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Halse Crescent Leadership

Post here if you are interested.

I still fight for Halse and No one from LCD or CDF will have issues staying in Halse.IF this wish to regroup there i say let them we need the help.--Lokijester 19:58, 5 April 2006 (BST)

Dajiboo3: I've helped around Crescent PD for a while, Loki recruted me when I decided to help at Crescent, and then told me to put CDF as my group after he joined. I brought in a generator (it got destroyed by some guy trying to recrute to LCD), have assisted Loki in menial tasks and simple clean up of the surrounding area, etc... I wouldn't want a high post, as I only log on once every day and a half (at best) but would appreciate having an actual post in CDF instead of only being a flash conscript. I have all the human skills, a gps unit and a phone, so contacting me should be easy enough.

Dajiboo3, I never gave an order of any LCD to harm Halse.Could you please give me the name of the LCD who destroyed it? Zod, LCD lost the war and we decided to regroup somewhere south,but a message from Loki requesting help came so what is left from the LCD will try to help Halse Crescent,we will probably secure the place,regroup there,get some fresh supplies,revive fallen brothers who are still with us.We will help with what we can.Dont worry after that we will leave Darvall Heights.At the current state of LCD another war will probably lead to extinction so you CDF's dont have to worry about being stabbed in the back or something.Not that we have that in mind anyway. --DarthRevan 17:41, 5 April 2006 (BST)

Well, his name was something like little mikey. Shortly after he passed I was PKed by ShadowHawk and dumped out of the building. Now that I think of it, it was probably just and instigator/impersonator trying to stir things up.--Dajiboo 00:34, 6 April 2006 (BST)

We have no member with that name,probably someone impersonating us,did he had LCD in the group slot? If you have his profile I will try to resolve the situation. --DarthRevan 09:33, 6 April 2006 (BST)

At the time, I remember checking his group slot and seeing LCD, but his name was followed by numbers and I didn't write it down (people at Halse mostly ignored it because someone else brought in a generator also immediately after mine was destroyed). After he destroyed it, I was doing scrounging and thus lost his name. Also, shortly after he had destroyed the generator, ShadowHawk and other PKers showed up and started killing survivors, myself included. Sorry if I can't be of more help.--Dajiboo 04:48, 7 April 2006 (BST)


Yeah...we are enemies.Though I am starting to get used to it.Not that I killed any CDF or something.It seems you guys had fun at Darvall,good that you repelled the RRF.Though we had more fun than you ^^ we went to fight zeds in Ridleybank again.Fighting was really good and intense.The gingers and the MFD fought with us so we got our backs covered.Some troubles we had back in our new home and we had to return.Zeds have been taken care and we are having now a vacation.I am gathering ammo,syringes you know the usual stuff.Roywood is pretty fine.I understand now that it was for the best of both groups that we dispersed.We dont trouble you anymore,you dont trouble us anymore.Occasionally Maul and Amazing are shouting to each other but we just ignore them.Anyway I am going to revive one fallen brother.Nice to hear from you.I hope you CDF lads are going to be okey. --Johnny Rico 13:44, 21 February 2006 (GMT)

And here it goes again.A new portion of bullshit between Amazing and Maul.Actually we LCD's dont care about it.Cortonna and us are ignoring this crap between the two of them and focus on LCD progress.The only problem with you guys is that Amazing is your leader so you cant ignore him.While me and Maul are 2nd in command and Cortonna dont care so we dont have any trouble.We just ignore.So how it is goin at Caiger and Darvall? --Johnny Rico 20:21, 24 February 2006 (GMT)

Sorry for the late answer.Well basicly we are targeted by a small zombie group(8 people heh) and they are like a gum on our shoes.They come in we kick the shit out of them and pee on their dead bodies outside Gerrard and then they raise and the same thing again.Also there is CDF propaganda that we are erasing such as "CDF is coming for you Mr. Bradley" and other shit but I dont care we just erase them.Anyway I dont even know if CDF is responsible for this.Probably those zed fuckers are trying to make us attacking you guys.Anyway we are doing okay I little drop of members but we are launching recruiting program in the whole Roywood and the suburbs around us.I hope you guys are well as well.Happy RRF hunting. PS. Just read that I am one of Cortonna's alts.Hilarious.Anyway I dont care.Kill some of those damn RRF's for the sake of the old times. --Johnny Rico 18:15, 2 March 2006 (GMT)

At the above - I know I haven't personally ordered out any hits on any of ya'all, so I'm inclined to agree with the original statement of the zombies trying to incite trouble. We're busy holding the fort, not that attacks are particularly frequent. And seriously, if you want people to stop calling you an alt of Cortonna, at least stop typing like her. USE SPACES AFTER FULLSTOPS AND USE PROPER GRAMMAR TOO. That's why people think you're the same person - you type identically. Duh. Put two and two together.
--Exo2000 03:49, 3 March 2006 (GMT)

Plus Rico started the LCD page and from the start put "Cortonna" as the leader. Johnny Rico's character name is "Johnny" and Cortonna's Real Life name listed in her profiles is "John". People in LCD have called Cortonna "He" and "Him", and Cortonna's explaination for why Rico created the LCD page was because she "Didn't have internet" - but that makes no sense since she obviously played UD and could have accessed the Wiki when on UD, unless she and Rico came up with LCD over the phone or something. The last one simply draws a picture of covering something up. Just sayin'. I wanted to lay out all the reasons people think you're Cortonna's alt. There are more as to why certain people are other LCDers as well, etc. etc. -- Amazing 05:46, 4 March 2006 (GMT)

Zod I will speak with Cortonna,ask her what she thinks.I am sure she will approve this. --Johnny Rico 20:45, 10 March 2006 (GMT)

I have spoken with Johnny and I would like to hear what you have to say Zod.I promise you diplomatic immunity and I give my word that if an LCD member kills you he will be dealt with.Just to let you know a guy called Marty the Party and some other zombies from A-Button Zombee Kill Krew may try to impersonate LCD member as they did this before,they may even try to saboutage the meeting.So give me your profile,if something happens to you my best reviver Arthur Silly will revive you immediately.I will be waiting you in the Speak Motel in Roywood as Gerrard is often a target to AZKK.I look forward to this meeting. --DarthRevan 21:38, 10 March 2006 (GMT)

Whenever you can come.I am there at Speak Motel. --DarthRevan 15:44, 11 March 2006 (GMT)

Zod be adviced,no funny bullshit.This immunity concerns only you.Any other CDF members found passing our teritory will be killed on sight without asking any questions. --DarthRevan 16:35, 11 March 2006 (GMT)

Zod, I am concerned by the events which took place in The Speak Motel earlier. Someone is trying to set up LCD and CDF in order to provoke a war. The little speech which caused you to leave was not made by the true Omar Bradley but by an imposter who has replaced the L in Bradley with a capital i (I) which looks the same in UD. Please check the following profiles.

This is the real Omar Bradley

This is the fake Omar BradIey

I hope you will see though this ruse and continue to strive for a diplomatic solution to this predicament. --Arthur Silly 00:20, 13 March 2006 (GMT)

I assure you that this is the current state. I warned you before that ZKK might try to sabotage the meeting and it happened.You can clearly see this in what Arthur pointed out.Please return to Speak Motel so we can finish it without anymore troubles. --DarthRevan 10:17, 13 March 2006 (GMT)

CDF/LCD Dispute

An ongoing dispute has arisen between the Crossman Defense Force and the Liberation of Crossman Department. I wish to end this dispute by diplomacy, not personal attacks.--Zod Rhombus 02:53, 30 Dec 2005 (GMT)

I would like to ask our current situation because we done all you and Amazing asked but there was not any response from your group.You didnt added us in your friend list and we just removed you from ours.So I am wondering about our relations if we have any? Anyway we are probably gonna become even more mobile than before so we are probably soon leaving Darvall Heights for long time.I dont know when will be the next time we meet each other again but I wish all the best for you and the CDF.We are probably are gonna become nomads and not being stationed in one suburb basicly moving all the time.Probably we will head soon for Ridley to fight the RRF and then head somewhere.If the CDF though have any need of help I can assure you we will be the first to come to help(depending where we are when and if the moment occurs of course).After all we dont forget how our group was connected and the reason for its creation.A wise man said that you should never forget from where you come.So overall I really dont know for where we gonna leave but we probably wont come for a long time in Darvall.I honestly will miss home. --DarthRevan 16:04, 11 Jan 2006 (GMT)

We are moving out for Halse Crescent PD. See you around. MaulMachine 01:06, 17 Jan 2006 (GMT)

I gave orders to everyone to move to Crossman so expect some soldiers from Halse and Goodson.We are gonna make a united front for the old time sake.This shall be a pleasure for LCD. --DarthRevan 11:12, 18 Jan 2006 (GMT)

Any further updates about this ? TigerTodd 04:46, 31 Jan 2006 (GMT)
Further updates on what? Maul is picking a fight again and he wants to be the biggest kid in the sandbox. We just want him and his alts to go away. Far away. I am sick and tired of all this happening over and over. The LCD has let us down again and again and for what? Who benefits from this? No one but Mall Tour, RRF and other zombies trying to kill us. I say to study your allegiance carefully, because it looks like a PK war is on the horizon unless this guy is reigned in or thrown out. Take that to the bank. --Zod Rhombus 05:13, 31 Jan 2006 (GMT)
Don't be absurd. I'm not a kid, and the sandbox of Malton is a bit too big for me. And I'm not picking a fight, Amazing already started one. And don't give me your PK war garbage either. You know as well as I do that the only thing that drove the RRF out of the area and kept them out of the hospitals and the cell tower was the LCD/CDF alliance and the Chnnael Four News Team. MaulMachine 15:21, 31 Jan 2006 (GMT)

On another note, did you make that pic on the user page? That's pretty good. MaulMachine 03:45, 1 Feb 2006 (GMT)

Yes. Thanks. --Zod Rhombus 04:45, 1 Feb 2006 (GMT)

lol.. That looks funny amongst all the bickering =P. Great drawing! --Toast Boy 09:40, 7 Feb 2006 (GMT)

Re:Zod's response

Zod, I thank you for your relatively calm response, it makes communication so much more easy. I also thank you for looking into the accusation of zerging, though I have to say you're the only one who seems willing to do so (Amazing still seems to like blanking evidence against him). I really have no deep, unquenchable urge to argue with Amazing any more than I'm sure anyone wants to see it, but his actions were (and I believe still are) unsuitable for a leader. I would have no qualms at all in your group if I weren't absolutely and diometrically opposed to cheating in all forms. I have brought this information to your group in several ways, but in just about every instance, Amazing has cleared the evidence. When someone is so obviously unwilling to admit that someone in their group could possibly be wrong, it does make me wonder. That is why I've gone to the NPOV section: because Amazing's actions did not allow me to do anything else, and zerging is a serious offense.

I don't have any issue with your group (heck, I was at Crossman before the group was "formed", but that's a different story), nor did I have any with your group previous to this (the only contact I've had with any of them in-game was reviving Amazing once at Nurten). And I certainly don't have any problems with you. But the way your group has conducted itself recently, both ingame with zerging and off-game with Amazing's run-ins with clearing pages. I can't affect how you deal with either, but I can tell you how it looks from the outside.

In any case, I thank you for your calm head and wish you the best of luck. --Lucero Capell 21:07, 1 March 2006 (GMT)

CDF/LCD Neutrality Agreement

The following groups Crossman Defense Force and Liberation of Crossman Department are no longer enemies.Neutrality status is now in action. The following conditions will be applied:

CDF members are allowed to take residence in any LCD building and anywhere in Roywood.CDF members are not allowed to spread any kind of propaganda and are not allowed to recruit people inside Roywood unless specifically asked by survivor.

LCD members are allowed to take residence in any CDF building and anywhere in Darvall Heights.LCD members are not allowed to spread any kind of propaganda and are not allowed to recruit people inside Darvall Heights unless specifically asked by survivor.

Both groups can ask for help if assistance is needed.LCD and CDF members are asked to lay down their weapons and shake hands.

Hence forth the following users agree on the terms of Neutrality:

(CDF and LCD Leaders sign here)

Speak with Amazing,Exo and the rest of the CDF,I will speak with my people.If you agree on the terms post the CDF/LCD Neutrality Agreement in your CDF page. --DarthRevan 18:35, 15 March 2006 (GMT)

Tired,really tired

Revised post. Zod, we need to talk.

I never planned attacking Halse or Loki, we dont have anything against him or Halse. It is just that an apology from him to Maul (since he helped in his death as Loki himself points out) would be nice. That is all we want, nothing more. Amazing is speculating and like Arthur said looking for demons where they are none as we never intended attacking Halse. Concerning the CDF strike team, we don't have anything against them either. Some of my people are still unsure what the situation is at all and we sencerely appreciated the help against the ZKK. To oppose the points of some of the members of your strike team, the person who is calling the Undying Scourge is not Omar again but a ZKK fake. We never left Roywood, either, only a small part of us intended to help our allies in the vicinity and Caiger Mall. All the rest intend to defend Roywood and give their lifes for it. Look what I responded to him:

"I think I should remind you against what odds we fought - RRF. We were 20 people there at Ridleybank during our first assault and our goal wasnt to win,as we both know that is impossible.We wanted to pull them away from Caiger so we can help the survivors there.And we did.Yes the Gingers did help us but we also took many zeds with us and we fought till every single LCD was dead.We helped many times Yagoton,YRC and the Abandoned can support us on that.We helped the Millen Hills survivors against the Undying Scourge.We helped the hospitals there in Darvall with you guys together.We held a united front against RRF.Whatever battle LCD held win or lose we fought till every single one of us was dead.After that we returned in our old home Darvall.Look am I tired of waging war of words and snaps with you and the rest of the CDF.Zod and I are trying to establish at least neutrality between CDF/LCD.And he is not a simple member of CDF he is in the Tribunal.Dont understand this wrongly I aint undermining your position I am just saying he has as much power as you according to your form of leadership.So stop undermining both me and Zod efforts.That is all I wanted to say. --DarthRevan 18:16, 15 March 2006 (GMT)"

Yet he continue to wage war with words against us. I sencerely wish peaceful resolution of the problem as much as you do. --DarthRevan 17:48, 18 March 2006 (GMT)

Hey, man.. Zod was brought into the Tribunal because he's the polar opposite of me and, for the most part, Exo. I am all about getting my hands dirty and crushing people in my/CDF's way. Exo is a bit more laid-back, but kicks ass, takes names, and uses the names to find them and administer another ass kicking at a later date of his choosing. Zod is cool and level-headed.
If you managed to piss Zod off or make Zod distrust you in any way - That's your own massive accomplishment. No other CDF has anything to do with it. -- Amazing 00:12, 19 March 2006 (GMT)


Somehow I knew we wouldnt reach agreement. I deeply regret that you believe the ZKK fools,as I am 100% sure those were imposters of Maul. I know Cortonna in real life and I have been speaking with her many times about the issue and I know that she doesnt want anything more than peace and I trust her more than anyone in this forsaken place. It was nice to see LCD and CDF kicking zombie asses together again but it was too good to be true. Anyway it does not matter now. Just keep the line open and if you need anything help etc. we will help. You may not believe Cortonna or Maul, but believe me - LCD will help if help is needed. Take care friend. I wish the CDF all the best. --Johnny Rico 15:09, 19 March 2006 (GMT)

Oh, what the hell

I'm getting sick of this. If we wanted a war, we would have started one. Here's a deal for you: Stop the guys you have in Brooke Hills that are killing our alts, and you have peace. Sound like a plan? MaulMachine 17:52, 24 March 2006 (GMT)

Not the point. All you have to do is type the word YES here, and the battle is over. I mean it. Co strings, and if I get PKed again, I'll assume it was someone else. I don't care if they are CDF or not, just say yes and it's peace. No strings, no lies, just truth. Don't respond with anything other than yes, please, I beg of you. I want to put this behind us. Mutal peace. I'll tell the gys to back off, and it's over. ust type yes. I don't even care if it isn't yor guys doin it, just say yes and it's over. I'm sick of this. MaulMachine 02:27, 25 March 2006 (GMT)
the word NO. No CDF has acted against LCD. I will not bend. --Zod Rhombus 19:02, 26 March 2006 (BST)


You can post a vote for yourself in case you forgot :). --DarthRevan 19:21, 13 April 2006 (BST)

Cool. Done. --Zod Rhombus 20:12, 13 April 2006 (BST)

CDF Terms of Surrender

  1. I demand Amazing be executed by you Zod.
  2. All CDFers swear an oath of loyalty to the Faggots.
  3. All CDF members sing an ballad, written by me, about how great the GANKBUS is.
  4. Amazing should shave his beard and provide proof of it.
  5. I be given a 2/3 vote of the CDF tribunal.
  6. The Crossman Grove PD be converted into the Faggots official residence, with all CDFers being permanently relocated to Shehan Way Fire Station.
  7. The CDF should permanently renounce violence as a means of dealing with zombies, then relocate to Riddleybank.
  • I'll think of more later Zod, I'm going to get some food. Scinfaxi 19:08, 20 April 2006 (BST)

Heh. --Zod Rhombus 21:53, 20 April 2006 (BST)

A question of hypocrisy

Zod, coming from a group so quick to accuse people of zerging, why do you have two CDF characters under your control? They've been in the same building together and I've definately killed them in the same area. So why accuse other players of zerging when you apparently do it yourself? Did your boyfriend put you up to it? Did the fury of the Faggots force you to it? Do you actually drive a Lincoln Continental? Scinfaxi 03:36, 21 April 2006 (BST)

And you have some sort of proof I suppose? --Zod Rhombus 05:31, 21 April 2006 (BST)
You admitted it on the CDF forum. You are Lincoln Continental. Are you going to try and deny it? Let me guess, Amazing moved the post (big shock). Really, why are you bitching about alternates? Have ye no honor! Scinfaxi 06:12, 21 April 2006 (BST)
"There are alot of zergers on Urban Dead, which I don't condone." You did say that didn't you Zod? It would appear as thought you're in violation of the honor code. Scinfaxi 08:18, 22 April 2006 (BST)
I challenge you and your fifty other aliases to a duel. Scinfaxi 09:14, 28 April 2006 (BST)
I challenge you to a fair fight for once. Me VS. You Scinfaxi on Monday 9 o clock eastern time.--Lokijester 16:27, 28 April 2006 (BST)
Are you actually still complaining about zerging you idiot? What branch of service are/were you in Zod, the Naval Reserve? Ha ha ha! Scinfaxi 09:34, 3 May 2006 (BST)

No. --Zod Rhombus 06:00, 4 May 2006 (BST)

Yes, you're in the Naval Reserve, you have to be. How come you don't answer the question about zerging? Scinfaxi 08:05, 4 May 2006 (BST)


Your presence and input is requested in a potential agreement that concerns the interests of your group. You will not be flamed nor will your posts be deleted. see Proposal If you have any questions or desire clarification, please contact me or post your question on the talk page --Prosperina 4:45 24 April 2006 (BST)

That PKing

you are absolutely wrong about my intent. If you saw the screenshot, you should be thanking LCD that one of us killed one of the members of a group PKing you. But I did not support this or any pking action and yelled at the guy who did it. Because, frankly I'm sick of this whole PKing drama, I nor the LCD give a crap about the CDF/Faggots/Gankbus thing. All I was trying to do was to keep us from getting dragged into the fray, and trying to cool things off before we leave. Don't worry though, you have my word that as long as I'm leader of the LCD, we will stay the hell away from Darvell, it just brings unneeded drama, which I'm sick of dealing with. That's why were leaving--Bermudez 16:12, 27 April 2006 (BST)

You don't even give a fuck about me just a little Bermudez AND you're leaving Halse Crescent? I guess we can't be roommates then. :( Scinfaxi 17:11, 29 April 2006 (BST)
See, now this is why I advise people against getting into arguments with Scinfaxi. *shakes head sadly* --Cyberbob240CDF - Arb - W! 17:16, 29 April 2006 (BST)
Then why are you trying to start an argument with me? Hey buddy, do you want me to drag you into an arbitration for violating my civil liberteries? I'll do it, and you'll be sorry. Scinfaxi 18:09, 29 April 2006 (BST)
Seriously though, what the hell are you talking about? Scinfaxi 18:10, 29 April 2006 (BST)


Do you have an e-mail address? I need to talk to you and Amazing bans me from overlord every time I try to register. MaulMachine 16:28, 28 April 2006 (BST)

I salute you

Thank you Zod, for keeping me safe at night. The courage of the Naval Reserve does not go un-noticed or unappreciated by Scinfaxi! Scinfaxi 09:13, 6 May 2006 (BST)

I served in the U.S. Army in Kuwait, jackass. --Zod Rhombus 18:14, 6 May 2006 (BST)

Really? Well Zod, I'm a bit skeptical and here's why. By not simply admitting you are, or even answering questions about you connection to LincolnC, you're not acting with a lot of integrity. Remember your core values buddy. Scinfaxi 01:41, 7 May 2006 (BST)

The one thing you overlook is that I don't care what you think. Unlike Amazing, I have no overwhelming desire to prove I'm right. I just state the facts, if you choose to believe them, okay. If you don't believe them, fine.

The facts: Lincoln is my cousin's character. Being creative, I set up his character and wrote the description, since he was new to UD. He plays the character. I have one character and one alt that operates on the other side of Malton. Both are human. I am not Lincoln Continental. Kinda underwhelming, isn't it?

The facts: You don't believe I have integrity? Who cares. I lot of people in the game believe I do. I have strong relationships with most players I deal with in the game, whether we agree or not. Those people are respected in the game, whereas you and your kind are seen in a less-than-perfect light. Just listen to the chatter in Caiger.

The facts: I will not be baited on the wiki. I will no longer respond to your posts and will delete them if necessary. About my personal life, believe what you want, I'll focus on the game. --Zod Rhombus 16:15, 7 May 2006 (BST)

BAM!, how you like that salty feeling Scinfaxi, feel any good?--1 4 of CDF 19:51, 11 May 2006 (BST)

Please stop killing hrimfaxi.

I am trying to appeal to you in the hopes you can provide the voice of reason in your group. Hrimfaxi has never killed anyone, and yet CDFers continuely atack him for his affiliation with us. Some people in your group justify this by pointing out that some of The Faggots do the same to CDF members. However, you call us a pk group because of this. If your group behaves in the same way, doesn't that make you a pk group? I hope you consider my position and declare hrimfaxi off limits unless he is in CrossmanPD or he kills someone. Thanks for your attention.Jjames 08:03, 10 May 2006 (BST)

Hrimfaxi will remain a target, as will all Faggots, until a cease-fire is declared and practiced by your group. We are not a PK group simply for the fact that we never intended to have PKing as our main goal. On the other hand, PKing us is declared as your group's main focus and charter. Your sole purpose is to PK us. We only PK in order to not get PKed. Trust me, we would rather fight zombies. Just think our response as a virtual version of dealing with terrorists. We are a long-standing group with no history of PKing until the griefers arrived. We will respond to any grief with force, to protect our ranks.--Zod Rhombus 14:44, 10 May 2006 (BST)

You may have not intended for pking to be your main goal, but it has become what you do. If you as a group sanction killing someone who has never attacked another player, I am afraid that makes you a pk group and I will be forced to list you as such. Any further attacks against hrimfaxi will be reported to any applicable pk lists and CDF's position will be listed there as well. I'm sorry we couldn't reach an agreement, but I thank you for your time and your civil tone.Jjames 01:25, 11 May 2006 (BST)
Why not simply quit PKing us? --Zod Rhombus 02:38, 11 May 2006 (BST)

CDF will not give in to your little threats, we will continue to kill your members as they have killed ours, this is just, since gankbus/Faggots/ASS will not be peaceful with us. So unless all three little groups of the axis of evil decide to stop the pking we will continue to attack, attack, and attack for your and your allies crimes against out group.

                             -nuff said --1 4 of CDF 19:40, 11 May 2006 (BST)


How are things going with you Zod? Everything fine? Havent heard from you in a long time Johnny Rico 14:29, 20 May 2006 (BST)

Well I understand the situation, we had the same problem with the ZKK and I know from experience that it's pretty shitty. An organisation which can at least try to stop such thing from happening is always welcomed. We pulled out from Rhodenbank some days ago, the RCDC were perfectly capable of containing the Drunken Dead and after shooting for some time at their corpses we decided to move to Quarlesbank, so we are currently fighting the RRF on two fronts at Shuttlebank and Quarlesbank and they are pulling a serious fight. I've spotted some CDF members at Q. I thought it's the CDF strike team and I was wondering that maybe you are around. Calvert defences are becoming weaker with each day and those survivors will need all the help they can get. If you are at Q. or S. send me a sms with your location(my profile is on LCD wiki page if you dont have it) so we can meet up and kill some zombies side by side provided that I am not slaughtered in this carnage that is here. Johnny Rico 15:34, 21 May 2006 (BST)

I suggest you to go to Rowley Road in Q. it's not controlled by us but I think they provide decent revives. As soon as I get AP I will revive you there. Johnny Rico 09:30, 23 May 2006 (BST)

I am currently trying to help at Shuttlebank.The RRF are hitting them hard and the Militia might not last long.Calvert is okeish from what I know and they are holding.It would be good if you send few people over here.If not you can help out Calvert so more of us can join the battle here. --DarthRevan 18:37, 23 May 2006 (BST)

I managed to get out of there in one peace and revive fallen brothers on the way, but Goodson is completely overrun, 12 cold-blooded scumbags inside it. I think we revived everyone, so dont waste revivers on our account, we appreciate your support anyway. Most of the zombies are concentrated on the buildings in the vicinity of Goodson and on Crossman Dept. I will send everyone I can to help in Cross. Thanks for the support and take care, if you need anything do not hesitate to call us. Johnny Rico 21:45, 31 July 2006 (BST)

How are things Zod? Everything as smooth as possible? Need any help with anything?

Johnny Rico 09:57, 18 September 2006 (BST)
Hey, we're trying to help retake Taylor Lane along with the DHPH, I think. You guys need anything?--Steele Glovier 21:54, 26 September 2006 (BST)

Currently moving to Ridleybank for strike number 3. Would be fun, if you arent busy come over here to enjoy the hunt. I will send you coordinates if interested. Sorry for the inconvinience, I will speak with my brothers and let them know that Crossman PD is off-limits to LCD propaganda, I taught everyone knew that. Probably I will be in Ridley in the next 24 hours. Let me know if you need anything. Johnny Rico 17:50, 28 September 2006 (BST)

Of course I couldnt Zod, you always have been attractive to me. Maybe we can work something out if someone revives me and I manage to find you :). If not I am sure Duke Garland will be interested :). --DarthRevan 10:43, 16 October 2006 (BST)

I didnt get anything of what you said after you asked for my intentions. So what did you say? --DarthRevan 16:37, 23 October 2006 (BST)

Remember what I told you on Nurten? Hehe starting from today I will start my little inside-out operation. Those death cultists I told you that I am after will be soon surprised to see their own demise.

Faithfully yours,

DarthRevan 21:11, 23 October 2006 (BST)


How are things going? I've been away for awhile but I heard Crossman fell. What is the present status of your HQ? We are moving in for another operation, but once we secure our objectives we will be happy to assist you in any ways possible. So how are you guys doing?
Any idea what Cortonna is up to? She pk few of us lately and I dont know what happened to her after she left LCD. Any intel would be appreciated.


Johnny Rico 21:22, 1 November 2006 (UTC)

I will pee on your fuckin alliance. I will give order to all LCD's to fucking kill every single CDF on sight. You got it little piece of crap.Our alliance is over. Okeish!?

Johnny Rico 21:57, 1 November 2006 (UTC)

Zod, Cortonna guessed my password and has my account now, so the last edit wasnt from me. This is my new account until I get back my own.

Juan Rico 12:08, 2 November 2006 (UTC)

Tactical Strike Force

What is the CDF's position on the TSF? Are they a part of the CDF, or are they a separate group? –Bob Hammero ModB'cratTA 05:42, 29 June 2006 (BST)

They are a separate group, however, closely allied with CDF, since one of our former members leads the group. --Zod Rhombus 06:42, 29 June 2006 (BST)
But not covered by the ceasefire, correct? I ask because a TSF member attempted to use his alt to infiltrate ASS, and while I want to deal with that problem, I don't want to violate our ceasefire agreement. –Bob Hammero ModB'cratTA 06:47, 29 June 2006 (BST)
If you have beef with a single member of their group, It's none of my business. I just hope you wouldn't declare war against them, they are an OK bunch of guys, and are allied with us. --Zod Rhombus 22:50, 29 June 2006 (BST)
I've got no plans to declare war on them, but I'm definitely not amused by one of their member's attempts to join ASS with ill intent. Anyway, thanks for your help. I'm pleased that our ceasefire is working out so well. –Bob Hammero ModB'cratTA 05:20, 30 June 2006 (BST)


You got beat down, boy! Stop spamming people's talk pages over something already finished. Cyberbob  Talk  15:27, 20 June 2006 (BST)

Stop being a cocksucker. Oh, that's right - you can't. --Zod Rhombus 15:29, 20 June 2006 (BST)
You're right - I can't, because I'm not gay. Cyberbob  Talk  15:30, 20 June 2006 (BST)
OK, that made no sense. --Zod Rhombus 15:41, 20 June 2006 (BST)

All I asked for was a fair shake. I have been a positive contributor to the wiki and game since 2005. The fact that it is thrown out because Amazing's name is attached to it is WRONG. This kind of behavior by so-called mods breeds dissention among regular wiki users. I had no interest in concentrating on the wiki and drama. It seems the 'moderate' is taken out of moderator and only serves a select few special interests.--Zod Rhombus 15:45, 20 June 2006 (BST)

If you wanted to avoid drama, you should have had the sense not to publicly support Amazing so zealously. Cyberbob  Talk  16:04, 20 June 2006 (BST)
That statement alone vindicates my stand. My support of another user should not lessen my rights as a wiki contributor. Thank you for proving my point. --Zod Rhombus 16:07, 20 June 2006 (BST)
You have just as many rights as the next guy. It's how you choose to utilise these rights that defines your time here. Cyberbob  Talk  16:09, 20 June 2006 (BST)
Then why am I vilified when I try to make a legitimate claim in misconduct? I held myself to the proper decorum and all I got was ridiculed and attacked. Never once did I hurl an insult, yet that's all I recieved in return. Even my rebuttals in misconduct were 'good faith.' No it is your bias that is defined here. I have a wiki history of being more 'moderate' than most of you mods.--Zod Rhombus 16:18, 20 June 2006 (BST)


(continuing discussion from since-closed misconduct case)

An original Apathetic reaction is immaterial as well; this is a wiki and we frown on stagnation. As the links themselves and whether or not they belong on the main page is immaterial, I submit that your arguement is thus; that the links on the main page, which were asked to be deleted at an earlier and valid yet somehow in your interpretation unrelated vote, should not have been deleted as you did not get to vote on it AGAIN. To which I posit that the discussion primarily between four wiki editors was moreso a clairification of current UD-wiki policy and therefore is a valid enforcement of the rules as written. You can, however, choose to bring a vote to a head on whether these links should be added to the main page. --Karlsbad 17:55, 20 June 2006 (BST)

Arbitration/Misconduct as well

Zod, although your behavior has not been bad it is neither particularly good. You have conducted yourself as an average wiki user. That is in no bad and we encourage that in people but you might want to stop shouting out how good an user you are. You're behavior has been nothing special or examplary. Also if you don't want to have amazings spectre hanging above you the best way to avoid that is for you to simply don't mention him. people don't disqualify you because you are asociated with him but because you can be a bit pompous. (they tend to do so with me as well) you're re-telling of how good a user you are every other post is not helping either. if you simply continue normal behaviour people will notice that themselves. You saying that as many times as you do sounds defensise to some people and like boasting to others. both cases it does not help you. It's also better to ask people first why they did something instead of using the most severe tool this wiki has to get some answers. You came to me because you felt some of the moderating staff were unjust to you. So take my advice, people will treat you better when you give them a change to do so. Ask before judging. don't use the most severe tool when a rightly placed comment will serve your purpose as well. While I agree that the tone in the discussion could have been better, You set the tone yourself by barging in guns blazing, before getting a full view of the situation. next time ask first, don't get in prolongued debates, and don't over react in your choice of podiums. It would be best for both the wiki and you.--Vista 18:49, 20 June 2006 (BST)

I first contacted Jedaz via his talk page and was unsuccessful in reaching an agreement. Even Jedaz stated I should take it to misconduct if I felt so. I'm not saying or implying that I am a 'good' wiki user, only implying that my history shows 'good faith' edits and my stance is mainly moderate. The attacks that came against me were levied as soon as I posted on Jedaz's page and continued increasingly on the misconduct page, where I remained under the proper decorum, unlike the others. I was simply calling to the fact that I was not attacking anyone as viciously as I was being attacked and ridiculed. In fact, I was showing more moderation than the moderators. I don't do this to boast, who cares about anyone over the internet? I was simply trying to expose the unneccessary bias levied against me because of my history with Amazing and prove the legitimacy of my claim. Also, I wanted to distance myself from the emotional antics of Amazing, in which my whole sum of postings can be seen as non-inflammatory throughout this whole event. Comapre my responses and the mods' responses and notice which sounds better for the wiki. I believe the Anti-Amazing bias was a factor here and I was not allowed to get a fair consideration. It will be noted for any concerns I have in the future. --Zod Rhombus 19:17, 20 June 2006 (BST)
I agree that up to this point your stance on this wiki was mainly moderate. in this case it was not. Jedaz did not tell you to take it to misconduct, you first brought it up and decided it on your own. He merely said that if you felt so inclined you should report him for the action he did, (editing a protected page) not for the action he didn't (deleting a page) to make sure you had the facts straight. He also discussed the reason and the manner why they were removed. Jedaz gave you the moderate path to your forfil your wishes, namely starting up a discussion to put them back, on the right page, under the rules we use for editing the wiki. Jedaz told you that the votes were used only as an indicator, and did not imply that they have any official status. (they don't, there is no official vote before making an edit.) You accused him of breaking wiki guidelines that in fact do not excist. He did stay very calm even after you decided to levy a charge against him. while some of the other contributors could have been more polite, so could your contributions. I don't believe your whole sum of postings can be seen as non-inflammatory throughout this whole event.
Amazing let his emotions get in the way about a clear understanding of the situation. that hurted his judgement and made him make ill-thought out edits that got him banned. I do not want to see you make the same mistakes. In this case you made several key mistakes that were pointed out to you and yet you continued. you also got emotional and missed several moderate and non-inflammatory ways to deal with this situation. You also misread Jedaz comments about going to misconduct. While I understand you are quite concerend about being pointed with the same brush as Amazing, in this case I can see no evidence of that happening. Your behavior itself was demanding instead of questioning and you did not know the rules in question. the way you tried to distance yourself from amazing worked counter-productive, for the reasons I gave in the above post. That combined made the reaction to you the reaction it was. Not because you are asociated with amazing. --Vista 19:58, 20 June 2006 (BST)

Good faith

I've done my part to show my good faith. Will you do yours? –Bob Hammero ModB'cratTA 01:27, 3 August 2006 (BST)

Your User Page

on your user page it says that you are fighting ASS and GANKBUS, which is no longer true. Please update this to reflect the current situation. --Gage 16:55, 3 August 2006 (BST)

Perhaps you missed the last line under the paragraph:
Crossman Defense Force has recently established cease-fires with A.S.S. and The Faggots. GANKBUS has disbanded. The PK war is over. --Zod Rhombus 23:27, 3 August 2006 (BST)
I updated the information anyway for more accuracy. Happy now? --Zod Rhombus 23:34, 3 August 2006 (BST)

A Chat

If I could talk to you for a matter of two minutes, I'd be appreciative. Do you have MSN or YIM? –Xoid STFU! 04:09, 8 August 2006 (BST)

No. AIM = Skillz McPlenty --Zod Rhombus 04:12, 8 August 2006 (BST)
Drat. Gimme a minute while I'll figure out some way of getting AIM without letting AOL infest my computer. –Xoid STFU! 04:17, 8 August 2006 (BST)
AIM Express. heard nothing from me. Sonny Corleone WTF RRF ASS 04:37, 8 August 2006 (BST)
How is it going? Sorry, I have a rather slow connection or I'd try YIM. --Zod Rhombus 05:04, 8 August 2006 (BST)
I've tried about 100-150 names at the moment. Everything I can think of is taken. –Xoid STFU! 05:08, 8 August 2006 (BST)
LOL, true. That always happens. --Zod Rhombus 05:10, 8 August 2006 (BST)
Finally. "pestilentialtide". –Xoid STFU! 05:22, 8 August 2006 (BST)

A Special Event

Zod, really, I don't see what you've got against this. I'm not breaking any rules right? How the hell is it in bad taste? I'm just thankful for a lot of things. Anyways, we've already got new recruits headed to Crossman so the location is pretty much set. We'd appreciate any assistance you could provide and I think if this goes well it can better both our groups. Scinfaxi 06:33, 8 August 2006 (BST)

Thanks for the nice words!

I know we haven't always got along, but I'd appreciate any help with organizing support with my bid for mod.Jjames 04:18, 30 August 2006 (BST)


here, I fixed your rank thing:

CDFExpert.jpg Crossman Defense Force Awards


CDFCaigerSiegeIVeteran.jpg CDFCaigerSiegeIIVeteran.jpg CDFHeadshotAbility.jpg CDFEmissary.jpg

CDFStrikeTeam.jpg CDFBarricadeAchievement.jpg CDFHalseCrescentService.jpg CDFLawEnforcementAward.jpg

CDFRadioOperator.jpg CDFRevivicationService.jpg

--Gage 18:29, 30 August 2006 (BST)

Channel 4 News Team

Good to know we've still got allies over there! You're more than welcome to contact me outside UD; you can PM me on the Channel 4 News Team forums (the link is on the group box on our wiki page) or you can IM me. I'm "ALeafofAllColors"- I know it sounds fruity, but I'm actually an unrestrained Dead Head. Anyway, I've got to go do something about this hangover. Talk to ya soon. -Ron Burgundy 15:32, 31 August 2006 (BST)


Do you LARP Zod? Where do you stand on LARPing? Scinfaxi 10:00, 11 September 2006 (BST)

Have you considered my offer?

I have another great idea as well. If the guys from Operation Black Storm can stick to black pride and drop the anti-white rhetoric, maybe we can each hold our event side by side like MLK and Abraham Lincoln would have wanted. Even if that doesn't pan out, I don't see how you justify claiming the ceasefire is over based on something never adressed in the ceasefire. Remeber I responded to violence with peace, and I hope you won't respond to peace with violence. Can't we all just get along?Jjames 04:07, 11 August 2006 (BST)

I have taken you to arbitration.

No hard feelings?Jjames 06:01, 20 September 2006 (BST)

I have a plan

Take me to arbitration for the right to call me jjames. Ha ha! See, I haven't been brought into any of this yet. OR OR OR, I'll take jjames to arbitration and you can be the arbitrator. Scinfaxi 22:17, 25 September 2006 (BST)


If you guys are interested in joining up with the NMC in Ridleybank, you're more than welcome to in any capacity you like- we're a completely open and unstructured group, just list yourself on the wiki page and come on out. We'd be glad to have any help we can get, it's just a question of how many of your guys feel like moving somewhere else. Good luck on the home front and stay Classy! I look forward to meeting you on the field of Glorious Battle! --Ron Burgundy 23:02, 25 September 2006 (BST)

Hot damn, that was intense! I know you've been having trouble finding a good drink in Ridleybank, but when they broke in, I didn't even have time to sip my breakfast scotch before the place was destroyed! Hope you guys will be back in town for whatever the hell comes next- beats the shit out of fighting PK wars, eh? Nothin' like gettin eaten by a zombie remind ya you're playin a zombie game! Stay Classy, Cap'n! --Ron Burgundy 06:04, 14 October 2006 (BST)

Never thought I'd say this but…

…you're definitely one of the voices of reason in this regard. Especially with recognising Jjames for what he is: a vandal. This is probably the first time I'm not indifferent or unhappy but actually pleased that you've decided to speak up. –Xoid STFU! 04:11, 26 September 2006 (BST)

Wow, uhh, thanks. --Zod Rhombus 06:04, 26 September 2006 (BST)
I should speak out against this too. It is wrong. Scinfaxi 07:16, 26 September 2006 (BST)

Cortie says hi

Indeed they are. I havent heard from you since a long time Zod. You should pay me a visit here in Roywood. I have an offer for you.

Cortie (Johnny Rico 19:21, 14 November 2006 (UTC))

No doubt an interesting offer, an offer which will provide probably needed resources for you. Over a beer? Americans...I prefer wine it's more romantic. Unfortunately I lost my stash with bulgarian wine so the fucking wine here will have to suffice. Since I am a freelance I can come to your place, just name it.

Your lovely,

Cortonna. (Johnny Rico 14:41, 16 November 2006 (UTC))

You need not to worry, I have no intentions on causing harm to you or to anyone from the CDF. I dont remember the pass for my account in the forums, but as you have noticed I have the wiki account of Johnny and his pass was the same in CDF forums (as you may have noticed probably because of IP when I entered). Thus I will send you a private message through his account with the place where we meet. At any rate it will be pleasure to meet you in person.
