Lerwill Towers
Lerwill Towers
Greentown [34,74]
Basic Info:
A tall tower with a mostly intact mobile phone mast on the roof.
Mobile Phone Coverage
Lerwill Towers holds the Mobile Phone Mast for Greentown. As long as there is a powered generator in Lerwill Towers, it is possible for the occupants of Greentown (that have Mobile Phones) to send and receive text messages.
If you know the status of this phone mast please update http://wiki.urbandead.com/index.php/Mobile_Phone_Mast#Locations Thanks
5/28/2009 You are inside Lerwill Towers. The building has been extremely heavily barricaded.A portable generator has been set up here. It is running, and powering a radio transmitter that's currently set to 28.50 MHz.Somebody has spraypainted Maintained by Malton College of Medicine onto a wall.--Dr Mycroft Chris 08:43, 28 May 2009 (BST)
April 18, 2009 - I checked the tower on my way from Maldon Mall to Malton College of Medicine. Currently, the building is extremely heavily barricaded, and the radio and mast are both working. I saw no zombies along my way. -Pvt HellFreeze
May 25, 2008 - The tower has power and light. Not many if any zombies near. I have been picking them off as I find them. Plenty of supprting buildings with survivers around so not much worry of attack. -Jack Prickett
October 16, 2007 - The tower is ransacked and ruined. The generator was smashed. The phone mast no longer blinks. A group of zombies obviously hit the building on their way to ransack the local mall. At last check there were only 2 zombies in front of the building, and none inside. -- Blake Jawl ( Talk | GSE)
September 14, 2007 - The building is powered, the doors are barricaded, and the Cell Phone tower is blinking. Text messages are now working in the suburb of Greentown. - -- Blake Jawl ( Talk | GSE)
Was used by MalTel as a cellphone tower-the first, and currently only in Greentown. Although in the outbreak, it hasn't been used much by local survivors, who prefer the Radio system. Malton Power & Light tried to buy up the towers, but they where pre-occupied by a shambling horde moving at them at the time of handshaking.
Barricading Policy
Because Towers in Greentown are considered safehouses, it should be barricaded to Extremely Heavily Barricaded. Survivors who have Free Running can enter next door at an VSB building. --Alice Cuinn 07:21, 4 June 2007 (BST)
Now considered this suburb's Scout Point for NecroWatch. As this suburb has no NTs, a composite scout report can be made from this location and posted on the page for this suburb to the benefit of all. If you are interested in continuing the scout report, especially during times of zombie seige, please contact NecroWatch--Dr Mycroft Chris 08:55, 28 May 2009 (BST)
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