Talk to us!
It takes a zombie village...
To encourage territorial zombies to protect neighborhoods throughout Malton, the Zombie Neighborhood is calling for all brave zombies to let us know what suburb, or even building, your undead neighbors call home. Please stop by and visit us. - Flying Zombie Roach
Activity in Penny Heights
I am looking to update the Penny Heights suburb page. I've noticed that none of your members have been seen around the suburb, and your own group page places you in Buttonville. If this information is incorrect and you are still active within Penny Heights please let me know on the Penny Heights talk page, otherwise your group will be removed from the zombie group listing on the suburb page. Cheers. --Scurley7 11:33, 27 April 2008 (BST)
- Same goes for Danversbank, guys. If you don't maintain a persistent presence in a suburb (i.e. RRF in Ridley and Barville, the FU in Whittenside and Scarletwood), you shouldn't be listed as a suburb group. I think. --Paddy Dignam 00:25, 20 May 2008 (BST)
- Our presence is listed when we enter a suburb. What happens after we leave it is irrelevant. Creeping Crud U 06:49, 29 May 2008 (BST)
Invitation for dinner at Fort Perryn
Dear friends, i'm proud to invite you to the feast, we, ferals, are going to have there in next few weeks. Also, many major survivour groups are invited too, so siege promises to be not only tasty but also challenging.
Hello We of the Infected Swarm would like to greet you and welcome you to Dulston. If you would like to team with you on some attacks plz see us at on our discussion page we would love to work with you. Welcome to the party --Vachon Blaze 20:46, 21 August 2007 (BST)
YEAH!!! Lets rock the Whatmore Building together! --Desu Desu 19:00, 13 March 2007 (UTC)
We had to totally rush whatmore today, at least we started it, and b/ jump in. Feel free to dig in deep. About 80 Survivors left alive inside. If you hit them hard we might get it ransacked in a few days.--Cyrill Dent 19:03, 13 March 2007 (UTC)
I thought I saw some of you guys shortly after our own strike. Welcome to Whatmore, fellah's! --Alurakan 19:13, 13 March 2007 (UTC)
Which one of you pooped in my cubicle?! NOT cool, guys. :p --MorthBabid 20:55, 14 March 2007 (UTC)
- I blame it on someone other than myself! But being a cow and all y'know I don't exactly have prerequisites for bowel control...--Surfincow 23:31, 14 March 2007 (UTC)
Hi Fellas
Any Undeadites in or around the East Grayside area wish to join the 'Chris Hollis Easter Egg Hunt' Wiki they are more than welcome. EG is under Heavy attack. All Welcome!
Quality Prizes to be won! --Iamnotanecromancer 11:15, 20 March 2007 (UTC)
Huey Long Extends an Invitation...
First, I'd like to say a big "Hey there!" to you guys! I have a little circular which I've prepared for all the active zombie groups of Malton, and I hope you guys can take some time out of your undoubtedly very busy schedules to give it a quick glance:
I, Huey Pierce Long, Jr., will be speaking at Pooll Crescent Police Department in !zanbah (Eastonwood) on April 8th, 2007, concerning his campaign to win the nomination of the Zombiecratic Party in the Mayor of Malton campaign, and I would like to invite your group to send a representative to attend the rally. It is my earnest hope to improve the situation for the lowly, starving ferals of Malton, and I would like to have your support in doing so.
Check out my campaign site for details, and if you like what you see, don't forget to vote for Huey P Long! As always, I can be contacted through my talk page (or that of my alt) if you have any questions, comments, etc. --Huey P Long ♠♥♣♦ 07:05, 6 April 2007 (BST)
Recruitment Page
Your recruitment page ad has almost expired, please put a more recent time stamp on it.--Jason Muir 18:33, 22 April 2007 (BST)
Is the current profile link for certified=insane the right one? It points to Dead Maniac
Yup. That one is correct. Necropolis123
LUE & Fort Creedy July 2007
# 27.55 MHz: "We the Undeadites crushed Creedy, not LUE, they lie" (1 hour and 50 minutes ago)
# 27.55 MHz: "LUE was there too you undeadite piece of filth!" (1 hour and 20 minutes ago)
Alright, I saw this and the section of your article that talks about current operations being at the fort. It's true, you guys were there, but LUE took Fort Creedy on the 10th by opening the Gatehouse and ransacking three more buildings on our own (East Barracks, Vehicle Depot, and Armoury in that order). Then LUEsers who still had the AP took the Infirmary and West Barracks, but those had help, whether ferals or Undeadites, I can't say.
I hope you don't feel like we stepped on your toes with this, and we certainly appreciate all the work you did infecting and killing all those survivors in the days before we got there, but LUE did achieve the final break-in. Whoever insulted your group in return was totally out of line because there's no reason to let a pride thing get between zombies.
The wiki historian in your group ought to go into the related suburb and fort articles and make sure your contributions are recorded. Other than that, I hope we're all still on friendly terms and can work together again if we're ever in the same area.--Insomniac By Choice 22:46, 11 July 2007 (BST)
- that was not an official Undeadites sanctioned response either. There is certainly no bad blood between our two hordes. I also hope that our good cheer permeated through my post on your wiki page. We the Undeadites applaud your expert coordination and certainly acknowledge the fact that you did indeed deliver the killing blows to Fort Creedy. I'm not a great wiki contributor by any means... I guess I was just hoping someone else in the horde would add our part for me. oh well. too bad that bit had to happen, really, it puts a bad taste in my mouth that there would be any hostility between large zombie hordes. well, cheers to you!! --Surfincow 10:47, 17 July 2007 (BST)
The Second Big Bash
In a show of support for The Second Big Bash, I have created a infobox template for display on Group and User pages. Here is a copy of it, for use on your group's page:
Thanks! And enjoy some yummy brains! Ekashp wuz here (aht harman bra!nz!) 22:54, 4 October 2007 (BST)
Stickling Mall
You folks at Stickling Mall with LUE presently? If so, thanks for joining the party. Treweeke all over again, right? --Insomniac By Choice 04:09, 7 July 2008 (BST)
Howdy y'all! --Tex Tripppen BHS 20:20, 6 September 2008 (BST)
Don't you mean Douchebags that are decent at defending? :D --Rddr 15:56, 14th of September 2008 (GMT)
If your group is still active and recruiting, please update the timestamp attached to your ad on the Recruitment page. Ads with timestamps more than 14 days old may be removed without further notice. Thanks! -- Atticus Rex mfu pif Δ 03:39, 30 November 2008 (UTC)
Group Inactive?
No reply has been received as to whether this group is still active. The 14 days have passed and as such the groups frequency has been removed from radio listings. If the group is again active please feel free to revert these changes
This may seem like a random request, but it's for all groups regardless of size. Thanks!
-- Linkthewindow Talk 02:32, 15 December 2008 (UTC)