Suggestion:20080728 Pepper Spray
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This suggestion was voted as spam and closed for voting, with 1 keep, 2 kill, and 7 spam votes. |
Pepper Spray
by --Piskus99 04:32, 28 July 2008 (BST)
- Suggestion type
- New object/Item
- Suggestion Scope
- Survivor only
- Suggestion description
- This suggestion is about creating a new object for the game. Called Pepper Spray.
This Item will give the survivors a new ability to spray their enemies in the eyes with pepper spray.
- The spray will have a 30% chance to "hit" and will give the zombie 2 points of damage,
- PLUS it will decrease the zombie's chance to damage someone for the next 5 attacks,
- because the zombie will have the "burning" spray in their eyes that will affect their vision.
- Spray cannot be used by zombies because zombies cannot use objects.
- To avoid survivors spraying survivors, the spray will only give the survivor (the one that was sprayed) 2 points of damage and nothing else.
- The spray can will have 6 uses, after which it will be automatically dropped.
- It can be found in mall gun stores (5%), Police Departments (3%) and armories (4%).
- Newcomers who choose "Policeman" as their character, should have a pepper spray in their inventory because the real-life police uses the spray sometimes.
- Considering the small chance of hitting, very little damage, the small finding probability, and only 6 uses (with 30% you will most likely hit once),
- this will be a very minor change to the game and 1 more fun little item for survivors.
This is my very first page and I apologize for any errors, if any.
Voting section
Voting Rules |
Votes must be numbered, justified, signed, and timestamped.
Votes that do not conform to the above may be struck by any user. |
The only valid votes are Keep, Kill, Spam or Dupe. If you wish to abstain from voting, do not vote. |
Keep votes
- Keep - but with radically altered, much reduced function: Pepper Spray used only to counter Scent Trail, and perhaps knocks off a few AP when used on survivors. Would require a re-think and resubmission, I guess. Ned-kogar 10:54, 28 July 2008 (BST)
Kill votes
- Kill - Sorry, but I don't think a lot of people want you messing with their accuracy. Zombies aren't NPCs, they're other people. Besides, any suggestion that deliberately avoids PKing is not a good one. I don't PK personally, but if they want to do it, don't stop 'em from doing it. --Blake Firedancer T E RNL? P.I.S.I.T. 06:42, 28 July 2008 (BST)
- "--Piskus99 06:59, 28 July 2008 (BST) Have you ever been PK-ed ? I have and that just pisses you off (A LOT) because you never expect it and you think you're safe.(I sit in an EHB building, low health and some PKer shoots me and kills with 2 shots, had to search for a revive point.) Zombies have infection.We could have pepper spray.If you think its useless, look at the newspapers..."
- How are infection and your pepper spray even remotely similar? Pk'ing is part of the game, and if you read the suggestions FAQ you would realize that anything specific towards hindering or stopping PK'ing is not tolerated. And read my other comment about these so called worthless items.Tylerisfat 08:35, 28 July 2008 (BST)
- It's VERY bad form to re: every single fucking vote and argue (especially with pathetic, totally absurd arguments) with everyone who disagrees with you, piskus99. You suggestion is crap, deal with it. And smarten up... --WanYao 09:20, 28 July 2008 (BST)
- Yes, I have been PKed before. It was annoying, but I respect that some people like to do that sort of thing. Besides, it's very in-genre, and that alone is enough reason to not prevent it. --Blake Firedancer T E RNL? P.I.S.I.T. 10:42, 28 July 2008 (BST)
- How are infection and your pepper spray even remotely similar? Pk'ing is part of the game, and if you read the suggestions FAQ you would realize that anything specific towards hindering or stopping PK'ing is not tolerated. And read my other comment about these so called worthless items.Tylerisfat 08:35, 28 July 2008 (BST)
- "--Piskus99 06:59, 28 July 2008 (BST) Have you ever been PK-ed ? I have and that just pisses you off (A LOT) because you never expect it and you think you're safe.(I sit in an EHB building, low health and some PKer shoots me and kills with 2 shots, had to search for a revive point.) Zombies have infection.We could have pepper spray.If you think its useless, look at the newspapers..."
- Kill - Even if a town filled with zombies is somewhat unrealistic, zeds affected by pepper spay is breaking all the rules of zombies stories. In some movies Zombies could fly from fires, in some other movies they don't. But never I seen a zombie blinded by a pepper spray. Never. And survivors immunity against pepper spray is a pure nonesense. - Bug MacLock 10:32, 28 July 2008 (BST)
Spam votes
- Spam-sprayed - "To avoid survivors spraying survivors, the spray will only give the survivor (the one that was sprayed) 2 points of damage and nothing else" WTF??? An utterly retarded and overpowered survivor buff. First of all, pepper spray should logically be most effective vs. other survivors, not vs. reanimated corpses. And even if this were balanced and sensible on that account, it'd be nothing more than an utterly broken griefing tool. No thanks. --WanYao 04:44, 28 July 2008 (BST)
- "And survivors SHOULD BE immune to this because people would just spray each other with no puprose..." -- Exactly why this is SPAM. Now, tell me why the hell should survivors not be able to grief each other, but griefing zombies is A-OKAY with you? Sheesh. Go back to Creedy and sharpen your trenchcoat and oil your katana, okay? Thanks. --WanYao 05:19, 28 July 2008 (BST)
- "LOL, I just wanted something new that wouldnt be a major change. Im new here. I dont know lots of stuff about this whole thing. I thought that survivors should defend survivors. If you want to kill players then be a zombie. If you kill survivors while a survivor yourself... well.. that's a shame and a betrayal.My point :) --Piskus99 06:11, 28 July 2008 (BST)
- First of all, you should take suggestions to Talk/Development. Second of all, your attitude is what we define as that of a Trenchcoater. Sorry... but it's true. Learn, and it won't apply anymore... Anyway, there are many different playing styles, and PKing and Death Culting are among them. All these styles are perfectly valid and in no way a "betrayal". In-character you can see them that way -- and that may even be your own personal opinion, but it's just that: an opinion . But within the OOC context of game-play there is no "betrayal" involved. None. Meanwhile, zombies are players too. And they do not like being griefed. Which is what this suggestion does. --WanYao 06:19, 28 July 2008 (BST)
- --Piskus99 06:31, 28 July 2008 (BST)"haha this trenchcoater thing is kinda funny.. :D They offer a guide - "
- First of all, you should take suggestions to Talk/Development. Second of all, your attitude is what we define as that of a Trenchcoater. Sorry... but it's true. Learn, and it won't apply anymore... Anyway, there are many different playing styles, and PKing and Death Culting are among them. All these styles are perfectly valid and in no way a "betrayal". In-character you can see them that way -- and that may even be your own personal opinion, but it's just that: an opinion . But within the OOC context of game-play there is no "betrayal" involved. None. Meanwhile, zombies are players too. And they do not like being griefed. Which is what this suggestion does. --WanYao 06:19, 28 July 2008 (BST)
- "LOL, I just wanted something new that wouldnt be a major change. Im new here. I dont know lots of stuff about this whole thing. I thought that survivors should defend survivors. If you want to kill players then be a zombie. If you kill survivors while a survivor yourself... well.. that's a shame and a betrayal.My point :) --Piskus99 06:11, 28 July 2008 (BST)
- "And survivors SHOULD BE immune to this because people would just spray each other with no puprose..." -- Exactly why this is SPAM. Now, tell me why the hell should survivors not be able to grief each other, but griefing zombies is A-OKAY with you? Sheesh. Go back to Creedy and sharpen your trenchcoat and oil your katana, okay? Thanks. --WanYao 05:19, 28 July 2008 (BST)
- Spam - Yao, you forgot to mention how completely and utterly unnecessary this new addition is. Don't fix what ain't broken. --Scorpios 04:48, 28 July 2008 (BST)
- Decorations are WAY MORE useless than pepper spray and for some reason they are in the game' --Piskus99 06:17, 28 July 2008 (BST)
- Spam & eggs - you expect 1 hit @ 30% from six uses? I wonder where you learned maths. Survivors immune to the painful effects of pepper spray but dead, unable to feel pain zombies suffer a penalty to hit? You really thought this one through, I can tell. - Bisfan 04:49, 28 July 2008 (BST)
- Follow-up --Piskus99 05:05, 28 July 2008 (BST) :Yes I do " expect 1 hit @ 30% from six uses".I took this from my experience in the game. There are times when I miss more than 10 times in a row (!!) with a 25% fire axe. And survivors SHOULD BE immune to this because people would just spray each other with no puprose..."
- Useless Spam - Why would a zombie care about pepper spray? And for that matter, why would you be using this on a zombie? If you're in a building with a zombie, you're probably already dead. If not, kill and dump. Useless in a siege, useless in a small break-in, useless in pretty much every sense of the word. --Ocular Druuuuu 06:46, 28 July 2008 (BST)
- "--Piskus99 06:53, 28 July 2008 (BST) but newspapers are even more useless. And pepper spray decreases the zombie's chance of attack so it DOES something."
- Spam - "Spray cannot be used by zombies because zombies cannot use objects." Zombies can use objects. Also pepper spray is designed to directly incapacitate normal human beings, the idea that it would cease to do this and damage the undead more is fallacious at best and deluded at worst. --
. <== DDR Approved Editor 07:54, 28 July 2008 (BST)
- Spam Okay. Let me lay this out so you don't continue making terrible suggestions here. Just because you play the game a certain way, doesn't mean everyone else wants to change the whole game to aid you. You seem to have the idea that survivors who only kill zombies are the only good people in the game, or the ones who should 'win.' you can think that, but plenty of people, like myself, play as survivor and zombie, and i tend to play my zombie as a griefer, as in i kill everyone in as annoying way as possible, like killing revivors and revivies(?) at their respective revive points. To make an item directed only towards helping one group against another group is decidedly unfair, game breaking, and silly. Dying may be annoying, but you can't ruin the game by trying to keep people from doing things you don't like, when its part of the game. The reason its part of the game, is because its a role playing game, not a FPS. That means that all the items you mentioned, like decorations and newspapers and not useless at all, but rather not strategically helpful in a combat sense. What they do is create a gaming environment that creates a story that we are part of. Gee whiz, this was long, but hopefully on subject enough to make someone take off their overcoat.Tylerisfat 08:35, 28 July 2008 (BST)
- Spam - Piskus, you seem to be misunderstanding what the people above me are trying to say to you. Zombies are the walking dead. They do not feel pain. Something like pepper spray wouldn't hurt a zombie at all. It would hurt a survivor plenty, though, so giving them immunity to the blinding effect is ridiculous. This is why we are rejecting your suggestion. It is a very, very bad suggestion, and the fact that you don't even seem to understand why it's bad only weakens your case.--Jiangyingzi 08:43, 28 July 2008 (BST)