Anyone that's interested, i made the Lockettside Community Board today and am acting as Interim Mayor of Lockettside until order can be established in which to conduct a fair election! Join the LCB now and take part in CHANGE! From your Mayor, Fubb 19:49, 10 January 2010 (UTC)
Can someone direct me to our nearest DEM area leader or something along those lines? Cookies and Cream 13:52, 25 October 2009 (UTC)
Undeadites Attack
I'm getting really annoyed with the Undeadites attack. Attacking with infiltrators, PKers and infecters are already annoying enough, but they don't have the good graces of the Ridleybank Resistance Front to just move on -- they're staying put, taunting us with repeated attacks. Can the survivors reach a common agreement to deny them sanctuary? Non-revival, common sharing of intelligence on known gathering spots, overlapping support for Genny/ Tranny replacement. -- Lynx7725 04:12, 21 August 2009 (BST)
- All your bra!nz are belong to us...... Creeping Crud U 16:04, 24 August 2009 (BST)
- ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ -- Lynx7725 19:24, 24 August 2009 (BST)
- Letting bra!nz age for a month or so tenderizes them, making them more flavorful. See you in the food court! Creeping Crud U 18:09, 23 September 2009 (BST)
Second Big Bash
In order to help future attempts to coordinate a response to the 2nd Big Bash, I have set up a page specifically for this purpose called "Survivors vs The Second Big Bash". Please add any news on this page, and any ideas for strategy on the discussion page. Good luck! --Richardhg 03:53, 30 October 2007 (UTC)
News, etc.
Until this page is unprotected, I suggest posting NPOV status updates, news, etc. here. It's pretty annoying that ONE USER is causing so many problems that the entire suburb page has to be locked -- locked to the many, many normal and non-vandalistic people who use this page... But what can you do? Hopefully the situation will be resolved soon. --WanYao 04:47, 23 October 2007 (BST)
- How poetic: Lockettside is locked. Anyway, there's not a whole lot of news. People in the suburb know where the zombies are.--Insomniac By Choice 04:59, 24 October 2007 (BST)
Second Big Bash is in South Blyville. This is the most likely next target, as this has a mall. I advise any and all survivors; Flee! Flee to the Northeast, away from malls, and red zones. Nalikill TALK E! W! M! USAI 03:08, 22 October 2007 (BST)
The DEM has a new revive policy under consideration that would reduce the risks to revivers and generally make life easier all round. Put simply, all churches should become indoor revive points with no cades. This svaes AP as you don't have to go outside and can just free run in and out and also provides a guarenteed entry point for the newly revived, as well as anyone else caught out by people ignoring local barricading policy. For the full details please see
Currently The Legions of Lockettside support the adoption of this policy in Lockettside and have started spreading the word with radio broadcasts and tags. The main wiki page was changed to include a link to the policy on the 6th of July. Over a month later and there have been no objections so can we now make the permanent changes needed to the revive points? --Fausta Gummings 13:01, 19th August 2007 (BST)
Wiki Vandalism?
Anybody have any plans to do something about Chill's posts to News section? This person, who obviously thinks they're a lot funnier than they really are, spams the suggestion pages, and is now vandalising the News section.
I don't usually play in this 'burb, I was just doing some "research"... when I cam across Chill's news posting from 30 July... Not only is it blatantly flaunting any attempt at NPOV, it's generally just plain abusive, and actually quite sexist and demeaning, overall - certainly not appropriate in ANY context for this wiki, even as "humour".
I hope the residents of this fine 'burb won't stand for this and do something to reign in this vandal. --WanYao 19:27, 31 July 2007 (BST)
- and though IMO Chill is the worst offender, they don't seem to be the only abusing the wiki.......
--WanYao 19:30, 31 July 2007 (BST)
- Good point. All main page contributions should be neutral, unfortunately it's often easier for people to just add to the news section as fewer people bother with the discussion page (IMO) It will all be gone after the next news archiving anyway.
- Was it anti-PKer of some sort? --Secruss 23:48, 29 October 2007 (UTC)
Revive Point Violator/Griefer
A user by the name of Officer Dill attacked my character while waiting in a posted RP.
here are the iWitness links...
and then after I said "Mrh?" ...
I then said "Graaagh!" and was hoping to attack him with help the other zambah at the RP ... but the coward fled the scene...
Don't heal or revive this n00b if you see him.
--WanYao 19:38, 26 July 2007 (BST)
I accidently killed a zombie waiting for revive. I just got to Lockettside for the first time and was in an unusually noisy room playing UD so I didn't notice the graffiti. If I get added to a no-revive list, then so be it, but I would love to not have to leave the suburb. Sorry about that. Ubermexico 16:28, 24 August 2007 (BST)
Barricading Policy
Discussion moved to barricade plan talk page -- boxy T L ZS PA DA 06:15, 16 January 2007 (UTC)
Lockettside danger level
Here one can discuss which danger level should be assigned to Lockettside.
04 April 2007: Tried to change the level to dangerous, screwed up, someone fixed it for me super fast. We might even want to consider very dangerous status, Mall Tour is really messing stuff up. --Adancingfool
30 March 2007: I put danger level to Moderate. Only important zombie presence at SE Mall & Bridgewater. Many buildings included Mall in survivors hands with lights on. --Tarraco
17th March 2007: Legions of Lockettside seem to be holding some resource buildings now and the zombie groups around the eastern side of the suburb aren't massive in size, anyone else feel we should downgrade to Dangerous (orange)? --Fausta Gummings
2 november 2006: The break-ins are occuring at a more alarming rate. buildings are coming under attack frequently and YELLOW status might be something to consider ~DiSpUtEd1
- I think that the danger level should be moved to yellow. Constant breakins at Beddington and Josphat are occuring. At the moment, Beddington is under full zed control. --Azn4life 21:17, 2 November 2006 (UTC)
- I'm not sure. I've been peeking at the neighbourhood for the last few days, and the Zed activities that I can see (about up to Beddington FD) isn't very heavy; Kendall Row might be hiding a few Zeds but there's really only small scattered groups of less than 10 Zeds. It's not at very dangerous levels, especially if the residents are awake -- this coming from someone who lived through the Tompson Mall seige earlier this year, so might be a bit blased. :D
- It is dangerous around Beddington, but very light on Western Lockettside. It was a bit heavier a few days ago; a substantial migration through southern and central Lockettside, but the Halloween Fog broke the observation stream, so can't tell for sure where the heck they all disappeared to. -- Lynx7725 16:42, 3 November 2006 (UTC)
- 13 september 2006: aside from the occasional break-in there has been quite little zed activity... After a few confirmations of this in-game from the other local groups, it seems okay to shift our suburb to status green. --John Cannonfodder 22:31, 13 September 2006 (BST)
I agree. Things have been quite calm around here besides the few attacks, but small zed groups are always a common thing, nothing to fear. Green would be fitting for the time, though hopefully things don't remain to peaceful, a little action is always welcome. -- Joe Riggs 23:32, 13 September 2006 (BST)
Radio Policy
Hmm, 26.11 is the official Lockettside freq (sharing with a number of 'Burbs though..). I'm watching Zed activity and broadcasting as and when I can on 26.11, but Tompson Mall's official freq is 27.20. Not too sure why they warrant a separate freq, perhaps it's to allow pple to call up for supplies. But that does mean those 4 blocks aren't recieving 26.11 broadcasts.
Any stand on this? Not to mention, not much enforcement on the Mall Freq. I noticed the last time I went to the mall it was on 28.something.
Frankly speaking, I don't really care what freq personal radios are on, but the transmitters has got to stay on 26.11 to be useful. -- Lynx7725 16:50, 3 November 2006 (UTC)
Here's an update: St.Alexander Hospital and St.Ireanaus church radios are now tuned to 28.02 frequency.These two buildings are to be in constant contact.The hospital is a huge assest so close to the mall.
This is the Lockettside OFCOM station to St. Alexander Hospital and St. Ireanaus Church in Lockettside. You are in violation of your radio frequency transmission license. Lockettside radio transmitters are to be kept on 26.11 at all times. The only exception to this rule is the Tompson Mall, which has the frequency 27.20 reserved. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT use others reserved frequencies! Continued violation of this policy will lead to revocation of your radio license, as well as possible litigation by the owners of the reserved frequency. You have been warned. OFCOM, over and out.
If you have any questions about the radio policy, please refer to the radio page, found here.
...So much for trying to RP something decent for a change. Look, just stick to the damn frequencies. They are assigned for a reason, namely, coordination, and the fact that anyone walking through the neighborhood can come to wiki page and set their radios for a single channel and get all relevant news for that area. If you go off and do your own thing, don't blame us if nobody in this area responds to your transmissions. Also, company changed in last post to reflect the UK.
Following the Cade Policy
I woke up today and noticed that Bridgewater Crescent Police Department was not barricaded according to the neighborhood BP (It's currently at heavy), so greenies w/o free walk can't get in. This should be fixed. I would do it myself, but no axe. Perhaps I'm just a whiner... but if there's policies, it will help to follow them. –Yomiku =TOFU= 09:42 Thursday, Mar 27, 2025
- It's now fixed, not sure who by. It wasn't wrong for very long. ExplodingFerret 00:06, 25 September 2006 (BST)
- Sometimes people overcade: whether this is some diabolical plan or just simple cluelessness, I don't know. I used to keep cade levels and warning tags up-to-date when I was still stationed in Lockettside... But if you want your cades right, I'm afraid your going to have to pull your weight and help to achieve that. --John Cannonfodder 10:00, 26 September 2006 (BST)
Back when I used to sleep at Grandon and use BCPD as an entry point, the barracades were sometimes overdone. Recently, the important grafitti to survivors about barracading has been coverded up by annoying "KLEPTOCRACY" tags that have no meaning. This has really been a problem, so LDS and LoBo have tryed to fix it. The next day, however, another annoying Klepto tag is put there. Is tagging all they have time for? -azn4life 22:23, October 2006 (BST)
To all Lockettside residents. Please note that Kleptocracy has returned to Lockettside with Bangadesh still as its leader, as you will see from the 'News and Recent Actions' section of the wiki page they are now fully admitting to being PK'ers. Do we need to say more?
(Copied from my user page): I have noticed the discussions with growing concern, and was planning to attempt to help you guys out as the 'neutral Switserland guy', but Real Life and my new post covering Grigg Heights and Reganbank left me with not much time...
A PK is only a PK when it can be proven with a screenshot + the URL of the killer, when it comes to listing a person as a PKer. I'm sorry, but there's no proof it's "innocent until proven guilty". Please read the PK Reporting page for the steps to take if you are PKed or witness a Pking incident. The DEM PK reporting threadhas plenty of examples of how to report a PKing, and many people use Image Shack to upload the screenshot for free. More info on how to report a PK can be found HERE.
As much as I would like to return to Lockettside, I have other obligations. The mentioning of a "war" in the Lockettside discussion page doesn't bode well and I must side with Bangadesh in my concerns of survivor on survivor violence. Pking, for any reason whatsoever, will be condemned in the eyes of the DEM. Period. That having said, if groups like Kleptocracy! conduct themselves in a manner that other groups find offensive, they can expect hostility. If you continue to let your members tag over important notices concerning revive points or cade levels, Bangadesh, then you should expect to pay the piper. I can warn others on the consequences of taking matters into their own hands, there is only so much I can do as a third party to prevent people from resorting to PK wars. It doesn't matter if "people take the game too seriously", this is an online community and it's always wise to respect eachother's wishes -unless you actually WANT trouble.
Okay, so much for my two cents. The Lockettside Boys and the LDS are doing their best to keep a suburb safe. This is something that deserves respect. The flip side is that if any group, no matter how much they contribute to the community, resorts to PKing as a form of passing judgement or as a form of vengeance, the DEM will no longer wish to be affiliated with them. In addition, any reported Pkers will have a bounty on their head. This doesn't mean that an isolated PK incident conducted by a single member automatically results in the group being marked as a PKer group: trust me, we're not that dramatic... *grin* I do hope that we can resolve this problem by respecting eachother's gameplay... Respecting the hard work of one group on one hand, respecting the other group's wish to be rebels (without a cause?) on the other hand.
Please bear with me here: I don't want to act condescending or judgemental, I just want to help you guys out and resolve this matter... Regards, --John Cannonfodder 10:29, 6 October 2006 (BST)
- Don't stress yourself to hard John, there has been no hostile actions taken other then words. The LDS and LoBo all want to remain peaceful at all possible, but when you got a thorn in yourside that continues to be a pain.. sometimes you just want to pull it out. There shouldn't be any war or trouble between us, we are just getting irritated about the whole situation. At this moment we have more important matters to deal with then Bangadesh, the suburb has been under pretty heavy attack by the Drunken Dead. I believe they are extreme zergers, plus they use zombie spies to target their attacks, its been rough but nowhere as bad as the Big Bash, but zergers can be deadly. -- Joe Riggs 17:59, 6 October 2006 (BST)
Hey, dont worry about it. Im not too worried about Kleptocracy. My main focus is on the recent rise of attacks that seem to be coordinated by the Drunken Dead. I suspect a few zombie spys involved in relaying information. But hear this, if any of Kleptocracy respond with an attack, we will fight back, using the proper bounty call-out, Rogues gallery, etc. and such. But for now, I would like to offer a stand-still, or truce. I think that if barracading info graffiti started showing up, and not being sprayed over, then that would be a great first step towards peace between Human Groups in Lockettside. What do you guys say? --azn4life 8:23, 6 October 2006 (BST)
- Hi guys, good to hear from you! Good luck in handling the new threat, at least things are getting more interesting in Lockettside... *grin* BTW, if you still want your groups to become allies with the DEM (and I can't see why that wouldn't be possible), drop a post in the "Human Groups" section, here. Just introduce yourselve, add a few links (to Wiki, for instance) and we'll take it from there... I'll put in a good word, of course... Oh, Azn4life, you had my e-mail address, right? Could you please pass it on to Riggs, if you still have it? Regards, --John Cannonfodder 16:11, 7 October 2006 (BST)
So, what about the proof I have posted in the discussion wiki page of the Black Mesa? That's a screenshot of one of that group killing one of our operatives. And another screenshot of his profile. And even worse, we the Museum Caretakers had a deal with the Black Mesa of no aggression! Being a PKer is bad enough. But PKing people from another group when you had a deal... That's even worse. That's like, below of the ground. Shame on you, Black Mesa! And the rest of us... If you have this anti-PK policy, will you help us? We are a not violent group and don't want to get into retaliation. Even though we get constantly PKed and bullied by the Black Mesa, only because we don't follow their dictatorial orders (who died and made them majors of Lockettside?) --Eek x 17:08, 8 February 2007 (UTC)
As it stands, we still have a huge PK'er problem. We suspect actually that 75% of the main PK'ers are actually the same person but proving it won't be terribly easy.
If anyone wants to help, bring a character to club frankland, within a week you'll have a good idea of who the main PK'ers are - maybe you want to kill em yourselves - god knows most are KOS on RG. But maybe you just want to spread the word that there is a very real cancer in Lockettside that does need to be adressed.
As it stands right now we're chilling out in Club Frankland simply because it takes the PK'ers 30+AP to kill us, and us sub20 AP to revive, heal and get a new syringe.... (living next to pursey is handy :-) ). Regardless of how stupid this makes the PK'ers look, it wouldn't hurt for a few people to come and shoot them from time to time.
--DariusAPB 13:12, 20 October 2007 (BST)
30+ AP to kill you? What are they using baseball bats?
Funny stuff.. --Roland 22:10, 8 June 2008 (BST)
Wow, not much going on here on the Lockettside wiki page. Who thinks they're running things these days? I want to know because I hope your name is Jimmy, and I can come kill you. The Valkcows are being fairly passive.--Sarah Silverman 22:37, 24 July 2008 (BST)
Removed News
February 26
Major incoming Horde!The Mall tour 09 is almost at our doorstep...everyone to the fight!--Archaon james 22:15, 26 February 2009 (UTC)
February 2009
The Mall Tour 2009 slowly approaches Tompson Mall and its survivors who have barricaded and prepped themselves in and around the Mall. Survivors in the area have a sense of confidence that they will last longer than other malls, while the zombies probably don't care what the survivors think and just want something to eat.--Adobewedge 16:18, 28 February 2009 (UTC)
March 2009
March 7th
Cheeke NT in Ruddlebank has fallen. Anyone got news on the buildings in Lockettside?--Fausta Gummings 01:03, 7 March 2009 (UTC)
- Yup. Pursey NT is still standing, though attacked and breached twice today by our loving Zombie Fans. A few more defenders in Pursey will always be appreciated. -- Lynx7725 14:32, 7 March 2009 (UTC)
We're going to torture you for a little while Lockettside.... but not to fear,.... it'll all be over soon!!! -Poodle of doom 00:38, 15 October 2009 (BST)
![]() |
Are you scared yet? |
Sometimes,... Fear is the appropriate response.... |
I found St Lucius' at HB+ and I am unpleased. Why is a designated Entry Point at HB+? Cookies and Cream 11:14, 8 December 2009 (UTC)
Great Suburb Group Massacre 2010
All suburb wiki pages are undergoing a clean up to remove inactive groups from the group listing (see here: this suburb's groups). If you are a group currently listed in this suburb, you will be contacted on your group's talk page within the next few days and asked to reply, indicating that you are active in this suburb. Groups that fail to reply within two weeks of being contacted will automatically be removed from the suburbs where they are listed.
We're posting here in the hopes that more groups will be aware of the clean up and can respond appropriately, since our team does not have the time nor the manpower to seek out every group in-game or track down its group members elsewhere on the wiki. If you know that some groups in your suburb do not check the wiki, please be a good neighbor and let them know that they NEED to check it for this, or else they will be unlisted in the near future.
The wiki members coordinating the cleanup will be using the table below to track their progress in communicating with the various groups. Please do not edit it if you are not involved with The Great Suburb Group Massacre 2010 team.
The Great Suburb Group Massacre 2010 | ||
Group Name | Contacted On | Date Due |
Dawn Patrol | 27 January 2010 | Confirmed |
Malton Fire Department | 26 January 2010 | Removed |
Malton Police Department | 26 January 2010 | Removed |
FANNY | 27 January 2010 | Confirmed |
K.O.T.A | 30 January 2010 | Removed |
HOPE | 30 January 2010 | Removed |
Lockettside Boys | 30 January 2010 | Confirmed |
Lockettside Valkyries | 30 January 2010 | Confirmed |
Malton Conservative Party | 27 January 2010 | Removed |
Raccoon City Defense Force | 30 January 2010 | Removed |
Tompson Mall Security | 30 January 2010 | Removed |
The Survivor's Republic | 27 January 2010 | Confirmed |
Team Zombie Hardcore | 26 January 2010 | Confirmed |
Umbrella Corporation/Independent Militairy Services | 30 January 2010 | Removed |
Undeadites | 26 January 2010 | Confirmed |
DORIS | 30 January 2010 | Confirmed |
Lockettside Republicans Army | 30 January 2010 | Removed |
Mayhem Attack Squad | 30 January 2010 | Removed |
The Streltsy | 26 January 2010 | Confirmed |
This suburb has been cleared. --Maverick Talk - OBR |
Please check your group's talk pages in the next few weeks, and respond promptly when you receive a communication from the GSGM2010 team. Thanks. Maverick Talk - OBR 404 19:16, 30 January 2010 (UTC)
- Thank you for your cooperation as we cleaned up the group listings for this suburb. Your help in reaching out to groups and replying to our requests has been much appreciated. --Maverick Talk - OBR
404 07:45, 16 February 2010 (UTC)
Great Suburb Group Massacre 2010 Round 2
All suburb wiki pages are undergoing a clean up to remove inactive groups from the group listing (see here: this suburb's groups). If you are a group currently listed in this suburb, you will be contacted on your group's talk page within the next few days and asked to reply, indicating that you are active in this suburb. Groups that fail to reply within two weeks of being contacted will automatically be removed from the suburbs where they are listed.
We're posting here in the hopes that more groups will be aware of the clean up and can respond appropriately, since our team does not have the time nor the manpower to seek out every group in-game or track down its group members elsewhere on the wiki. If you know that some groups in your suburb do not check the wiki, please be a good neighbor and let them know that they NEED to check it for this, or else they will be unlisted in the near future.
The wiki members coordinating the cleanup will be using the table below to track their progress in communicating with the various groups. Please do not edit it if you are not involved with The Great Suburb Group Massacre 2010 No.2 team.
The Great Suburb Group Massacre 2010 No.2 | ||
Group Name | Contacted On | Date Due |
Dawn Patrol | 19 September 2010 | Removed |
FANNY | 19 September 2010 | Removed |
HOPE | 19 September 2010 | Removed |
Lockettside Boys | 19 September 2010 | Confirmed |
Lockettside defense corps | 19 September 2010 | Removed |
Lockettside Valkyries | 19 September 2010 | Removed |
The Survivor's Republic | 19 September 2010 | Removed |
Team Zombie Hardcore | 19 September 2010 | Confirmed |
DORIS | 19 September 2010 | Removed |
The Streltsy | 19 September 2010 | Removed |
This suburb has been cleared. ![]() ![]() |
Please check your group's talk pages in the next few weeks, and respond promptly when you receive a communication from the GSGM2010 team. Thanks. -Dezonus-
(talk) 14:09, 19 September 2010 (BST)