Department of Emergency Management/Merits and Ribbons

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The Department of Emergency Management provides a series of ribbons it issues to members of DEM groups who display mastery over key skills. The ribbons can be claimed by any officer with the proficiency of the skills entailed. This holds true for all ribbons of merit.

DEM Badge.jpg Department of Emergency Management DEM Badge.jpg

DEM Recruitment | The Academy | Contact Information
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Strategic Partners: Black Berets | FANNY | Fortress | Knights Templar | U.S. ARMY INFANTRY

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Merit Ribbons

DEM Ribbons and Merits 3D.jpg

Martial Merits

R - Weaponsmaster.gif The Weaponmaster Ribbon.jpg Weaponmaster Ribbon A highly coveted achievement ribbon. It signifies complete mastery over both pistols and shotguns. Once a DEM member has both Advanced Pistol Training and Advanced Shotgun Training, they may claim this ribbon.

Code to place this ribbon on your page: [[Image:R_-_Weaponsmaster.gif]] or [[Image:The Weaponmaster Ribbon.jpg]] '''Weaponmaster Ribbon'''

R - Hand to Hand Specialist.gif Hand to Hand Specialist Ribbon.jpg Hand to Hand Specialist Ribbon For those members who seek perfection of their martial abilities, the Hand to Hand Specialist Merit is the ultimate aim. This ribbon signifies the highest levels of achievement in their chosen style. Once a DEM member has Hand to Hand Combat, Knife Combat and Axe Proficiency, they may claim and wear this ribbon proudly.

Code to place this ribbon on your page: [[Image:R_-_Hand_to_Hand_Specialist.gif]] or [[Image:Hand_to_Hand_Specialist_Ribbon.jpg]] '''Hand to Hand Specialist Ribbon'''

R - Fitness.gif Fitness Ribbon.jpg Fitness Ribbon If the rippling muscles, flexibility and speed doesn't already illustrate a DEM member's dedication to physical fitness, this ribbon should spell it out. Once a DEM member has Body Building, they may claim this ribbon that -despite its size- weighs a full pound.

Code to place this ribbon on your page: [[Image:R_-_Fitness.gif]] or [[Image:Fitness_Ribbon.jpg]] '''Fitness Ribbon'''

R - Sniper.gif Sniper's Ribbon.jpg Sniper Ribbon Also called the "Black Wedge", this ribbon marks the chest of experienced and dangerous DEM members. These members shoot for the head, and knock zombies down like bowling pins. Once a DEM member has Headshot, they may claim and wear this ribbon proudly.

Code to place this ribbon on your page: [[Image:R_-_Sniper.gif]] or [[Image:Sniper's_Ribbon.jpg]] '''Sniper Ribbon'''

Community Merits

R - Community Support.gif Community Support Ribbon.jpg Community Support Ribbon In times as these, information is our primary weapon. The DEM recognizes that tagging has replaced most other means as a way to communicate to the masses. This ribbon was established to recognize those who use spray cans to spread useful information to their communities. Once a DEM member has the Tagging Skill, they may claim this ribbon.

Code to place this ribbon on your page: [[Image:R_-_Community_Support.gif]] or [[Image:Community_Support_Ribbon.jpg]] '''Community Support Ribbon'''

Radio Operator flat.jpg Radio Operator Ribbon 3D.jpg Advanced Radio Dispatch Ribbon While the Military continue their strict control of short-wave radio frequencies across the quarantined area of Malton, limiting the general population to the use of frequencies between 28.01-29.00 MHz, more experienced radio operators have found they can broadcast between 26.00-29.00 MHz. Once a DEM member has Radio Operation, they may wear this ribbon as they transmit vital information to other members of the DEM and their allies.

Code to place this ribbon on your page: [[Image:Radio_Operator_flat.jpg]] or [[Image:Radio_Operator_Ribbon_3D.jpg]] '''Advanced Radio Dispatch Ribbon'''

R - Engineer.gif Engineer's Ribbon.jpg Engineer Ribbon Those DEM members who have taken their time to learn how to erect and maintain barricades are absolutely essential to the survival of those around them. Proper application of Barricade policies and the ability to wedge a vending machine into a doorway saves lives. Once a DEM member has Construction, they may claim this ribbon.

Code to place this ribbon on your page: [[Image:R_-_Engineer.gif]] or [[Image:Engineer's_Ribbon.jpg]] '''Engineer Ribbon'''

Sciences Merits

R - Field Medicine.gif Field Medicine Merit.jpg Field Medicine Merit A ribbon that commands respect is the Field Medicine Merit. These DEM members seek to heal and prevent the infection that threatens us every day. Once a DEM member has First Aid and Diagnosis, they may claim this ribbon...and try to keep blood off of it.

Code to place this ribbon on your page: [[Image:R_-_Field_Medicine.gif]] or [[Image:Field_Medicine_Merit.jpg]] '''Field Medicine Merit'''

R - Scientific Achievement.gif Scientific Achievement Ribbon.jpg Scientific Achievement Ribbon Those DEM members who spend the time studying and completing the Necrotech correspondance courses do so with this coveted ribbon in mind. The Scientific Achievement Ribbon is the rarest of the claimed ribbons, making it a highly coveted award. Once a DEM member has NecroTech Employment, Lab Experience and NecroNet Access, they may claim and wear this ribbon.

Code to place this ribbon on your page: [[Image:R_-_Scientific_Achievement.gif]] or [[Image:Scientific_Achievement_Ribbon.jpg]] '''Scientific Achievement Ribbon'''

DEM Surgery Ribbon.jpg Resident Surgeon Ribbon.jpg Resident Surgeon Ribbon DEM members who dedicate their time to keeping the hospitals a place of superior healing. Once a DEM member has the Surgery Skill they may take this ribbon and display proudly for all to see.

Code to place this ribbon on your page: [[Image:DEM_Surgery_Ribbon.jpg]] or [[Image:Resident_Surgeon_Ribbon.jpg]] '''Resident Surgeon Ribbon'''

Field Merits

R - Acquisition.gif Acquisition Ribbon.jpg Acquisition Ribbon Finding the right tools for the job quickly and efficiently makes any DEM member more valuable and more productive. Those who display a knack for finding what they are looking for can wear this distinguished merit. Once a DEM member has both Shopping and Bargain Hunting, they may claim this ribbon.

Code to place this ribbon on your page: [[Image:R_-_Acquisition.gif]] or [[Image:Acquisition_Ribbon.jpg]] '''Acquisition Ribbon'''

R - Recon Specialist.gif Reconnissance Specialist Merit.jpg Reconnaissance Specialist Merit Malton has turned into a field of fortresses with makeshift bridges between them. Times like these have necessitated the ability to swing from one rope to the next, to sprint across rope bridges and to leap from rooftop to rooftop. Once a DEM member has Freerunning, they may claim this ribbon, which is held in place with 2 pins.

Code to place this ribbon on your page: [[Image:R_-_Recon_Specialist.gif]] or [[Image:Reconnissance Specialist Merit.jpg]] '''Reconnaissance Specialist Merit'''

Special Achievements

DEM 1 year service.jpg DEM 1 year service Life in Malton is tough, and dedicating yourself to help others over an extended period of time deserves recognition. After one year of service (counting from the day they joined the DEM), they may proudly wear this ribbon.

Code to place this ribbon on your page: [[Image:DEM 1 year service.jpg]] '''DEM 1 year service'''

DEM 2 year service.jpg DEM 2 year service Only the true veterans of the DEM can wear this ribbon. After two years of service (counting from the day they joined the DEM), they may proudly wear this ribbon.

Code to place this ribbon on your page: [[Image:DEM 2 year service.jpg]] '''DEM 2 year service'''

DEM 3 year service.jpg DEM 3 year service As Malton hasn't been quarantined for this long yet, this merit has been added for future use. After three years of service (counting from the day they joined the DEM), they may proudly wear this ribbon.

Code to place this ribbon on your page: [[Image:DEM 3 year service.jpg]] '''DEM 3 year service'''

DEM purple heart ribbon.jpg Purple Heart Ribbon The purple heart is a special award, given in recognition of acts of self-sacrifice with the intent to save a fellow survivor. Where others would have fled to save themselves, this person stayed to save others. The Purple Heart can be awarded on recommendation of the proposed recipient's CO of suburb command rank or above and is handed over to that recipient personally by the head officer of the appropriate branch.

Code to place this ribbon on your page: [[Image:DEM purple heart ribbon.jpg]] '''Purple Heart Ribbon'''

DEM Valor ribbon.jpg Valor Ribbon The Valor Ribbon is the highest award given by the DEM Command and is presented only in cases where the recipient proved himself to go above and beyond his line of duty and overcome overwhelming odds by extreme resolve, intelligence and team spirit. The Valor Ribbon can be awarded on recommendation of the proposed recipient's CO of suburb command rank or above and is handed over to that recipient personally by the head officer of the appropriate branch.

Code to place this ribbon on your page: [[Image:DEM Valor ribbon.jpg]] '''Valor Ribbon'''