Talk:Special Tactics and Rescue Squad/Archive

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S.T.A.R.S Archive

Old Talk, archived for future reference.

Current Talk can be found at the Talk:Special Tactics And Rescue Squad page.

Old Talk

Read on - to?

How would I go about joining S.T.A.R.S., if possible? --Kasei 15:54, 29 December 2007 (UTC)

Joining Stars

two things, id love to join stars, im really into urban dead and id like to join you, i just created a new character for RPing purposes and like i said, id love to join, and marven mall is currently EHB, could someone fix this, its right next to gotch police department where im stationed, and itd help everyone here for supplies

i made a new character, Dpeterkin. it seems to fit me more. im a scout now. id still like to join

Ackland mall under siege and losing!!!

Ackland mall is about to fall, and if we do not habve people over there RIGHT NOW it will fall, and the revered Channel 4 News Team's efforts will have been worthless. please get as many people as you can, including from other groups, to come and give us a hand! --Ayumi 04:56, 23 June 2007 (BST)

Defense of Fort Perryn

As of late, Fort Perryn has been taken over by zombies. Members from the RRF, Minions of the Apocalypse, and the Feral Undead have been sighted there. At last count, 166 zombies were either in or on the grounds of the fort. As Police Chief of the Scarletwood Police Department, I ask for your assistance in our Operation Alamo.

--Police Chief Owen 20:28, 26 November 2006 (GMT)

Unriteful attack

Care to explain why one of your member s attacked and killed me saying i killed one of your members? cause i have done no such thing. -Xe Liang

  • A few questions: who killed you? (If you can post a profile link, that'd be great) Also, who did they say you killed? We've been having problems with a smear campaign and people saying they are a part of S.T.A.R.S. when they are really not lately, so every bit of information helps. ~ Ohaeri Jules
  • I killed him, unfortunatly only as a zed. He is both a pker and a rker and I have the screenshots to prove it. Binney 01:57, 10 October 2006 (BST)
  • So unless you can argue with screenshots, we'll consider this matter solved. ~ Ohaeri Jules

STARS Brothers,

I am horribly embarrassed about the injustice I have caused. However, I want to appologize. Especially to you theLeader. I didnt mean to kill you, I thought you were a part of some horde, I didnt see the Revive point thing till after the heinous deed was done. Again, theLeader, I want to give you my deepest and sincerest apologies. I suppose I got what I deserved. Also, I guess it was an Unriteful Attack on my part. Oh and if anyone wants to revive me, it'd be appriciated! --THEBOBINATOR 23:03, 17 October 2007 (BST)

Uhhh Guys...

I can't log into the forum...--Mayor Fitting 21:47, 16 September 2006 (BST)

Special Tactics And PH Squad

We in Kempsterbank have reason to believe that a number of PH members have been chaning their group field to masquerade as members of the Special Tactics And Rescue Squad in order to elicit revives and inflitrate Necrotech buildings in order to comprimise their safety. I can confirm that PHophito (known PH PKer) is doing this. I suggest you up the threat level from PH and be advised that they are indeed active and dangerous. David Malfisto 10:58, 23 August 2006 (BST)

We can confirm that the PH are using dirty tctics to try and discedit us measures are being taken.--Meinstorm 09:12, 2 September 2006 (BST)

If you're interested, PHophito is stinking up the SW corner of Nichols Mall in Stanbury. He's still flying the fake S.T.A.R.S. flag. You're welcome to stop by and ventilate him if one of the Secret Six doesn't get to him first. --Eris2323 19:39, 6 September 2006 (BST)

Got another update for you - moricochico, morico, and moricogrande are all camped in the SW corner of Nichols Mall. They're all flying the group tag "porn S.T.A.R". We'll do what we can to bump 'em off, but our resources are kind of tied up with keeping the mall up and running for the defenders of Blackmore up in Ridleybank.

New Board of Leaders

As you know, our former board has, left Malton. And, with Wolfe's blessing, i have taken control of the STARS. It is a great honor, and i hope i can fill the shoes of such a great and important member. In any case, i need a new group of members to be in charge, ones who can do the things that the old board was supposed to do. If, for any reason the old board members feel that they would like to come back, they will be appointed a postion here. They deserve respect, and they will be given it if needed. This new board is a step into a new era of the STARS, a new age for them, a point in a new direction. Its time for the organization to be rebuilt. I think this will make us stronger, and more organized.

So, after careful consideration, i have chosen my new group of leaders.

TOP TIER: Chris Hollis


  • g4361

--- Team Tactician - This pick, in my opinion, goes without saying, he is what makes this team tick, without him, the STARS would not be anywhere near what we are today. His plans and ways of thinking, are second to none.

This is old as of at least Friday, October 06, 2006. g4361 left to become part of a horde and is now no longer associated with S.T.A.R.S. Rowan Mayfair is now the team tactician. Just making sure everyone is aware. ~ Ohaeri Jules
G4 and Rowan Mayfair are the same person Jules <_< Binney 02:04, 10 October 2006 (BST)
Well, there was some confusion in the DHPD over it, seeing as G4 had become a zed. :P Obviously all that confusion was resolved after Rowan went NUTS this weekend, but yes, I know that Rowan Mayfair = Witchblade = G4361 (= about a million different other people, after the forum hack). ~ Ohaeri Jules
  • The Cop

--- Second In Command - The Cop was a former member of the Board of Leaders, and is one of the most important member sof the team, he more than anyone deserves this spot.

  • Greg Melayne

--- Intel Manager and Group Rep. - Greg gathers more intel in a day than i can in a week. This is extreamly helpful to the team, also, he is in charge of keeping the peace with our allies, and keeping close with them.

  • Meinstorm

--- Member Control - Meinstorm is incharge of controling newly applying players from Malton. He will review their applications, and if he sees them fit to join, he will send the application to me, and i will give a final stamp of approval.

  • Mayor Fitting

--- Subgroup Control - Mayor, you are incharge of making sure each of the subgroups the STARS have (HK, Radio etc.) are under control and doing thier job, i want constant up to date infor about them, as in where they are, and what they are doing, in a weekly (or every3-4 days) report. This way, it is easier to control all of the groups.

- Chris Hollis

Ally Assistance Requests

Please Have the most recent requests at the top of the list here

  • Solomon Lane Catalyst NEEDS ASSITANCE.Solomon Lane Police Department is currently under a 16 zed seige, and we are running out of time. SOCATA will ally with S.T.A.R.S if they come to our help in Huntley Heights. We Are in IMMIDIANT NEED OF HELP from the Special Tactics and Resque Squad. Please. -Makeshift Cheezecake
  • Hi. Sorry to post this but it is a quick way to contact you. I am a member of the Malton World Cup Committee who currently occupy the Clapton Stadium in West Grayside (and will do so for the duration of the World Cup), next to Pole Mall. There are currently 18 zombies in the Mall and you are welcome to launch the counter strike from the stadium if you wish. We have members who would also be willing to lend a hand, after all this will benefit us as well. Thanks, and sorry again. Get in touch. Jon Malton World Cup Committee
  • The Sun Organization would like to ask in advance for your services in securing ShuttleBank or Brooke Hills depending on how the zombie migration works out, we are trying to reclaim out homeland and have got backing from the Malton Fire Department who should be helping us out aswell, please reply on our disscusion page --DannGunn 19:37, 16 April 2006 (BST)
  • The Imperial War Machine asks the Special Tactics And Rescue Squad for thier support against the DEA terrorist declaration. They have unexpectedly declared war and we are preparing to fight to the last breath.--Duce Nauks 21:45, 7 March 2006 (GMT)
  • F.E.A.R. asks S.T.A.R.S. and their allies for help. First Encounter Assault Recon requires someone with Construction. See F.E.A.R. page for details.
  • This is Staff Sgt. Tarrok Krey of the DEA. I put in for membership notto long ago but had no reply. The DEA has currently been declared war on by the IWM. I ask that you talk to them and find out why. If they persist, please do not add to the attack. Please contact me on the DEA wiki. We would also like to request a friendship by the DEA and the Special Tactics And Rescue Squad.
  • Evenin', gents--Mr. Grey on behalf of HMF here. We've set up shop in Hollomstown and, wouldn'tcha know it, you appear to be our new neighbors! As such, we'd be rather interested in allying up with you to secure our borders and chase out the rotter scum. We're relatively new, but we've got a few members making their way up the levels ladder with no insignificant velocity, and we're finally starting to organize and lay out official smackdowns on the zeds. Feel free to stop by the Wiki page and drop us a line.
  • Sweirdo of NoobCakes reporting for duty. We've added you to our allies list and sworn allegiance to your group. Since ours is currently only 4 players, we can't do much on our own. We've staked out our own Headquarters in East Grayside. If you're ever in the area and need our assistance, please give us a call. Our contact information is on our wiki page. Anyway, I wanted to ask if you would like participation from our group in any of your current operations. Our priority right now is securing our area, but East Grayside is currently not a very infested suburb.
  • Sweirdo again. One of our allies, the East Grayside Watch, needs two revivals. We are unable to revive at this time, so any assistance you can offer would be greatly appreciated.
  • You can call off that revival, we're set --Virus002 01:37, 17 Feb 2006 (GMT)
  • Sweirdo of NoobCakes here again. I know our groups have had disagreements in the past, but we really could use your help on our next operation. I'm trying to coordinate a recapture of Tollyton. Obviously a group as small as mine will be unable to complete the operation alone. We need all the help we can get. If you don't want to go, I understand, but Tollyton was ours just last week. All but one of ours got out. Hundreds were killed. We need to repay the RRF for the slaughter that went on at Tollyton. Should you choose to accept our request, you can discuss the matter with us on either our forums (link on wiki page) or on the discussion part of our wiki. Thank you.

* the 501st Armed Division Need's Help in it's attack on Clapton Stadium, If we capter it, we can luanch a couter attack on zeds in both East Grayside and West Grayside

Response on your Alliance Request

Dear Chris, and STARS in general,

Thank you for your request for a formal alliance. We still talk late at night after our regular zombie/pk hunts about our glorious victories over the idiots. We are however a strange group of pretty stuborn old-fashioned people and old policy dictates we dont forge official long term alliances. We would however be honored if you add us to a newly created "Friends of" list.

Truly yours,

Paradox--Seen 23:00, 30 May 2006 (BST)

EDIT: Please stop spraying anything in Tollyton without our explicit permission.

I've brought the topic of graffiti in Tollyton up on the S.T.A.R.S forum.--Meinstorm 07:48, 3 June 2006 (BST)

Interesting, i dont remember giving anyone orders to spraypaint...odd —The preceding Template:Wikipedia comment was added by Chris Hollis (talkcontribs) .


Are you guys okay? I was just passing through the south of East Grayside. It is completely overrun by Zombies. 3 Zeds inside Sixtus General, Zeds inside and out several others. I saw no survivors. Doors wide open with one exception that I found. Scary place, East Grayside. ZaqWer 22:44, 18 May 2006 (BST)

Were still there and fighting.--Meinstorm 08:16, 20 May 2006 (BST)

Target Spotted

I spotted a PH member in Westgray Side yesterday(April 13th & 14th, 06), he was near the border with Eastgray side at Gaywood Auto repair.--Mayor Fitting 23:12, 15 April 2006 (BST)

The Sun Organization Requests a alliance

I would like to propose an alliance, i am the leader of the Sun Organization, check out our group page Sun Organization as we believe it has a tell me what you think on our disscusion boards under alliances, even if you cannot ally with us we ask your aid in securing brookehills as there is a zombie siuation starting to develop here.DannGunn 14:15, 6 April 2006 (BST)

  • On behalf of The Sun Organisation, I'd like to thank S.T.A.R.S for agreeing to an alliance and for hastilly despatching a 'Capt. Greg Melayne', he has made a difference in helping The Sun Org. fight back against the Zed hordes. In fact, on one occasion due to low ap, I would have been killed had Greg not Barricaded the building up quicker than $hit off a shovel! I hope to see more of Capt. Melayne and Special Tactics And Rescue Squad as we work together towards a safer Malton.. Remember.. Not all Residents are Evil ;)

ChopperReid 16:40, 29 April 2006 (BST)

It's Mayor Fitting again. I have broken off from the Seraphim and have started to form a group. I saw Chris Hollis a few weeks ago ans talked to him. My group the Four Horses request an alliance with you, we are based in West Grayside, making cooperation very easy between our groups. Here is our wiki link. You can get back to us on our discusison page. Four Horses--Mayor Fitting 03:55, 18 April 2006 (BST)

as our allies, Blake's 7 invite you to join our forum: clicky - Del Tarrant 08:57, 5 March 2006 (GMT)

You have the NecroTech Countermeasure Squad's total backing--Pvt Strum 22:51, 21 February 2006 (GMT)

Sweirdo of NoobCakes again... Are you willing to accept our alliance? If so please add us to your allies list...

Holy shit, I forgot to respond to that alliance request thingamajig... Sorry about that, I've had a rough few weeks in reality. Goddamn reality. Anyway, the Channel 4 News Team would be more than happy to form an alliance with you guys, so long as you are not associated with Wes Mantooth or any of his perverts and hatchet men. Together, we can bring Swift and Hideous death to our enemies. All Glory and Honor to Odin. --Ron Burgundy 00:02, 14 Feb 2006 (GMT)

    • The Channel 4 News Team isn't about fighting other groups- with the exception of Wes Mantooth. No group wars, or what have you. 60% of the time, we're about love all the time. Can ya dig it? --Ron Burgundy 00:11, 14 Feb 2006 (GMT)

This is Virus002, From East Grayside Watch Just Requesting an alliance of sorts. We Kinda came into East Grayside as you left when there was allot of them, so we took a few casualties, that need revival. Since the Sacred ground Policy doesn't apply to east grayside (No Cemetaries) we're working on establishing makeshift Rez Points in EG. --Virus002 16:05, 13 Feb 2006 (GMT)

This is the leader of NoobCakes, a new survivor group in Malton. We swear our allegience to you, and will participate in any missions you require of us. --Sweirdo 22:30, 11 Feb 2006 (GMT)

Staaaaaars -- Nemesis 13:05, 18 Jan 2006 (GMT)

Shit! Nemesis is after us! -Stephen Wolfe

Well allies, as you may or may not know, our leader has just stepped down. While our diplomatic policy was authorised before his retirement, we've been able to make the alliance. Currently we're going through an election process to define not only who will lead, but how they will lead so it'll take a few days for us to get back on track. There are a number of issues we'd like to sort out within our group once we have a leadership.

In addition to our alliance with you, we have allied with the groups DK13 and the Pennville Freedom Movement. Currently, both these groups are fighting off a rather large selection of Zeds in Miltown and have requested our aid. So that's what we're up to. You're welcome to join in, but are under no obligation. The alliance we made is for when we are in danger not our other allies. - El Marto

The Black Berets send their regards to the S.T.A.R.S. . Your request for an alliance has been passed to leadership, though we note that our core operations (in Houldenbank) are several suburbs to the east of your current base of operations. While every new ally is another brick in the wall against the zombie hordes, we're unsure how much help our two groups will be to one another given the distance. Regardless, our diplomatic envoy will respond shortly to open discussions about how we can help one another. ValDiva 12:25, 26 Jan 2006, GMT

Given our recent discussions, The Black Berets would be glad to accept your offer for an alliance. Please visit and register on our forums so that we have a secure means of discussing our intergroup operations. ValDiva 05:07, 2 Feb 2006, GMT

I actually never told you to get out of Gulsonside you know, reread my post if you don't beleave me. I told you that we are going to gulsonside and that we think y'all would be terrable neighbors. --Stroth 12:26, 29 Jan 2006 (GMT)

STARS, I would like to join, but I have a few characters and I wish to join with the one closest to you. I assume my character in Heytown is nearest. Please get back to me (maybe through my userpage talk) His link is --Denning 11:20, 2 Feb 2006 (GMT)

ALLIANCE ACCEPTED By The Imperial War Machine. Anytime you guys want to smash some Terrorist Skulls in our area you just say the word. We've taken back alot of Dakerstown and we've got guys on thier way to help out Caiger Mall. God Speed--Duce Nauks 17:29, 26 Jan 2006 (GMT)

The Cool Guy Crew accepts your offer of an alliance. Currently, our more active members are at Caiger Mall. I hope our group can assist any members of yours involved in the fight against the Mall Tour. After the seige at Caiger ends, we will be working on reclaiming Wyke Hills and any other nearby suburbs that were overrun by the Tour. - Asrathe 13:09, 30 Jan 2006 (GMT)

If the offer is still there, Blake's 7 humbly accept your offer of an alliance! We are currently working with The Fortress with the on going aim of clearing East Grayside of zeds...--Del Tarrant 10:55, 9 Feb 2006 (GMT)

The Union is interested in forming an alliance with you. We believe the way you operate in the game will prove very useful. NOFX985 6:40, 11 Feb 2006 (EST)

Consider it done. Thanks for accepting. NOFX985

FOXHOUND requests an alliance

FOXHOUND would like to extend an olive branch of peace and a proposal of an alliance. We share a lot of the same values and could help one another if we ever needed to, such as backup during a special ops run. Please get in touch with us, we'd love to pop some zeds and PKers with you guys sometime. --DJV 23:14, 25 April 2006 (BST)

Black Brigade

Black Brigade would like to form an alliance with S.T.A.R.S. Please leave us a message on our talk page if you accept our offer.


Humans who kill other humans, and who will now be hunted by the S.T.A.R.S. We have a zero-tolerance policy on PK'ers and Zed Zpies. If you were PK'ed or encountered a PK'er or Zed Zpy, please list your name, their name, the location, and when it took place.

Tarrok Krey entered an Imperial Weapons Production Plant and Murdered a member of the Pheonix Organization. If you see Tarrok Krey, alert the IWM of his position immediately.--Duce Nauks 21:35, 7 March 2006 (GMT)

I've got a PKer to report. Major Ruffel of the Four Horses PKed me in West Grayside. Here's the screenshot. And his profile is --Shamgar 14:47, 18 May 2006 (BST)

Mayor Ruffel and the Four Horses are our allies, but we do adhere to our PK policy. We have launched in investigation into his assault on you. Do you have an email address or aim/yahoo/msn/icq where we can reach you @? - Greg Melayne 18:47, 20 May 2006 (BST)

No, there was no provocation or any sort of contact at all before Major Ruffel PKed me. Maurie was a level 1 character who was APed out and in an empty building before Ruffel came along. --Shamgar 17:33, 21 May 2006 (BST)

Ditto with us of The Wanderers/no screenshot etc, but lone survivor in bldg, by Mayor Fitting of Four Horses. You can visit our wiki page to get a summary under West Grayside. --Lovemachine 15:52, 28 May 2006 (BST)

Mayor Fitting claims that he was provoked but an investigation has been launched.--Meinstorm 20:53, 1 June 2006 (BST)

The Wanderers don't really want you to concern yourselves with investigating Fitting (unless for your own interests), we know the truth-he attacked and killed a man who doesnt carry weapons. Just trying to spread the word and either this will ship him into shape, or you'll be hearing more about it in the future from other players in W G'Side. Either way, if we come across him again, he'll die in "glory" as he says. By the way a mysterious Mrs Fitting deleted our website within an hour of us giving him the retaliation killing. So either someone is following him around from bldg to bldg, and noticed our retaliation killing and then created a wiki login named Mrs Fitting and deleted our website....ya think? No matter what bad experiences we have with groups,players, we wouldnt do something like that. Our service record is exquisite, ask our allies, and pk'ers, well they'll tell you something different. The erasing of our webpage is documented on this wikipedia site under the vandal banning section. --Lovemachine 05:49, 2 June 2006 (BST)

For some reason Mayor Ruffel killed me last night just after reset, the screenshot is here. His profile says he´s a star member. It happened just like the other murders too, I was alone in the library, at least the time I got there I was alone (just before the reset). I don´t usually care about being pked (at least if some pker group member kills me), but his hypocritical talk and being a member of "pro survivor" group makes me think I should put a boynty on his head (I wouldn´t like to be a snitch, I hate them). So, what does the rest of his group say? Why this kind of pathetic moron is still in your group? If he would be one of us he would be thrown away for a long time ago. --Scoutabout 11:29, 30 October 2006 (GMT)

Believe me, he's already been thrown away. Listen to S.T.A.R.S. radio (27.48 MHz) and you will see we are having trouble with him. Also, from our main wiki page: "10/2/06 Update: Mayor Ruffel is no longer a S.T.A.R.S. member. He has been stripped of his rank and insignia. He has officialy become a PKer and has attacked and killed multiple S.T.A.R.S. (including me, 3 times). If you should see him alive, kindly inform us and if you see him dead, do not revive him.--Meinstorm 19:21, 2 October 2006 (BST)" Thank you for the intel, I'm sure someone will go try and find him to kill him. In the meantime, do you need a revive? I can try to have someone sent out, but we are stretched a bit thin at the moment. ~Ohaerisig.pngu t STARS
Ok, so I didn´t check your main page closely enough... Naah, no need for a revive, I´ll play as a zombie for a while (I always get a combat revive when I liked to play as a zombie... EDIT: I already got a combat revive while writing this...), thanks anyway. Those kind off arseholes are the most pathetic players in UD, if you want to kill survivors (as a survivor), be a pker and/or join a pker group, but don´t do it under some other group´s name. --Scoutabout 13:24, 30 October 2006 (GMT)

I just want to say I did shoot those wanderers back in the day with ruffel. But we were provoked.--Mayor Fitting 03:41, 31 October 2006 (UTC)

Mayor Ruffel pked me today (19th) at around 11pm gmt. The location was Roftwood, Hildebrand Mall [67,55], I've seen him around this location for the past week or so.

I feel I should also add this screenshot. After the exchange depicted (sometime around the 17th as the Mayor said himself) I shot Mayor Ruffel once and killed him, from looking him up on various UD related sites I came to the conclusion he deserved the minor inconvenience of death.

I guess he didn't like being killed and decided on revenge, needless to say I'll be trying my best to claim my own bounty. Does make me laugh how he tries to make it sound like I killed him (just the final blow) without reason and that I'm some pking scum that he saved the residents of Hildebrand Mall from. Leaving me with the 4hp he was left with would have been funnier. --Fiana 06:09, 20 November 2006 (UTC) EDIT: I stupidly linked to the thumbnail (posted this in a few places and each needed a different image code), it's fixed now. Thank you for the offer but I walk among the living once again, I'll keep you informed of what goes on. --Fiana 16:16, 20 November 2006 (UTC)

  • I can't see the screenshots (too small, and when I click on them they don't enlarge), but I believe you anyway. :P I am curious to see what was said now, though, so if you could repost them I'd be very happy. (BTW, if it's a .bmp, imageshack will hate you forever. XD) In the meantime, do you need a revive? I'm guessing not, but I like to check anyway. ~Ohaerisig.pngu t STARS
  • I just have to add after seeing your edit, Damn. Way to act like a retard, Ruffel. XD ~Ohaerisig.pngu t STARS

I found and killed Mayor Ruffel 10 minutes ago, he'll have to go further than the same mall he killed me in if he wants to get away from me. I have no more need to kill him, I got my bounty but if he comes looking for me or pks another person my guns are fully loaded. I'm scanning 26.66MHz and watching the the rogues gallery so I'll be ready. --Fiana 21:43, 21 November 2006 (UTC)

So Mayor Ruffel killed me yet again today, was around 7pm gmt at The Summer Building [64,55]. This is war now, I'm going to kill him at every opportunity. Also does he not realize my character is female. --Fiana 23:01, 23 November 2006 (UTC)

Jeez. *Rolls eyes.* Well, if it makes you feel better, about once I week I get asked if I'm really a girl in the S.T.A.R.S., and I'm part of the BoL. XD I also thought I might tell you, the last time he was seen was in Giddings with PH. You're welcome to go up there, but from what I hear it's a mess, so watch your step! ~Ohaerisig.pngu t STARS

Thanks for the update on his position but it seems someone got there before me, link. Since I've been able to report him to the Rogues Gallery twice now he seems to be getting the attention he truly deserves and I would imagine desires. Why else would you kill innocent people unless you wanted to be killed yourself? retribution, I wonder if Major knows what that word means. --Fiana 21:39, 26 November 2006 (UTC)

Sacred Ground Policy

The Sacred Ground Policy needs your support! :) -- Amazing 19:16, 25 Jan 2006 (GMT)


N00bcakes is getting on our nerves. They do not run things in East Grayside, and we will be ordering them to leave shortly. If they annoy us again, they will be given a 3-Day warning to leave. If they do not heed this, war will be declared.

Request To Join S.T.A.R.S.

This is my request to officially become a member of the Special Tactics And Rescue Squad. After reading through your forum and getting a sense of your mission, I believe we have similiar goals and ideas for protecting the survivors of Malton. I also believe that we need to act in concert to produce any meaningful results! I would be proud to say "Pvt. Shicklegruber reporting for duty!"

Sign up on the forum.--Meinstorm 20:04, 29 March 2006 (BST)

151st Brigade

Hello I am B0ba Fett leader of the 151st Brigade and I was wondering if we could be allies during this catastrophe

Go to our forum and make this request in the allies part.--Meinstorm 07:58, 5 July 2006 (BST)

Radion Transmitter

Hi, im danigeorge3 from the PLM, i would just like to know what radio frequency you use as we a trying to find a frequency which will be of the most help to us aiding other groups, thank you in advance


Have a look; disseminate it among your members and free lancers. Be aware, be prepared, and join in. Or Not Conndrakamod T CFT 16:53, 17 August 2006 (BST)


* Greg Melayne said "you killed one of my recruits sirens. 
I would not advise taking action against our group. We have 
superior numbers to you, and are skilled in handling a pk 
war from our previous skirmish with PH. I will consider this 
matter settled with this...." (43 minutes ago)
* Greg Melayne attacked you for 10 damage. (42 minutes ago) 
...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again.

First: You couldn't be more trenchcoaty. Second: Who did I kill? I certainly hope you're not refering to Nekro Tex... --SirensT RR 23:47, 15 September 2006 (BST)

Nevermind, I found out who it was. I just wanted to make sure it wasn't for NT, because he deserved it. Let Firethorn(spelling?) know it wasn't personal, and I normally don't hit people twice. :P --SirensT RR 00:09, 16 September 2006 (BST)

The Last Call for Liberty

Your pledge to the V for Ridleybank cause has not gone unheard. View the last words of Codename V at the 5th of November page before the liberation of Malton's heartland. I have spoken once more to rally and excite you in this time of vengence! --Codename V 04:51, 13 October 2006 (BST)

STARS Housecleaning

FYI, Some of the Predators have changed their profiles to S.T.A.R.S. HK. Thought you would want to know. see here Conndrakamod T CFT 04:40, 15 October 2006 (BST)

Thank you steps are being taken.--Meinstorm 21:03, 7 November 2006 (UTC)