Malton Red Cross

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Malton Red Cross
Volunteer for Victory.gif
Abbreviation: MRC
Group Numbers: growing
Leadership: none
Goals: to provide impartial Humanitarian Relief and Aid to the citizens of Malton
Recruitment Policy: see the "How YOU can Help" section below to Volunteer!
Contact: please send all comments on a fifty dollar bill to the address posted below
Revive.gif Revivification Requests
Undead? Want to breathe again?
Make a Revivification Request! (Dead Link)
Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user supports the Sacred Ground Policy.
Rogers.jpg Mr. Rogers Style!
This user or group supports and follows the Mr. Rogers policy.
Redcrosssmall.jpg Malton Hospitals Group
This user or group supports MHG in their attempt to restore health care in Malton.
Local Frequency User
this group advocates using the Dedicated Radio Frequencies for sharing important local information

Welcome to the Malton Red Cross!

  • Mission Statement

We are a humanitarian organization of volunteers inspired by the International Red Cross and guided by our Fundamental Principles in service to the victims of Malton's unusual disaster by providing Relief in the form of First-Aid, Revivification, and more. We are a neutral, independent, and informal organization whose exclusively humanitarian mission is to provide impartial assistance to all.

  • Principles

---| Independence | Neutrality | Impartiality | Humanity | Unity |---

The Independence of all players is acknowledged; individuals form their own opinions, control their own words and actions, and provide the actual contributions. Neutrality frees us of needless conflict, as a group and as individuals. We serve all Impartially. Our Humanity drives us to help others, this commonality draws us together in Unity.

  • History

First, the Earth cooled. Then there was the Stone Age, which ROCKED! Quite some time after all that (at 13:04 on March 8th of 2006, to be exact) Pinata created this page. Honestly, not much more than that is known. Membership has always been low. There was a forum that died, but much like the members of Malton has recently been revived (see below for link)! There was a Current Members list, now preserved for posterity in Talk, where volunteers posted their names. This tradition is continued with the new Current Members List, also in Talk.

As of now, we are undergoing structural reorganization. Nevertheless, if you are in need of aid, feel free to drop a note in the MRC talk page or the Brainstock thread linked below to alert our dedicated volunteers!

Stance on Zombies

While we are a "survivor" group, we extend our respect and offer aid to all- including the undead. Of course we'll revive those wanting to live again. However, this also means the Sacred Ground Policy and the No Random Revive Policy are endorsed and observed. NO random or combat revives, and NO attacking (from either side) at RPs or Cemeteries, Please.

Also, (and this sounds a little crazy, but) we invite new, low-level Zombies to visit the buildings listed below! We DO ask that you avoid actually killing low-level Survivors; the developed ones are more delicious anyway! Expect to be attacked in return of course. Our members will be as gentle as possible choppin... uh, removing you. We would also ask that once you are grown and pose more of a threat, to kindly give us a break; especially when conditions are grim. We strongly urge you to visit other parts of the city once you buy Infectious Bite!!! Finally, we remind the neurologically challenged that Rotter's Relief can help them live again.(they need reminding...)

We don't like being eaten, but we still wish the Best for All!

Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Sacred Ground Policy and acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered Revivification Points.


Rescue Stations

The Rescue Stations listed below are offered for those in need of Aid. They have been selected based on location and general stability. However, conditions can change rapidly and safety is NOT guaranteed. Check the Suburb Danger Levels for current local conditions. Always be wary of breaches when dangerous, and potential over-cading when safe.

Alternative sources of Aid may be found by reviewing the information in the Mall Information Center, Necrotech Information Center and NT Status Map, Malton Hospitals Group, List of Revivification Points, and of course the Suburb Map.

New players are encouraged to read and learn as fast as they can. Follow your curiosity through the mainpage and the guides. Learn the basics: AP, HP, XP, Free Running, Building Types, Revivification. In-game, you should get inside and stay safe! Use a map to figure out where you are and learn your surroundings. Familiarize yourself with the Districts (NW-1) and coordinate ([25,25]) notation to quickly find and place specific locations within the city.

the Ungreatful Dead are asked to- stop in Open blocks during their travels so as not to appear a threat; to use the listed RPs; to only post a Revivification Request once they have reached a suitable RP; to be sure to be Standing; to be Patient; to only Stand after the revive once they have plenty of AP to safely reach an Entry and a safehouse; and finally, to Heal up once safe.

Necrotechicians are asked to observe the No Random Revive Policy. Also, add requesters to your contact list, make sure you have Syringes, and check your Entry before stepping outside! Once outside at the RP, give directions to the EP and nearest Hospital before reviving. Leave plenty of AP to return to safety.

Station Locations

NOTES: the listed Hospitals are (usually) VSB, and the RPs are fast- these resources are well maintained by Locals and credit for their utility goes to them, NOT to the MRC. The out-going map links show each area in detail on a centered map. Again, remember to check current conditions before moving to an area!


NW-1 Darvall Heights, w/ Caiger Mall - map
H-[26,24] St P's OR [27,25] St M's RP-[24,27] a cemetery (Hs 3NE)
NW-2 Judgewood - map
H-[17,17] Edmund RP-[18,17] Herne plaza (H 1W)


NE-1 Santlerville w/ Dowdney Mall - map
H-[74,30] Sixtus (next to Mall) RP-[77,26] St E's Church (H 4SW)
NE-3 Pescodside - map
H-[90,15] St Nina's RP-[91,16] OttoSt (H 1NW)


SW-1 South Blythville and Lockettside w/ Marven Mall and Tompson Mall - map
H-[20,80] (next to Tompson Mall) RP-[26,84] Kendell row (H 6NW) OR [17,83] a cemetery (H 3NE)
SW-5 Kinch Heights - map
H-[43,87] St Hubertus RP-[43,85] a cemetery (H 2S)


SE-1 Gulsonside, w/ Blesley Mall - map
H-[74,71] RP-[77,73] a cemetery (H 3NW)
SE-2 Roftwood, w/ Hildebrand Mall - map
H-[65,54] (next to Mall) RP-[68,53] Swansborough park (H 3W)

Food Relief Program

Food, water, clothing, blankets, and shelter are available at the above locations. Supplies are limited, however. Please note that the MRC has no legal administrative authority over the relief supply crates which are routinely dropped into the city- we can not be held responsible for any shortages or hoarding. Alternative food sources are available.

McZeds.png McZeds™
This User or Group eats at McZeds™. They also support the Use of Corpses for High Quality Processed Fast Food.

How YOU can Help!

Basic membership begins with a $20 donation..... Most simply, if you really want to HELP, heal and revive - where and how much is entirely up to you. If you want to show your support, feel free to use "Malton Red Cross" in your profile. (it's nice, but the healing and reviving are what's important) If you want to participate in current MRC discussions, go to the Brainstock thread here or to the forum here [1] You can formally declare yourself an Official Volunteer by registering in the Current Members list on our Discussion page or in our forums.

Be Respectful

We ask that ALL players:

  • Remain Respectful of others; in-game and on the wiki, boards, ect.
  • Abide by Community Standards- no zerging, spying, griefing, ect.

Be Prepared

  • Choose where you sleep carefully... just needing fewer Kits and Syringes helps greatly.

Carry some FAKs AT LEAST for yourself! Check your HP and make sure it's full! Remember that Revives leave you wounded at half HP- you need *3* Kits just for that. FULL HP makes the difference between escaping a breach to a new house and shuffling to an RP. Having many Kits allow you to repeat the tactic.... Find more when LOW, NOT OUT - low means 4 or 3, some means 6 or 8 - these aren't "extra", these are for YOU. Don't wait for healing - it's YOUR life, don't gamble with it!


Carry MANY Kits and use them on others. A great source of vitamin XP! (I stole that) Again, remember to restock when low. Use them occasionally on the worst cases, or get everyone to 60. Camp a Hospital or roam around. As always, where and how much is up to you. Carrying many, many kits can keep you and others safe for a long time.(a neccessity when 'meatshielding') Every time a Syringe is used, 2 or 3 FAKs are also required... The Malton Hospitals Group has great info on all things FAK. Details on treating blisters, snake bites, shock... and tips for amateur surgeons may NOT be found here. :O


You don't have to be a dedicated reviver to make a difference. Just carry a few Syringes and use them occasionally. Good for when you're bored. Using one or two after a revive is a nice way to say "Thanks". Revivification is the ONLY way for dead Survivors to live - its importance cannot be overstated. Syringes, and more directly, the people who find and use them, are the most vital components sustaining Urban Dead's fragile balance. And YOU can help.

We remind all technicians to observe the Sacred Ground Policy and the No Random Revive Policy; and to use the Cemeteries or listed RPs and the RRtool. A tinyurl for the Tool:

Find Revives FAST at -


Ubpicon1.gif Uniform Barricading Policy Supporter
This User or Group supports the Uniform Barricading Policy by actively maintaining barricades according to local plan or UBP standard.
  • Construct & rebuild. Like a Lego-Maniac.
  • Determine the more strategically significant areas (see: Tactical Resource Zone) around you and defend (read:meatshield) them when threatened. Or, check the condition reports and travel to far off danger zones for excitement and to experience more of the city.
  • Power Resource Buildings - Hospitals and NTs in particular. Do not waste gennies or fuel on non-TRPs.(except the Libraries maybe) only set up Transmitters in buildings that already require power, and use your Local Radio Frequency to share pertinent info.
  • Observe local Barricade Plans and participate in their developement. Do NOT "claim territory". Always discard litter in an appropriate recepticle.
  • Begin graffiti/tags inside with suggested cade strengths, begin tags outside with directions to the nearest EP and RP. Respect group tags... or you're just wasting paint.

some useful notes:

Item Encumbrance Values

Barricade Levels:

  1   :  LB...Loosely barricaded
 2–4  :  LB...Lightly barricaded
 5–7  : QSB...Quite Strongly barricaded
 8–10 : VSB...Very Strongly barricaded
11-13 :  HB...Heavily barricaded
14–16 : VHB...Very Heavily barricaded
 17+  : EHB...Extremely Heavily barricaded

TRP Search Rates:

NT - syringe:12
Mall - gun:6, ammo:11, FAK:34
PD - gun:2 ammo:7
H - FAK:15
Fac - genny:3, fuel:3
Auto - paint:6, fuel:5


Current Members

Our Current Members.

Past Supporters

Thanks for your Support!

Historic Members

We dedicate our Service to their Memory.
Furigana, Acting Chief of Mission | shinyredstar, Emergency Services Staffing Coordinator| Doidle, Staff Sergeant| Morhed | MrSpook | Shintaro | spockmay | cozwearefree | Nathan DelMonaco, Intelligence Officer | Karen Stone, MD | Tiny Bulcher | Aerin McKenna | proffa | BIO1 | The Reviver | Tee-S | Mike Sharp | Doctor Cuttlefish | Boba Fett | Forlorad|