Club
Motto: “Ab ovo usque ad mala.”

Distinguished dilettante demands due deference. Dapperly displays discordant decorations; declines dross. Drinks delectable dewberry daiquiris, dispenses delicious delicacies.

Disdainfully declares, “Dishonour deserves death.”

Last seen wearing a blood-smeared Venetian mask and black bowler hat, a pale red tie, a white long-sleeved shirt, a blood-soaked fur coat and dark red waistcoat, and paired black trousers and leather shoes.


Cemetery stones 2.jpg PK Count
Duke D'œuvre has PKed 327+ people.
Bounty Hunter.gif Bounty Hunter Hunter
Duke D'œuvre hunts and kills
Bounty Hunters.
WPKUsmall.jpg WPKU
Duke D'œuvre is a broadcaster for WPKU. Because PKers need entertainment too!
TommyGun2.jpg Tommy Gun
Duke D'œuvre gasped in horror on Nov 1 2007, when the Tommy Gun went rat-a-tat-tat.
Templar.jpg Siege of Jerusalem
Duke D'œuvre slaughtered infidels when the knights and soldiers of the First Crusade took Caiger Mall Jerusalem
Santa.PNG Silent Night Slaughter
Duke D'œuvre caroled and celebrated with the residents of Fort Creedy on Christmas Eve in December 2007.
Mad Hatter.jpg Dork Farces
"Welcome to my tea party!" "I read Nietzsche and look at Renaissance art!
MMA.JPG Malton Murder Award Winner, 2009
The contributions of Duke D'œuvre to the PKing industry were honoured with an award at the Malton Murder Awards 2009:
Best Dressed.


Duke has or had an association on some level with the following groups:


Duke D'oeuvre, you have been tried and convicted for biased PKing and The Diversity Council has issued a kill on site[sic] order for your punishment.

—I Kill Racists

someone finish this pking piece of shit off for me...I'm outta AP...

—Lucian Valarian



I happend to be online when it happend, and i took emidiate[sic] action against him, but he got away [...] and im[sic] very sorry i didnt[sic] kill him completely for the PK


[...] Mmm, these [scones] are delicious. Now about that dastardly deed against the Dame of the Dead. 'Twas not nice of you.

—Wyle E Coyote

Son of a bitch! [...]

Che Yuri

Duke D'oeuvre's killing other humans. Get him!

—Yves Arbourcourt

offers me scones and ends up killing me.... that rat.... :D

Allison Wolf

dastardly discursive dacnomaniac duke d'oeuvre did a despicable and deleterious deed this day in december. and i died and was defenestrated. :(

—Carbon Black

[...] But during my delirious state, I had a rather lucid dream. A serpent by the name of Duke D'oeuvre slithered out of a tree and stood before me as a man. He was dressed immaculately in a tri-quarter hat, a fine but tattered red coat with gold trimmings. Strangely, in spite of his title, he appeared to be a pirate. He whispered in my ear of things that caused me to become overwhelmed with desire. I would have swooned if I were not already taken with delirium. He offered me knowledge, power over others and scones. Graciously I accepted the scones, and sunk my teeth deep into the doughy and jam smeared bread. [...]

Amber Waves of Pain

we';ve dealt with your kind before


I love making new friends.

—Nicholas Risto

Thanks for the scones Duke although it ended up causing somewhat of a moral delema[sic].

I just couldn't continue with the final blow, but alas you shot through before I could start the emergence first aid application. Perfectly understandable considering the circumstances :D


No, no, fine... it's fine... I didn't want any of your smelly scones anyways. … (Dervie the Pastry Hoarder)

brian mercat

*brushes himself off* Thank you Sir! You have cured me of my alchol[sic] addiction! You are truly a saint! *bows*


It would appear that Duke D'oeuvre prefers an aggressive competition. [...] It would also appear he studied at the Dick Dastardly school of contests and competitions.


Duke D'oeuvre, what a pleasant surprise. :-) It is always nice to meet a person like yourself, a connoisseur of all things good and decent. So unlike the riff raff we see on the streets today.

—Wyle E Coyote

Speaking of deliciousness, I finally found Duke D'oeuvre. In a cinema, in the dark. I sat down next to him. He was injured, bleeding heavily. He leaned over in the darkness and whispered, "Did you remember to bring the tea?" before passing out. Delirium had overtaken the poor man [...]

Amber Waves of Pain

Aw, how can I not report such a nice polite gentleman?


I now pronounce you the Duke of dirt. [...] because of your crimes I must kill you.


Mr. Duke.[sic] Lovely to see you again.

—Nicholas Risto

Did I mention Duke is quite possibly the coolest PKer ever? (Thanks for the scone by the way! :D)

Allison Wolf

Mr.[sic] D'oeuvre it's time for you to take another nap ...

Alex Andor

[...] it was quite a surprise considering I was going to dump you right outside the window.

Alex Andor

[...] All I did wrong was claim Amber Waves of Pain in front of him.

—Vincent Childs

Very sloppy on my part.

—Nicholas Risto

Yes some of my colleagues can be crass, but did you really have to fill Nicholas full of shotgun pellets. *sighs* [...]

—The Blackness

Duke D'oeuvre killed me without provocation [...]


I also must admit, Duke, I've admired your work for some time. It would be an honor to shoot you.

—Saint Gambi

I've never heard of him...I mean, yea I'd tap that.


Good evening, your grace! Allow me to illuminate this illustrious lair of lurid lucre and lavish languish upon your lordship!


Curse You, Duke DeNinja! Damned darkly-dressed desperados, denying delightful doctors damning declarations!

Doctor Tom

That dastardly duke dispatches demon destroyers decadently!


A Dukicide is a dastardly deed, directed by the darkest dementia:

What, ho! Class War! Demonstration, Destruction, Desecration, Damnation! Down with the Duke!


All hail the DUKE!

Bootsy Funk


Full list up at /Kills. Check back for a chance to see your name in lights!
Recent Kills
  1. Devil Killa, Army Control Corps
  2. hirvitys, no group
  3. Devil Killa, Army Control Corps (2nd time)
  4. Zaruthustra, Red Rum Retirees
  5. spic10, no group

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