Anti-zombie squad

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There are two groups that go by the name Anti Zombie Squad. For the group run by Dra13, click here

Members.gif Forums
This group uses a forum for communications.

Anti-Zombie Squad
Abbreviation: AZS
Group Numbers: 35
Leadership: Penguinpyro, dr Freakenstein, Dragei
Goals: Kill all manner of survivor-haters, revive survivors, turn suburbs green.
Recruitment Policy: Visit and post in the forum weekly.

No zerging or Rking, Gking or PKing. Only exception is bounty hunting.
Be polite to everyone, even enemies.

Contact: Forum

The Anti-Zombie Squad

Pro-survivor, anti-PKer, pro-revives, pro-knowledge and anti-barhah. A group that moves around every month in search for fresh zombies to cap. We train new survivors to be the most lethal they can be and do our part to undo the zombies' messes- and the zombies. Plus, we have tequilas and pie for everyone!

Teaching zombies how to fall facefirst since 2008!

(Pictured, left to right: Dark Butters, Dr Freakenstein, Dragei, bhuwannabe, penguinpyro.
The other AZS members were too busy giving zombies haircuts to pose.
Artwork Photo by Penguinpyro.)

Want to Join?

File:Zombie Pile up.gif

THEN: Register at the AZS Forum and post in the "Joining the AZS" section! We always welcome new recruits!*

*Provided that they aren't lunatics, death cultists, anti-survivors, cheaters, swindlers, spies, thugs, pugs, dirtslingers, de-barricaders, waffle-makers, barhah-lovers, flying frogs, Sith Lords or batsh*t insane.

Be sure to read the thread called "How to Join the AZS."
We require only that you enjoy File:Zombie Pile up.gif, that you follow ethical behavior (no zerging, harming innocents, vandalization, etc), and that you stay in touch with us.


The Anti-Zombie Squad is divided into three subdivisions. You can join any one of them, provided that you meet the requirements (details in forums).

Eradication Squad

We make sure zeds get their daily recommended supplements of steel and lead!
Eradication Squad exterminates zombie scum from Malton's streets and imposes proper isolation measures on the city. They also train new players by appropriately softening up the undead and launch synchronized strikes on zombie territory. Our biggest and strongest squad. Approx. numbers: Twenty

Phoenix Squad

Death? Not for long! With three easy steps, you can be on your feet again! Call this toll-free squad at....
Phoenix Squad puts deceased good survivors back into the world of the living at a rapid pace. They are experts with the syringes, and are masters at staying out of death's way. When severely pressed, however, they can still effectively burn away evil, just like the phoenix can. Our most valuable and secure squad. Approx. numbers: Five

Psychological Operations Squad

Play with minds, play with fire. What's the difference?
Psych-Op Squad locates and swiftly renders irrelevant Malton's death cultists, and conducts psychological warfare on zombies and lunatics when appropriate. They also disrupt zombie activities through guerilla warfare and coordinate with Eradication on synchronized strikes. Approx. numbers: Five


Knights Templar
The Randoms
Phoenix Security Services
The Fortress
Team Xtreme
Undead University
Task Force 141

Quotes about the AZS

  • "...innocent, affable, helpful types...", "excitingly original" - One of our biggest fans and enthusiasts, Harald Von Holzapfel in the wiki
  • "AZS...pure" Our Fan Club, AZS Must Die
  • "They're not epic fail" - A viciously obsessed and jealous AZS fan-stalker A complete gentleman Sonny Corleone in an interview with the Malton Observer


Want to join?
Want to ally?
Got a beef?
Like slaying zombies?
Attracted to awesome?

Then: Our Forum

The AZS History

Note- The current month's activities are classified, in order to prevent revealing our position.

July 2010- The AZS enters the modestly difficult Pimbank to resupply and fight zed. However, the Big_Bash_3 interrupts plans, as the AZS, always pragmatic, decides to dodge a guaranteed death in Pimbank and makes an emergency relocation to *classified*, where we still are. Leadership of the AZS shifts to Penguinpyro during Dark Butter's unfortunate absence.

June 2010- The AZS, now reinvigorated by the combat in West Boundwood, enters the orange suburb Rhodenbank. The AZS fights intensely, staging multiple raids and revive sprees, to little effect, as the zombies that took down nearby Dulston devour the rest of the suburb. The AZS is forced back to Pescodside, but manages to still inflict casualties and revives on the Rhodenbank zombie population.

May 2010- The AZS moves into West Boundwood to rest and recruit more members, riding on the wave of recruitment from the RRA. We run into some hostile anti-social elitists, who are easily defeated. The rest of the suburb fails to disappoint, as zombie break-ins are easily dispatched and ruins are repaired.

April 2010- The AZS gathers its allies, and launches an assault on Ridleybank and the RRF. The details are here. It was good fun for all.

March 2010- The AZS moves to Shore Hills. The battle is intense, but in the end, the zombies are driven out, and the suburb becomes green. Running out of targets, the AZS then proceeds to cleanse Barrville of zombie scum. Barrville barely manages to quench the AZS's furious anti-zombie kill-streak. Many zombie scalps are obtained in this frenzy.

February 2010- The AZS moves to Vinetown. Our tenure there is boring due to the suburb's sudden recovery from yellow status, but we make the best of it by trenching outdoors zombies and capping PKers. Not our best moment, admittedly.

January 2010- The AZS arrives in Shackleville and, with the help of Talon_Company, fights off the zombie invaders. The suburb is soon reduced to yellow status, and the AZS leaves proudly for Vinetown.

December 2009- The AZS decides to become one of the very few truly nomadic groups of Malton. We soon ditch West Grayside for Shackleville.

September-ish 2009- The AZS forms an Expeditionary Force (EF) to try to reach out and help nearby zombie-infested suburbs. Visited suburbs include Shackleville, Shearbank, Whittenside, and Scarlettwood. Later, this idea will evolve even further, as the whole AZS will later become one big "EF".

July 2009- Janus Abernathy hands over control of the AZS to Dark Butters. Badass to badass.

March 2009- The Mall_Tour_'09 attacks Pole Mall, and by extension, the rest of West Grayside. The AZS and the KT put up a stiff fight, even earning a compliment from the Mall Tour of Pole Mall's defense.

February 2009- Our fanclub, AZS_Must_Die, tries to give us soft, warm, loving hugs and gifts. We give them back more than they give us. Because we love them that much. They grew tired of our appreciation and fled the suburb, back to whence they came.

Early 2009- The AZS moves to West Grayside. We occupy the Bellamy building and have epic battles against PKers. Control of the group moves over to Eric Bessette, and some time during here, Eric Bessette appoints Janus Abernathy leader before she quits. She was an excellent leader.

2008- The Anti-Zombie Squad is created by our legendary past leader, Truemaggot. A bright light shines on all Malton and the hills sing with the voices of heaven.... actually, those are just castrated zombies screaming in pain, but still.

A fictional account of the AZS's recent activities


Q: Who are you guys?

A: We are a dedicated pro-survivor group. We anti zombies. That's why we are the Anti-Zombie Squad. (We occasionally kill zergs when Malton gets cold and there are no other flammable materials.)

Our mission statement: defend the city, put a cap in zeds, and keep life in Malton alive, safe and interesting.

We are always accepting recruits. Join today and see what AZS can do for you!

Q: What are the rules of the AZS?


  1. You don't let zombies stand.
  2. You don't let zombies stand.
  3. No PKing or GKing, except bounty hunting and keeping AZS HQs dark.
  4. No zerging or spying. Ever.
  5. Remain polite and civil to all, even enemies.
  6. Keep in contact with us on the forum. Post as often as possible.
  7. Know that you are doing.
  8. Have fun!

Q: Briefs or boxers?

A: Whatever keeps the zombie guts out.

Q: Are there any advantages to being in AZS?

A: Duh. It's not like we'd go to the trouble of forming a group just because we want to wade in dead zombie and death cultist blood. Although that is a refreshing experience, let me tell you.

As a member of the AZS:

  • You have first priority for revives by our fellow pro-survivor groups and ourselves.
  • You get up-to-date strategic information on where to find the best zombies to shoot and places to go.
  • You get some awesome training, advice and protection from our survivor group.
  • You get to participate in glorious real-time raids of PKer hideouts and zombie nests.
  • You will vaporize zombies and death cultists with style, as your squadmates will back you up with well-coordinated firepower, scouting, revives and medkits.
  • Badass achievement and recognition medals!

Q: What else does "AZS" stand for?

The Anti-Zombie Squad in action.


  • Always Zlaying Sociopaths
  • Angry Zealot Snipers
  • Aggressive Zombie Slaughterers
  • Awesome Zapping Specialists
  • Amazing Zen Sensation
  • Annihilating Zombie Stench

Q: How do I join?

A: See our forums (link on top of page). Our only requirements are that you be honest, eager and ready to achieve some legendary badassness.

Q: Are you guys awesome, or are you super-awesome?

A: You know, that's a very inappropriate question.

I hate having to answer the obvious.

Q: Where did you guys come from? A: Our origins: Bitten by a radioactive axe-wielding zombie hunter, our leader Eric Bessette of Malton was endowed with the proportional strength, agility and kickassery of a..... No. Wait, that's wrong.

Our origins: One fateful night, as our future leader Janus Abernathy and her parents walked home from a theater, a zombie walked up to them and told them to give him their money at clawpoint. When Mr. Abernathy resisted, the zombie ate Janus' parents in cold blood. Witnessing this tragedy, Janus Abernathy swore revenge on undead crime. She spent the next ten years training in various martial arts and designing gadgets. While searching for a symbol and a costume to strike fear into the undead, she was inspired by a Tequila-Pie (Pequilieat) flying through a window and thus decided to assume a persona of the.... Nevermind that. Here's the real information: Anti-Zombie squad's home town is Dartside where we were born in 2008. Our first leader was Truemaggot. After a brief disbanding of the group, the HQ was moved to West Grayside to The Bellamy Building (55,80), under the leadership of Eric Bessette.

In the January of 2010, we decided to tour Malton, to view all the sights and sounds, meet interesting new people and sample zombie foreheads from across the city. We change suburbs every month.

Former AZS Members

List of Inactive members

A list of people who used to be AZS members, but stopped playing UD or communicating with us. We take no responsibility for their actions.

Supported Policies

BadgeDEM.jpg DEM Ally
Anti-zombie squad is an ally of the DEM
DontGK.jpg GKers Suck
This group thinks that destroying generators is a pussy move.
Zambahandshake.JPG Civility
This user or group believes that while zambahz and humans must kill each other, they can still be civil about it.
TEAMXTemp.jpg Team Xtreme Ally
This user or group is a Friend and Ally of Team Xtreme
Ubpicon1.gif Uniform Barricading Policy Supporter
This User or Group supports the Uniform Barricading Policy by actively maintaining barricades according to local plan or UBP standard.
Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Sacred Ground Policy and acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered Revivification Points.
Killer.jpg PK Reporting
This User or Group supports PK Reporting. Don't let Player Killers get away with murder. Report them on the Rogues Gallery.
Balance scale.jpg Fair Tactics Leader
This group leader has ratified the Coalition for Fair Tactics Group Pledge.

Use our template:

Anti-zombie Squad
This user or group supports the Anti-zombie squad