Dancey Alley
Brokbury Row Fire Station
Tanner Auto Repair
Sirl Plaza
St Odile's Church
a factory
Whish Way
Lentell Walk Police Dept
Leigh Walk
the Prior Monument
the Backholer Museum
the Sunderland Museum
Farmer Walk
the Waish Building
Spitter Walk Railway Station
Sadley Way Fire Station
Huddlestone Square
the Jewell Museum
Bearcrofte Bank
the Petvin Museum
Chaffie Lane School
Liminton Plaza
Bamford Park
Batten Drive
Club Godfry
Flooks Grove
St Matthias's Church
the Squires Building
Newcombe Towers
a junkyard
Witherell Crescent
the Lancastle Building
Willett Square
the Farbrother Building
a warehouse
Medway Street
Acott Crescent
Lanning Lane
Wyld Towers
Morliere Towers
Kempshaw Street
the Clewett Building
Youl Avenue Railway Station
the Holt Building
Mermagen Street RP
Millerd Walk Fire Station
Croom Towers
the Mapstone Building
St Bartholomew's Hospital
Hewitt Way
St Ninian's Hospital
Gilles Park
Ludwell Lane Fire Station
the Keats Museum
Wedmore Grove
the Inman Building
a factory
Sands Road
Foulkes Street
Greenley Alley
a factory
Otto Street RP
Headland Street Fire Station
Club Hardyman
Featherstone Library
Toombs Row
Bourder Square
Thick Park
the Biggs Arms
a junkyard
Kitchingman Street Railway Station
the Warner Building
the Love Building
the Rayment Arms
Gatehouse Road
Sellick Lane
the Rowson Building
the Adkins Motel
Morrhall Alley
the Margetts Museum
Groser Crescent Police Dept
Rawle Alley
a warehouse
a carpark
Boone Place
Couch Boulevard School
Caple Library
St Josephine's Church
Kemble Lane Railway Station
Kearney Drive
the Sinclair Motel
Tredger Place
a junkyard
the Mayled Arms
a carpark
Winsor Boulevard