Dropped in the South East of Malton Zipo wandered around on more than one occasion being killed by so called pro-survivors under the grounds of being a zombie spy.
Following a call for help at Joachim mall he met survivors Dub Street and Sophie Ames. The two later founded DSS Red Zone Support and asked Zipo if he wanted to join them. Following a year of adventures which included holding a mall with 12 survivors against 45+ zeds, a raid on Ridleybank, making new friends, a massacre in Whittenside a failed attempt at taking Blesely Mall and the sacking on Penny Heights after which the DSS went on standby for a while.
After a cat and mouse shoot out with PKer Annabell Leigh (Which he lost damn zeds) Soph and Kempy returned for a clean up experiment in Havercroft needless to say it was a success but little interest was left in fixing up what was going to be ruined anyway. So Sophie and Kemps decided to start a sub-corporation of the DSS up Section 2 whose purpose was to kill people that kill people.
After a couple of days of "convincing" by Kempy and Soph Zipo agreed to sign up with the Manhunt All-Stars for the upcoming Rage in the Age manhunt event.
The Manhunt All-Stars took home the trophy for the Rage in the Age with a hard fought battle against the other groups in the competition. Since the event Zipo returned to wandering Malton killing the occasional dangerous PKer and helping out local survivors a little with their occasional zed problem. He hasn't seen Sophie or Kemps around as of late as their adventures have brought them to a points far from each other.
Level: 43
Class: Scout
Dropped into the South west corner of Malton in an effort to combat and observe the undead it didn't take long for Zipo (confusing hunh) to realise he was likely never gonna get out of Malton alive anyway.
Not long later still he was incapacitated in the ruins New Arkham after coming to he moved to Spicer Hills and helped out around the Stockman Walk PD volunteering to help a small group of police called The 7th Stockman Walk Regiment.
Not long after their collapse Zipo found himself in Foulkes Village where officers Sid James and Susan Popham suggested he should at least think about signing up with CAPD. Needless to say he applied and they hired and so far it's been pretty good.
Level: 42
Class: Scout
Fun Fact: Zipo literally means nothing as in zero, zilch, nada, etc although I've also seen and heard it used to mean no.
This User has won the victoria cross
For most conspicuous bravery or some daring or pre-eminent act of valour or self-sacrifice or extreme devotion to duty in the presence of the enemy.
Presented to him/her by the leader of the British Relief Force
I got this from some battle at Fort Perryn it was a blood bath for all sides involved
One of the older sisters of Shaun. Alyson joined the armed forces instead of the police force. After a few boring years word of a Quarantine of her home city of Malton reached her. Fearing for her family still there she requested deployment into Malton. Needless to say she got it. Dropped into Ridley bank during one of the local survivors attacks against what she would learn was the zeds home suburb Ridleybank once her own. After seeing how ineffective any force was against the undead military or otherwise and finding no sign of her family Alyson headed north she had always wanted to visit the zoo.
After a few months helping out around the zoo Alyson headed east to a pub she had hoped survived the outbreak. To her amazement the pub not only stood but was fully functional now maintained by a group called the Roach Klips. Alyson started pitching in around the bar using the medical skills (enough to rival any doctor it would seem) she had learned in Malton.
Following rumours heard from a friend Alyson found herself in the middle of Blackmore 4(04). Which was the oddest siege she can ever recall being at and she'd been at more than her share but it was fun.
Since the siege at Blackmore Alyson has found her self helping out an old friend at a local church while still doing her best to help out the survivors of the area. She still tries to return to the pub from time to time to see her other good friends to.
Level : 43
Class: Private
Like his father and sister before him Shaun joined the force. Not long after he had completed his training the infection was discovered and the quarantine began. His first job was helping maintain the perimeter around the city helping make sure none of the infected would get out. Shaun was amazed at how fast the wall had been completed around Malton and thought it odd at how fast supplies we're brought in to build it. After the wall was complete he was assigned to the Hindmarsh Row police department to help bolster the local police presence there.
But not long after his arrival to Rhodenbank Shaun decided he'd seen enough and left the force to help start a pirate radio show instead with some old friends. After a while they went there separate ways and Shaun is now once again roaming the streets of Malton doing what he wants when he wants.
After his participation in Axe Hack's 3rd Manhunt Shaun went to Molebank to help an acquaintance he took a liking to in dealing with someone targeting her and her friends.
Shaun slipped away for a bit for a well earned and much deserved rest.
Level: 43
Class: Cop/Civilian
Manhunt Survivor!
Shaun enjoys competing in the survival games of the Malton Manhunt
My new alt part Zombie part Pro-survivor experiment to kinda see how many paranoid survivors exist. So far I've found a few who have yet to develop enough intelligence gathering skills to see I'm not a zombie spy or a PKer. I play him part Dual Nature if I get killed my a paranoid Survivor I play Zed, I get killed by a Zed I play Zed, when I'm alive I play survivor and if I get killed by a Death Cultist I'll go to an RP, I get killed by a PKer it could go either way. I also saw the name wasn't taken had to have it possibly should of taken Zeadpool.
The hero anit-hero Deadpool suffering from the Malton strain of the zombie virus. Falling through a rift in dimensional space (or something fancy like that) Deadpool ended up in Malton where he ended up becoming a member of the undead.
Deadpool has been performing the role of medic while practising to get his skills with a firearm back from his time as a member of the undead. So far he has been accused of being a zombie spy 3 or 4 times and has been shot a bit more than that but has somehow managed to survive for now.
Level: 22