Talk:Huntley Heights/Archive

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Revision as of 17:07, 22 January 2011 by Yonnua Koponen (talk | contribs) (New page: ==UBCS and Bourne Avenue: 2 Inquiries.== Has anyone seen UBCS in the suburb lately? I can't recall seeing more than maybe one member on a supply run in months. Also, does anyone actually s...)
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UBCS and Bourne Avenue: 2 Inquiries.

Has anyone seen UBCS in the suburb lately? I can't recall seeing more than maybe one member on a supply run in months. Also, does anyone actually service the Bourne Avenue RP? I don't think it's been used by anyone since back when the Randallbank Coalition still existed. If anyone can confirm these it'd be appreciated. Otherwise I'm gonna update the page to reflect the current suburb state. I'll repost part of this message on the UBCS page. --Aiden H 4H 06:56, 10 June 2009 (BST)

Much belated followup but I've removed UBCS from the page as they show no indications of being active in HH. Seems to be an extremely short-manned 4H and OM&HD show in the Heights. I also removed The Well Hungarians as the group seemingly disintigrated within a week of forming and I never got any replies back from their members.

Entrenched Zombie Groups

Last night I removed Manbagz from the resident zombie group page, as I haven't seen them for months. While zombie presence is pretty high, I believe most are just ferals and some passing groups looking to raise some hell.

If I'm wrong, please feel free to add your zombie group to the suburb bar. --Adrian Jeshua EN | T 14:09, 13 April 2008 (BST)


I'd very much like to believe that Huntley should be classified as a red hot suburb, but I'm not really seeing any evidence to support it. NTs seem to be abandoned, but heavily barricaded. Survivor population seems to be smallish, so it stands to reason that any sort of organized mob would be able to do something substantial. It might be correct to downgrade the danger level. --Adrian Jeshua EN | T 18:47, 30 June 2007 (BST)

I've been looking around...and I think I sort of agree. It's not safe enough to sleep on the streets, but it's certainly not bad enough to deserve the top danger level. --MSTK 21:56, 9 August 2007 (BST)
It got bumped up when LUE was moving through, I think. But now it's probably going to catch the run-off of Santlerville and Shearbank so it's likely still Dangerous.--Insomniac By Choice 22:01, 9 August 2007 (BST)

The 4-H

We are aware of the hordes at the Bogie Building and the Plowright Building. We of The 4-H are tending to them as best we can.. But we are currently undermanned for the task. --Aiden H. 23:32, 20 Dec 2005 (GMT)

Greetings 4H. I contact you on behalf of RCDC. We're currently trying to build an alliance of survivor groups in NE Malton; we'd like to consider you our allies in the fight against zombiedom.

We have a strike team at Caiger that will be coming back to Rhodenbank whenever the siege is lifted--let me know if you want me to route them through Huntley to provide you with some extra fire-/barricading-/reviving- power.

solidarity, --Bulgakov 21:07, 16 Feb 2006 (GMT)

massive assualt?

i got word from a freind who is holding up in Millen Hills with a few others that a GAINT horde was moving into Raines Hills, though they were moving southeast. i think they intend on upstaging the Big Bash. there apparently heavily set up, and are pretty secrative, they also completly obliterated a group of about 130 people in a few minutes. based of the 2 scouts that were sent to invetagate, 1 of which who made it back, there were over 300 zed's there. though i dont know if all of it is true. somethign sluaghterd the army.

EON-4H Interpretation differences of Huntley status

Sorry people, the Huntley suburb page is supposed to be summary of neutral facts not the place for flamewars or subjective views to denigrate other groups or push your own group status - I have moved your orginal flamming to discussion where you can continue throwing abuse at each other. Fred Finkenstein 12:55, 18 September 2006 (BST) Orginal Text follows:

Contrary to the propaganda currently being spread by the so called 'Enemies Of NecroTech,' the human presence in Huntley Heights is still strong, and the neighborhood's defences are still mostly intact. Once again, we remind any and all in the area that the Enemies Of Necrotech are confirmed to be PKers, and under orders to be shot on site by members of the 4-H and their allies. We also point out to all other hordes in the area that the Enemies Of NecroTech are using you to do their dirty work for them. At the last count, this group had only six members, and at least one of those members was inactive. Don't let them use you. -- Mark Williams Originally posted 04:11, 18 September 2006 (BST)

Hey, no offense but as a member of EON, we are NOT(emphasis on NOT)utilizing other zombie groups to do our 'dirty work' as you so eloquently phrased it. And for the record, most of EON are NOT PKers and we definitely have more than 6 members. Sane may have PKed one of you (I'm not denying that), but most of us are just trying to have fun playing (does not include PKing) this game so I feel that such generalizations are unnecessary. Hope I've not offended whoever wrote this entry but please, lighten up. And no, we do not go out of our way to attack 4-H'ers, which is more than I can say for your human-turned-zed members. Heck, Icenine shot me in the head a few times at last count and I'm not the least bit offended. -- AhNox Originally posted 08:43, 18 September 2006 (BST)
Additional note: what I meant about your human-turned-zed members attacking me is not a generalization. When I did not possess Ankle Grab only SudsMcDuff and Trooper Smith attacked me. Suds McDuff in particular, as he keeps attacking me each time I revive when I only want to get a flak jacket. Not that I fault that, but it's highly frustrating. -- AhNox

September 18, 2006
The De-vivification Experts of Malton and Undeadites spotted in eastern Huntley Heights. Loud screams were heard coming from the Vicari Building earlier today and bodies lie strewn all over the streets. With attacks led by the Enemies Of NecroTech in the west and this new zombie presence in the east, it is only a matter of time before all of Huntley Heights is overrun. -- DirskoSM Originally posted 03:24, 18 September 2006 (BST)

(Posted by Sane Malk of the Enemies of NecroTech. Don't believe a thing this bastard says.) -- Mark Williams Originally posted 04:13, 18 September 2006 (BST)

September 10, 2006
Rough intel suggests moderate zed presence in the upper left corner of the area. A mob of approximately 20 zeds was seen outside a heavily barricaded Solomon Lane Police Station. Survivor prescence unknown. Graffiti suggests the group Enemies of Necrotech is present in at least small numbers. Lone survivors are recommended to move to the much safer area of Raines Hills. -- J Muller Originally posted 00:47, 11 September 2006 (BST)

That should be 'present only in small numbers, Sane. You know perfectly well you only have six members right now, and need to trick larger hordes of Zombies into doing your fighting for you. Not to mention your PKing. -- Mark Williams Originally posted 04:17, 18 September 2006 (BST)

Whoa, can we sign? Hit the tilday key (above the tab key, ~) four times to sign it. Also, not to burst anyones buble, but 3 Zeds are all you need to bring a EHB to its knees. Dont underestimate the power of rouge ferals when they are herded by a organized group. AND you cant say how many people are in one group, do they all have their tags? Do all of them "officially" belong to the group? Are there ferals with no affilation closly working with them? Get off your high horse about the numbers. If someone wants to say a large group of X then let them. Hey, it adds to the I.C. experinces to have a good story. -- Jackson 5 04:37, 19 September 2006 (BST)
hahah jackson i like your style...that's telling him. -- AhNox

As usual, I totally agree with Jack 5 on what he just said. Please lighten up here pal, this is only a game and without the zombie presence in this guys wouldn't be having much fun at all. Step back, take a chill pill and have fun in the game. We're all supposed to be adults here.....right??? And as far as a revived dedicated zombie PK'ing you, that is what many in this game see as a perfectly acceptable counter-move for being combat revived. Remember survivor groups, Only you can prevent Bar Hah! If you were PK'd by a revived zombie, don't Combat Revive.....if you don't Combat Revive and have this practice going on in your suburb, then it is up to your group to do something about it. But lastly, if you enjoy the thrill of the Combat Revive.....don't cry when they track you down. -- Balistic 16:47, 19 September 2006 (BST)

Quite honestly, Chuck Thunder all by himself has had more success in having any major negative effect on Huntley Heights, than the collective EON group. The Big Bash was destined to hit HH anyway, as the whole concept is for it to "rip trough every suburb." -- So I hardly give EON the nod for "bringing" these groups to our door. Though I must say, It's been damn fun playing UD for the last couple of weeks. And it's hilarious to see EON's self-propaganda on the buildings we're rapidly retaking. --Aiden H 4H 03:20, 12 October 2006 (BST)

Your taunts aside, EON is a dedicated zombie group with our primary objective to grow in numbers and have fun within the game. We're not looking to be assholes, we're looking to play the role of zombies. This means we break into buildings and kill survivors. There is no need for the 4-H to take our actions as some kind of personal affront or offense against them. Unfortunately, the responses we've seen from certain members of the 4-H has been nothing short of immature. Mark William's above comments are a perfect example. Despite the 4-H's obvious numbers advantage, EON is all for healthy competition between our groups without resorting to the antics of 6 year olds. EON will continue operating in Huntley Heights. You and your members can accept this and start acting like adults or continue the childish behavior that only embarasses yourselves. --DirskoSM 00:24, 13 October 2006 (BST)
Actually, I have no problem whatsoever with a little competition. The war we had back in the day with to CotR was probably one of the best months we had in UD, because it was a challenge, and it was fun. Conflict makes the game fun, as long as it's strictly a game element. But last I checked, the tagging of buildings, and airing of radio taunts were not much in the "competition" or "playing the role of zombies" categories. I'm not challenging your right to play the roles you've chosen, I just think that you think a bit highly of yourself, Malk. Then again, I'm sure many zombie group members would say the same of me.. Lol.
As for Mark, he's a bit exciteable, as you can likely tell. We put a lot of work into the Heights over the last couple years, and are pretty proud of the rep the Vicari has established in UD. Mark, being the guy that inherited the Head of Revival role after Dr Lockenfeld decided to play less UD, is obviously rather touchy whenever someone makes a claim right on the HH page to have halted the operations we've gained such a good rep as being able to provide. I assure you he won't be touching your wiki page again, but I'd like to ask that you not proclaim victories on this page in the future.. Just keep everything in a perspective the way that Fred did, if you can.
Oh, and if you or your members ever need to take up an issue with us, Feel free to stop by the boards. We've got a fairly neglected subforum for zombie players, and if someone's taking things a little too seriously, or pulling a party foul (harassing players, etc), we're pretty open to hearing out your side of an incident.
Happy Hunting! --Aiden H 4H 01:24, 13 October 2006 (BST)
Fair enough Aiden, I've gone ahead and started a thread on your forum for any discussion matters between our groups. Or just general banter. 'Tis easier than going back and forth on the wiki. --DirskoSM 07:37, 14 October 2006 (BST)

Phone Mast status report

If you time, can we get you to update with the current status of your local phone mast? Thanks. Asheets 20:12, 14 February 2007 (UTC)

Clinic is not a hospital

4H has labeled factory (65,21) as a hospital. This is a potentially disastrous error in judgment. Infected players who go to those coordinates for what should be an easy search for an FAK are in for a huge disappointment. I've got no qualms with 4H publicizing their clinic on the page, but it should NOT be listed as a hospital.--Soloman Frisbee 07:16, 23 September 2007 (BST)

Much much, after the fact. But for clarification WE never labeled that. someone that read our page must've misunderstood. clinic is defunct now anyway so regardless it was a good thing to update. --Aiden H 4H 16:28, 21 June 2009 (BST)


the 92nd Response Unit to the survivor groups listing. They're small but they keep a pretty solid presence in the south. --Aiden H 4H 09:16, 12 July 2009 (BST)

Great Suburb Group Massacre 2010

All suburb wiki pages are undergoing a clean up to remove inactive groups from the group listing (see here: this suburb's groups). If you are a group currently listed in this suburb, you will be contacted on your group's talk page within the next few days and asked to reply, indicating that you are active in this suburb. Groups that fail to reply within two weeks of being contacted will automatically be removed from the suburbs where they are listed.

We're posting here in the hopes that more groups will be aware of the clean up and can respond appropriately, since our team does not have the time nor the manpower to seek out every group in-game or track down its group members elsewhere on the wiki. If you know that some groups in your suburb do not check the wiki, please be a good neighbor and let them know that they NEED to check it for this, or else they will be unlisted in the near future.

The wiki members coordinating the cleanup will be using the table below to track their progress in communicating with the various groups. Please do not edit it if you are not involved with The Great Suburb Group Massacre 2010 team.

The Great Suburb Group Massacre 2010
Group Name Contacted On Date Due
The 4-H 27 January 2010 Confirmed
92nd Response Unit 27 January 2010 Removed
The Juliana Theory 27 January 2010 Removed
One Man & His Dog 27 January 2010 Confirmed
Escendo Numerus 27 January 2010 Removed
This suburb has been cleared. Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 16:01, 10 February 2010 (UTC)

Please check your group's talk pages in the next few weeks, and respond promptly when you receive a communication from the GSGM2010 team. Thanks. Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 16:39, 27 January 2010 (UTC)

Thank you for your cooperation as we cleaned up the group listings for this suburb. Your help in reaching out to groups and replying to our requests has been much appreciated. Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 16:01, 10 February 2010 (UTC)