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Revision as of 05:12, 4 November 2010

Headhunters of Huntley Heights
Abbreviation: 4H
Group Numbers: 40+
Leadership: Hodder, Yaznov, Smith
Goals: Protecting citizens, making compost
Recruitment Policy: Closed
Contact: 4-H Forums


We are the The 4-H, and we are come to stay. You may not see us, but we see you.
We see what you do to your once fellow men. We know the hunger that lingers inside.
We know that you must be stopped. Put down like the wolves you have become.

Hunting in packs? Eating the flesh of your own kind?
Were you not once men? Women? What have you become, but a mockery of humanity?

A mockery that must be stopped.

We're coming for you, and we shall begin right here, in Huntley Heights.

This was the original mark, which still remains carved into the woodwork somewhere in the myriad corridors of Labarte Library. Since that time, the idea of which the Headhunters of Huntley Heights first founded themselves upon has evolved and expanded with each new person, each new event. Every victory, every loss.. They have all shaped us.

What was originally a search and destroy team now also features a revival service, medical unit, bounty hunters, and a long-range emergency reponse unit. Originally confined to one suburb, The 4-H now established a stronghold in Raines Hills, and conducted operations in Randallbank, Shearbank, Ridleybank, and Pashenton, among others.


Over the years, all of the following characters contributed to our cause and wore the 4H emblems. Final members are in bold and highlighted members were founders.

Aiden Hodder G' Romero Alexis Adelphi Dr. Lockenfeld Yaznov
Trooper Smith Mark Williams RagnaRover BlackPanther Mithra
CancerSlug FrankMacon dweeezul Captain Winters Dicki Galoot
SudsMcDuff Fred Finkenstein Nocho14 49ers Doc Barnard
Pvt Oxymoron fat'bastard ScotlandsFinest icenine Mark Cable
QJay NGRevenant alavantar Tancrisism Officer Fox
SilverF0x Calwinn Delacroix Victoria G GuardianGuy Michael Rowling
Evark Megalomanic W. Kinkade Evan Lonesome PrivateKnux
NG-Marcus Pie Slayer gabriel dante Andrew Aaron Scott Dixon
Nafai GageSmith NoHumanHere Roddy B Cheezy McFuzz
Scrub11 Fireman Max torch boy DrFritz residentredeemer
blackline Rick Ashen Colt Hardon swiftjohna Khaze
Colt Hardon RWXSM Dick Me Penguin Dude originalsubmariner
Nejel Lasair Theiles Garrett Fisher Young Howard Dan Kasper
Flesh Beacon immolationx Gehn1 Amazing Hector bkmf
Clara Pax McCooley Eihwaze Cal Nugent blue viper
Mr. A. Hudson Almanza Krakatoah GJS Deadlyskillz
Bliss Manhattan Flinge duuumed Morgan D'Angelo Chris Kramer
Zach Ward Phil Leit Mitchel B tordr EnemyMan
Alex Serre Brocktastic Butterdove munising Reactionz
Gibsof foamyboss Fangeltje JJCoops Dudley Scardsdale
Goatfoam NathanDansforth Jesusshot Ghandhi Douglas Fresh

The Long Patrol

The 4-H was not limited to the confines of Huntley Heights. We also had a tactical unit devoted to assistance in other suburbs, and bounty hunting.

This unit was known as The Long Patrol. A member of The Long Patrol could be located anywhere in Malton.

Revive Point

Veryard Crescent

Huntley Heights [67,20]

Meads Walk Railway Station
(Raines Hills)
Potts Bank
(Raines Hills)
Wetherell Row School
(Raines Hills)
a factory Veryard Crescent The Vicari Building
Morriss Way a junkyard Keen Park

Basic Info:

  • A Street is a city block containing no buildings or monuments. There are a variety of other names besides Street including Alley, Avenue, Boulevard, Drive, Grove, Lane, Row, Square, Walk, Place, etc.
  • This is an empty block, and cannot be barricaded.

Veryard Crescent located at [67,20] was our revive point. A secondary clinic was also maintained at Peppe Street, [60,22].

Status: Unknown. The 4-H no longer conducts operations.

For best results, leave us a message with a profile link so we can specifically target you for revival.

The 4-H did NOT operate a Rotter Clinic. Brain Rotter Zombies in the revive queues were be considered to be greifing by Queue Clogging, and were always removed accordingly.

Also, we had a strict policy against hunting our revive points. Hunting or ZKing in our revive points resulted in the offender being added to the Do Not Revive list.

We did not not follow the Sacred Ground Policy, though we do support the idea.

Veryard Contact Info
Revival Requests
"No Revive List" for Huntley Heights

The latter of these links is an advised list of patients for freelance NTs working at Veryard to turn away from treatment, due to various acts of villiany or interference with the clinic activities.

Field Hospital

The 4H medical staff once ran a field hospital and medical center out of the junkyards located at 65,21 and 65,22.

The upper junkyard at [65, 21] was maintained for those with free-running, and it will be at Heavily barricaded or above. The lower junkyard at [65, 22] was for those without free-running and was kept at Very Strongly barricaded.

65, 21- Recommended free-runner field hospital.

65, 22- Non free-runners field hospital.


Updated: 10/06/2010

Status: Closed

Aid Forum

Request a medic!

PK Policy

PKing is something we look down upon. Anyone caught PKing in Huntley was as good as zed to us. All PKers, serious or not, were placed on our do not treat lists for both medical and revival. In addition, if we find you, justice will be served.


- 10 Minutes from Hell
- One Man & His Dog
- The Abandoned

Malton Fire Department
Malton Police Department

- Randallbank Coalition (defunct)
- ROACH Klips
- Rhodenbank Civil Defense Corps
- The Dribbling Beavers
- The Black Berets

GHDU (Several of the founding 4Hers were proud GHDU members at one point or another.)

- The Shearbank Resistance
- Army Control Corps
- Creedy Defence Force
- Omega Company USCMC
- Blackmore Bastard Brigade
- Zombie Squad
- The Sun Organization
- Cannonball Crew
- The Juliana Theory
- Eulalia

We also had a nonhostile agreement with the zombie/human group known as The Merry Kings of Spangleham Forest, and with the group Newgrounds.

Noteable Group Activity

October 6th, 2010
After months of complete forum inactivity, and Huntley's status as a ghost town, The 4-H is officially defunct. Thanks to everyone that ever played with us, even the zeds that were (usually) good sports about the whole headshotting business. Even though it was frustrating at times, Urban Dead is something I'll always remember fondly. --Aiden H 4H 08:14, 6 October 2010 (BST)

December 9th, 2009
In the midst of an RRF steamroll, we fight on. Heavy casualties have been taken, but we will do our best to persevere.

June 20th, 2009
Alexis Adelphi takes a small contingent of 4-H emissaries to join Alliance 45.

June 18th, 2009
Feelin' fine. Many retired or missing 4Hers have reappeared lately. Hodder headshot a zombie with a toolbox. This kind of boredom implies a Long Patrol may be in order.

December 12th, 2008
The 4-H marks its third year as a survivor group and reliable presence in Huntley.

October 18th, 2008
The 4-H retakes The Citadel and most surrounding areas in a quick show of force & repair, marking a full return to Huntley. Happy Hunting!

April 28st, 2008
The Long Patrol has joined forces with with Giles Sednick, Swiers, and 10 Minutes From Hell to participate in the radical movement to save the suburbs in crisis. This movement is known as C.R.A.P., The Big Prick, and the zombie recycling program that is showing successful promise in test areas. The 4-H supports the brainchild and is actively transforming the landscape.

February 2007
The 4H mounted a brief offensive on The Blackmore Building in Ridleybank, joining with the Blackmore Bastard Brigade. SALLY FORTH!

Sept. 21st, 2006
Along with CDF Malakim, the 4H begins the organization of SHEARBASH.

Sept. 5th, 2006
The Long Patrol joins the Battle of Blackmore.

August 7th, 2006
The 4-H Revival point at Veryard Crescent has been reopened again for public use.

July 15th, 2006
Doc Barnard steps down as chief medical officer, naming 49ers as his replacement.

July 4th - 7th, 2006
Long Patrollers take part in the Shopathon at Stickling Mall. However, seeing the residual horde still lingering outside, The 4-H opts to stay and assist, rather than leaving at the end of the three-day window.

June 29th, 2006
The Long Patrol launches a mission in Shearbank, helmed by Yaznov and Hodder.

June 7th - 18th, 2006
The 4Hers again find themselves battling the Drunken Dead, though on a lower scale than previous campaigns. The DD began to shift after many fruitless nights and attacks.

June 3rd 2006
27.77 becomes the official radio frequency of The 4-H, as we open a new branch within our ranks: a comm unit.

May 16th, 2006
The Long Patrol ventures into Randallbank in an effort to assist the RBC resecure their suburb.

April 19th, 2006
War was declared on the Church of the Resurrection, who have decided to grief the clinic at Veryard, and attack Huntley Heights as a whole. Many casualties were suffered, but we stood our ground until the CotR chose a new target.

April 14th, 2006
Limited skirmish with some stray members of The Shining Ones. Conflict did not last long, however, as TSO decided to target Roftwood instead of Huntley. Also, during this time, we managed to form a permanent foothold in the suburb of Raines Hills.

March 30th, 2006
Chief of Medical Staff, Doc Barnard, establishes a field hospital at the adjacent junkyards at 65,21 and 65,22.

March 22nd - April 3rd, 2006
The group christens it's new Long Patrol unit with Operation "Rock The Pash'Bah." The Long Patrol moves into Pashenton, under the lead of Uri Petrof and attempts to establish contact with the Galactic Mystery Solvers and Bagehot Way Precinct in order to effectively fend off the Drunken Dead once again. This mission was less than successful, but some of our newer members enjoyed the field trip.

February 24th - March 14th, 2006
The 4-H declares war on the Drunken Dead, who stumble into the suburb as part of their Pub Crawl. Members of The MFD, MPD Randallbank Coalition, Rotten Tomatoes, PA Posse, Creedy Defense Force, and even the Caiger Mall Survivors and YRC are witnessed taking part in the battle for Huntley. Though substantial losses are suffered in the process of the war, overall, the group cosidered it a very successful campaign.

February 12th, 2006
Human Habitat for Huntley is instituted on the suburb by the group, and designed, planned and concieved by Yaznov.

January 6th-27th, 2006
The group reaffirms control over Huntley, setting up phone service and powering the Vicari Building with assistance from a couple members of the MPGeeks.

December 25th, 2005 - January 1st, 2006
Over the holidays, the 4-H suffered it's first heavy battering, as zombies overrun the original home base at Humphreys and Labarte Libraries. The revive point also took a heavy beating.. But thanks to a few resourceful members, the group would bounce back from this, albiet a few members short.

December 20th, 2005
Lockenfeld and Romero found the revive clinic at Veryard.

December 12th, 2005
The group is founded in Huntley by survivors of the siege at Aires Crescent Fire Station in Galbraith Hills. Notably among them are Hodder, SCD, Tancrisism and DarkPotato.

Ubpicon1.gif Uniform Barricading Policy Supporter
This User or Group supports the Uniform Barricading Policy by actively maintaining barricades according to local plan or UBP standard.
Malton recycle.GIF Combat Revive Any Person
Oh, C.R.A.P.!

Yet another proud supporter of the Malton Zombie Recycling Program

Blackmore Bastard Brigade.JPG Blackmore Bastard
The RRF has had to lay siege to its own NecroTech and this group sent the Bastards inside some reinforcements.

8/18/06 -