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Revision as of 17:39, 19 March 2013 by Rosslessness (talk | contribs) (Well, I say live. They were alive when I put them there.)
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Administration Services

Sysop List (Check) | Guidelines | Policies (Discussion) | Promotions (Bureaucrat) | Re-Evaluations

Deletions (Scheduling) | Speedy Deletions | Undeletions | Vandal Banning (Bots) | Vandal Data (De-Escalations)

Protections (Scheduling) | Move Requests | Arbitration | Misconduct | Demotions | Discussion | Sysop Archives

This page is for users to request System Operator status. The act of user promotion is restricted to those with bureaucrat status, and as such users will need to request user promotion here. System Operators and Bureaucrats cannot assign promotions unless the request has gone through this page.

Guidelines for System Operator Requests

Users who wish to request System Operator status (and users who wish to nominate other users for System Operator status) should note that before they can be considered the following guidelines should be met by the candidate:

  • Significant time within the community.
We define this as at least 6 months since the candidate's first edit.
Note: looking in a User's User contributions might give false results for this criterion, as the edit history is periodically purged on this wiki.
  • Significant activity within the community.
We define this as at least 250 edits in the past six months under the candidate's name.
Note: looking in a User's User contributions might give false results for this criterion, as the edit history is periodically purged on this wiki.
  • Prior interest in maintaining the community.
We define this as clear evidence that the candidate is already performing maintenance tasks and taking leadership roles on the wiki.
  • Desire to become a System Operator.
We define this simply as indicating in the candidate's request their desire for the position (Note that if a person is nominated by another user, the candidate in question should note their acceptance of the nomination).

If a user is highly exemplary in one criterion, a certain amount of leeway may be given with the other criteria.

Once the candidate satisfies these guidelines, the user is then subject to a community discussion. All users are asked to comment on the candidate in question, ask questions of the candidate, and discuss the candidate's suitability for becoming a System Operator. This is not a vote. It is instead merely a request for comments from the wiki community. This will continue for two weeks to allow all users an opportunity to voice their opinion regarding a candidate's qualifications for promotion. After two weeks, the Bureaucrats are responsible for announcing their decision within a reasonably short period of time. Users may continue to add their thoughts until the Bureaucrats announce their decision. The current amount of System Operators running should not influence your decisions when voicing your opinion.

Once the two weeks are up, the Bureaucrats will review the community discussion and make a decision based upon it. The user will be notified of the status of their request, and will be promoted should it appear that the community is willing to accept them as a System Operator.

Example Application

Example User

I've been around 3 months, and I've made to date 550 edits. As you can see [link here] and [link here], I've been in the leadership role attempting to create a new format for this page. I'd very much like to become a System Operator.

  • Vouch - I am willing to vouch for this user. -- Voucher 03:41, 23 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  • Against - Example User, I haven't seen any evidence of your work on the wiki. --Some user 19:01, 25 July 2006 (BST)
  • Vouch - Example User is the most active guy here. --Another user 19:01, 25 July 2006 (BST)
  • Abstain - I'm just not sure, but I don't want to say why for some reason. --Some other user 19:01, 25 July 2006 (BST)
  • Question - I just want to know what you think about this subject? --Yet another user 21:26, 4 April 2013 (BST)

Candidates Currently Under Community Discussion

Bob Moncrief

I'm nominating Bob. For those of you who don't know him, you really should get to know him, or at the very least look through his history here. We tried to promote him a few months back, but he declined the nomination. Since then, he's just gotten more awesome. He's easily the most helpful user currently on the wiki, and has been for a few months.

Go look through his contributions, almost all of which are high quality edits. What you'll see is that if he's not busy updating danger reports all over the city (which he does constantly), then he's busy single-handedly restarting the efforts of Project Welcome, which has resulted in his his talk page being covered by questions from wiki newbies and his helpful replies to them. If he's not busy with rejuvenating Project Welcome, then he's busy helping me (i.e. he's doing all the work) on a major project to restructure the admin archives. And if he's not busy helping me, he's busy swatting spambots like mad. Between all of that, he's become the most active contributor in the last three months, with about the same amount of useful contributions to the wiki as the four most active sysops...combined. Quality and quantity: a rare combination.

As far as drama goes, anyone who knows him can tell he's a low-drama sort of guy. Moreover, he's shown with the recent Izumi A/DE drama and the followup A/M case that he's not afraid to enter the drama with thoughtful opinions that are stated well. And even then, he'll still ask questions and be open to considering new perspectives, rather than entering the discussion with a stance and sticking to it no matter what. As a nice bonus, he's not connected to any of the cliques that have been around. He's just a model wiki user.

Good behavior like this deserves to be punished. Make him a sysop. Hell, make him a 'crat. He can have my seat. Aichon 23:49, 18 March 2013 (UTC)

Last time I was nominated, I declined because I could tell that I was about to enter my most work-heavy semester of undergraduate study. Turns out I was right, but that the work is finally on the downslope - I'll still be pretty busy for a couple of weeks, but by the time this gets processed, I'll be almost all done. Because of that, I'm accepting the nomination with my biggest thanks to Aichon for it. I also want to thank you, Aichon, for gathering a whole bunch of what I've been doing over the past few months on here, but I also want to mention some of the earlier projects I was involved with, namely Project Timeline and the revamp of Featured Articles. That's because they were the projects that really got me involved in the community here and in trying to improve the wiki, and, I think, set in motion the chain of events that led to this nomination.
That said, I do want to encourage you all to question me to your hearts' content. If you feel like there is anything you would want to know about me before deciding (or anything unrelated, actually), ask it. Thanks again! Bob Moncrief EBDW! 01:18, 19 March 2013 (UTC)
  • Question How is your graduation coming along? Last time, it has been the major obstacle for accepting the nomination. -- Spiderzed 00:03, 19 March 2013 (UTC)
    I actually just handed in the full draft of my thesis yesterday, so all I have left is the revision process and a smidgen of coursework. I graduate in May, after which I'll have tons of time to dedicate to the wiki over the summer and into the fall. Bob Moncrief EBDW! 01:18, 19 March 2013 (UTC)
    Very good. Follow-Up Misanthropy puts up a Permaban Appeal on Cornholioo's behalf. New user User:Heydrich shows up and makes a single edit, answering to each Against user and accusing them of being too Jewish. The IP of the user is Dutch, but doesn't match any existing user in the logs. What would be your reaction to this situation in the light of existing policy, precedent and wiki history? -- Spiderzed 12:30, 19 March 2013 (UTC)
    I would not auto-ban the user, since there was only one edit (does not meet the 3eV rule). Because the IP does not check out, I would consider the very real possibility that someone has created an account in an attempt to discredit Cornholioo's A/DE bid, and would voice this in an A/VB case, voting not vandalism by Cornholioo but vandalism (due to racism) by Heydrich and, if agreed upon by the team at A/VB, would warn Heydrich. Bob Moncrief EBDW! 14:51, 19 March 2013 (UTC)
    Follow-Up User:Heydrich responds by removing your warning from his talk page (2nd edit), leaves a threatening message on your talk page about gassing you (3rd edit) and finally votes on the A/DE vote in favour of unbanning of Cornholioo (4th edit). IP situation remains the same. Now what? -- Spiderzed 15:00, 19 March 2013 (UTC)
    I don't think removing the warning is against the rules (if it is, I can't find it anywhere). The vote to unban Corn is technically constructive. I would leave a message on Heydrich's talk page asking him personally to stop threatening me. If he does it again, it's back to A/VB. Bob Moncrief EBDW! 15:58, 19 March 2013 (UTC)
    Shit Spiderzed, that "Gassing" comment is so obscure as to border on obscene. --Rosslessness 17:31, 19 March 2013 (UTC)
  • Question. How would you, if the notion struck, stir some entertaining shit in this here mother? We're coming to get you, Barbara 00:22, 19 March 2013 (UTC)
    A/DE Cornholioo. But in all seriousness, I've found the most entertainment tends to come about out of the blue, as, for example, by Izumi's recent A/DE, or SA's first demotion (which I just recently found while moving it over to the Sysop Archives). Any drama brought about from calculated action (see here) is much less entertaining. Bob Moncrief EBDW! 01:18, 19 March 2013 (UTC)
    That was kind of amusing for everyone I guess.--SA 04:22, 19 March 2013 (UTC)
    Follow-up question: Would you rather encourage or clamp down upon an atmosphere of mischief and anarchy that breeds events like that? We're coming to get you, Barbara 05:48, 19 March 2013 (UTC)
    If I have to pick, I pick encourage. Although I would rather let the mischief-making make itself than be part of its making. Bob Moncrief EBDW! 07:02, 19 March 2013 (UTC)
  • Question - how would you deal with the offspring of Grim's and Katthew, had it choosen to become an active trol... er, user in the wiki ? --hagnat 01:19, 19 March 2013 (UTC)
    From what I can tell (and my sources are limited), Grim actually wasn't too objectionable back when he was a regular user. I know very little about Katthew, since we never overlapped, but from what I can tell most of the objections to her were after her (brief) sysophood as well. So I guess my answer is, go to the appropriate channels if necessary, and otherwise, just against on any sysop bid. Bob Moncrief EBDW! 01:35, 19 March 2013 (UTC)
    Boring answer... no vounches for you :P --hagnat 01:37, 19 March 2013 (UTC)
  • Vouch Model user and will likely be a model sysop. Some users I worry a little that we might actually be promoting The Overlord who would then go rogue and force us to categorize images or something. I don't get that vibe with Bob. -MHSstaff 01:23, 19 March 2013 (UTC)
  • Question are you really axe, yon, or linkthewindow? (the first two i was kidding about). --User:Sexualharrison01:41, 19 March 2013
    No, no, and no. Jury's still out on Aichon though. Bob Moncrief EBDW! 02:02, 19 March 2013 (UTC)
    And now this nomination is suddenly very awkward. >_> Aichon 02:39, 19 March 2013 (UTC)
    Follow up question Have I ever killed any of your alts in game?--User:Sexualharrison12:19, 19 March 2013
    Hmmm not as far as I know. I don't pay much attention to who kills any of my alts, actually. Bob Moncrief EBDW! 14:27, 19 March 2013 (UTC)
  • What do you think could produce more interest in the wiki, wiki community, and/or game? --  AHLGTG THE END IS ACTUALLY NIGH! 02:07, 19 March 2013 (UTC)
    I think the most likely thing that would boost interest in the game would be the opening of another city, or the reduction in size of the one we've got, but both of those require Kevanic intervention. While it may seem like both game and wiki are losing a war of attrition, new players and new wiki members do arrive every day, so I think the best thing we can do is encourage them to stay. That's why I revamped Project Welcome - to increase retention of new wiki users.
    We've sort of fallen into a trap of not making things happen because "the wiki/game is dying." Now, when something new tries to get off the ground, there's a chorus of "but there's no point because we're dying," which leads to the thing not getting off the ground, which just reinforces the cycle. By being bold and doing things, we get people invested and excited, and that process also reinforces itself. I'd like to do what I can to create an atmosphere that makes the latter, virtuous cycle strengthen and not the former, vicious one. Bob Moncrief EBDW! 03:30, 19 March 2013 (UTC)
  • Vouch ~Vsig.png 02:13, 19 March 2013 (UTC)
  • Strong Vouch - In case it wasn't obvious from the nomination. Aichon 03:18, 19 March 2013 (UTC)
  • Vouch - Resigned as Shortround so that my new account could become a sysop, so obviously a vouch. :P --Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 03:33, 19 March 2013 (UTC)
    Twist ending: Not only am I Yon, Axe, Aichon, Linkthewindow, Hagnat, Katthew, Izumi Orimoto, and every other wiki user, if you are reading this message, I am also you. Bob Moncrief EBDW! 04:17, 19 March 2013 (UTC)
  • Prodemote the cunt.--SA 04:19, 19 March 2013 (UTC)
  • Strong Against. I really like Bob and I think he's someone that improves the wiki. But since the Shortround "scandal" and Wank Hack's somewhat yet-to-be uncovered efforts to manage the same thing in the future, I don't want anyone becoming a sysop until I can verify that they are in fact a real human being dwelling in a basement, like me. Basically, that makes my ideal sysop team Boxy, Rev, maybe Karek. The rest of you are Cornholioos waiting to happen. A ZOMBIE ANT 11:35, 19 March 2013 (UTC)
    I'd live in a basement if I could, but the soil composition makes basements pretty much impossible where I live. Don't be hatin'. Aichon 15:39, 19 March 2013 (UTC)
    Women live in my basement.--Rosslessness 17:39, 19 March 2013 (UTC)
  • We don't have a good history with Bobs. Not that I'm compromising my impartiality or anything. --Karekmaps 2.0?! 14:46, 19 March 2013 (UTC)
  • Vouch - Bob is a class act. As an addicted watcher of "recent changes" I really see how much he does. I'm a big fan. He's truly helpful and sets a great example for the kind of relationship a SysOp should have to the user base.--SarahSig.png 17:02, 19 March 2013 (UTC)
  • Vouch questions are lame. --Rosslessness 17:31, 19 March 2013 (UTC)

Recently Concluded Bids

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