Talk:New Arkham: Difference between revisions

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(Groups that used to be active in this area)
(9 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
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[[Barricade and Reclamation Unit]]--{{User:Yonnua Koponen/signature‎}} 22:47, 16 January 2010 (UTC)
[[Barricade and Reclamation Unit]]--{{User:Yonnua Koponen/signature‎}} 22:47, 16 January 2010 (UTC)
==Great Suburb Group Massacre 2010==
|suburb=New Arkham
|sigposter={{User:Aichon/Signature}} 14:43, 28 January 2010 (UTC)
|sigcleared={{User:Aichon/Signature}} 09:58, 13 February 2010 (UTC)
|g1=Brutal Deluxe Brewery
|c1=28 January 2010
|g2=Malton Police Department
|c2=26 January 2010
|g3=Miskatonic University Faculty
|c3=28 January 2010
|c4=28 January 2010
|g5=Legion of the Octopope
|c5=28 January 2010
|g6=The Survivor's Republic
|c6=27 January 2010
|c7=28 January 2010
|g8=Arkham Rotters
|c8=28 January 2010
|g9=Scurvy Scroungers
|c9=26 January 2010
|c10=26 January 2010
|g11=The Streltsy
|c11=26 January 2010
== Mitchener Building ==
Could someone change the barricade plan graphic to show that the Mitchener Building is a Rotter Revive Clinic? It has been used as such for some time now, but the pages for the building had not been updated. Thanks.
==Great Suburb Group Massacre 2011==
|sigposter={{User:Nic LesFlics/Signature}} 23:21, 21 January 2011 (UTC)
|sigcontact={{User:Nic LesFlics/Signature}}
|sigcleared=--{{User:Spiderzed/Sandbox/Sig}} 14:28, 5 February 2011 (UTC)
|c1=21 January 2011
|g2=Damn Yankees
|c2=21 January 2011
|g3=Dr. schwan’s Research and Development Team
|c3=21 January 2011
|g4=Legion of the Octopope
|c4=21 January 2011
|g5=Miskatonic University Faculty
|c5=21 January 2011
|g6=The Survivor's Republic
|c6=21 January 2011
|g7=The Streltsy
|c7=21 January 2011

Latest revision as of 14:28, 5 February 2011

Non-NPOV moved from News

January 22th

Newcomers to south New Arkham: Although Curtis Building [7,98] is designated VSB (Free Running entrance) on our Barricade Plan, it is designed to give access to Harford, Denty, and Wreford NecroTech Buildings. When those buildings are open and ruined, adjacent buildings might be Extremely Heavily Barricaded. This provides a staging area to mount reclamation projects (as well as a safe escape for panicked citizens). Please leave extra AP to find safe harbor, and take advantage of Ruined buildings to enter Free Run networks. --Tycho44 W! 20:49, 22 January 2009 (UTC)

Revive Points

One thing I've noted during recent trips into the district is that there are a number of places (like Drury Street) that are spraypainted as being Revive Points, despite not being marked as such on the map. This caused an issue with me when, during some hunting in the region and my standard ignoring of spraypainted messages, I ended up nearly killing someone waiting for a revive.

So, I must ask: Are those extra revive points official revive points, or should they be ignored as such? --MorriganH 23:41, 23 January 2009 (UTC)

The only widely accepted RPs I know of are the two listed on the wiki and sometimes the cemetery at 9,90. Basically, anyone waiting for a revive at non-listed RP is doing so "at their own risk". However, what on earth are you doing killing zombies on the street, anyway??? Hasn't anyone told you that that's a pointless waste of Action Points? If not, I'm telling you now. Don't do that, it's silly. --WanYao 23:26, 25 January 2009 (UTC)

I need a revive at redpath place, just because of the chosen one, and asshole PKer. I'm just asking for a revive and telling y'all to watch out for the chosen one. -Jeff Glavin Nov 29, 2009.

Danger Level Discussion

Admittedly, it's been a while (about a week, plus?) since I was in New Arkham. I admit, from what I saw then, it is a dangerous 'burb. But is there really any justification for it to be a red suburb?? The NZA has, what? 4 members last I looked?? I didn't see any hordes of 150+ plus zombies anywhere, I don't even 50+ mobs... just some moderate (but apperently well organised, kudos!) hordes and not a lot of active survivors... It's Dangerous, certainy, but the New Zambah Army might be getting a little ahead of itself in its self-promotion, ahem?

I don't wanna start a big wiki war, I'm just sayin' is all... Ideally, someone can provide screenshots, or other evidence, etc. proving that NArk is Very Dangerous... Otherwise, I'd respectfully suggest that it be labelled simply "Dangerous" for now. --WanYao 09:56, 21 August 2007 (BST)

I'm fine with just "Dangerous" although I upgraded to very dangerous on the statement "most buildings wide-open or zombie-infested." Which is true for New Arkham. It also states OR hordes of 150+ zombies. NZA is not claiming there are hordes of 150 zombies in New Arkham, however most buildings from what I've seen are wide-open or zombie-infested. I'm fine with discussion on the matter. Thanks for the input.--A zombie01 11:55, 21 August 2007 (BST)
It jumped 2 levels almost overnight -- without a big MOB or Extinction type horde in town. So I think it's normal for someone to wonder... And I know it says "OR" in big capital letters, which is why I didn't change it without posting here first. But... see, when I read "zombie-infested" I think crawling with zombies! That is, 2 or 3 zombies, at least, inside most ransacked buildings, and numerous groups of a half-dozen or more. A little like W. Boundwood, which I just toured 1/2 of with my zombie -- and which is labelled Dangerous, btw, although they may not have updated the danger report yet...
If NArk has those kinds of numbers, hell yeah, it's Very Dangerous. But if it's generally ransacked, but most buildings aren't occupied by at least a couple of zombies -- then I'd say it's Dangerous. I know the danger levels are controversial, and currently being reviewed... I am following my own private logic here, and it might not jive with normal practice, or even be sound... But I try to explain my opinions, which I hope helps, allows us to come to understanding, at least... perhaps? :) --WanYao 16:39, 21 August 2007 (BST)
If nothing else it's definitely a case for having more specific rules on what constitutes dangerous or very dangerous and the other specifications. Another thing to take into consider now is ruin as well. That wasn't around when these guidelines were setup. It jumped relatively quickly because I waffled back and forth on what level to set it at because of the inconclusive wording in effect. However New Arkham right now is more dangerous than Foulkes Village from what I've seen, yet Foulkes was at Very Dangerous while New Arkham was at Dangerous. I read the "wide-open or zombie-infested" to mean that most building either have zombies in them or have been left wide open, not necessarily wide open WITH 2-3 zombies in each one.--A zombie01 17:02, 21 August 2007 (BST)
A difference of interpretation... which is fine... I did change it to merely Dangerous, dunno if it's justified ot not, that's why we're talking... And I'm not familiar with Foulkes Village, so I can't compare... perhaps they haven't updated their wiki in while? Dunno... But as you say below, it's good to have lots of news updates, and people talking about events, etc. I try to be active in that regard, myself, in other suburbs. And we need to make more use of Iwitness. It's obscenely easy to use and can help to back up reports and miminise potential he-said-she-said drama. --WanYao 17:15, 21 August 2007 (BST)
I put it back to Very Dangerous... you're there... I'm not right now... 'nuff said... :) --WanYao 17:25, 21 August 2007 (BST)

Random Talk (Aug 2007)

We need to template up this neighborhood. If nobody else does it and I get a spare moment, I'll do it.

Ahem... can you please sign your posts??? And what do you mean "template up" the neighborhood? You mean replace the crappy current TRP template with the normal one? That'd be a great idea.
And in the meantime, just wondering... is there any life in New Arkham? The griefin' and curiously intolerant for an alternative lifestyles group, the Malton IC Chapter (yeah, I read up how they rather belligerantly oppossed the New Arkham Free Zone which was IMO a cool, if unworkable, idea...) seem to have renamed themselves and moved away... And what about the Necronauts? Any unaffiliated survivors or unlisted groups kicking around? ... I'm thinking of heading one of my alts down to the area... I also have some ideas to update the wiki's flavour text, but I don't want to go stepping on anyone's toes... --WanYao 13:15, 7 August 2007 (BST)

Well the Legion of the Octopope operate in the area, too. But it's very quiet since Extinction marched away north and the Free Zone imploded.

I have an alt currently operating in Old Arkham... but I'm also looking at New Arhkam. I notice a lot of stuff missing from this burb's wiki. No barricade plan, for one thing. And very little up to date information in the News, or on active groups, zombie and human alike. I've tried talking to the Necronauts, but no one's responded... There are at least two new zed groups in the area, I know that much. Ony the New Zambah Army is listed. And... let's all try to sign our posts, kay, pretty please? --WanYao 12:35, 11 August 2007 (BST)
I for one would be happy to see more news updates on the 'burb page. That's why I've tried to put up a couple. Having more news going up on the wiki should encourage other players to come and check things out if there are interesting things going on.--A zombie01 17:05, 21 August 2007 (BST)

New New Arkham Chatter

Thank you for sending help, the neighborhood can use it. Right now the south east is controlled by the dead. POTATOE booj has been fleeing north each day. He hasn't been able to fight back as he must search for a new safehouse for the night, and his luck finding needles has been very poor. Arkham's dead seems to be leading them on. Delta G is heard calling the hoards to the new location, then that building falls. I don't know how many zombies are actually in Arkham's dead and how many are simply following, but... It's enough.(btw, that was from da Booj yesterday, forgot to time stamp itda Booj 15:03, 24 March 2006 (GMT))
New Arkham is a dead haven. We need to step it up and put a serious hurt on the zombies here. The whole suburb is dangerous and loaded with zombies. We the people of New Arkham need to reevaluate and get serious about cleaning the area up.Niteaxe 15:03, 23 April 2006 (GMT))

Barricade Plan

New Arkham Barricade Plan

Discussion, and old barricade plan moved to the talk page -- boxy T L ZS PA DA 10:19, 16 January 2007 (UTC)

Mobile Phone Mast

So, what's up with my comment on zergers on the suburb news/status? Well, it works like this: there's a zombie sitting in the Parr Building by the name of iguanahey3. He does nothing but sit there. Doesn't move, might attack you if you spend too long there, but mainly just sits there (and is obviously checked every so often, as he doesn't go idle and disappear).

Now, how do I get from that into an accusation of zerging? Well, what happens when you kill and dump him? The moment you do that, you summon the horde of zombies who keep breaking into Parr whenever anyone attempts to bring the mast online. Ok, so a cheap tactic, but how do I believe this is zerging? Well, the name of a zombie who always appears in this horde is Iguanahey.

So, that's my rant, and that's why it's unlikely that phone service will ever be restored to the suburb. — g026r 19:45, 15 March 2006 (GMT)

Well, I guess POTATOE booj will go back to what he was doing before the larger activities took over. I think you know his plan, if not... I'll explain elsewhere. Well, he'll start doing that, but his main goal is to do some reviving right now.da Booj 14:51, 16 March 2006 (GMT)

Old New Arkham Chatter: prior to March 2006

(Forward Chronological Order)

December 14: I've been caught up in the you-know-who gathering you-know-where. But who do I pm to get my combat orders? Thanks for the help! --Tycho44 00:08, 15 Dec 2005 (GMT)

Actually, I'm not sure who or where. — g026r 00:13, 15 Dec 2005 (GMT)
Wow, rapid response - I should have checked here more quickly. Tycho thought he was wandering a deserted wasteland where it was >50AP to the nearest active player, while my other character sees roll calls that go off the bottom of the screen. Tycho can help Tebbett remain free and join in Arkham's festivities, if someone can push the brains back into his head. Currently they've leaked all over a building that is unremarkable except for its "fanatics - revive point" graffito. (I've added my profile to my userpage.) -- Tycho44 07:26, 16 Dec 2005 (GMT)
Where are you? Someone likely can be sent in your general direction if you need a revive. — g026r 17:35, 16 Dec 2005(GMT)
At the moment, probably lying dead outside Woolven Building: [6,98], or standing up if no one has killed me again. Does New Arkham maintain publicly advertised Revivification Points? -- Tycho44 01:35, 17 Dec 2005 (GMT)
There's talk among our group, but we haven't decided on a spot yet. Dunno about anyone else. Head down one and one to the east. I'll let someone know where you are, but you might get a revive from a random person in the NecroTechs while you're waiting. — g026r 02:54, 17 Dec 2005 (GMT)
"Mad z-avoiding skilz weren't up to snuf - Thanks for Revive, D^H^H^H^H^H! I was dead a few times over, and I'm still infected, weak, & Flat out of AP so I'll just have a lie-down. Organizer-types tell me wot up @" -- Tycho44 04:50, 18 Dec 2005 (GMT)

December 16, 2005: New Arkham looks and sounds quiet. Or perhaps that's just because I'm lying face-down in the mud after another headshot. Hey, a Revive!! Thanks, Free Tebbett! -- Tycho44 04:50, 18 Dec 2005 (GMT)

DEATH TO THE PLAGUE- --Dark Wingstalker 22:04, 27 Dec 2005 (GMT)

February 25, 2006 Hello there, New Arkham survivors. Can somebody from Last Hope or Free Tebbet Campaign toss out a pseudo-official "designated revive point" for here on the wiki? At the very least, it might draw some rotters from Zombienation/Plague/SiN/Da Shamblin Waaugh/whoever. For example perhaps Woollcombe Plaza [7, 97] (close to NTs, close to Hospital, located in open space)? --Tycho44 08:46, 25 February 2006 (GMT)

Also, I vagued-out the Feb 24 entry on the front page since it seemed a bit too time-specific and not quite RP enough...the original entry read: "Feb. 24, 2006: The Parr building has been destroyed, It is back up to EH barricaded but we need a generator and there is one more zombie inside I ran out of ammo for him."

--We have a revive point at Methringham grove [8,98]. its not tagged yet but we revive all who go there and try to advertise it on the wiki.--Super Holt 2 12:56, 2 March 2006 (GMT) representing Last Hope

Btw, Super Holt 2, Parkhouse monument has long been the non-established revive point. It is surrounded by the 3 southern NT, and is open. Yours is good as well, but help us watch Parkhouse, if you don't mind. da Booj 14:33, 7 March 2006 (GMT)

dead everywhere

a freind went there a few hours ago, and told me on another site a few ago that there is dead bodies everywhere and that 1 building has a small baracade, but nothing is alive. jsut felt like sayign that there is dead bodies all over the place --shaun 07:24, 26 July 2006 (BST)

New Arkham has been like this since...August of 05. Sonny Corleone WTF RRF ASS CoL 14:26, 26 July 2006 (BST)
High Sonny! (I am still signing and indenting my posts)--Airborne88Zzz1.JPGT|ZC|MI|E! 02:20, 13 March 2008 (UTC) 03:39, 13 March 2008 (UTC)
dude that's NECROMANCY!!! --WanYao 15:00, 13 March 2008 (UTC)

Phone Mast status report

If you time, can we get you to update with the current status of your local phone mast? Thanks. Asheets 20:12, 14 February 2007 (UTC)

Groups that used to be active in this area

Barricade and Reclamation Unit--Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 22:47, 16 January 2010 (UTC)

Great Suburb Group Massacre 2010

All suburb wiki pages are undergoing a clean up to remove inactive groups from the group listing (see here: this suburb's groups). If you are a group currently listed in this suburb, you will be contacted on your group's talk page within the next few days and asked to reply, indicating that you are active in this suburb. Groups that fail to reply within two weeks of being contacted will automatically be removed from the suburbs where they are listed.

We're posting here in the hopes that more groups will be aware of the clean up and can respond appropriately, since our team does not have the time nor the manpower to seek out every group in-game or track down its group members elsewhere on the wiki. If you know that some groups in your suburb do not check the wiki, please be a good neighbor and let them know that they NEED to check it for this, or else they will be unlisted in the near future.

The wiki members coordinating the cleanup will be using the table below to track their progress in communicating with the various groups. Please do not edit it if you are not involved with The Great Suburb Group Massacre 2010 team.

The Great Suburb Group Massacre 2010
Group Name Contacted On Date Due
Brutal Deluxe Brewery 28 January 2010 Removed
Malton Police Department 26 January 2010 Removed
Miskatonic University Faculty 28 January 2010 Removed
CAPD 28 January 2010 Confirmed
Legion of the Octopope 28 January 2010 Confirmed
The Survivor's Republic 27 January 2010 Confirmed
0-Hope 28 January 2010 Removed
Arkham Rotters 28 January 2010 Removed
Scurvy Scroungers 26 January 2010 Removed
Undeadites 26 January 2010 Confirmed
The Streltsy 26 January 2010 Confirmed
This suburb has been cleared. Aichon 09:58, 13 February 2010 (UTC)

Please check your group's talk pages in the next few weeks, and respond promptly when you receive a communication from the GSGM2010 team. Thanks. Aichon 14:43, 28 January 2010 (UTC)

Thank you for your cooperation as we cleaned up the group listings for this suburb. Your help in reaching out to groups and replying to our requests has been much appreciated. Aichon 09:58, 13 February 2010 (UTC)

Mitchener Building

Could someone change the barricade plan graphic to show that the Mitchener Building is a Rotter Revive Clinic? It has been used as such for some time now, but the pages for the building had not been updated. Thanks.

Great Suburb Group Massacre 2011

All suburb wiki pages are undergoing a clean up to remove inactive groups from the group listing (see here: this suburb's groups). If you are a group currently listed in this suburb, you will be contacted on your group's talk page within the next few days and asked to reply with a list of suburbs in which you are active. Groups that fail to reply within two weeks of being contacted will automatically be removed from the suburbs where they are listed.

We're posting here in the hopes that more groups will be aware of the clean up and can respond appropriately, since our team does not have the time nor the manpower to seek out every group in-game or track down its group members elsewhere on the wiki. If you know that some groups in your suburb do not check the wiki, please be a good neighbor and let them know that they NEED to check it for this, or else they will be unlisted in the near future.

The wiki members coordinating the cleanup will be using the table below to track their progress in communicating with the various groups. Please do not edit it if you are not involved with The Great Suburb Group Massacre 2011 team.

The Great Suburb Group Massacre 2011
Group Name Contacted On Date Due
CAPD 21 January 2011 Confirmed
Damn Yankees 21 January 2011 Removed
Dr. schwan’s Research and Development Team 21 January 2011 Removed
Legion of the Octopope 21 January 2011 Removed
Miskatonic University Faculty 21 January 2011 Removed
The Survivor's Republic 21 January 2011 Removed
The Streltsy 21 January 2011 Removed
This suburb has been cleared. -- Spiderzed 14:28, 5 February 2011 (UTC)

Please check your group's talk pages in the next few weeks, and respond promptly when you receive a communication from the GSGM2011 team. Thanks. Nic LesFlics|?| 23:21, 21 January 2011 (UTC)

Thank you for your cooperation as we cleaned up the group listings for this suburb. Your help in reaching out to groups and replying to our requests has been much appreciated. -- Spiderzed 14:28, 5 February 2011 (UTC)