Night Ravers/Places of Travel/2006

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This was our first unofficial stop on the tour, were everyone from the team met up. First let me just say upon our arrival to the town we were treated with great hospitality. A representive of the Acid War Templars dropped into the club welcomed us to the neighborhood and set up a generator. A few of the locals dropped in to check out the show, and we even met some new friends who have decided to come party with us. Great times were had by all and we were even able to do a little z killing while we were there. We would deffinatly come back to this town to throw another Rave. Thanks For The Hospitality Edgecombe!!

Vinetown - Club Atthill

The rescue group first encounters the members of MDK and Doc Kelly starts her occasional broadcasts on their official station. After a spot of trouble, prompting the first of Anime Princess Gogo's infamous public outbursts at Mitchem Mall, they move on to their final destination to await news from the war group, who's goal has now become joining the Templars in the Nichols Mall defence.

Osmondville - Club Fortescue

The rescue team settles in with the members of Arabesque surf punk band Bin Laden's Daughter, who swiftly prove to be canny surviors, loud musicians and exceptionally demented.

News from the front arrives with Yuki Eiri, who stumbles in telling of the fall of the Nichols Mall defenders. Morlond and Nebulous are lost to the hordes. Stanbury Village is devastated. Needless to say, with half of their numbers missing, morale is low for the Night Ravers.

Gogo spends her time on the roof, sketching and smoking. The punks, Chemical Mike and Aladdin Sain, occupy themselves by building rather rickety sound equipment out of DNA extractors to repel zombies and drinking revive fluid cocktails.

Yuki Eiri sets out to find and revive Morlond, no doubt to repay being unable to defend him in the mall, promising to be home before dinner. It does not work out that way. Bette Noir then goes on her own journey to find Doc Kelly, Nebulous, and if need be, Morlond and Yuki. The trip into hostile territory is fruitless as the missing Ravers either seem to willfully evade revivification or simply stay dead.

However, in due time, Doc Kelly and Yuki Eiri return along with Reaper87. The group decides to relocate to get a tiny step further from the apparent path of the Bash.

The Void and goldenfae are never seen again. wsx goes missing.

Osmondville - Club Adam

More or less reconstituted, the Night Ravers and their new companions, Bin Laden's daughter, move several blocks over to Club Adam.

The club proves to be a momentary haven of fun and music. The punks agree, since the other members of their band were zombified after their plane crash, that Gogo should learn to play drums for them (although they are still in need of a vocalist). Drinking and Pixie Stix are abundant.

DJ Nebulous straggles in and the promise of a rave is in the air. Gogo finds her stuffed animal spirit familiar "Ebi-sama the mystical healing prawn" and begins brandishing it at the wounded of the area while healing them. Only a few days later, she celebrates her completion of the Necrotech laboratory course by finding the stuffed toy Resurrection Phone - "Time to return from hell Mr. Zombie! call for Zed Zedman! Come back now!"

While preparing for the rave, the eccentric being known as Ram Rock Ed First makes his initial appearance before them, making a soliloquy about a barricading plan that sparks some lively debate.

As too often happens, good times are interrupted by encroaching hordes of ravenous corpses and before the rave can happen. After scouting Scarletwood, Bette Noir stays behind to mind the stragglers as the rest of the Ravers move to hopefully safer ground.

Scarletwood - Club Stringfellow

A moment of happiness, as not only do the Ravers all (eventually) make it to the next destination alive, but they are rejoined by the long missing Morlond and kittenkong. The reunion is marred by the speed at which the horde is moving, as evidenced by a series of grievous injuries endured by Ixion Fox.

However, soldiering on with spirit, Nebulous throws a rave, eliciting admiration of the flame towers from the punks. Ram Rock Ed First indulges in some of the refreshments and loses a candy eye. As Ravers begin to pack up again, Bette Noir scouts Club Cort. She considers forcibly removing the sole inhabitant of the club, but errs on the side of ethics. This was a mistake.

Scarletwood - Club Cort

Anime Princess Gogo hauls the lights several blocks down to Club Cort and cheerfully begins chatting to the sole resident, Mechanical Frog. Doc Kelly finds Gogo's slashed body three hours later on the club dance floor.

She is quickly revived and a hunt for Mechanical Frog is in vain. The stay in Cort is a brief one as the Bash devours Gulsonside to the north and hungers for more. At least here was little time to fully unpack the equipment. Zombies mob outside of the club as most of the Ravers escape off into the night.

Yuki Eiri is never seen again.

East Grayside - Club Lippett

Barely better than Scarletwood, but any respite is welcome. Nearly everyone manages to make it safely, but Doc Kelly and Reaper87 are missing. A friend of Bin Laden's Daughter, Chaing Ching, has also gone missing and Aladdin Sain sets off to find her.

In short order, the doctor and Reaper shamble out of the shadows to the carpark nearby. Each are revived and the group pauses to heal and rest for a moment, worry permeating everything. Broken cell phone communication with Aladdin Sain indicate that he was killed looking for their friend, revived and then murdered over the name of their band. Ixion Fox is also shot by a survivor for reasons unknown.

Facing danger from the bleeding edge of the horde and now other humans, the Ravers decide to flee again to the southwest. Bette Noir and Anime Princess Gogo scout ahead and find it, if not good, a hell of a lot better.

Wyke Hills - Club Golding

Morlond, Gogo, Bette and kittenkong arrive safely at the new location to find Ram Rock Ed First already there. Morlond is the bearer of bad news, however. He has heard from Doc Kelly that Club Lippett was overrun and, aside from the doctor, all other's fates are unknown.

On the heels of Chemical Mike's safe return, Bette Noir effects a rescue mission for Ixion Fox, stranded and infected in East Greyside. Ironically, it becomes a dual rescue as Gogo gets very lost and winds up in the same area.

Slowly the Ravers converge again in Wyke Hills. Spent revivification needles litter the nearby cemetery. Nebulous, feeling a need to devote himself to learning, abdicates his role as head DJ and leader of the Night Ravers. Bette Noir is nominated to take his place as leader and opens auditions for the post of DJ. No one applies, but the locals are serenaded by the dulcet strains of Bin Laden's Daughter and the tune "Sadam's Hole" - until Chemical Mike's amp explodes.

The next locale on their wide ranging tour/flight is scouted out ahead of time. Aladdin Sain calls to say he is alive and probably going to join the Ravers soon. Ixion Fox rebarricades Buckley Mall entirely by himself, becoming greviously injured in the process. Chemical Mike works on his 'The War on Treble-ism" pedal.

The already good natured crowd gets a great deal more odd with the arrival of Malton Tours Inc. Bette Noir runs her first rave off of an iPod and a hacked NecroNet connection and Ram Rock Ed First loses another eye, and eventually his head, after experimenting with lasers and emerald rings.

Days have passed and Aladdin calls to say he has been dead again. Bette Noir treks up to the ruined Gulsonside to find him and bring him home.

Upon returning, there is a row with Solid' Snake, who is fed up with the antics of the Ravers and First. Ixion Fox's reputation as "tastiest to zombie" kind becomes established with the escalation of his death/resurrection cycle. Weary of the complaining from Snake and wary of a fight breaking out, the Night Ravers move on.

Buttonville - Club Hunt

The club is initiated with an angry drinking binge. Ram Rock Ed First engages in a protracted brawl with Solid' Snake, but remands care of his trained zombie NecroDrox to the Night Ravers. The Ravers are fascinated by the new pet, who apparently only dines on the gingerbread flesh of First.

Nebulous emerges from his hermitage to throw a rave, complete with dancing zombie, and First arrives bearing presents for all. The majority of the local populace is amused by NecroDrox, although there are a few isolated incidents. Gogo and the punks begin teaching the zombie to play drums.

An invitation is extended to the Night Ravers to come to Club Cummings in Shackleville and play for the Malton Mob. Feeling confident after a period of relative peace, the Ravers accept and begin a caravan to the northeast.

West Greyside - Club Broadbear

Chemical Mike and Bette Noir are the first to the new location, setting up power and transmitter. The rest of the Ravers arrive shortly and the club is initiated with both the performance of Bin Laden's and the elimination of a zombie spy.

With NecroDrox safely inside and dancing, a little time is taken to restock at Pole Mall and get used to the area. There is much rejoicing as wsx suddenly reappears, although he must be brought up to speed.

One of Ram Rock Ed First's cohorts joins us, assuring us that it is only a matter of time before we will have two pet zombies - NecroDrox and himself - as he is wanted by what passes for the law. The migration is going suspiciously smoothly. Bette Noir scouts out the next location and calls for the pack to follow.

Kempsterbank - Club Crook

Now only a short way from their final destination of the moment, the Night Ravers acquire their second pet zombie, Dennized, just as predicted, thanks to a bounty hunter. After some difficulties in managing the barricades, including a hostile corpse killing Ixion again, he is brought inside.

Ram Rock Ed First and Necrodrox both disappear in the move, the tail of which is hastened by a middling horde of undead approaching Pole Mall. Dennized is distraught by the absence of his master, but is soon joined by a newly revived member of the Gingerbread Men, meself. The band decides to learn some Zombina and the Skeletones covers.

The zombie presence becomes worrisome and Bette Noir scouts ahead to Shackleville only to find Club Cummings deserted and the streets thick with small groups of dead. Showing good initiative, Nebulous holds a candlelight rave with a boombox and glowsticks. First shows up at the tail end of the show, much to the delight of his pet.

Kaj Bobakar happens onto the club and shows a distinctly open mind regarding pet zombies and recreational chemicals. He is accepted into the Raver family.

With the number of feral undead growing by the day, and no concrete word from the Malton Mob, Bette Noir scouts out nearby Tollyton. It is only slightly better, but it is decided it will have to do. Showing great necro-courage, Dennized sets out on his own to clear out the club and pave the way for his human friends. The Ravers prepare to make haste to get the hell out of Kempsterbank.

Bette Noir stays behind to safeguard the remaining Ravers. Anime Princess Gogo defies orders and returns to help with the barricading, but it is all for naught. Zombies from the Shacknews horde invade Club Crook and devour all within.

Tollyton - Club Shearly

Tired and stressed, the Night Ravers set up temporary camp in Club Shearly in a dilapidated part of town. The victims of the Crook massacre shamble in for revives. Recovered from death, Gogo reinvents herself as Anime Battle Princess Gogo and hot glues together a pair of robot boots for a new outfit.

The group debates whether or not to go with the Malton Mob's assertions that their area is basically safe and move to Shackleville, or to move further east to Osmondville and Club Adam, which held such happy memories. The only thing that is sure is they do not wish to stay in Tollyton. Morlond travels out to scout wide and far for potential rave sites.

Ram Rock Ed First decides that he would like to enjoy the next party as a zombie and enter a dance competition with Dennized, so he allows his friend to eat his ginger brain. There is a great deal of Ginger roughhousing and Bette Noir conducts a rave using a boom box and flashlights with colored transparency wheels attached to them.

The decision is made to move to Club Adam. As the Ravers go, each in their own fashion, Bette revives First on her way out.

Ixion Fox and Kaj Bobakar are still missing.

Osmondville- Clubs Adam and Fortescue (Part 2, the second coming...)

While enjoying the relative peace and prosperity of Osmondville, it does not take long for the first incident to occur. A smooth trip and easy entry for Dennized is marred first by BJ Honeycutt, who repeatedly griefs the friendly corpse. A number of female Ravers go to Besley Mall to make a public scene at his expense.

Ixion Fox returns, severely wounded, but alive.

Further incidents follow regarding Dennized, showing that the people of Osmondville apparently had very little else to do and/or are largely illiterate - ignoring the tags about harming the pet zombie. (One notable exception was kungfu ken of the Brother's Keepers who not only apologized, but spent a good deal of time with the Ravers.) Location was changed, hoping to get off of the beaten cretin path, but it was no use. One individual in particular, leathergambit, goes to the trouble of griefing us twice. Anime Princess Gogo demonstrates that her new "battle princess" identity is not all just in the boots.

The positive side effect of the backwards and violent actions of the citizens of Osmondville is the beginnings of a communications paradigm involving gesture and sound between Dennized and the living. This proves useful in following his rotted nose as he scent trails us to those who harm him.

A young survivor named Rynn is cared for and evidences fascination with the Raver way of life. Also, meself begins developing a dangerous liquor combination, much to his pain and delight.

Becoming increasingly furious with the vandalism and griefing, all are relieved when Morlond returns from scouting, bearing gifts and tales of better places. Earlier memories now sadly soured, the Night Ravers waste no time in leaving.

Vinetown - Clubs Threadgould and Atthill

Hoping that Vinetown will not be a repeat of the unpleasantness of Osmondville, the Ravers, Gingers and BLD's make the trek up to Murder Death Kill territory. Settling into Club Threadgould, MDK proves to be not only a helpful neighbouring group, but exceedingly tolerant of our "alternatively vital" member as well.

The "four corners" area proves to be a bit dangerous, with regular break-ins by zombies who continue to hide behind Dennized. On the whole, though, everyone is much more pleased with it than our last stop and all assembled show a previously unseen amount of teamwork keeping the living alive. Dennized, in particular, shines as a watchzombie.

Ram Rock Ed First rearrives, passing out candy button grenades to all and sundry and has a lovely, nay touching, reunion with the pet zombie. So touching that in his enthusiasm he knocks Dennized down and the body is accidentally tossed beyond the barricades. After a few days, our undead companion returns to the fold.

It is a time of high spirits, including an impromptu "make-over" for Chemical Mike, some concerts by Bin Laden's Daughter, several drink inventions, and a new Gingerbread Man, telesc0pic, beginning his apprenticeship.

The high of the stay was Halloween Night, when fog rendered the streets nearly impassable and the light and noise coming from Club Threadgould was a beacon. Bette Noir brings back third rate celebrity costume pieces and off brand candy from the mall, then puts on a Halloween themed rave, with Anime Princess Gogo as an opening act.

After the break-ins become too frequent, the party moves to Club Atthill and meets up with Night Haunter of the Gingerbread Men, ensuring further chaos.The zombie violence continued unabated and, after a time, it was necessary to bid thank you and farewell to their most excellent hosts, MDK, and move onward.

Starlingtown - Club Passmore

In various states of being, the Ravers arrive at Club Passmore, under the auspices of the South Paynterton Aces. Ram Rock Ed First in particular seems to have experienced something odd, repeating "Fairyland" over and over. Only a few miscreants prove illiterate and take shots at Dennized.

meself, of the Gingerbread Men, decides that it is time to make an intoxicating "stone soup" from whatever happens to be in people's pockets or packs. Everything from shoes to Milk Duds, ginseng extract, revive fluid and more illicit substances goes into the pot. It proves to be a heady mixture. Reports of brawling, flying and, in some cases, uncharacteristically lustful behavior abounded. The "soup" now seems to be self-replenishing - whether that is due to sneaky additions or fairy magic, as First asserts, is unknown for certain.

John Blast and his brother Puncture arrive, sent from allies the Regulators Alliance due to the proximity of some particularly disgusting characters at Giddings Mall. The added security leads to indulging in a plan of organised vandalism inspired by the Ginger's own Candyland (though not so ambitious).

Perhaps it was the taste of vandalism, that brought more Gingers to Club Passmore as the tagging plan gained momentum. One rave and dozens of spraycans later, all of Starlingtown was decorated with murals, sayings, lyrics and rememberances of the three groups.

The party is only marred when Dennized disappears. Many, particularly Gogo ("He'll get cold out there with out his friends. I hope he'll hide from the rain and not be too lonely...."), are distraught until an unexpectedly lively Dennis steps through the barricades (prompting Gogo to scream and hide from the "Walking alive person").

HungryKiwi stops in for a drink and her first taste of Night Raver life, just in time to witness the spectacle of Ram Rock Ed First's return to wakefulness, which is punctuated by an unearthly visitation and First being pulled into a hoary netherworld. (At least that is how it appeared.)

As if that were not enough excitement, Giddings Mall, a mere four blocks to the west, is overrun with zombies from the Raver's old antagonists, Shacknews. Moving becomes a necessity, not a choice.

Gibsonton - Club Humphries and Raines Hills - Club Bellam

The short stay at Club Humphries provided a few amusements, including a strip poker game and a chance encounter of yet another Ginger. However, Bette Noir had received an invitation to the Malton Tours Inc. First Anniversary Party and suddenly, for likely the first time in their history, the Night Ravers and Bin Laden's Daughter were on a timetable. kittenkong goes missing.

Pushing lighting equipment and sound boards, hauling instruments and boxes of liquor, they pushed on to Club Bellam for the Christmas holiday. There, a rooftop bar was discovered and became the site of numerous snowball fights. Steaks were grilled and an Australian Christmas carol called "The Six White Boomers" was sung. HungryKiwi discovered a hot tub on the premises, much to everyone's enjoyment in the cold weather.

East Boundwood - Club Hefferin

Doing their best to stay focused, the Ravers and company bolt through Lamport Hills to Club Hefferin where they find Kono of Murder Death Kill waiting for them. Bette Noir had invited MDK to the party and Kono made it a point, not only to arrive at the next stop and fix the place up, but to bring gifts for some of the ladies. After some confusion and a particularly colorful outburst from Gogo, it is agreed that Kono will escort Bette Noir into the New Year.

New Year's Eve found Night Ravers, Gingerbread Men and BLD celebrating, drinking, and more than ready for the huge event that awaits in Pitman Mansion.