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This barricade plan is not being used in practice. Entry points are not marked correctly.<br/>
Mouse over to get full names for each block.

| type00=EH | text00=Finnerty Auto Repair | content00=Finn <!-- was AutoShop -->
| type10=EH | text10=Jarrett Towers | content10=Jarr
| type20=EH | text20=a factory | content20=fact
| type30=Street | text30=wasteland | content30=wast
| type40=EH | text40=a warehouse | content40=ware
| type50=Street | text50=Carye Drive | content50=Cary
| type60=Street | text60=Dugan Way | content60=Duga
| type70=EH | text70=the Geake Building | content70=Geak
| type80=Street | text80=Batting Way | content80=Batt
| type90=EH | text90=Chalderwood Bank | content90=Chal

| type01=EH | text01=Calvert Grove Railway Station | content01=Calv
{{Shackleville Barricade Plan}}
| type11=Street | text11=Wilcox Crescent | content11=Wilc
| type21=Street | text21=Lunn Lane | content21=Lunn
| type31=EH | text31=a junkyard | content31=junk
| type41=Street | text41=Pardoe Grove | content41=Pard
| type51=VSB | text51=Lucy Cinema | content51=Lucy <!-- was EH -->
| type61=EH | text61=Club Skardon | content61=Skar
| type71=VSB | text71=Ashcroft Library | content71=Ashc  <!-- was EH -->
| type81=Street | text81=Doben Square | content81=Dobe
| type91=EH | text91=the Keane Museum | content91=Kean

| type02=VSB | text02=the Rayfield Building | content02=Rayf <!-- was EH -->
| type12=Street | text12=wasteland | content12=wast
The center of the suburb, consisting of the area containing pretty much all the [[TRP]]s ([[Swithun General Hospital (Shackleville)|Swithun]], [[the Raymond Building|Raymond]] and [[Luckwell Plaza Police Dept|Luckwell]]) are kept at EHB++ by pretty much all groups in the area. [[Clarkson Lane Fire Station]] is the commonly accepted entry point, kept at VSB++, providing direct access to the NT, police station and [[Dempsey Lane Fire Station]], Swithun and [[Harkness Auto Repair]] are just one step further, giving all commonly needed resources safely with just one entry point. On a similar note, the [[Free Running]] corridor to [[Woodroffe Mall]] in the east is also kept at high barricade levels.
| type22=VSB | text22=Milne Library | content22=Miln <!-- was EH -->
| type32=EH | text32=Club Vicary | content32=Vica
| type42=Street | text42=Rush Way | content42=Rush
| type52=Street | text52=Lewington Street | content52=Lewi
| type62=Street | text62=Sletery Row | content62=Slet
| type72=Street | text72=Doman Park | content72=Doma
| type82=EH | text82=Hemore Auto Repair | content82=Hemo <!-- was AutoShop -->
| type92=Street | text92=Burnley Way | content92=Burn

| type03=EH | text03=a junkyard | content03=junk
The reason for this is that Shackleville is relatively limited in resources (1 hospital, 1 NT), but on the outskirts of [[Greater Ridleybank]], and thus home to frequent Zombie invasions. Low-level survivors would simply be better off traveling south to [[Kempsterbank]], with its staggering ''six'' hospitals.
| type13=Monument | text13=the Stanbury Monument | content13=Stan
| type23=EH | text23=Club Cummings | content23=Cumm
| type33=Street | text33=Potter Park | content33=Pott
| type43=EH | text43=the Baskcomb Museum | content43=Bask
| type53=Mast | text53=Grey Library | content53=Grey
| type63=Street | text63=Oliver Alley | content63=Oliv
| type73=EH | text73=Dimond Lane School | content73=Dimo <!-- was School -->
| type83=Street | text83=Denty Walk | content83=Dent
| type93=Street | text93=wasteland | content93=wast

| type04=EH | text04=the Elcomb Building | content04=Elco
The [[Shackleville]] Barricade Plan was originaly created and proposed by Capt. [[User:BrianMcStay|Brian McStay]] of [[MFD]] using the [[Uniform Barricading Policy]], recommendations of the [[Malton Fire Department]] and [[Talk:Shackleville/Archive|comments]] from the community in June of 2006. All survivors are urged to assist the [[MFD]] and its allies in ensuring that barricades remain at designated levels. '''Do not overbarricade! The life you save may be your own.'''
| type14=Street | text14=Grizel Plaza | content14=Griz
| type24=Street | text24=Rodgers Boulevard | content24=Rodg
| type34=EH | text34=Dinsdale Auto Repair | content34=Dins <!-- was AutoShop -->
| type44=H | text44=Swithun General Hospital | content44=Swit
| type54=EH | text54=the Williames Building | content54=Will
| type64=Street | text64=Hickey Square | content64=Hick
| type74=Street | text74=Brocbury Alley | content74=Broc
| type84=VSB | text84=Bengefield Towers | content84=Beng <!-- was EH -->
| type94=Street | text94=Elliot Alley | content94=Elli

| type05=EH | text05=the Walter Building | content05=Walt
The Barricade plan was updated to better reflect common practices in the suburb by [[User:Grungni|Grungni]] 11:09, 16 October 2009 (BST)
| type15=School | text15=Passco Avenue School | content15=Pass
| type25=Street | text25=Copp Avenue | content25=Copp
| type35=Monument | text35=the Dodd Monument | content35=Dodd
| type45=FS | text45=Dempsey Lane Fire Station | content45=Demp
| type55=VSB | text55=the Horsey Museum | content55=Hors <!-- was EH -->
| type65=EH | text65=Harkness Auto Repair | content65=Hark <!-- was AutoShop -->
| type75=EH | text75=a factory | content75=fact
| type85=Street | text85=Heath Drive | content85=Heat
| type95=EH | text95=the Bowle Museum | content95=Bowl
| type06=EH | text06=a factory | content06=fact
| type16=FS | text16=Doig Road Fire Station | content16=Doig
| type26=Street | text26=Brickenden Grove | content26=Bric
| type36=Street | text36=Langmead Way | content36=Lang
| type46=FS | text46=Clarkson Lane Fire Station | content46=Clar
| type56=EH | text56=the Raymond Building [NecroTech] | content56=<span style="font-size:0.75em;line-height:0.9em"><b>Raym<br/>[NT]</b></span>
| type66=EH | text66=Maybee Cinema | content66=Mayb
| type76=EH | text76=the Duggan Building | content76=Dugg
| type86=EH | text86=Carder Row School | content86=Card
| type96=EH | text96=the Rickard Building | content96=Rick
| type07=Street | text07=a carpark | content07=carp
| type17=Street | text17=Broadbery Square | content17=Broa
| type27=EH | text27=Clark Row Railway Station | content27=Clar
| type37=PD | text37=Luckwell Plaza Police Dept | content37=Luck
| type47=Street | text47=wasteland | content47=wast
| type57=RP | text57=Swaffield Plaza | content57=Swaff
| type67=VSB | text67=the Attle Building | content67=Attl <!-- was EH -->
| type77=Street | text77=Nash Alley | content77=Nash
| type87=Street | text87=Gilles Drive | content87=Gill
| type97=EH | text97=a warehouse | content97=ware
| type08=Street | text08=Parris Square | content08=Parr
| type18=EH | text18=Whittle Street Railway Station | content18=Whitt
| type28=EH | text28=Club Goodenough | content28=Good
| type38=Street | text38=Henstridge Avenue | content38=Hens
| type48=Street | text48=Empson Alley | content48=Emps
| type58=EH | text58=the Charlesworth Hotel | content58=Char
| type68=Street | text68=Raggett Plaza | content68=Ragg
| type78=VSB | text78=St Anselm's Church | content78=Anse
| type88=Street | text88=Plumley Alley | content88=Plum
| type98=EH | text98=the Willcox Motel | content98=Will <!-- was EH -->
| type09=Street | text09=Snelgrove Walk | content09=Snel
| type19=VSB | text19=St Helier's Church | content19=St.He
| type29=PD | text29=Sweatman Walk Police Dept | content29=Swea
| type39=Street | text39=Gazzard Way | content39=Gazz
| type49=EH | text49=a junkyard | content49=junk
| type59=VSB | text59=Macaulay Cinema | content59=Maca <!-- was EH -->
| type69=EH | text69=Terrell Cinema | content69=Terr
| type79=Cemetery | text79=a cemetery | content79=ceme
| type89=EH | text89=Vines Plaza School | content89=Vine
| type99=Street | text99=Dedeystere Square | content99=Dede
The [[Shackleville]] Barricade Plan was originaly created and proposed by Capt. [[User:BrianMcStay|Brian McStay]] of [[MFD]] using the [[Uniform Barricading Policy]], recommendations of the [[Malton Fire Department]] and [[Talk:Shackleville/Archive|comments]] from the community in June of 2006. All survivors are urged to assist the [[MFD]] and its allies in ensuring that barricades remain at designated levels. <b>Do not overbarricade! The life you save may be your own.</b>
[[Category:Barricade plans|{{PAGENAME}}]]

Latest revision as of 06:46, 30 April 2010

This is the Barricade Plan for the suburb of Shackleville.

This diagram shows what levels buildings should ideally be barricaded to in order to provide protection in the form of Extremely Heavily Barricaded buildings, whilst designating entry points in the form of Very Strongly Barricaded buildings. Please note this plan indicates the preferred levels of barricades, and not the current levels.

If you wish to discuss alterations to this plan, please use the talk page.

If you need to edit the barricade plan, go to Template:Shackleville Barricade Plan. If changes are made, please be sure to also edit the Barricade Policy section of the page for any buildings affected.

To include the barricade plan on a page use:

{{Shackleville Barricade Plan}} for a fullsize plan


{{Shackleville Barricade Plan|Small}} for a smaller version.

Ubpicon1.gif UBP Unreviewed Barricade Plan
This barricade plan is under review for compliance with the Uniform Barricading Policy. Comments on this plan may be left here.

50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
60 Finnerty Auto Repair
Jarrett Towers
a factory
a warehouse
Carye Drive
Dugan Way
the Geake Building
Batting Way
Chalderwood Bank
61 Calvert Grove Railway Station
Wilcox Crescent
Lunn Lane
a junkyard
Pardoe Grove
Lucy Cinema
Club Skardon
Ashcroft Library
Doben Square
the Keane Museum
62 the Rayfield Building
Milne Library
Club Vicary
Rush Way
Lewington Street
Sletery Row
Doman Park
Hemore Auto Repair
Burnley Way
63 a junkyard
the Stanbury Monument
Club Cummings
Potter Park
the Baskcomb Museum
Grey Library
Oliver Alley
Dimond Lane School
Denty Walk
64 the Elcomb Building
Grizel Plaza
Rodgers Boulevard
Dinsdale Auto Repair
Swithun General Hospital
the Williames Building
Hickey Square
Brocbury Alley
Bengefield Towers
Elliot Alley
65 the Walter Building
Passco Avenue School
Copp Avenue
the Dodd Monument
Dempsey Lane Fire Station
the Horsey Museum
Harkness Auto Repair
a factory
Heath Drive
the Bowle Museum
66 a factory
Doig Road Fire Station
Brickenden Grove
Langmead Way
Clarkson Lane Fire Station
the Raymond Building
Maybee Cinema
the Duggan Building
Carder Row School
the Rickard Building
67 a carpark
Broadbery Square
Clark Row Railway Station
Luckwell Plaza Police Department
Swaffield Plaza
the Attle Building
Nash Alley
Gilles Drive
a warehouse
68 Parris Square
Whittle Street Railway Station
Club Goodenough
Henstridge Avenue
Empson Alley
the Charlesworth Hotel
Raggett Plaza
St. Anselm's Church
Plumley Alley
the Willcox Motel
69 Snelgrove Walk
St. Helier's Church
Sweatman Walk Police Department
Gazzard Way
a junkyard
Macaulay Cinema
Terrell Cinema
a cemetery
Vines Plaza School
Dedeystere Square
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59

Extremely Heavily Barricaded Very Strongly Barricaded No Barricades
Auto Repair Shops Hospitals Other (non-TRP)
Factories and
Power Stations
NecroTech Buildings Unbarricadable
Forts and Malls Police Departments
MPM: Mobile Phone Masts RP: Revive Points


The center of the suburb, consisting of the area containing pretty much all the TRPs (Swithun, Raymond and Luckwell) are kept at EHB++ by pretty much all groups in the area. Clarkson Lane Fire Station is the commonly accepted entry point, kept at VSB++, providing direct access to the NT, police station and Dempsey Lane Fire Station, Swithun and Harkness Auto Repair are just one step further, giving all commonly needed resources safely with just one entry point. On a similar note, the Free Running corridor to Woodroffe Mall in the east is also kept at high barricade levels.

The reason for this is that Shackleville is relatively limited in resources (1 hospital, 1 NT), but on the outskirts of Greater Ridleybank, and thus home to frequent Zombie invasions. Low-level survivors would simply be better off traveling south to Kempsterbank, with its staggering six hospitals.

The Shackleville Barricade Plan was originaly created and proposed by Capt. Brian McStay of MFD using the Uniform Barricading Policy, recommendations of the Malton Fire Department and comments from the community in June of 2006. All survivors are urged to assist the MFD and its allies in ensuring that barricades remain at designated levels. Do not overbarricade! The life you save may be your own.

The Barricade plan was updated to better reflect common practices in the suburb by Grungni 11:09, 16 October 2009 (BST)