St. Sixtus's Church (Greentown)

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St. Sixtus's Church
--VVV RPMBG 03:45, 18 July 2024 (UTC)
St. Sixtus's Church

Greentown [38,72]

the Lynch Monument Whithed Row Lush Lane
Mounty Bank St. Sixtus's Church the Colyer Monument
the Becky Building a cemetery Morle Row

Basic Info:

  • Churches have no internal descriptions.
  • Church doors do not close but can be barricaded shut.
St. Sixtus's Church (Greentown)

There are two locations named St. Sixtus's Church in the city of Malton. This article is about the one in Greentown.

St. Sixtus's Church [38,72] is located in the northeastern section of Greentown.



You are inside St Sixtus's Church.


You are standing outside St Sixtus's Church, a derelict metal-and-glass building riddled with bullet holes.

Barricading Policy

Because churches in Greentown are considered entry points, it should be barricaded to Very Strongly Barricaded +2. In the case that the suburb is yellow or worse then this building should be moved to EHB until the zombies have left the suburb --Montana8 09:28, 20 February 2009 (UTC)

Tactical Resource Points

The nearest of each type of tactical resource point to St. Sixtus's Church:

History and Significance

Greentown's formally designated revive point is the cemetery south of the church at [38,73], should be protected as such under the Sacred Ground Policy. This is the only cemetery in the suburb.

Of the six churches in Greentown, this is the only church in the north or east portions of the suburb, the remainder are concentrated in the south and southwest.

The Church of Saint Sixtus is home to the mother hermitage of New Malton Skete. The brotherhood tend the cemetery, pray for the departed, and offer the sacraments to all comers. All are welcome. Zombies may wait outside if unable to enter, and the brotherhood will serve them. Requests for prayers, services and sacraments can be addressed to Abba Hesychios.

Pope St. Sixtus II


There are three saints called Sixtus; this church is likely dedicated to Pope St. Sixtus II, who was martyred in 258 CE during the persecutions of the Roman Emperor Valerian. Sixtus II is perhaps best known for mending relations between the Church in Rome and churches in Africa and Asia Minor, which had been strained to the breaking point by controversy over baptisms performed by heretics and the baptism of heretics. Although he was able to make peace with the foreign churches, however, and although he stated publicly that the faith of the baptized should be judged on his own desire and actions rather than the circumstances of his baptism, Sixtus insisted that Roman churches continue to refuse to baptize heretics and those the heretics themselves baptized.

The pontificate of Sixtus II lasted slightly less than a year. The Emperor Valerian had already mandated the worship of Roman gods and outlawed the practice of Christian ritual on pain of exile or death. Early in August 258, he went a step further and ordered the immediate execution of all Christian bishops and priests. On August 6, Sixtus II became one of the first victims of the new edict, he and six of his leading deacons were arrested as he addressed his congregation in the cemetery of St. Prætextatus and beheaded there the same day.

As much fallacy as fact surrounds Sixtus’s life and death. For centuries he was erroneously credited as the author of the Sentences (also called The Ring of Sixtus), although they were actually written by a Greek philosopher and disciple of Pythagoras, and the Ad Novatianum. (The former misattribution is likely also the cause of the once-widely-held misconception that Sixtus was Greek.) The poet Prudentius wrote in his Peristephanon that Sixtus was martyred on a cross; modern scholars have postulated, however, that Prudentius may have meant to use the Latin word cruci to refer to martyrdom in general.

Pope St. Sixtus I, martyred in 127 CE, is credited with creating portions of the Liturgy still in use today. Pope St. Sixtus III, a contemporary and frequent correspondent of St. Augustine of Hippo, was a Fifth Century denouncer of heretics and champion of papal supremacy over local bishops.

Scentoral Imaging Location

This block has been chosen as a location for scentoral imaging by harman conservationists who use it to maintain a full migratory map of zombie movements throughout Malton. damage-resistant, zombah-friendly keypads have been installed for the uploading of data.

Field agent=--Albert Schwan Albert Schwan 
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