This user or group supports le G.I.F.D..
Brain Rot
No BRAIN ROT revives in NB!
The OM see BR's as combatant zeds and to be removed where found.
N.B does not offer a BR clinic so please ask your member to remove himself from the NT as he is hampering the take back process . Especially if it ruined as we can't fix it with him sitting in there.
If he dies he will have to go to South Blythville Brain Clinic The Pippard Building NT.--Jake T Weber 23:20, 3 August 2008 (BST)
RE: Alliance request
If you want discuss an alliance proposal with the Olney Militia please post in Join the Cause section on our board. Bonne chance dehors là dans 'North Blythville', nous salute tous les défenseurs ! ! …. camarades d'adieu (Babel Fish translation sorry)--Jake T Weber 00:11, 29 July 2008 (BST)
I apologize for my inability to communicate in French. You've requested an alliance, and we are always interested in making new friends. Before we commit to anything, we'd like to get to know you. 10 minutes from hell's division in the area is Malton College of Medicine, headquartered at 31,71. Please stop by and introduce yourself, and we can become aquainted a bit better.
We make regular medic and security runs through North Blythville. If you stop into St. George's Hospital (31,71) and announce where the problem areas are, we can usually send help within a few hours. Most of our communication is in-game, and in English. Please be aware that 1) the MCM (Malton College of Medicine) campus (the hospital and adjacent warehouse) is a no-kill zone, no matter what the bounty is on an individual or what personal grudges might be held, and 2) MCM teaches combat revives.
I look forward to meeting you in-game!--Violet Begonia Dean MCM MOB 04:05, 28 July 2008 (BST)
- (copied from the MCM talk page so you'll get this ASAP)
- Your English is fine! Far better than my French, which only consists of a few numbers and several food items. Come to Nicols Avenue (30,72) revive point - one of the fastest in Malton, BTW, and we'll have you breathing in a jiffy! You can tell your entire group to use Nicols for fast revives if they'd like.--Violet Begonia Dean MCM MOB 02:19, 29 July 2008 (BST)
2007-09-10 - Mission 1: Nettoyer et transformer un junkyard en QG dans là ville (où vous savez). SCHMERNIN Daz 15:15, 25 July 2008
Je pense que c'est une mauvaise idée de dire à chacun l'endroit exact de votre maison de la sûreté. Ils ont les ennemis de l'humanité dans tous les quartiers du Malton. C'est pas seulement les zombis, c'est aussi les teuers des joueurs. La paranoïa sauve les vies, vous sait! --dst3313 MB 11:49, 18 April 2007 (BST)
- oauis tu as surment raison ont va mettre ca dans le forum a l'avenir ;p--Kcold 23:14, 18 April 2007 (BST)
Les Randoms
- Bonjour, je suis Cheeseman Muncher. Je suis d'un groupe appelé le Randoms. Nous sommes également basés dans Buttonville. Je voudrais te souhaiter la bienvenue à la banlieue et à l'espoir que nous pouvons avoir quelques zombis de soufflement d'amusement dans des morceaux. Je fais des excuses si mon Français est plutôt mauvais. J'emploie un programme en ligne de traducteur que je ne suis pas les travaux sûrs très bien…
- Hello, I'm Cheeseman Muncher. I am from a group called The Randoms. We are also based in Buttonville. I would like to welcome you to the Suburb and hope we can have some fun blowing zombies into pieces. I apologise if my French is rather bad. I am using an online translator program which I'm not sure works very well... -- Cheeseman W!ASBTalk 22:49, 26 April 2007 (BST)
- Hello, I am ZaqWer from the Randoms. There has been a request to change Buttonville's St. Columbanus Church to VSB to provide a closer entry point to the cemetery revive point. If you have any comments, please make them on the Buttonville Barricade Plan Discussion page. ZaqWer 20:12, 17 May 2007 (BST)
- By the way, feel free to check [revive queue] to look for revive opportunities. At the moment, things are very safe in Buttonville, so the queue is very short and everyone is often revived in much less than an hour. But when things get busy, we can use all the help you can offer.
- Also, I have noted, that while Buttonville is very safe, there is a high zombie presence to our west in Williamsville. Keep an eye on the west. --ZaqWer 03:13, 29 May 2007 (BST)
- I hear this is where all the Randoms commanders are hanging out, so I thought I'd drop by for a quick bienvenue. Welcome to Buttonville, and please feel free to let us know if you need any help. PS: I just got back from Paris, where I discovered the perfection that is the crepe beurre sucre. Mmmmm.... -Shinosa 18:24, 12 June 2007 (BST)
- Change Tebbett Building? A player requested that we change Tebbett Building to EHB to better protect the NT resource. To accomodate this, the banks north of Tebbett would also be changed. For details and/or to express your opinion, see the Buttonville Barricade Discussion Page. Thanks. --ZaqWer 02:51, 7 September 2007 (BST)
FER's Alliance
Not a problem really. It's just we would like to know what you expect from your allies. :D --JohnRubin 14:03, 2 July 2007 (BST)
- Healing and reviving is ok. Leave us a message if you need any help in that. --JohnRubin 14:28, 4 July 2007 (BST)
The M.S.L.F.
Hey this is Fireman22 from the M.S.L.F. and we saw that you wanted to ally with and we accept and if you do then I guess we're allies. --Fireman22 11:09, 27 October 2007 (BST)
Hi there, I saw a couple of your people in southwest Stanbury and a couple tags with "G.I.F.D. SUBURB" stamped around. So I was wondering whether or not you guys were expanding/relocating to the area. --Optimus(prime) 20:45, 16 November 2007 (UTC)
- Yep, we moved north a few months ago from Buttonville, which had become too safe and boring. We've lost quite a few men since then though, and are down to about four active members. Apologies for the late reply, by the way - only just saw your message. --Dan Everyman 09:12, 12 February 2008 (UTC)
Group Active? Request.
In order to maintain the wiki as an up to date source of information groups are occasionally removed from the Radio pages when they are no longer active. Is this group still active? If so simply confirm here by writing something below. If not it's frequency will be removed from Radio pages in 14 days.
This may seem like a random request, but it's for all groups regardless of size. Thanks!
-- Linkthewindow Talk 02:33, 15 December 2008 (UTC)
Group Inactive?
No reply has been received as to whether this group is still active. The 14 days have passed and as such the groups frequency has been removed from radio listings. If the group is again active please feel free to revert these changes
| ■■ 21:43, 29 December 2008 (UTC)
The Great Suburb Group Massacre, 2009
Group Active? Request.
In order to maintain the wiki as an up to date source of information groups are occasionally removed from the Suburb pages when they are no longer active. Is this group still active? If so simply confirm here by writing something below. If not it will be removed from suburb pages in 14 days.
This may seem like a stupid question, but it's for all groups, regardless of size. Cheers! --Janus talk 18:18, 13 February 2009 (UTC)
Group Inactive?
No reply has been recieved as to whether this group is still active. The 14 days have passed and as such the groups link has been removed from suburb listings. If the group is again active please feel free to revert these changes
--Janus talk 14:29, 3 March 2009 (UTC)
Orphans here, here,here, and here. Thanks.--– Nubis NWO 20:01, 20 July 2009 (BST)