Team Xtreme
Team Xtreme is a group dedicated to taking the fight to PKers. We believe PKers are an even worse plague than zombies to Malton society. Our stated goal is to eliminate the threat PKers impose to the fine citizenry of our city. We use the Rogues Gallery as a tool to find the guilty and make them pay for their crimes.
Bounty Hunter
This User or Group hunts and kills PKers.
Witnessing murders all around Malton, as well as being occasional victims ourselves, we decided we could no longer sit idly by and allow this sort of deviant behavior to continue. We tried joining other groups only to find them either not active or coordinated enough. We banded together under the flag of hatred of PKers and formed a group of our own; Team Xtreme was born.
In October 2008, Team Xtreme merged with the Cannonball Crew and became its dedicated Bounty Hunting squad. With new friends comes new war stories with PKers and that means more targets for us.
All Saints Day, November 1st 2008- Team Xtreme took part in The All Saints Day Bounty Celebration with their bounty hunter allies The Saints The goal was to kill PKers by smashing a wine bottle over the PKers head for the killing blow. Drunk bounty hunters in Malton: very fun.
Alliance 45, June 2009- Team Xtreme took part of the Alliance 45 Showing that Team Xtreme are more than Bounty Hunters, they are also capable Zombie fighters. Look at the A45 wiki page for all the details on the Alliance 45.
Samhain Slaughter- October, 2009 to November 1, 2009- Team Xtreme and their Bounty Hunter Allies put forth a great effort to prevent the Samhain Slaughter 3. We played cat and mouse across a few suburbs and the PKers resorted to setting up decoys. Finally setting in on Santlerville and the Dowdney Mall, we made raids. But with the Bounty Hunters outnumbered and the local survivors not heeding the many warnings given them, the inevitable happened and the Mall, with all its inhabitants, was lost.
War on Dawn Patrol (Dec 2009 - May 2010) After a member of Zerg Patrol pestered Team Xtreme member Jimaine Dunwich in their declaration of war against Bounty Hunters, Team Xtreme waged a 5 month war on Dawn Patrol. Much blood was shed, mostly Zerg Patrol's.
War on Heathers (May 2010 - July 2010) After Dr. schwan’s Research and Development Team heard of Team Xtreme's previous encounters with the PKers Heathers, Dr. Schwan invited Team Xtreme to Whittenside to help out. Team Xtreme gladly helped, and this led to the Heathers and their manslaves (not sure which is which), being brutally annihilated, as well as a formal alliance Team Xtreme and Dr. Schwan's team. Dr. Schwan’s team also won a MMX Malton Murder Award for Best PKer Moment 2010.
Operation Damage Control (July 21, 2010 - Sept 12, 2010) Team Xtreme battled against Zombies in Vinetown and Gulsonside, including Clubbed to Death, showing once again that Team Xtreme is just as good at taking down zed! During their time in Gulsonside, Team Xtreme had some awesome accomplishments along our Allies D.S. R&D, Knights Templar, and 41st Death Com: we recaptured The Wetherall Building, CtD's precious Club Wadman, and their beloved Blesley Mall.
CtD's leader, Hermann Munster, took a few complimentary headshots from TX leader Josh Clark. The danger level dropped TWO levels while we were in enemy territory, showing that when groups work together, much can be accomplished.
However, due to some internal problems within Cannonball Crew and an unfortunate lack of local survivor support, which would have helped secure our gains, TX and Allies withdrew from Gulsonside.
In October 2010, Team Xtreme joined Skynet Defense Network.
Operation Uplift (October 1, 2010 - October 22, 2010) Wyke Hills goes from Red to Green with Team Xtreme, the Wulves and D.S. R&D on the job. D.S. R&D manned the revive points, with the Wulves and Team Xtreme repairing the buildings, as well as Team Xtreme taking out the occasional PKer. Operation Uplift was a success.
October 28, 2010 Josh Clark officially launched his blog web show The Xtreme Zone, showing that Team Xtreme is moving forward to be the 1st Bounty Hunter group with a media outlet.
Operation LUE (November 15, 2010 - Nov 22, 2010) After the LUEshi's Rangers attacked and killed Skynet Defense Network members, Team Xtreme was dispatched to face the PKers. After 8 days, the LUEshi Rangers conceded like gentlemen. [1] It was a fun fight and we thank them and look forward to the next time we meet.
Operation Blindside (January 19, 2011 - January 28, 2011) Skynet Defense Network troops along with [[F{DF]], AZS, KT, MR, C4NT, WULVES, MCDU, The Fortress, DSR&D, and Z.A.L.P. worked together in Whittenside against the Feral Undead. Team Xtreme joined in to provide support against PKers. Two Heather Goons were capped, but no other PKers showed up. We had prepared for a bloody PK battle, but settled for helping Allies retake Fort Perryn and Kill Zeds before leaving the area. In the end, Whittenside was taken and held for 11 days and Fort Perryn, Anne General Hospital and Colglough NT were reclaimed and held for 3 days each. This mission was a success and an One Barrel Salute to the FU.
Operation Corps Grinder (March 3, 2011 - March 26, 2011) Skynet Defense Network invited Team Xtreme to Ridleybank in anticipation of a PK war against the Gore Corps. Big letdown. It was more like Team Xtreme against the Bore Corps, as they did not even put up a fight. Highlights include Team Xtreme's Josh Clark and Inevitable Betrayal clearing Evershed Cinema of four PKers and Jimaine Dunwich sniping Lord Moloch, leader of GC. With near zero casualties on the Team Xtreme side, Team Xtreme moves onto another mission, hoping the next one will be a challenge.
Operation Time for a Bloodbath (March 29, 2011 - April 10, 2011) Team Xtreme went back to our Bounty Hunting roots and began collecting bounties in Buttonville and Wyke Hills. Barzarkahr kicked off things with the first kills. Some old foes from the Heather Goon Squad and Cobra were brought down. Cobra's Sally A Summers had lady luck on her side, escaping death at least 3 times!
Cobra admittedly got some good kills in on some of our members. Still, they were fun to tangle with.
Operation: Rock The Dead (April 11, 2011 - July 2, 2011) Team Xtreme kicked off our campaign to defend against The Dead 2.0 and their PKer force the Malton Globetrotters. Team Xtreme got first blood on Alerox and Officer Kerry of the Globetrotters. The next Globetrotters to go down were Covert Ops Wizard LabDrunk BadBrainz and Five Ohh.
A Xtreme Zone video about the dead was made by Josh Clark.
Finally after Team Xtreme's turkey shoot, the Globetrotters finally managed to hit a couple of us.
But then we hit back: [2] [3] [4][5][6][7].
With the Trotters now moving on tour through Malton (or fleeing madly from Team Xtreme?) Team Xtreme lost the trail and instead helped the DHPD and DEM fight the dead in Shore Hills, battling both PKers and zombies, whether affiliated with the dead or not. Of course, Team Xtreme's main business remained street justice
TX wandered through Lockettside, New Arkham, Buttonside, Old Arkham and many other PKer-infested lands. A sampling of asskickings:
[8] [9]
And a broadcast about it: [15]
Unfortunately the dead zombie horde moved in to ruin the fun. To counter the dangerously low number of survivors in Malton, Team Xtreme to adopt the C.R.A.P. plan and start reviving wildly.
Of course while reviving helpful survivors, we would still greet the unhelpful ones in the usual way:
All the globeys had to show:this and a failed assassination attempt on Josh Clark, which resulted in
a counter attack.
Because Team Xtreme's deaths came at the hands of Zombies, and not living PKers, and seeing as Malton is making a strong recovery from the Dead's march,Operation: Rock The Dead was a success, and given the photographic evidence, Team Xtreme regularly bathed in Globetrotter organs with impunity.
Operation: Beaten to Death (July 28, 2011 - September 5, 2011) A year later after Operation Damage Control Team Xtreme returned to the suburb of Gulsonside to fight against the Zombie forces of Clubbed to Death. This is a mission that Team Xtreme leader Josh Clark has been waiting for a long time, as there is much history between Team Xtreme and Clubbed to Death. As well as a lot of things unfinished in Gulsonside last time. Not going into to much detail, Gulsonside was always a bad reminder of the things that went bad in the middle of Operation Damage Control. A lot of hurt feelings and confusion that had nothing to do with the Clubbed to Death Zombies but more to with infighting, leadership being unavailable, and chaos with in groups during the mission that lead to the leaving of the burb and a bad memory. This time things would be different, and thus the reason Team Xtreme went back to make better memories. Team Xtreme with hopes of being knee deep in Zombie guts with a big grin on our blood covered faces arrive with allies, Skynet Defense Network, Malton Restoration Society, Knights Templar, Malton Rangers, FOXHOUND, AND The Wraiths. When we first arrived it seemed as we would not see much action as most of the Clubbers were passed out and in drunken induced comas. Most of their buildings were easy to capture as well as taking the Mall. Team Xtreme and Knights Templar reclaimed Blesley Mall in the first strike. Not wanting a cake walk Team Xtreme and allies began calling out the Clubbing Zombies and waking them up for a real fight. [23] [24]
You may notice a lot of references to Cheetos. This is because during Operation Damage Control a running gag was born. It started from a radio broadcast by Leon Silverblood. In the broadcast Leon stated we had a Clubber Zombie hostage and we will not let him go unless our demands were met. Josh Clark's demand was for some Cheetos, from that moment on when ever Clubbed to Death was fought the Cheeto joke would fallow.
With the coaxing that was being done, looking at the stats for Clubbed to Death we noticed their numbers was rising we were indeed getting them sturred up. The deadly tag team of Katie Burns and Josh Clark did was able to give head shots to two zombies.
The first was a Minion of Apocalypse who was in Northcote Avenue Fire Station trying to eat our AZS friends. Katie gets the kill after my taunt [[25]]
Then we found Hermann Munster in the Mall [[26]]
The First kill on Hermann [[27]] [[28]]
3 Zombies were left in Blesley Mall, Katie Burns and Josh Clark took out the 3 in the Mall and Josh Clark got one in Wadman. barzarkahr got 1 in Peryyn NT for a total of 5 Zombies taken out by TX!
Another headshot on Hermann Munster in Peryyn NT [[29]]
More kills by TX [[30]] [[31]] [[32]]
By this time Team Xtreme and Allies held Clubs Wadman, Simpson, Adam, and Single. As wel as Perryn NT. The Burbs Danger Level was light yellow. We were ready to try to hold the Mall.
Josh Clark did the Creep on Hermann in the Mall [[33]] Then Josh Clark threw him to the ground! [[34]]
Things started heating up around Gulson as CtD's forces started being supplemented by other (mostly unidentified) zombies, as well as some of the dead were being sighted.
A great raid on the south east side of the Blesley Mall by Josh Clark and barzarkahr! Attention Shoppers - [[35]] Clean up on aisle your face! - [[36]] Barz's hands are registered weapons! - [[37]] Then Josh Clark repaired the corner and caded it up after leaving a nice tag - [[38]]
For the last part of the mission Skynet's Bad Attitude Barbie had planned for everyone to pile in the Mall and have a Mall Siege. Like crazed warriors the Alliance cleared the Mall! Out of AP and cades up Team Xtreme and allies sat and waited for the stand off to begin.
Radio broadcasts were repeatedly sent out all over the surrounding burbs for survivors to come join in the party at Blesley Mall.
A tug of war started between the Alliance and the Zombies as periodic break ins were thwarted [[39]] At one point the Zeds were able to wrestle control of the Mall from us [[40]] But in another coordinated strike the Alliance was able to gain the Mall back.
In the end We held Blesley for close to a week and Gulsonside for most six weeks! With a better feeling of this op this time around it was time to leave.
The Zombie group of Clubbed to Death are a noble zombie group, they are fun to fight and they did not disappoint. Thanks for a great time!
Operation: Black List (September 9, 2011 - October 3, 2011)
Zergers Suck
This user believes that there is no such thing as griefing a Multi abuser, they deserve everything they get.
To join Team Xtreme, your character must be pro-survivor and not be a PKer, GKer, RKer, zombie or zerger. Contact us at our forum or here on our Talk page.
Bounty hunters are expected to abide by the following rules when executing a PKer:
1. Confirm Mr. PKer is indeed a PKer. Check the Rogues Gallery for a current bounty. Note that KOS (Kill On Sight) offenders should be targeted first as they are proven maniacs.
2. Locate and Injure Mr. PKer. Have your way with Mr. PKer until he is very low in health (e.g. 5 HP or less).
3. Inform others of the execution (a.k.a. The Warning). Before delivering the death blow, you should explain to others why you are executing Mr. PKer. For example you could say, "Mr. Dirt Bag is a PKer and on the Rogues Gallery." Then you would provide a link to their Rogues Gallery page as proof. Proof is extremely important as you don't want a witness to file a report on YOU.
4. Make Mr. PKer Go Bye-Bye. Finish off Mr. PKer and take a screenshot. You can use Iwit, UDWit or Dumbwit
5. Invite Mr. PKer's Corpse Outside. Don't allow Mr. PKer to stand up as a zombie and wreak havoc. Remember to wash your hands too!
6. Report your successful bounty kill. Go to [the RG] and click the Report a PK button (note: The same form is used for bounty claims, as well)
The submission form defaults to load a saved file from your computer. If you took a manual screenshot, just browse to where its saved and click 'Upload'
If you took an Iwit, UDWit or Dumbwit, click "upload URL" and copy the screeny URL into the field and click submit.
Enter in the required info and submit the report.
7. Share your tale. Regale your comrades with your war story and rejoice in knowing there's one less PKer on the loose.
You can also check out this Bounty Hunting Video
We don't farm XP by killing zombies at revive points. We believe it is a mistake to over barricade buildings that are meant to be entry points. We are against Zerging and prohibit its use for all members.
Our Allies can show support by putting this template on their Wiki page:
Team Xtreme Ally
This user or group is a Friend and Ally of Team Xtreme
Violence is quicker
Both diplomacy and violence solve problems. But violence is quicker.
Sometimes TX is so awesome, PKers will pretend to be TX to live out their fantasies of awesomeness. Be warned, these are not actual TX members, but instead PKing scum.
XTREME Josh Clark - Is a parody of a TX member created by the Heathers.
Josh CIark - Not the REAL Josh Clark notice the Capital I in place of the lower case L I call it "Bitch Josh"
Josh Clark Sex Life - Obvious rip off
Josh Clark's Dad - Not my dad, nor a real member of Team Xtreme
Josh Clark eats crap - Now it is just getting sad
SkolI - False Tagging PKer
Supported Policies
Combat Revive Any Person
Oh, C.R.A.P.!
Yet another proud supporter of the Malton Zombie Recycling Program
For more info visit the C.R.A.P. Viral Plan here
and watch this video on how to C.R.A.P.
Team Xtreme supports the Bounty Hunters Guild and Zerg Hunters Unlimited
PK Reporting
This User or Group supports PK Reporting. Don't let Player Killers get away with murder. Report them on the Rogues Gallery.
Malton Wide
This group operates on the whole area of Malton!
Beat The Bejesus
This Person or Group Knows That Sometimes You Just Gotta Beat The Bejesus Outta Somethings...
Alliance 45
This user or group is associated with Alliance 45

Team Xtreme listens to and loves Uncle Zeddies Radio Survivor!
Team Xtreme supported Mitt Zombie for President in the 2008 Election