Fort Creedy

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Mall-in zombie hands-small.jpg

[78,47] - [80,49] (bic) (statuses) (update)
Fort Creedy
Permanently ruined, efforts to reclaim are immediately repelled
Dislycan (talk) 18:32, 16 August 2024 (UTC)
Fort Creedy

Peppardville [78,47] – [80,49] Pitneybank

the Kitchingman Monument
Raikes Bank
Sebright Drive Railway Station
Gumm Alley
Norgan Library
the Canning Motel
Fort Creedy Infirmary Fort Creedy Storehouse Fort Creedy Barracks a junkyard
Tennear Bank
Fort Creedy Barracks Fort Creedy Armoury Fort Creedy Gatehouse Ebdon Drive
St. Benedict's Hospital
Fort Creedy Exercise Yard Fort Creedy Training Ground Fort Creedy Vehicle Depot the Hunter Building
a junkyard
Club Noake
a warehouse
Hamlen Auto Repair
Promel Towers

Basic Info:

  • There are only two armouries on the entire Malton Map, so it is a high profile location for both zombies and survivors alike.
  • An Armoury is a Dark building.
  • Difficult to defend because it cannot be freerun into.
  • Tagging an armoury earns 2 XP.
  • Empty "Fort" blocks are open land and cannot be barricaded. However, as the military has repaired the breached walls of the fort complex and rebuilt the gatehouse, they can no longer be accessed from adjacent areas - you must enter the fort complex by way of the gatehouse.
Known groups of the fort:

Fort Creedy is a fort split between the suburbs of Peppardville and Pitneybank, located in the eastern region of Malton.

  • Radio Transmitters: The recognized radio frequency is 26.70.
  1. A cemetery [81, 45] is run by the CDF.
  2. A cemetery [82, 51]

Barricade Policy

Gatehouse barricades: VSB at all times
Armory and Infirmary: VSB at all times
Barracks, Storehouses and Vehicle Depot: EHB

Recent News

September 2009

September 30, 2009 Frequent brake ins every 10 minutes. Worst brake ins happen with 5 zombies, 3 distract the main gate's defence and 2 go in for other players. --8devon8 23:29, 30 September 2009 (UMT-5)

September 22, 2009 Gatehouse at VSB. 73 survivors. Still under infrequent, uncoordinated zed attack. --Mx311 23:17, 22 September 2009 (BST)

September 19, 2009 Gatehouse barricades are at VSB. 58 survivors. Under infrequent zed attack. --Mx311 02:41, 20 September 2009 (BST)

September 18, 2009 The fort's barricades were down, and the gates were open, so I closed them and re-barricaded them to a nice VSB.

September 17, 2009 The fort's barricades were down, and the gates were open, so I closed them and re-barricaded them to a nice VSB.

September 17, 2009 Only a lone zombie and 75 dead bodies outside the Gatehouse, all other buildings VSB. Only Barracks unpowered. --Matthewbluewars /New City\ 21:58, 17 September 2009 (BST)

September 5, 2009

25 survivors in the Gatehouse. At most 20 zeds throughout the Fort, interior and exterior. Gatehouse very strongly barricaded, with generator (not-fueled at the moment). Only buildings that are ruined are the armoury and the infirmary. This would be a REALLY good time to come here and help. - Foxtrot 20:08, 5 September 2009 (BST)

UPDATE: Gatehouse generator now fueled. Vehicle depot. now very strongly barricaded, a crude supply for fuel when we need it. - Foxtrot 20:34, 5 September 2009 (BST)

UPDATE 2: Generator out for unknown reason. Probably for the best, don't want to attract too much attention at the moment. Around 30 survivors here now, including a few useful people. Someone managed to take a zed down and drag 'em out of the Gatehouse. One less to deal with. - Foxtrot 20:45, 5 September 2009 (BST)

September 4, 2009


Armory has 7 zeds inside. Infirmary has 0 zeds inside. North-east barracks have 2 zeds inside. Gatehouse has 1 zed inside. Vehicle depot has 2 zeds inside. Most zombies have packed up and left. Now is as best time as ever for survivors to get in and take the place back. - Foxtrot 20:12, 4 September 2009 (BST)

August 2009

August 15, 2009


BlueSpurt 20:35, 15 August 2009 (BST)

August 15, 2009
Fort Creedy infirmary interior:
You are inside Fort Creedy infirmary. Extra beds have been dragged over from the barracks, and the air carries the sting of cheap disinfectant. Thick trails of blood are smeared across the walls and floor. The building's doors have been left wide open. Also here are Rex1986, therussianspy2, AntiInfin, Hmelly Eggs, Dirk Dirka, PokaJam, Vincent Mahogany, Epaminondas, R4mzy, Mr Snugglypoof, LordMarluxia, Paul Sereno, Ex'Caliber, LBR II, Dirk Darkness, Treat Williams, Lt Havokk, Slow Fat Guy, Quickie McScramble, hotdog21, Vinis, Mr Fishy Fish, Ahmed Kondo, Kags, Lt Potter, Gumby the Impaler, joe1994, Chunk Monkey, greegi, Darkshades, Charles Dedagan, Randy P, Doc Fawkes, Sleazy The Corupt, confusion bob, Czech6ix, Sergeant Overkill, HavelockXXX, GermanMauler and Nicole Gregory.

Somebody has spraypainted GTFO This is Armaggedon onto a wall.

There is a horde of twenty-two zombies here.

There are six dead bodies here.
Fort Creedy infirmary exterior:
You are standing outside Fort Creedy infirmary, a small, red-brick building set against the wall of the complex. The windows are splashed with fresh blood. The building's doors have been left wide open. Also here is Rex1986.

Somebody has spraypainted the answer to life, the universe, and everything! onto a wall.

There is a horde of twenty-five zombies here.

There are eleven dead bodies here.
Fort Creedy west barracks exterior:
You are standing outside Fort Creedy barracks, a low, sprawling wooden building with a corrugated metal roof. The building's doors have been left wide open.

Somebody has spraypainted the answer to life, the universe, and everything! onto a wall.

There is a group of six zombies here.

There is a dead body here.
Fort Creedy west barracks interior:
You are inside Fort Creedy barracks. The beds are unmade or overturned. The floor is flecked with fresh blood. The building's doors have been left wide open. Also here are Skyefiera, John Juraz, EJN 16, Swifty87 and cRazY Zeno.

Somebody has spraypainted the answer to life, the universe, and everything! onto a wall.

There is a group of six zombies here.

There are two dead bodies here.
Fort Creedy exercise yard:
You are standing in Fort Creedy exercise yard.

Somebody has spraypainted the answer to life, the universe, and everything! onto a wall.

There is a lone zombie here.

There are two dead bodies here.
Fort Creedy armoury exterior:
You are standing outside Fort Creedy armoury, a squat concrete bunker in the centre of the army base. The building's doors have been left wide open.

Somebody has spraypainted the answer to life, the universe, and everything! onto a wall.

There is a horde of twenty-seven zombies here.

There are eighteen dead bodies here.
Fort Creedy armoury interior:
You are inside Fort Creedy armoury, a small grid of concrete tunnels running under the military base. The majority of its shelves and lockers have been cleared. With the lights out, you can hardly see anything. The building's doors have been left wide open. Also here are waxter, Joj94, Kelvin Firestorm, nyctos, Issac Newton, Sindy Ashford, Leon Dunfield, Kaa Drakon, Norah Casey, Glen The Noble, Minotaurus, Berzserk, Lili Bertine, DrMurdercide, MainmanSS, Dolerion, Belsnickle, Pookie2, Dieselspeed, Jesse722, Great Feldino, Chucko 454, John Killmore, Charlie McFlame, Drayden Wayne, Morton Campbell, Ryan Syzmo, Sheepeh, 8devon8, Harold Newman, sillybillywilly, Prima Giedi, Dan McClintock, Blaaaaaarg, DoNotWant, Silva J, A Packet of Crisps, SPC Burlin, Arovel Torane, Jo Harris, Cmdr Killbot, urdoom2u, Sir Speak and Spell, Frinkinstien, eGavik, Thalass, Sgt Frost, Shakaka, zombie killer 2356, Rai of the Winds, milk weed, A P Keaton, Adeqga, Camo Rovak, Sivdaddy, Peppinthefat, LordoftheDance92, Speedy Tom, thesandwich234, Maurice Bishop, pikanchion, AusSkiller Scout, HybridMarine, Belchy Flumptz, TheHobo, Juan Pablo Sanchez and Nambat.

There is a mob of nineteen zombies here.
Fort Creedy training ground:
You are standing in Fort Creedy training ground. All that remains of the site's practice targets are a few tatters of cardboard.

Somebody has spraypainted FOXHOUND trained here! onto a wall.

There are three zombies here.
Fort Creedy vehicle depot exterior:
You are standing outside Fort Creedy vehicle depot, a hulking dark green building with two heavy double-doors. The building has been very strongly barricaded.

Lights are on inside.

Somebody has spraypainted the answer to life, the universe, and everything! onto a wall.

There is a mob of twelve zombies here.

There is a dead body here.
Fort Creedy vehicle depot interior:
You are inside Fort Creedy vehicle depot, a vast metal hangar, empty apart from the derelict shells of several abandoned military transports. The building has been very strongly barricaded. Also here are Nicole Duval and Orich.

A portable generator has been set up here. It is running.

Somebody has spraypainted WINNERS DON'T DO RADIO - Bonertag onto a wall.
Fort Creedy gatehouse interior:
You are inside Fort Creedy gatehouse, standing beneath an overhang from the military complex's main wall. The building has been completely ransacked, and has fallen into ruin. A thin layer of dust covers the debris. Thick trails of dried blood run across the walls and floor, smeared over by fresher splashes. The gates leading into the base have been secured. Also here is Terry Dailey.

Somebody has spraypainted THE CADES ARE TO REMAIN AT VSB +2 AT ALL TIMES onto a wall.

There is a mob of thirteen zombies here.
Fort Creedy north-east barrackes exterior:
You are standing outside Fort Creedy barracks, a low, sprawling wooden building with a corrugated metal roof. The building's doors have been left wide open.

Somebody has spraypainted the answer to life, the universe, and everything! onto a wall.

There are three zombies here.

There is a dead body here.
Fort Creedy north-east barrackes interior:
You are inside Fort Creedy barracks. The beds are unmade or overturned. The floor is flecked with fresh blood. The building's doors have been left wide open. Also here are Rita Donovan, Bob Barco, 508 and TRAVLER.

The building has been decorated with a terracotta vase.

There are four zombies here.

There are two dead bodies here.
Fort Creedy storehouse exterior:

You are lying outside Fort Creedy storehouse, a windowless block of unpainted concrete. The building has been quite strongly barricaded.

There is a group of eight zombies here.

There are four dead bodies here.

My character was killed before I could scout the storehouse interior and gatehouse exterior. BlueSpurt 15:33, 15 August 2009 (BST)

August 15, 2009 This is not a joke! Gatehouse has been ruined, every other building except the Vehicle Depot (VSB at the moment) is dark and has at least 10 zombies inside. Armoury has 30 zeds outside, unknown number inside! A few survivors inside the infirmary where I was healing people, last attack 9 minutes ago - I have a feeling they won't make it. I've abandoned front, and am hiding out in a nearby factory. We could really use some backup! I'm searching for generators and fuel, so I can later power up the fort if neccesary. Over and out. -- BlueSpurt 11:36, 15 August 2009 (BST)

With the gatehouse overrun, everyone needs to GET OUT of the fort. If nobody can be bothered to defend the goddamn gatehouse then you should never come to the fort again. --Wraith94 16:13, 15 August 2009 (BST)

August 14, 2009 Survivors need to get their s*** together. If they expect to have a safe place to stay by morning, they need to quit dicking around in the armory and sleep in the gatehouse.--Wraith94 21:06, 14 August 2009 (BST)

August 13, 2009 Naked Twister Party '09 has finally arrived at the gatehouse, bringing a "cloud" of about 30 zombies with them. The MOB is moving in from the Northeast. There are 26 standing zombies outside the fort and 130 dead bodies ready to rise. Creedy is going to be sieged indefinitely. --Chekken 02:34, 14 August 2009 (BST)

August 11th 2009 Giddings has all but fallen to MOB, the Farmer and Morrish Buildings are down, and the Naked Twister Party '09 is moving north. Creedy will very, very likely come under siege in the coming week. --Wraith94 21:50, 11 August 2009 (BST)

August 10th 2009 Giddings has been broken into, however the only difference in Fort Creedy is that there are six zombies outside the gatehouse, and one inside. Gatehouse is at VSB+2, but i suspect we'll be getting a few visitors pretty soon. -- Stilwell 21:08, 10 August 2009 (GMT)

A 10-zombie break-in was beaten off about an hour ago. --Wraith94 03:45, 11 August 2009 (BST)

August 8th 2009 Many surrounding buildings are falling. At least 30+ zombies in the surrounding area. Siege be a brewing it looks. Naked Twister Party '09 is heading into the area from the south. When their arrival will be, nobody knows. They will most definitely stage an assault on the gatehouse. -- Chekken 04:25, 9 August 2009 (BST)

August 4th 2009 Seventy survivors inside gatehouse, sixty dead bodies outside gatehouse. Many more survivors throughout the Fort Creedy complex. All fort buildings lit and appropriately caded. Krankovich 05:37, 4 August 2009 (BST)

August 2nd 2009 Crowd of sixty-odd survivors. Frequent breakins consisting of around 2-3 stragglers. Gatehouse is VSB. -- BlueSpurt 00:25, 2 August 2009 (BST)

July 2009

July 20th 2009 Armoury is very heavily barricaded, should be kept VSB++, no way of entering.

July 19th 2009 Lots of survivors here, small hoard of zombies amassing at the gates. Could always use some reinforcements. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by User:C (talkcontribs) at an unknown time.

July 9th 2009 Zombies brought down the barracades in the gatehouse. No problem, 'caded back up.

July 7th 2009 Fort's back and stronger than ever. Gatehouse has 53 survivors manning it at VSB. Armoury and Infirmary are at 66 and 42 survivors in them with dozens of survivors in the forts defenses. I've been in the fort for 2 days and zombies are beginning to not attack but wait menacingly around the gatehouse. There's going to be a big attack and hopefully backups on its way. -Sn1per 11:12 July 7 2009 11:12EST


Old news moved to the archives, 2006 to 2008 here with 2009 and beyond located right here.

Fort Movement Rules

CreedyFR.jpg CreedyOM.jpg


Recent Fort Status

Barricade Level Armoury:VSB, Gatehouse: VSB, Storehouse: VSB, Infirmary: EHB, W Barracks: VSB, NE Barracks: VSB, Vehicle depot: EHB
Outside Graffiti Somebody has spraypainted hey zeds! how's everything today? share and enjoy! onto a wall.
Humans Outside 0
Zombies Outside Armoury: 0, Gatehouse: 1, Storehouse: 0, Infirmary: 0, W Barracks: 0, NE Barracks: 0, Vehicle depot: (numbers approximates only)
Bodies Outside 75 outside Gatehouse.
Inside Graffiti Keep barricades at VSB+2
Humans Inside Armoury: 185, Gatehouse: 57, Storehouse: 13, Infirmary: 59, W Barracks: 5, NE Barracks: 7, Vehicle depot: 5 (numbers approximates only)
Zombies Inside Armoury: 0, Gatehouse: 0, Storehouse: 0, Infirmary: 0, W Barracks: 0, NE Barracks: 0, Vehicle depot: (numbers approximates only)
Bodies Inside None.
Comments CDF and USAI have retaken the fort and are now maintaining control. A few Umbrella members are also helping. At least one DEM member is in the fort.

Latest Fort Status

Number of standing zombies and current barricade levels

(When updating the status please do not forget to leave your signature below)

Inside: human controlled
Outside: none
Inside: human controlled
Outside: none
Inside: human controlled
Outside: none
Inside: human controlled
Outside: none
Inside: human controlled
Outside: none
Inside: human controlled
Outside: 1 zombie, 75 bodies, 2 humans
Exercise Yard

Outside: none

Training Ground

Outside: none

Vehicle Depot
Inside: human controlled

Key to Barricade Levels:

No Barricades
LoB to QSB

--Jpanzer 18:32, 4 October 2009 (BST)


First Ruining of Fort Creedy

Feel free to complete the page if you have anything to add. But I think I summarized the battle fairly well, and fairly NPOV.  Nalikill  TALK  E!  W!  M!  USAI  02:00, 2 January 2008 (UTC)

Second Ruining of Fort Creedy

see also Creedystock.

If you support the survivors defending or reclaiming Fort Creedy, put {{FortCreedy}} on your user or group page.

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This user or group is a supporter of the Survivors defending or reclaiming Fort Creedy.

If you support the zombies attacking or controlling Fort Creedy, put {{DeadFortCreedy}} in your user or group page.

ZombieHand.gif Zombies Of Fort Creedy Supporter
This user or group is a supporter of the Zombies attacking or controlling Fort Creedy.

Fortress.jpg AoFC
This user, group, building, or area is part of the Alliance of Fort Creedy.
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