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Revision as of 01:24, 22 January 2010 by Kerfwet (talk | contribs)
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Suburb of Molebank
Dunell Hills West Becktown East Becktown
Owsleybank Molebank Lukinswood
Grigg Heights Reganbank Lerwill Heights
Update Molebank's Danger Level
View Danger Center

Molebank's location in Malton

Resource buildings in Molebank

Latest EMR:
z: 0~i: **-
p: BAug 4

Update EMR

Phone Mast: (13,46)

Factory 13,46

Maltel-destroyed-small.jpg Update Mast

Known groups in this suburb:
— Survivor Groups —
— Zombie Groups —
— Hostile Groups —
  • Only freelance killers...

Key buildings in Molebank:

Malls: none
NecroTech Buildings: 6


Police Departments: 2
Hospitals: 2
Fire Stations: 7
Bulletin Boards: unknown
Others: St Jude's Cathedral, Schools 1, Churches 2, Auto Repair 3, Railway Stations 1
Suburb Number: 42
Scales.png Please remember to keep this article neutral.

Molebank is a leafy suburb of Malton, located in the west of the city. Prior to the outbreak, it was considered to be one of the more affluent suburbs with its open spaces, parks, museums, NecroTech research offices, and religious buildings. It was also the training ground for the firefighters of Malton. It had a high percentage of second and third generation Irish immigrants.

Resource Buildings

Fire Stations


NecroTech Facilities

Police Departments


  • none

Bulletin Boards

Revive Points

Molebank Information Resources


The Molebank Building Information Center contains status reports and updates on key buildings in the suburb.

View zombie activity and locations in Molebank from External Military Reports and NecroWatch.

Revive Points

The consensus among survivor groups in Molebank is to abide by the Sacred Ground Policy, meaning churches, cathedrals, and graveyards or cemeteries are considered revive points.

At least one survivor group advertises a revive request queue for this suburb.
DHPD Queue - Status: Active (Requests Preferred)

10 minutes from hell maintains a revive point at Hanlon Park. Please use the revivification request tool for a quicker revive.

Revive.gif Revivification Requests
Undead? Want to breathe again?
Make a Revivification Request! (Dead Link)

Recent News

Please: recent news at the top (signed & NPOV). Old news can be archived.

January 2010

January 21st

External Military: "... about eighty in Molebank ... a few big groups, but they're spread out ... a lot of lights on, looks the area's been reclaimed ... only a few buildings damaged though ... power's on at the Barstow Building ..." Laitaine 12:24, 21 January 2010 (UTC)

January 13th

25.96 MHz: "... reporting from Molebank, I've got thirty or so active ... maybe a dozen outside Felix General Hospital ... a lot of lights on, looks the area's been reclaimed ... some minor structural damage though ... the Hippesley Building is being held ..."

January 2nd

25.96 MHz: "... about sixty in Molebank ... mostly just small groups ... power's on across most of the area ... only a few buildings damaged though ... the Barstow Building has lights on ..." -- Papa Jadkor (RRF) (MotA) (MT11) 18:15, 2 January 2010 (UTC)

Due to zombie activity danger status is upgraded to moderately dangerous. -- Papa Jadkor (RRF) (MotA) (MT11) 18:15, 2 January 2010 (UTC)

Significant Events and Group Presence

  1. The survivor group DHPD considers this suburb part of the six-suburb Dunell Military Zone, a multi-suburb patrol and defense zone.

  2. The Church of the Resurrection considers this suburb part of their current pilgrimage.
(The following is an excerpt from the written history of the Church of the Resurrection)
Operation: Christmas Feast Following long months of Pilgrimage, the Church arrived at its destination -- St. Jude's Cathedral and the surrounding area -- just in time for the Christmas holiday. As evidence of God's Love for the Church above all others, the Church of the Resurrection met no meaningful resistance as it preached its message of Love and Tolerance. No doubt those who had announced opposition to the Church either fled in terror of our Righteous Wrath, or chose to open their juicy little hearts, lungs, kidneys, and other internal organs to the Love of Sweet Zombie Jesus.
In addition to the Cathedral itself, the Church and its allies converted all unenlightened souls in the neighboring Necrotech building, and in the godless Communist factory that sends out brainwashing signals across the suburb.
*See The Siege of 'The Temple of Our Martyred Lady' for more information on the fight for the suburb.
*A Minions Eye-view -- **M!N!ANZ!**.

molebank emergency plan

molebank emergency plan

Barricade Plan

The suburb barricade plan is viewable at Molebank Barricade Plan.

Suburb Map

The Malton Suburb of Molebank
Mitchel Walk Dauncey Square a junkyard Foyle Lane a carpark wasteland Bletso Cinema the Hambidge Building a warehouse Montgomery Avenue Fire Station
the Bayford Building Tasker Park Aston Lane St. Paulinus's Church the Hippesley Building Hamm Walk Fire Station Pattinson Row Trimble Lane the Barstow Building Loveridge Drive
the Pankhurst Building Wadden Boulevard a carpark Cottey Way a cemetery
the Wakeford Motel a carpark Lettey Row Fire Station a warehouse the Pridham Building
Seear Auto Repair Emms Walk Tidball Library Ryles Avenue Chaning Alley Shenton Crescent Hollyman Lane Bustin Auto Repair Cotty Bank Tarzwell Road
Bere Towers Riste Alley Frekee Walk Burrell Way Police Department Julian Lane Rodeney Plaza the Bampfyld Arms the Eglen Building a factory Bygrave Cinema
Perham Park Wallbutton Way the Austwick Museum Warner Boulevard Falvey Walk Fire Station Ewins Row Fire Station Hind Boulevard Sorton Way Fire Station Rumbell Grove Railway Station Sherman Alley Fire Station
Harrison Park Jouxson Cinema Stallworthy Square a factory the Farrant Monument Blockwood Auto Repair Holland Alley wasteland the Lee Building the Snee Building
the Vaughan Arms the Hateley Arms St. Jude's Cathedral St. Jude's Cathedral Cape Towers the Blackburn Arms Hanlon Park
Denbury Road Felix General Hospital the Hamilton Arms
Stockley Walk Police Department Maishman Bank St. Jude's Cathedral St. Jude's Cathedral Copleston Library the Dimon Museum the Collings Building St. Elisabeth's Hospital Badman Cinema Brundrit Towers
Martindale Road the Curme Building Coffins Lane School Donnan Alley Thorburn Way a factory Neary Bank the Reginaldus Museum Crowly Library St. Columba's Church