The Imperium/Imperial Law

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A Heretic may see the truth and seek redemption. He may be forgiven his past and will be absolved in death. A Traitor can never be forgiven. A Traitor will never find peace in this world or the next. There is nothing as wretched or as hated in all the world as a Traitor.

Cardinal Khrysdam, Instructum Absolutio

The Imperium follows its own laws, their division determined by the nature of the accused if they are of the Imperium or not. All Imperial Laws are enforced as best as possible in Imperial territory and protectorates through the Adeptus Arbites. When the Imperium is on Crusade the zone of operations for said Crusade is considered under Imperial jurisdiction. Any violations outside of Imperial jurisdiction or crimes against our allies are beyond the power of the Imperium at this time, but any violators who leave Imperial territory may be hunted throughout the city.

Reporting a Crime

The proper procedure for reporting a crime is as follows:

1.) Get on the Imperium forums. Please register as this will lend any claim you file considered more credible than a guest post.

2.) Check the law to determine the crime in question.

3.) Check through the report crimes forum. If the perpetrator is not already listed as presently charged under the roster then start a new thread titled the name of the criminal in question.

4.)Your profile link. Anyone who is a known criminal in the eyes of the Imperium will have their reports ignored as they are not under the protection of Imperial Law.

5.)The profile of the perpetrator with what they are accused of.

6.)An undoctored screenshot as proof of the crime hosted on imageshack or photobucket. If the crime requires repeated action then provide as many screenshots needed.

Contesting a Charge

If an individual is reported to the Imperium for committing a crime and they feel they are falsely accused or there are extenuating circumstances they may contest the charge on the forums as follows:

1.) Check the Reporting a Crime subforum on the Imperium's forum to determine if this is the case.

2.) If you have found this charge within seven days of levying it you may file notice of intent to contest the charge in said charge. If it is beyond seven days you are considered to have plead no contest.

3.) Upon this occurring you are scheduled for a trial ruled by the Lord Inquisitor who maintains the rules of evidence and determines the verdict. A Commissar will prosecute you. You may either defend yourself or request another Commissar to defend you.

4.) If your explanation is deemed sufficient and found not guilty you are cleared of all charges. If not then you will be posted on the criminals list with punishment listed beside it.

Bounty Hunting Addendum

Any individual tracking down another person in Hive Malton who has violated the laws of any other group the Imperium is not at war with must when contesting show evidence of the crime and proof of right of pursuit of said accused. If the information deemed accurate and the crime considered equivalent then the charges are dismissed outright.

The Imperial Law Code

Crimes are listed by severity of punishment:

Destruction of Property: Destruction of Barricades during a siege, Destruction of Generators or Vox Casters

  • Civil Punishment: Denial of revives and medical aid by Imperial personnel for one week per incident, repeat offenders may be subject to execution.
  • Military Punishment: If not authorized as part of an operation term of service in the Penal Legion to last one week per violation.


  • Civil Punishment: Eye for an eye retribution, one execution performed on the violator for every known instance. Those with more than 10 violations are considered guilty of Treason and handled accordingly.
  • Military Punishment: If committed against a civilian outside of a declared war, execution for each violation and a term of service of two weeks for every violation in the Penal Legion.

Murder of Imperial Personnel

  • Civil Punishment: Two executions performed upon the violator for every known violations. Those with more than 10 violations are considered guilty of Treason and handled accordingly.
  • Military Punishment: Immediate Expulsion, individual considered guilty of Traitorious in Extremis Diabolous and treated accordingly.


  • Civil Punishment: KOS
  • Military Punishment: Immediate Expulsion, KOS

Xenos: Known alien

  • Civil Punishment: KOS
  • Military Punishment: Not applicable, Xenos are never considered for membership in the Imperium.


  • Civil Punishment: KOS
  • Military Punishment: Immediate Expulsion, individual considered guilty of Traitorious in Extremis Diabolous and treated accordingly.

Excommunicate Hereticus: Reviver of any criminal guilty of Treason or worse, applies to those who actively perform revives, five observed incidents in two weeks are the minimum standard for this crime.

  • Civil Punishment: KOS
  • Military Punishment: Immediate Expulsion, individual considered guilty of Traitorious in Extremis Diabolous and treated accordingly.

Hereticus Diabolous: Parachutist

  • Civil Punishment: KOS
  • Military Punishment: Not applicable, only applies to known mutant parachutists

Treason: Murdering any individuals during an assault by any mutant horde (100+ mutants assaulting a suburb in a group)

  • Civil Punishment: KOS
  • Military Punishment: Immediate Expulsion, individual considered guilty of Traitorious in Extremis Diabolous and treated accordingly.

Heresy: Death Cultist

  • Civil Punishment: KOS
  • Military Punishment: Immediate Expulsion, individual considered guilty of Traitorious in Extremis Diabolous and treated accordingly.

Hereticus In Extremis: Possesses Brain Rot

  • Civil Punishment: KOS
  • Military Punishment: Immediate Expulsion, individual considered guilty of Traitorious in Extremis Diabolous and treated accordingly.

Traitorious In Extremis: Servant of the forces of Chaos, individual or group actively seeking the destruction of the Imperium

  • Civil Punishment: KOS
  • Military Punishment: Immediate Expulsion, individual considered guilty of Traitorious in Extremis Diabolous and treated accordingly.

Traitorious In Extremis Diabolous: Former Imperial agent turned to the service of the Ruinous Powers, formerly of the Imperium and now working to destroy the Imperium

  • Civil Punishment: KOS
  • Military Punishment: Immediate Expulsion, KOS

Current Convicted Criminals

(Updated 11/17/2008) All criminals currently convicted are listed below with their crime and the sentence they are to fulfill. Most recent activity is listed first:

Imperial Criminals

Imperial Criminals

Awesumness Most Recent Crime: 11/10/2008 Treason (Murder during an invasion of 100+ mutants) Murder of Imperial Personnel Kill on Sight 1 Execution Completed

Stud Muff Most Recent Crime: 11/10/2008 Treason (Murder during an invasion of 100+ mutants) Murder of Imperial Personnel Destruction of Property Kill on Sight

silvio Most Recent Crime: 11/8/2008 Murder of Imperial Personnel 2 Executions Ordered

Kieren Valentine Most Recent Crime: 11/7/2008 Murder of Imperial Personnel [x2] 4 Executions Ordered

Thug Behram Most Recent Crime: 11/7/2008 Murder of Imperial Personnel 2 Executions Ordered

Bucky2 Most Recent Crime: 11/6/2008 Murder of Imperial Personnel 2 Executions Ordered

Steve the Embittered Most Recent Crime: 11/6/2008 Murder of Imperial Personnel (x2) 4 Executions Ordered 1 Execution Completed

Shaun Osborn Treason, Murder of Imperial Personnel Kill On Sight

Lemonhead7t7 Treason, Murder of Imperial Personnel Kill on Sight

Ocular Treason, Murder of Imperial Personnel Kill on Sight

Blue3 Treason, Murder of Imperial Personnel Kill on Sight

David Martin Mesa Traitorious In Extremis Diabolous, Murder of Imperial Personnel Kill on Sight

DeadFerret Hereticus In Extremis Kill on Sight

dostfez Hereticus In Extremis Kill on Sight

skullwyvern Hereticus Diabolous Kill on Sight

Brudder VooDoo Hereticus In Extremis Kill on Sight

Xoof Hereticus In Extremis Kill on Sight

CRG1 Hereticus In Extremis Kill on Sight

Genseng Hereticus In Extremis Kill on Sight

Lisbert Hereticus In Extremis Kill on Sight

Sergio Hereticus In Extremis Kill on Sight

Papa Zito Hereticus In Extremis Kill on Sight

Ramkoers Hereticus In Extremis Kill on Sight

Arooga Hereticus In Extremis Kill on Sight

jackmormon Hereticus In Extremis Kill on Sight

farnz2 Hereticus In Extremis Kill on Sight

fartknocker Hereticus In Extremis Kill on Sight

sunb0rn Murder of Imperial Personnel (many times) Kill on Sight

thegreathal Murder of Imperial Personnel 1 Execution Ordered

Whitlock Wizard Murder of Imperial Personnel 1 Execution Ordered

Mama Obama Murder of Imperial Personnel 1 Execution Ordered

araneae Murder of Imperial Personnel 2 Executions Ordered

Canderous Ordo Treason (Member of DORIS), Murder of Imperial Personnel (many times) Kill on Sight

Reverand Brady Murder of Imperial Personnel 2 Executions Ordered

dipcup Murder of Imperial Personnel 2 Executions Ordered

Criminal Organizations

Any groups listed here are considered to be a crime equal to Treason to associate with:


Red Rum