Chudleyton Barricade Plan

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To edit the plan below and designate barricade levels, go to Template:Chudleyton Barricade Plan.

This is the Barricade Plan for the suburb of Chudleyton.

This diagram shows what levels buildings should ideally be barricaded to in order to provide protection in the form of Extremely Heavily Barricaded buildings, whilst designating entry points in the form of Very Strongly Barricaded buildings. Please note this plan indicates the preferred levels of barricades, and not the current levels.

If you wish to discuss alterations to this plan, please use the talk page.

If you need to edit the barricade plan, go to Template:Chudleyton Barricade Plan. If changes are made, please be sure to also edit the Barricade Policy section of the page for any buildings affected.

To include the barricade plan on a page use:

{{Chudleyton Barricade Plan}} for a fullsize plan


{{Chudleyton Barricade Plan|Small}} for a smaller version.

Ubpicon1.gif UBP-Compliant Barricade Plan
This barricade plan is compliant with the Uniform Barricading Policy. This plan was last reviewed on 22 May 2010.

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 a factory
Petty Place School
the Purchas Building
Pasker Place
Gamlen Plaza
a factory
Lockwood Crescent School
Rawlins Row
Goudie Drive
Kington Row
21 Newton Walk
Lasbury Cinema
Roadnight Auto Repair
Lawrance Crescent School
Regan Plaza
Nettley Drive
Strachan Lane
Fowler Crescent Railway Station
Golden Row
22 the Rodges Building
Carritt Drive
St. Luke's Hospital
Barter Row Railway Station
Pottenger Boulevard
Bulmer Avenue
Dight Walk
a carpark
Zuryk Lane
Somerville Boulevard
23 a cemetery
St. Mark's Church
a cemetery
the Loder Museum
Apsey Library
Kenefie Lane Police Department
Cuthbert General Hospital
a junkyard
Shutler Lane
the Bowell Museum
24 Coollen Lane School
Baring Auto Repair
Ramsey Road
Downton Square
Club Hodson
Carpenter Grove
Tennant Auto Repair
Stringer Street
Custard Lane School
25 the Fiddes Monument
Spalding Walk
Willshire Towers
the Harraway Building
a junkyard
the Hawtrey Museum
Ivens Park
the Vetch Building
Thristle Bank
Fanning Street
26 the Minshull Building
a warehouse
Roadnight Cinema
Reid Library
the Binney Monument
Clifden Way
Howard Library
Cother Square
a carpark
Silwood Crescent
27 the Stothert Monument
Sletery Cinema
Rodwell Row Police Department
Younghusband Square
the Donovan Building
Knyfton Row Fire Station
Fords Lane
the Glastonbury Motel
Eden Library
Caiger Mall
28 the Bristol Building
Mant Library
Craven Way
the Ratcliffe Motel
Rome Way
Doyne Street
the Mapledoram Monument
Ogilvie Place
the Tynte Building
Caiger Mall
29 Pirrie Way
Hevey Row
the Waugh Arms
Rowse Cinema
the Tiplot Museum
a warehouse
Bernard Towers
the Hussey Monument
the Hearne Building
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Extremely Heavily Barricaded Very Strongly Barricaded No Barricades
Auto Repair Shops Hospitals Other (non-TRP)
Factories and
Power Stations
NecroTech Buildings Unbarricadable
Forts and Malls Police Departments
MPM: Mobile Phone Masts RP: Revive Points