Red Rum
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Core PolicyRummers are absolutely free to wander and shoot anyone and anything they like. This includes Rummers, allies and enemies. Particularly the leadership of Red Rum. Bang. BANG BANG BANG. Red Rum Body CountIt currently stands at 7620 unfortunate souls. The following are our non-event reporting threads: Archive 1 (June 06 - Nov 06) Archive 2 (Nov 06 - April 07) Archive 3 (July 07 - June 08) Current Record IntroductionAre you tired of the stigma attached to murdering people for no adequately explainable reason? We aren't about petty disputes and vendettas; we're creating a masterpiece. And you, my Mrh Cow friends, are the paint. Current NewsA Siesta in the SouthExhausted and sore from their (not so peaceful) exhibitions in Fort Creedy, the Rummers staggered southwards for some well deserved R&R and to soak up the warm August sun's rays. After dispersing through Buttonville and Wyke Hills, Rummers were appalled to find a complete lack of beaches, nor even a tanning bed in sight! Convinced that the Randoms were hiding the beaches and tanning beds just beyond the wall, Red Rum was incensed into violence. Ah, the lengths gone through for a good tan. After weeks of unsuccessful hunting, an intrepid Rummer came across a box of spray-on tan cans. Much rejoicing ensued and, with a rosy orange glow, Rummers continued on their merry way. Success! Body Count: 194 The 2008 Inaugural Player Killer OlympiadWelcome to Malton's First Player Killer Olympic Games! The Player Killer community of Malton has raised the act of homicide to an art form such as humanity has never seen in its history. Let us no longer be deprived of sport by virtue of quarantine and the presence of the fetid undead. This September, the Player Killer community will gather in diabolical competition to learn who among our number are the best of the best at executing execution. Across the city, over a multitude of organized events, Malton's Player Killers will have the opportunity to prove their mettle in the homicidal arts, and many, many innocent residents of the city will perish for our sport. Join your fellow psychopathic athletes in a quest for citywide recognition as one of the greatest at what you do - assassinating the cringing cattle that cowers in fear of the rotten hordes. Demonstrate yet again that in the face of our unpleasant infestation, that something beautiful can be created through destruction. From now through August 29th we are soliciting input on rules, protocol, anything really. After that we've gotta close it and run with it. For more information of all kinds, visit the Player Killer Olympics Page. Creedystock Music and Art Fair: Spread the LoveWe here at Red Rum are at times more than just sick, crazed, malicious murderers with a penchant for breakfast-y confectioneries. We also enjoy peace, harmony, and the use of psychoactive agents to spread our message. We scoured Malton for the most oppressed location possible in order to liberate them from the grasp of "the Man" and free them from the tyrannical laws forced upon them; we found Fort Creedy. We invited the alive and dead in equal parts to share in our joyous, non-violent demonstrations, and they arrived with gusto. As we expected, the so called Creedy "Defense Force" immediately sought to shut down our peaceful activities with the use of a variety of melee weapons and live fire. We only wished to hold our expressionist movement in the Fort Creedy Exercise Yard (with, of course, a minimum of collateral damage), but this affront could not be ignored. Hippies of all walks of life (and unlife) stormed the fort, and it was quickly seized. Still suffering from taunts and slander handed out so freely by the totalitarian institution, we continued to shower free love upon the entire area, moving from the Fort to the Farmer Building, the Morrish Building, and finally to the collapse of Giddings Mall. Eventually coming back to their senses after their stock of herbs ran dry, the Creedystockers departed, knowing that their message had been sent. Body Count: 105, Plus Countless Zombie Kills What? You've never heard of Gulsonside?Red Rum attempts to generate some publicity for the oft-ignored suburb of Gulsonside, but it turns out most of the Rummers couldn't find it, much less those surveyed on such related geographical inquiries. Our tourist agency went bankrupt before even getting off the ground due to poor financing and a lack of presidential bobble-heads. Ah well, such is the way of these things. Body Count: 25 Juneish: Daily RuminationsAlong with our other hijinks, Red Rum has launched a newspaper. It's quick, concise and potentially deadly. Mmmhm. PS Yus, we are in Monroeville. Watch yosef! More or less MayAfter wandering aimlessly for a bit, searching for a meaning and purpose in life beyond drinking tea and hitting each other with hockey sticks, a call to arms of PKer groups was set forth by The Imperium Must Die Coalition to, you guessed it, kill the Imperium for a variety of transgressions which don't be detailed here. After a month-long invasion, the Imperium was unceremoniously disbanded and its leader, Gavriel Loken, quit for good. All in all, a wondrous experience, and we're all the better for it. Despite some rather petty editing by our fallen foes, the PKer cause once again won a rather decisive victory in the resulting arbitration. Good show all! Body Count: 211 Aprilish: 4/5 NEVAR FORGET!In accordance with the will of the Populat, Red Rum will be supporting DORIS in its drive to avenge the shocking death of Charlton Heston, who was slain by gun control activists in Lockettside in an attempt to pry the guns from his cold dead hands. In accordance with article 16 of the will of the Populat, Red Rum will assist in the suppression of all gun control activists in Lockettside. NRA-endorsed pistol ranges will be established in selected buildings to educate the public on their second amendment rights. Body Count:82 Yeah..... Ooops?Turns out we don't make the best survivors. After barricading, reviving, and generally being a helpful sort 'round the North-East, we finally snapped and a bloodbath ensued. With zombies swarming the area like a plague of locusts, we shot at everything with a pulse, including, as always, ourselves from time to time. The corpses piled up, our ammo dwindled, and with our pent-up lust finally appeased, we dispersed once more until our next gathering. Body Count: 99 A TruceIt's now the 19th of March, and we've brokered a ceasefire (I've always wanted to use that phrase) with the Dulston Alliance that will last until The Dead are no longer a presence in the game. Well, most of the Dulston Alliance. The Friends of the Featherstone Library don't want to be part of this, which is disappointing but hardly surprising. Something Awful / The DeadLet's get down to brass tacks here, The Dead are not good for the game. This is nothing but a Something Awful forum goon invasion, and the only reason they're here is to troll the UD community and see how badly they can disrupt the game. You'd think that'd be right up our alley, but The Dead are basically making the game less fun for everyone. So until this problem gets sorted out, many Rummers will be going straight for a while and helping survivors. The more we minimize the impact of the Dead, and the quicker we said "You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air." I whistled for a cab and when it came near, the license plate said FRESH and there were dice in the mirror. If anything I could tell this cab was rare, but I said "Nah forget it, yo holmes to Bel-Air!" I pulled up to the house about seven or eight and I said to the cabbie "Yo holmes smell ya later!" Looked at my kingdom I was finally there, to sit in my throne as the prince of Bel-Air. One True Vois Tour '08 - Turn of the New YearIn an ode to our mentally deteriorated leader's retirement, a tour was set upon in his ever-so-salty name. To kick it off, a party with the Quartly Librarians was held on New Year's Day;debauchery and bullets abounded, and everyone awoke with a terrible hangover. After passing around ample amounts of coffee, Rummers staggered over to the Malton City Zoo and said hello to the caretakers, with the occasional misfire. Quickly though, rumblings were felt throughout Malton. The reason? PKers were being slain left and right, all at the hands of Scour the Earth. Red Rum flocked to the Blythvilles and join Team Zombie Hardcore in fighting back against the oppression being wrought by StE. Nonetheless, we were able to do little but watch as both Rummers and the TZH were easily decimated by their rampage. Hearing that StE was basing itself in Tompson Mall, Red Rum rallied for one last bought on Valentine's Day, when they were to be at the most vulnerable. However, it was not to be, as they had been lying in wait for some time. Bodies piled up on both sides, and no prisoners were taken; even our photographer was not spared, and only impromptu pictures were taken. As the smoke cleared, no one was left standing in the quadrant the blood bath had taken place in. Body Count: 102