Mall Tour '07
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Historical Group |
This historical group is no longer active. However, its wiki page is preserved to reflect the group's significance in Urban Dead history. |
Mall Tour '07 | |
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Abbreviation: | what? 'Mall Tour '07', damnit! |
Group Numbers: | now disbanding. |
Leadership: | none |
Goals: | To tour all the malls, and prove that zombies know how to have more fun in them |
Recruitment Policy: | add Mall Tour '07 to char profile, shamble, arrive at tour area, party |
Contact: | |
What? Another Mall Tour?
Yes, it's time for Maltons Malls to remember what it's like when Zombies tour. Hopefully they'll leave some decent stuff inside them this time around aswell, and not leave such a smell inside each one of them.
The Plan For Carnage
This year, we're doing things differently. Why? Because why would we want to do the exact same thing we did last year?! We're out to increase the chaos, madness, destruction, confusion, carnage, and amount of utter hilarity this year by doing something new : We're bringing Harmans with us.
Question : Is that just because you're not strong enough to do it just as Zombies?
Answer : Do what exactly? Win? If so : Win what? We're not concerned about winning or losing anything. We're just out to have a laugh, visit every mall that we can, and get ourselves some Harman bra!nz as a reward for our travels.
The Aftermath
Thanks to all of you Zambahz for making such a cool horde, and for being so deadly. When we band together the Harmanz will always have problems, so we hope that as many of you as possible end up with other hordes once we're done, instead of being ferals and wondering where your next bra!n is coming from.
For those looking for another horde : There's a lot of cool Zombie hordes out there if you want to join one, so if you're looking for one of more for your char(s), either check out the links on the stats page, or take a look through the list of groups that have helped on this year further down this page. There's also two other hordes that aren't listed there :
The Killer Zombie Tomatoes and the Militant Order of Barhah. The first is a new horde that's being formed by one of the Mall Tour planners, and should make itself known in awesome style very shortly, and the second one has been rampaging around Malton for a while now already, and is one of the best and coolest new hordes around.
Wherever you go though, here's hoping that you find a ton of bra!nz, and that you have a good one.
Last Update
With the RRF and the KZT in the area, Santlerville and Dowdney Mall are ripe for the picking, folks!
Attack Groups
Zombie Street Punks : attack between 9:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. EST
The Dead Ringers : attack between 5:00 P.M and 1:00 A.M. EST
Spooky Space Zombies - attack between 1:00 A.M. and 9:00 A.M. EST
The Chaos Wing - The group for Harmans causing chaos.
(to apply to join any of these groups, simply click on the contact link in the groupbox.)
X:00 - not an attack group, but rather a tactic for getting feral zombies to attack as a group. X:00 tactics include the use of group names that detail attack times. See Mall Tour '07/X:00 for more information.
The Path of the Tour
Calvert MallBale Mall(destroyed in honour of the Amish Liberation Front)Stickling MallDowdney Mall(destroyed in honour of the Big Bash)Treweeke Mall(destroyed in honour of DORIS)Giddings Mall(destroyed in honour of TSO)Lumber MallJoachim Mall(destroyed in honour of DK13)Mitchem MallWoodroffe MallNichols MallHildebrand MallTynte MallAckland MallMarven MallTompson MallBuckley Mall(destroyed in honour of Angry Hamish the Cheese Eating Scotsman Doll with Kilt Lifting Action)Pole Mall(destroyed in honour of shacknews)Blesley Mall(destroyed in honour of the Militant Order of Barhah)
- Caiger Mall was not taken because during Mall Tour '07 it was already in zmobies hands.
Our Allies so far
Hordes that are either helping us at the moment, or that have helped us at some stage :
Caiger Resistance Front - Helped us start the party off at The Latrobe Building, where Tourists first gathered before our first mall.
Eastonwood Ferals - Have been our strongest allies since the start of the tour.
Feral Undead - Joined us in our timed attacks at Calvert, and have been eating Harmans with us ever since.
Lebende Tote Joined us at Bale, and launched the attack that delivered the killing blow to the mall.
Lueshi's Undead Another horde that have been helping us since Calvert.
X:00 Several long time X:00 users have already shown up at Strickling mall, and X:00 is shifting focus from the pilot program in Ridleybank to active use of X:00 tactics on the tour.
the soft parade Joined us in Penny Heights, and might be with us as we move away from the south.
RRF Met us in Rotwood and pretty much zmazhed Hildebrand upon arriving.
The Undeadites Another horde that we met at Hildebrand Mall, and that helped us lay waste to Roftwood.
Crimson Sea A new zombie information group
We stand here today, and everyday, (not here, but wherever we're standing.) as members of the greater whole, as Zambahz of !zanbah. Together we will make sure that !zanbah carries on being the amazing Republic that it is, and those of us Touring will help further the cause, for sure.
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Zombiefied Republic of !zanbah |
This user or group is part of the Zombiefied Republic of !zanbah. |
Combat Revives and Pk'ing
In short, If you combat revive, don't be surprised if you get PKed. If you find yourself alive when you want to be dead, jump out of a window. Don't waste the valuable AP of a zombie that could be used to bring down barricades by having him eat you, do it yourself!
With the Tour being so big, and us now having Zombie and Human chars, we need to clear up any problems some of the newer tourists might have :
1) If you're playing as a Zombie, only use 1 char. Don't bring in other chars once you've ran out of ap's, just use 1. If you really have to switch chars at any point though, leave at least a 24 hour gap between the time your previous char attacked and the time your newly added char attacks anything in the same suburb(s). (some malls being on the crosspoint between 2 suburbs and all. Basically : don't have any of your alts in the same one or two suburbs that the mall is in, while you're using your tour char in battle. In fact, this goes for playing UD in general. Don't use more than 1 char in the same suburb.) This goes for all 3 types : switching from 1 Zombie to another, from a Zombie to a Human PK'er, or a PK'er to a Zombie.
2) If you're using a PK'er : only use 1 char, just like above.
This is obvious, but for some it might need spelling out for whatever reason.
If you ignore these rules, and they're some of the only rules we actually have, you'll be added to zerg lists, and repeatedly attacked by us. If this happens to you and you still carry on zerging after we've told you not to, well you'll be made to look pretty stupid. For example : a zerger we had with us last year had his own song written for him that got added to the very top of our wiki page, and he got made to look really stupid. (check the history of the Mall Tour '06 page if you want and you should find it.)
In short : don't zerg, not under any circumstances, because it will never be justified.
Check back up the page if you missed the link, it's in the group box. :)
There's 2 things you have to do to get access to our forums, and this is added because some of you have only been doing 1 of the 2, and you're probably confused as to what's going on :
1. Register at the forums. Just click the button that says register under the header and away you go. Some people have been posting in the recruitment thread and not registering, which is....kind of a waste of time, but a mistake you're not alone in making if you've done this.
2. Post in the recruitment thread. As you can maybe guess by now, yes, some people have been registering but not posting in the recruitment thread. Again, something that won't work for you unless you've let us know some other way that you're joining us, because otherwise it's just another name on the validating list that we know nothing about, and can't add because we don't know what forum(s) to add it too.
If you're having a problem with any of this after registering/posting in the thread, just let us know either at the TSO site or by posting in the discussion section here.
Fightin' Harmanz
Best Harman Defenders
The best Harman defenders we came up against were the Lime Brigade, who put up an almost superhuman defence against us at Stickling Mall for over a month. We salute you Limeys!
Toughest Harman Alliance
The New Malton Colossus, again at Stickling. Groups like C4NT and Malton Rangers stuck together throughout the battle, and together with the Limeys kept Stickling Mall more or less safe from our attacks right up until the end. Thanks for giving us such a good fight. :D
Note : and yes, OF COURSE we think that other groups in the Stickling and Whippey NT battle were great aswell. These are just some of the groups that usually stood out a lot more, so stop annoying us by saying that we didn't recognise you!
A song from a Mall Tour Zmobie :
For Zmobies
Hrh rh ma rrrh hrrrh rh rrrh rng. Hrh rng rh hrh ra rh rrh rrh brrh. Grrh rh rrrh rh, grrh rh rrrh brarn, grrh rh rrrh rng, rrrh, an barrh! Rh rh arh rrrh ma an rrrh hrm. Rh rh arh rrrh rrh an rrh hrm. Rh rh arh rrh rrrh rh. An rrrh rh an rrh hrm rnrrh rrh! Rh rh marh an marh an marh. Hrh ha hrh rh angrrh, Mrh? Rh rrrrn. Rrrh grh harh rh rrh. Nrh rrh rh rrh, rrh rnrgh rrh arh hrh mrnrrh, hrh zrh, hrh rrh, hrh rrrh rh Ma rrrh! RA RA RA!
For Humanzzz...
This is mall tour here is our song. The Song of the dead cry out for blood. Give us your flesh, give us your brains, give us your lungs, livers, and bladders! We will take your malls and destroy them. We will take your forts and crush them. We will take you Police Dept. and Fire Dept. and rip them inside out! We will march and march and march. He shall howl with anger, Mrh? with Questions. Your gods have left you. Now you will die, for tonight you face the monsters, the zeds, the evil, the power of Mall Tour '07! RA RA RA!
- Words by Reptileus
Another quick song for worried Harmans
You, you better get ready.
You better hold steady.
They can't control this angry mob.
They'll have to call the Riot Squad.
Riot Squad.
They'll have to call the Riot,
They'll have to call the Riot Squad!
- Riot Squad, by Bad Brains
A quick song for Danz!ng Zambahz
And now its time to die, its time to see the sun, the end is near, I'm feeling fine, HOW FAST CAN YOU RUN???