Eley Way Police Department

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Eley Way Police Dept

Greentown [33,79]

the Maudslay Museum St. Dionysius's Church St. Etheldreda's Church
Branagan Row Fire Station Eley Way Police Dept Tomlin Crescent
Pooll Towers Morliere Avenue Railway Station Club Chandler

Basic Info:

  • Police Stations can be barricaded normally.

Eley Way Police Department is the Malton Police Department headquarters for Greentown, and primary base of operations for District SW-1. All Cops are requested to report in to MPD Command on the forum as soon as possible. Malton Police Department

Please do not over barricade this building! It should be maintained as an accessible safe house and free running entryway, and as such the barricades should be maintained at Very Strongly (VS+2). See the Uniform Barricading Policy for more details.

Current Status

Building currently at VHB. Nearby buildings ruined, but St. E's is providing a steady stream of FAKS. Zombies on streets and inside buildings all around. Mr. Capris 04:45, 23 April 2008 (BST)



"To Serve and to Protect" SW Greentown and her neighbors.

Located in the southwest quarter of Greentown. This small but proud station house has a equally proud tradition and place in Malton history. The Malton Police Department and the Department of Emergency Management would like the citizens of Malton know that our ranks are always open to those who want to make a difference here. If you are looking to contribute to the community survival, Join today! http://tinyurl.com/jcfc6.

Barricading Policy

Uniform Barricading Policy suggests that since the Police Station is an essential resource building, it should be barricaded to Very Strongly Barricaded +2 (which means, barricade it up unto the point where it says "further barricading will prevent people from entering" and stop so that people without free running can still enter).--Alice Cuinn 07:00, 4 June 2007 (BST)

Eley Way Police Department is a Proud supporter of UBP by actively maintaining barricades according to local plan or UBP standard. Hospitals, Police and Fire Depts should be kept at VS. DO NOT OVER-BARRICADE. If you feel exposed in a VS building, move out of these resource buildings. Over barricading locks other people outside. It could be you looking for a VS block one day. When a building is under siege by three or more zombies, barricade limitations may be temporarily ignored, but should be returned to the preferred condition as soon as the immediate threat is alleviated. MPD Officer Lane grate SW-1.

Other Policies

Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Sacred Ground Policy and acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered Revivification Points.

Observe the Sacred Ground Policy. The Sacred Ground Policy is a movement to convert ALL Cemeteries in Malton to Revive Points. This will provide revive points in every Suburb that do not require any notification.

Mpd.png Report PKers!
Don't let them get away with murder! Register them on the Rogues Gallery. (Dead Link)

PKers rely on the apathy and disorganization of the masses to murder who they want. If you want to find and exterminate PKers, check out and bookmark the DEM's Rogues Gallery

Banana.gif No More Bananas
Just say no to RP rape.

This horrid criminal activity is in-excusable, and should not be tolerated by anyone. The victims are urged to provide evidence to DEM personnel so the accused can be brought to justice.

Revive.gif Revivification Requests
Undead? Want to breathe again?
Make a Revivification Request! (Dead Link)

Your chances of being revived quickly are increased if you file a report in the DEM's Revivification Request Tool located here -DEM members will not revive zombies who don't make a request. Filing just takes a minute to do.

Be safe! Calculate your movements, plan for obstacles and combat. Don't be caught without a safe place to hide! The first step to victory is YOUR survival.
Spread the word! Tell others what you know. Use an action to communicate important information when you have one to spare.
Citizens, report in, the community needs your help. http://tinyurl.com/jcfc6

-MPD Officer Lane grate E.W.P.D.

Police Helmet1.jpg Malton Police Departments Group
This user or group supports the MPDG in their attempt at restoring law and order in Malton.

Spreading awareness and organizing resistance.--MaxFloyd 13:07, 17 June 2007 (BST)

Recent Events

from Greentown:

August 17th Started tearing down EHB barricades to VSB in motels, churchs, clubs, and stations. --User:TwinpeaksFireman 08:50, 17 August 2008 (EST)

August 14th I died because these morons didn't keep fire stations or Motels and Towers VSB. Greentown needs to follow UBP. --Vynergy 22:31, 14 August 2008 (BST)

August 13th If I run into one more unenterable building that is supposed to be an entry point, I am going to throw my computer across the room. Seriously, is it really that hard to comply to the barricade policy? --JaredTalk W! P! 17:01, 13 August 2008 (BST)

from South Blythville:

August 17th Suburb is very safe, but their are some zombies in the west. Think they are waiting for a revive though.

Linkthewindow 22:21, 16 August 2008 (BST)

August 13th Pking activity has been on the rise recently within Marven Mall by the PKing group "Mercenaries"

Funkmeister3 12:32, 13 August 2008 (BST)funkmeister3

fromNorth Blythville:

August 8 After recent requests solicited no response, the following group links have been removed from the suburb.

If any of these groups are still active, please add them again.

--Adavastor 19:41, 8 August 2008 (BST)


August 16th The Lockettside Boys would like to report that we have cleared and caded much of our quarter and have enjoyed the exercise....but we look forward to going back to drinking heavily and hitting each other with newspapers. NEWSPAPER TAG!! 1818korea 01:38, 16 August 2008

August 14th The MoB appears to have headed Eastward toward Williamsville, and survivors are beginning to repair the area. There remains scattered zombie activity, and PK'er groups like the Late Night TV Crue have resumed coordinated activities against the inhabitants of St. Alexander's hospital and their supporters. The mall is starting to repopulate, and is solidly in survivor hands. --Sarah Silverman 14:07, 14 August 2008 (BST)

August 13th External Military: "... can see nearly a hundred on the streets of Lockettside ... mostly just stragglers, no organised groups ... several buildings with power ... some minor structural damage ... some survivor activity in Tompson Mall ..." Laitaine 01:15, 14 August 2008 (BST)

August 5th The MOB and friends have ruined Tompson Mall, along with Cheeke NT (adjacent to the mall but in Ruddlebank), the Beer Building, St Alexander's Hospital, Bridgewater Crescent and Grandon Place PDs, Lindsey and Stowell Towers, and the Jolliffe Building. -- Grogh 17:07, 5 August 2008 (BST)

August 4th After recent requests solicited no response, the following group links have been removed from the suburb.

If any of these groups are still active, please add them again.

--RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 11:41, 4 August 2008 (BST)

August 2nd With The MOB totally in control of the mall, 3 corners ruined and zombies outnumbering humans by better than 2:1 in the last quad, it appears the mall will soon fall. Concerned humans wonder "Is anyplace safe?", while zombies worry about running out of Orange Julius. -- Grogh 04:57, 2 August 2008 (BST)

August 1st The Militant Order of Barhah has announced their entry into Lockettside by ruining the NE corner of Tompson Mall. Allies and ferals are responding to the groans. It doesn't look good for the mall, as it seems many are just running for their lives; the population has already dropped by 40. -- Grogh 02:40, 1 August 2008 (BST)

24 hours after the MOB first broke in, the population of the mall is down by over one hundred. Hope for the remainder is dwindling. -- Grogh 04:37, 1 August 2008 (BST)


August 9th External Military: "... Wykewood is still active, about eighty on the streets ... mostly just stragglers, no organised groups ... can't see any signs of life ... most of the buildings are ruined ..." Laitaine 16:29, 9 August 2008 (BST)

August 8th After recent requests solicited no response, the following group links have been removed from the suburb.

If any of these groups are still active, please add them again. --RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 09:48, 8 August 2008 (BST)