Suggestion:20081029 Football

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20081029 Football

A Big F'ing Dog 02:52, 29 October 2008 (UTC)

Suggestion type

Suggestion scope

Suggestion description

Before I start let me say that this is a serious suggestion even though it might seem humorous. What I'm going to suggest is ridiculous and not in genre one bit. This is more of an interesting way of experimenting with how the Urban dead population reacts to a silly addition than any sort of change for the game itself.

I suggest that Kevan place a football (as in a American soccer ball) somewhere outdoors in Malton. The football ball can't be attacked or picked up. However if you're in the room with it you choose which direction to kick it in (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW). Kicking it would cost 1AP and move the ball 1 space in that direction. Both zombies and survivors can kick the ball. You'd be able to see the ball from adjacent squares either as "football" (with a font difference to distinguish it from a character) or with some sort of icon.

The current position of the ball would be added to the game stats. Perhaps teams would form to compete moving the ball to different destinations, or "goals." I'm not sure I'd make a point of playing with the ball for long but like where's george it'd be interesting to see where it is.

And while it's out of genre, since it would only exist in one square at a time in ALL of Malton it shouldn't be that disruptive. It'd strikes the same fun balance Christmas trees, Halloween masks, lava lamps and other silly things in the game (ok I made up the lava lamps).

Voting Section

Voting Rules
Votes must be numbered, justified, signed, and timestamped.
# justification ~~~~

Votes that do not conform to the above may be struck by any user.

The only valid votes are Keep, Kill, Spam or Dupe. If you wish to abstain from voting, do not vote.

Keep Votes

  1. idk. sokker wud beh funzorz. WE shud also make mudkipz a new weapon. i liek mudkipz--DewarP 23:02, 29 October 2008 (UTC)
  2. Keep, but I don't particularly like this in its current form. However, if and when this does get resubmitted with the improvements, it'll probably be counted as a dupe of this suggestion.--Studoku W! 21:35, 30 October 2008 (UTC)
  3. Keep - I think it would be a good idea, now comeone would you get bored of doing the same barricading and killing zombies day after day, makes since to kick a ball around, could be a contest to keep it in your corner of malton (Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, or Southwest) --Tjayh913 14:40, 1 November 2008 (UTC)
  4. Keep - I like it the way it is. --Kamikazie-Bunny 15:47, 2 November 2008 (UTC)

Kill Votes

  1. Kill- It just sounds...boring. You would get bored of kicking a football about all day. It's not very funny either. --Angusburger 12:36, 1 November 2008 (UTC)
  2. Kill- Hmm. Now I think about it, you should have listened to the suggestions on Developing Suggestions. Then you would have gotten a lot of keeps. DANCEDANCEREVOLUTION (TALK | CONTRIBS) 03:15, 29 October 2008 (UTC)
  3. Kill - I loved this suggestion when you put it in Developing Suggestions. Then, many people came along and added to it and really enhanced it, it made it a lot better. Like, the Survivor vs Zombie thing, the implementation as a joke for the 2010 World Cup, the scoreboard on the stats page with the West/East borders being worth a point for the respective teams, and the one I liked the most, if it was Zed v Human, if a Zed kicked it and Zeds were attacking the West Border, it had a 33.3% chance of going NW, W or SW, making it more difficult to locate etc. If your going to put it on Developing Suggestions, at least take in some of the ideas, because with a few of them implemented in to your core idea, I would have voted a gigantic keep.--CyberRead240 03:23, 29 October 2008 (UTC)
  4. Kill - Interesting concept, but in its current state I can't vote keep. The biggest thing for me is that it needs to be temporary (like two weeks or something), and that isn't specified. Also as SLR for taking on board suggestions. I empathise with Jed's concerns about genre, but I think if it was a temporary thing I could overlook that.--Nallan (Talk) 03:49, 29 October 2008 (UTC)
  5. kill the idea is great in theory but you really should have used the feedback to refine this. Scoring system, short duration of the game and possibly limiting it to only one or 2 burbs would all have been good things!--Honestmistake 11:57, 29 October 2008 (UTC)
    While i do realize that this is looking like it will be viable for a Sysop SPAMINATION I would strongly urge them not to do so as I suspect it will receive a lot more kills than spams and deserves to be left for voting because of that!--Honestmistake 12:00, 29 October 2008 (UTC)
  6. Kill - I like the idea, but I think you should take the points raised in discussion into account and resubmit it. -- Cheese 12:23, 29 October 2008 (UTC)
  7. Kill - As above. Also, it's called a soccer ball, damnit! ;) --William Told 16:10, 29 October 2008 (UTC)
  8. Kill - Return to Developing Suggestions for now, please. Though this would be a fun addition to celebrate the world cup in a couple years. --Private Mark 18:10, 29 October 2008 (UTC)
  9. Kill - Did you just copy and paste what you had in the discussion page? Did you read any of the comments? There was a ton of stuff that other people suggested that would make this a much better suggestion. This, as is? Not even close to being good. Its an ok thought, not a good suggestion. - tylerisfat 22:04, 29 October 2008 (UTC)
  10. Kill - For reasons I outlined when this was on Developing Suggestions. -- Galaxy125 07:26, 30 October 2008 (UTC)
  11. Kill - As everyone else. Don't ignore the Developing Suggestions crowd, as they are also your voters. Linkthewindow Talk 20:43, 30 October 2008 (UTC)
  12. Kill - Eh, Maybe a rock instead. 00:50, 31 October 2008 (UTC)
  13. Kill - It just doesn't seem too interesting to me. --ZsL 06:55, 31 October 2008 (UTC)
  14. Kill But definitely workable. I agree with a lot of the thoughts above me. --RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 20:03, 31 October 2008 (UTC)
  15. Kill - game within a game, but also out of genre -- boxy talkteh rulz 01:44 8 November 2008 (BST)

Spam/Dupe Votes

  1. Spam - this is after all a zombie apocalypse. Temporary additions out of genre are ok, long term ones arent (in my book).--xoxo 03:35, 29 October 2008 (UTC)
  2. Spam As said in discussion, if you want to play a different game, LEAVE AND PLAY A DIFFERENT GAME. This game is about a zombie apocalypse. Not Urban Soccer. The Christmas trees and, especially, the Halloween stuff, work because they are temporary. And they actually work because the realistically reflect people trying to cope with life in a war zone. And everyone likes holiday festivities.--Pesatyel 06:35, 29 October 2008 (UTC)
  3. Spam - At least you got the name right this time. It's still as I said in discussion, hopelessly out of genre. Also, the 'just one square' argument doesn't fly here, if it did the trenchies would be using it constantly to have sentry guns placed in gatehouses. -- To know the face of God is to know madness....Praise knowledge! Mischief! Mayhem! The Rogues Gallery!. <== DDR Approved Editor 12:10, 29 October 2008 (UTC)
  4. Spam - If you want to play football, go play football. Don't try to cram it into a zombie apocalypse. They don't mix. --Midianian|T|DS|C:RCS| 16:56, 29 October 2008 (UTC)
  5. Spam - I can not take this seriously, as said above, football should not be in a zombie apocalypse, it makes the game seem more like a joke. --Michaleson CAPD 23:24, 11 November 2008 (UTC)

Voting Rules
Current Suggestions

Advice to Suggesters

  1. Adding options to your suggestion is not good practice. Others will not vote on the options, only the main body; please don't ask them to do so.
  2. Once you have posted your suggestion, it is considered complete. Altering the suggestion mechanics after voting has begun nullifies existing votes, and is considered an abuse of the suggestions system. Doing so will result in your suggestion being removed from the voting system to removed suggestions, where you can work out the details and resubmit later if you desire. It is preferred that you remove your own suggestion and resubmit a new version with changes, if changes are needed.
  3. "Notes" added for clarification purposes, and correcting spelling/typos are permitted. When considering adding a clarification note, it is often better for all parties involved, for the author to remove the suggestion and resubmit it with the clarification included for the voters who have already placed their votes.

Advice to Voters

  1. You are voting on Suggestions, not Users. The text of your vote should not personally attack or denigrate the user who has submitted it... no matter how ridiculous the idea. Flaming and/or Trolling will not be tolerated.
  2. Before voting please read the Suggestions Dos and Do Nots and Frequently Suggested Ideas Page to read about concepts that have been generally considered unworkable in the past. You do not need to follow the guidelines on these pages but they are worth consideration before casting a vote.
  3. One vote per user. No exceptions. You cannot use multiple wiki accounts to vote on a suggestion.
  4. To Vote, use the [edit] button at the top of the voting section, then enter your vote in the the proper format to the end of the relevant section (keep/kill/spam).
  5. It is strongly recommended that voters (especially in the kill/spam sections) justify their vote to help others understand the reason they disagree. Feedback helps new suggesters get a feel for what the community does and does not want included in Urban Dead, and a deeper understanding of the balance needed for a workable suggestion.
  6. Votes must include a signature in order to be considered valid votes. To sign a vote, use --~~~~. Please remember to sign your votes! Unsigned votes will be deleted after 30 minutes or when found.
  7. Each Suggestion will be open to voting for two (2) weeks, measured from the suggestion's Timestamp, unless it is a Dupe or Spam. If, at the end of that time, there are two thirds (2/3) more Keep votes than Kill votes, the Suggestion will be moved to the Peer Reviewed Suggestions page. Otherwise, the Suggestion will be moved to the Peer Rejected Suggestions page.
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Votes are NOT the place to discuss Suggestions. This page and archived suggestion pages only to be used for the Suggesting and subsequent Voting of these suggestions. If you wish to discuss the suggestion or vote here, please use this page's Talk page (Suggestion talk:20081029 Football). Suggestions do not have to be submitted in order to discuss them. Developing Suggestions can be used to workshop possible suggestions before they are submitted.

Valid Votes
  • Keep, for Suggestions that you believe have merit.
  • Kill, for Suggestions that you believe do not have merit. If you need to discuss a rule fix, use the discussion page.
  • Spam, for the most ridiculous suggestions.
Suggestions can be removed with Spam votes as described on the cycling suggestions page. If the criterion described there are not fulfilled, the suggestion must remain for the whole two weeks.
Spam votes are not a "strong kill", they are simply here to prevent the utterly ridiculous from clogging up the system. If you do not like the idea, and it's not some crazy uber power or something else ridiculous, VOTE KILL, NOT SPAM. Spam votes will be counted as Kill when votes are tallied.
  • Dupe, for Suggestions that are exact or very close duplicates of previous suggestions. For a Dupe vote to be valid, a link must be provided to the original suggestion.
Dupe votes can be used to remove suggestions as described on the cycling suggestions page. Dupe votes will not be counted when votes are tallied.
  • Humourous, for suggestions that are obviously intended to be satirical, or of comedic value only.}}
Suggestions can be removed with Humourous votes as described on the cycling suggestions page. If the criterion described there are not fulfilled, the suggestion must remain for the whole two weeks.
Invalid Votes
  • Server Load and Programming Complexity are NOT very good Kill reasons. You are voting on the merit of the suggestion and whether or not you think it belongs in the game. Server load/complexity issues are up to Kevan to decide.
  • X should be implemented first is not a valid reason for a vote. You are voting on the merit of THIS suggestion, not how it compares to others.
  • Votes that do not have reasoning behind them are invalid. You MUST justify your vote.
  • Re may be used to comment on a vote. Only the original author and the person being REd can comment. Comments are restricted to a single comment per vote, and it is expected that Re comments be as short as possible. Reing every kill vote is considered abuse of the Re comment. A Re does not count as a vote, and any subsequent discussion not part of the Re comment should be held on the discussion page if there is any extended commenting.
  • Note is used by System Operators to invalidate trolling-based votes. Only Sysops may remove troll-based votes and they do so with a strikeout <s></s> in order to preserve the trolling removal for posterity. The voter may contest the strikeout with the Sysop that struck their vote out on the discussion page. Only a System Operator may remove a strikeout.
All Caps

Try to avoid YELLING, writing in bold, or using italics, except when emphasizing a point which has escaped other voters.


Keep Votes

  1. Keep - I am the author and I am allowed to vote once on my own suggestions. --MrSuggester 05:01, 11 Nov 2005 (GMT)
  2. Keep - Best. Suggestion. Evar. --Bob_Zombie 04:01, 11 Nov 2005 (GMT)
  3. Keep - Good sugestion. no signature --FakeSuggester 07:39, 15 Nov 2005 (GMT)

Kill Votes

  1. Kill - This is a terrible idea, but you can totally fix it up. --NegativeGal 06:01, 12 Nov 2005 (GMT)
    • Re - Please be more specific about how to fix it on the discussion page. --MrSuggester 14:01, 12 Nov 2005 (GMT)
      • Re - Sure, I have detailed my proposed fixes here. --NegativeGal 23:38, 12 Nov 2005 (GMT)
  2. Kill - You will eat my poopie and love it! --PooEater 11:12, 13 Nov 2005 (GMT)
    • Note - Inane vote removed. Defend in discussion. --DaModerator 11:13, 13 Nov 2005 (GMT)

Spam/Dupe Votes

  1. Spam - Kung Fu CB Mama on Wheels is an inappropriate Survivor Class. --NoFunAtAll 09:01, 12 Nov 2005 (GMT)
  2. Dupe - Duplicate Suggestion --AnotherSuggester 05:01, 14 Nov 2005 (GMT)