Talk:Evil Avatar

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Revision as of 01:52, 16 August 2008 by Mary Deluxe (talk | contribs) (anti-pker policy?)
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Currently accepting offers for alliances. Anti-Survivor groups need not apply.


Hiya. Im FreddeX, the leader of B.E.S.T. and i accept youre offer about becoming allies. We are currently in Old Arkham and are doing whatever we can to protect it from the zeds. Btw i have created an secure forum at the B.E.S.T. forum were we (and the rest of our allies) can talk without any zeds listening in. (Just register at the forum and i send you the password. Or add me to youre contact list ingame and i send you the password there.) --FreddeX 20:44, 19 February 2008 (UTC)

Hallo form the RRF

Hey, glad to see new groups hitting the Malton scene. Its always great to have new blood infused every now and then. Good luck with getting your operations up and running. !!HAHARAB HARMENZ! -- Bobs Aturd 02:48, 22 February 2008 (UTC)

Hi there, guys. I'm Moloch, Papa of the Ridleybank Resistance Front. We're the reason why the area around your gathering point is looking so red on the danger map at the moment, which means that we are likely to run into each other sooner rather than later. With that in mind I just wanted to introduce myself and the Front and say that we look forward to meeting/eating you in action! Feel free to say hi on our discussion page or at Regards, Papa Moloch 04:28, 23 February 2008 (UTC)
Sonny here, former Papa. I'm like talking to you guys right now on IRC and didn't know my group was attacking you. May the best man win. --Sonny Corleone RRF DORIS CRF MOB pr0n 04:36, 23 February 2008 (UTC)
Awhile aback I used to hang out in your guy's IRC channel, but due to recent activity IRL and in the Front, I have been unable to. However, I enjoyed it and recently have signed in again. Sadly, no one was in the channel. Is that channel still being used, or is a new one employed? Cheers --Gus ThomasSpartaZHU 17:21, 13 June 2008 (BST)

Hiya from the DEM

Hey guys, glad to see you around malton and making such a big splash. I'm Kristi of the Dead and I represent the DEM which is an alliance of pro survivor groups. Anyway I just wanted to say hello and welcome to Malton it's always nice to see new players. And, if you're so inclined drop by our forums over HERE we'd love to hear from ya.--Kristi of the Dead 04:59, 23 February 2008 (UTC)

The MSD is already talking to them about future plans of working together. --Sonny Corleone RRF DORIS CRF MOB pr0n 05:00, 23 February 2008 (UTC)
right on I just wanted to invite them to our forums and to say we'd love to get to know em better. Plus they say the've got their eye on the South East of Malton and that's my favorite place to play.--Kristi of the Dead 09:16, 24 February 2008 (UTC)

Hello again I must say I was really very happy to see your post on my talk page. I want to also say I'm sorry for any ill will that might have been accumulated on our forums over on brainstock in relation to your member named Bone. I understand & accept his explaination but I can't control everyone that posts on brainstock and sometimes you can get some rather rude people. Again I hope you guys will feel welcome on our forums any time you wish to visit. Moving on. In regards to your request for Strategic Partner status. I have to say that I would love to bring a new group into our partner ship however (isn't there always a but?). Only groups that have been a friend & ally for an extended period, with whom our members have worked closely, and which agree with the basic principles of DEM policies are eligible. Now I believe you agree with the basic principles of the DEM policies but you are fairly new to the game so to speak. What I would suggest is for us to start "getting to know" each other a bit first. If you would like to persue Ally status with us first I would be happy to put your petition before the DEM Council (a group made up of the leaders of all the groups under the DEM umbrella) I don't suspect anyone will have a problem with you guys becoming an ally. After you are approved I would grant any member of yours you choose Ally status on our forums which would give you access to the DEM ally & strategic partners portion of the forums. This section of the forums is to help us coordinate with our allies and partners, as we have people all over the city. Also if you have a forum (which I see under the news section that you do) I could apply for membership to better communicate with you guys and help our guys coordinate a bit more smoothly with ya. Once you've been an ally for a bit and if you would still like to we could begin to move up to a strategic partner status. This would give you access to many of our coolest programs we use to coordinate with our partners. We have a scouter add on for firefox which generates a map highlighting dangers and what not...I can tell you more about it later if you like. Anyway I'm anxious to persue a friendship with you guys and I hope what I've outlined above is satisfactory. Also if you have any questions or need anything at all feel free to contact me again and also let me know how you wish to proceed.--Kristi of the Dead 10:55, 25 February 2008 (UTC)

Greetings From The Fortress

Hi this is Tommy Crowbar of The Fortress looking to initiate an alliance with with you folks. We are a mobile pro-survivor group with 90+ members and 5 different teams working in various areas of Malton. Please send a request to Jensonson at for access to our secure forum. Good seeing another large survivor group in Malton and may our two groups have a fruitful alliance. --Tommy Crowbar The Fortress 6:40 am, 25 February 2008 (GMT)

Hey Fortress good to see ya :)--Kristi of the Dead 10:59, 25 February 2008 (UTC)


I have noticed that you have had some problems since starting your group. I am here to offer services. While Kristi of the Dead offers you a membership with the DEM I can tell you that they are not nearly as effective as we are. Both of our groups are PKers, it is just a different way of looking at it. I have much respect for the DEM, but some times you just need a Pro. I hunt the DEM because they are good and have a one up on me.. I must search for the info they have available to them on 'DEMON".

Have a problem that needs fixing?

Want REAL justice?

NEED your rightful vengeance?

We can help!

Someone unfairly griefing you?

Been Pk'd once too often and want payback?

Being hounded by the law?

We can help!

Guided by seasoned Pker's who are experts at tracking and killing, THE FORGOTTEN was forged by two ex-members of the Flowers of Disease. Now they, along with those they have hand chosen for the group are accepting all kinds of contracts for those in need. Don't Get mad! Get even! Talk to us today!

Just thought I would stop by to let you know we are here if you should feel the need for our brand of justice.. Good luck to your group :)--Roland 04:00, 26 February 2008 (UTC)

Well, I'm not looking for a group that's hunting anyone to ally with. Griefers will be dealt with on our terms. I'm looking to help ensure the safety and security of the survivors in my group and communities. I may ally with the DEM for this purpose, but it is not done with PK'ing in mind. We're pro-survivor. We have nothing against PK groups, except for those that target us and those we work with. Thanks for the welcome though, and it's nice to meet you. If at any point our policies change, or the landscape changes, I'll be sure to contact you.Torrefaction 20:19, 26 February 2008 (UTC)

A change to your page.

Hi. I was having a look at your page, particularly the bit at the bottom about Random Reviving. Funnily enough, I run a group called The Randoms and your statement "we don't revive Randoms" is rather sad. :( Can you maybe change it to: "We don't revive randoms but we might revive Randoms"? :P Also, I'll extend a hand of Alliance while I'm here. Always good to have new friends. -- Cheese 19:34, 22 March 2008 (UTC)

Blackhawk Nation

What's up? We are a group located in Vinetown, Blackhawk Nation, and we are always in search of allies that would be beneficial to us both. I saw your group and thought that we could help each other out in the future. We would like to request an alliance with you guys. we have 30+ dedicated members. If you want to check our group out, you are more than welcome to. We are very organized, so we definitely can get things done. --Cheveyo 05:10, 3 April 2008 (BST)


We have discussed, and are happy to have an alliance with you. We will add your banner to our page. We look forward to slaying the Undead, Zergers and PKers with you... Spacer one RPM 17:00, 13 April 2008 (BST)

If you are still interested in an alliance, add this to your page
RPMLogoSign.gif RPM Supporter
This group is allied with the:

Reformed Pennville Militia


The RPM have declared a KOS on all members of the PK group GCM Radical Redeemers also known as the GCM

anti-pker policy?

Mary Deluxe is not a PKer.

Even if she was, this sort of in game behavior is completely unacceptable.

Yes, She's Feral Undead, but while she is breathing, she plays human.

Hey, even if she was a PKer, Killing her is one thing. The vulgarity? Your group member Frank Harrison is uncouth.