Anne General Hospital (Dulston)/News Archive

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This is an archive for Current Events updates from Anne General Hospital in Dulston.


May 10th, 2010 - Takin' back thanks to members of The Dulston Alliance and the help of a couple of Dulston's residents.--c2s 03:47, 11 May 2010 (BST)

April 28th, 2010 - VSB, based off survivor reports. --~ Red Hawk One Talk | Thanks for the memories 02:36, 28 April 2010 (BST)

April 26th, 2010 - The D.I.T.P.S reported that Anne General Hospital has been reclaimed. --Mobius

Update: Reclaimed by PANTHER that is. The D.I.T.P.S only wandered in later. --The Duke of Earl 20:25, 27 April 2010 (BST)
Update: PANTHER has claimed responsibility for recapturing the building, and there's good money that they were responsible in beating back the zombies. The D.I.T.P.S in turn lowered the building's Extremely Heavily (EHB) barricades so they were only Very Strongly (VSB++) barricaded, as per their group's barricade policy. --Mobius

April 23rd, 2010 - The zombie situation has worsened as there are now 8 zombies inside, with still 2 more zombies outside. --Mobius

April 18th, 2010 - There are 9 zombies inside, 16 outside, no cades. --Ninja187 21:53, 18 April 2010 (BST)

April 17th, 2010 - Three zombies managed to breach the barricades (previously EHB) and entered the hospital lobby. --Mobius

Update: The D.I.T.P.S and PANTHER killed off the last zombies inside the hospital. The building is Very Strongly (VSB++) barricaded. --Mobius

April 14th, 2010 - Four zombies outside. --~ Red Hawk One Talk | Thanks for the memories 04:59, 14 April 2010 (BST)

April 13th, 2010 - Barricade levels at the hospital continue to fluctuate between EHB and VSB, as the D.I.T.P.S and PANTHER argue over barricade policy by each group enforcing their own to the detriment of the other. Oh well. --Mobius

April 12th, 2010 - The D.I.T.P.S have issued a statement whereby they explained the zombie, radama, is not an official member of their group. If spotted as a zombie, he should be considered hostile and shot on sight, rather than revived. --Mobius

April 8th, 2010 - Healer computer2slow of the D.I.T.P.S had this to report, "I lowered the barricades to VS++, but I'm sure Panther will raise them again. There are 0 zeds outside. I'm out of paint can so can't fix the hospital's tag." --Mobius

April 4th, 2010 - It was noted that Healer computer2slow of the D.I.T.P.S and three members of PANTHER were guarding the hospital from any zombie incursions. --Mobius

March 27th, 2010 - Finally, back up again. --Mimiya 20:32, 27 March 2010 (UTC)

Update: PANTHER Operatives have secured this building. --The Duke of Earl 21:06, 27 March 2010 (UTC)

February 18th, 2010 - PANTHER reported that the hospital was ruined. --Mobius

February 16th, 2010 - The D.I.T.P.S reported zombies, comprised primarily of those from the Angry Vaginas and Undeadites, breached the hospital's barricades and killed everyone inside. At this time there are still 4 zombies inside the ruined building. --Mobius

February 8th, 2010 - The D.I.T.P.S reported that with the current siege at Treweeke Mall FAKs were in high demand. Zombies and their pro-zombie supporters retaliated by destroying the hospital's generator on several different occasions. As such, the D.I.T.P.S has stepped up efforts to secure more fuel and generators as necessary to maintain the flow of FAKs to survivors. --Mobius

February 5th, 2010 - The D.I.T.P.S reported that the hospital was powered and still Extremely Heavily (EHB) barricaded. --Mobius

February 1st, 2010 - The D.I.T.P.S reported that the hospital was Extremely Heavily (EHB) barricaded. Also, Deathwire issued a standard rebuke to Rotten Ray for his recent poor performance evaluation. --Mobius

January 28th, 2010 - Deathwire, the Anne General Hospital's D.I.T.P.S Chief of Staff, reported that he and three other group members were currently holding the hospital, along with one African statue. The building was Extremely Heavily (EHB) barricaded, but unpowered in an effort to not attract attention to it. --Mobius

January 9th, 2010 - I just did a large repair on this building. It could use some cades now. --Roddy Winters 18:23, 9 January 2010 (UTC)


November 14th, 2009 - The hospital was seen ruined from the nearby building. Not sure about the number of zombies inside. --Kittithaj 05:15, 14 November 2009 (UTC)

November 13th, 2009 - The D.I.T.P.S reported there were 7 zombies inside, along with 12 infected survivors, and among the recent killed was D.I.T.P.S Security Captain, Rotten Ray. --Mobius

October 31st, 2009 - VSB++. Zombies were lurking in the area. --Sabine 00:30, 31 October 2009 (UTC-6)

October 30th, 2009 - Rotten Ray, Security Captain of the D.I.T.P.S, reported that there were only 3 zombies inside the hospital.

October 13th, 2009 - The D.I.T.P.S reported that the hospital's barricades were down and three zombies had managed to get inside so far. Two of the zombies were badly injured in the firefight that followed the report, but additional effort would be required to clean them out. --Mobius

September 28th, 2009 - The building was EHB with about a dozen survivors. --Mx311 00:19, 28 September 2009 (BST)

August 26th, 2009 - The barricades have been breached and the undead are inside. --User:RC-2017 08:00, 26 August 2009 (CST)

June 4th, 2009 - There are 6 survivors inside. The building is caded, but with no generator. There are 1-2 zeds outside. --Freakazoit 19:26, 4 June 2009 (BST)

April 11th, 2009 - The hospital is EHB, powered and with 12 zombies outside. ---- User:The Rooster RoosterDragon User talk:The Rooster 14:27, 11 April 2009 (BST)

April 3rd, 2009 - EHB and generator running, but threat outside unknown. --User:Mode Daala 12:55, 03 April 2009 (EST)

March 21st, 2009 - Barricaded and lit. To celebrate, free FAKs to all! --Melancholy One 22:30, 21 March 2009 (UTC)

February 20th, 2009 - Dead vs Blue reported that the hospital was secure and rebuilding. --Mobius

February 17-19th, 2009 - Reclaimed by PANTHER Operatives. --The Duke of Earl 06:21, 19 February 2009 (UTC)

February 3rd, 2009 - Ruined, but not many Zombies inside. --The Duke of Earl 16:20, 3 February 2009 (UTC)

January 29th, 2009 - The Hospital Stays In Control By Non Infected Hands But There Are Uninvited Guests Out On The Front Door. --Izlude7980 07:37, 29 January 2009 (UTC)

January 14th, 2009 - There are 5 zombies inside and the hospital is ruined. --Sparticulous 15:45, 14 January 2009 (UTC)

January 2nd, 2009 - Overbarricaded, but staffed and powered. --Kerosyrup 22:00, 2 January 2009


December 22nd, 2008 - The building is barricaded and powered. What more could you ask for? A trebuchet on the roof? Yeah, right.

December 19th, 2008 - The D.I.T.P.S have stepped in and cleaned house. Zombies have been evicted from the premises and the hospital has once again been reclaimed for the Greater Good. So says Deathwire, the D.I.T.P.S Chief of Staff for Anne General Hospital, and his will is law. OBEY.

December 18th, 2008 - The glory of yesterday's victory appears to have been tarnished as 4 zombies managed to breach the hospital's defenses and ransack it.

Update: Rotten Ray of the D.I.T.P.S, returned with style as he single-handidly once again cleaned house. The zombies still inside the hospital were all killed and dumped. He then Quite Strongly barricaded the building before heading off to another building to rest. Three zombies were reported standing outside.
Update: Rotten Ray later reported the building was empty, but now Very Strongly barricaded. No indication of whether or not the zombies outside were still around.

December 17th, 2008 - Healer computer2slow, of the D.I.T.P.S, reported that there was a breach. He managed to kill the offending zombie, dump its corpse back to the streets, and re-barricade... but the effort was taxing. The hospital is currently Quite Strongly barricaded.

Update: The hospital was breached again, and its lone defender Healer computer2slow reported he had no other option than to depart. The good news is that the hospital was bereft of any other survivors, leaving the zombie nothing to eat. The same zombie was later reported to be still standing inside the hospital. For his part, Orophin Minyatur of the D.I.T.P.S managed to badly injure the zombie (8 HP).
Update: As with the day before, the battle for control of Anne General was hardly over as Rotten Ray shotgun blasted his way to victory. In short order the hospital was cleaned up and re-barricaded. The building is Quite Strongly barricaded at this time.

December 16th, 2008 - In what can best be described as "daring-do", Rotten Ray reported single-handidly reclaiming Anne General Hospital from the zombies that had besieged it. Furthermore he reported that he Heavily barricaded the hospital entrance to keep the recently evicted zombies outside where they belonged. Unfortunately he reported that there was no one else but him in the hospital at the time... making its defense somewhat difficult.

Update: Easy come, easy go. The hospital's defenses were breached and the building ruined. The only good news is that Rotten Ray was not inside at the time so the zombies no doubt broke inside to find an empty building. Tough luck for them, we wish them better luck next time! No, not really.
Update: In yet another turn of events, Healer computer2slow reported that he had managed to recapture the hospital and Extremely Heavily barricaded it. As before the building was empty of life... so zombies would find no num-nums inside even if they managed to break-in. To this devious prospect Healer computer2slow was said to have chortled maniacally, for it's well known that his favorite pastime is vexing zombies.

December 15th, 2008 - Healer computer2slow, of the D.I.T.P.S, reported that the hospital is standing strong, and by that he means it is Extremely Heavily barricaded. No signs of any immediate threats to the hospital.

Update: It would appear that the zombie threat the the hospital had not passed yet, as there was a breach in the middle of the night. Orophin Minyatur, of the D.I.T.P.S, was the to react to the attack as he attempted to re-barricade, but to no avail! It's unclear as the to results of this conflict, as fatigued members of D.I.T.P.S were forced to pull-out in adjacent buildings.
Update: Lothar von Rheinfels, so-called "Freelance Death Cultist", murders an innocent and infected survivor at the hospital. No mercy here people.

December 14th, 2008 - Healer computer2slow, of the D.I.T.P.S, reported a breach as the barricades were destroyed and 2 zombies managed to break inside of the hospital.

Update: Despite efforts by the D.I.T.P.S to eject the zombies, the number inside has grown from 2 to 3 zombies now. One of the zombies was badly injured (3 HP), and another moderately wounded (45 HP) by Orophin Minyatur... a member of D.I.T.P.S who is notorious for playing by his own rules. A doctor with no respect for authority, Orophin often gets on Deathwire's bad side. He also likes long walks along the beach. What this has to do with the building status I haven't the foggiest...
Update: Healer computer2slow reported in again, but this time to report that the hospital had been cleared of all zombies and that the barricades were raised to Very Strongly. It's unclear who was reponsible for this turn-around victory that has no doubt sexually frustrated the zombies outside.

December 13th, 2008 - Healer computer2slow, of the D.I.T.P.S, reported that the hospital was in survivor hands with the building Extremely Heavily barricaded. At this time the building had a generator, but it was not being powered in order to avoid undue attention from feral zombies in the area.

December 5th, 2008 - The D.I.T.P.S reported that there were now 9 zombies outside the hospital. Deathwire, who had noticed the slow rise in zombie numbers outside the barricades commented, "I don't know why they keep coming back. It's like they're angry with us or something. Or maybe they're all morons. That, or that fact that I keep calling them morons through the barricades. Because all zombies are morons. You can quote me on that, in public, where no zombie could ever read it because they're all too stupid to read. But yeah, I have absolutely no idea why they keep attacking us." Uhhhh, yeah, sure. This explains a lot.

December 4th, 2008 - The D.I.T.P.S reported that there were currently 5 zombies outside the hospital, but none inside. Which is good. It's at times like this that D.I.T.P.S members wonder if anything happened to the sign they posted outside that clearly stated, "Zombies: Go Away". Maybe if it was in Zombish? Can zombies read?

November 27th, 2008 - Scattered reports indicate that the hospital is Extremely Heavily barricaded, but with zombie problems. A breach allowed 2 zombies to get inside while another 10 zombies are still outside. The hospital's status and survivor numbers are uncertain, as up until now it was believed the hospital was overrun by zombies.

Update: Apparently the 2 zombies reported earlier were evicted, but a second breach was reported, this time with a more serious threat of 5 zombies having broken into the hospital. It's uncertain whether the survivors holding out here have the manpower to defeat this many zombies.
Update: SNAKEHOUND reported that there were 10 zombies outside of Anne General Hospital. There were also 2 hostile zombies still inside, but the building was Extremely Heavily barricaded.
Update: SNAKEHOUND reported a breach, during which several more zombies managed to break into the hospital. There are now 5 zombies inside the building.

November 26th, 2008 - The D.I.T.P.S report that everything is sunshine and lollipops over here at Anne General Hospital. The hospital even has a working generator. Few ferals were in the immediate area.

Update: The lollipops lied! Metal Fox recon reports there are 7 zombies outside of the hospital, and they looked very hungry.

November 25th, 2008 - An operative from the Dulston Alliance reported that the hospital remains infested with brain rotted zombies. It's unclear whether any attempts will be made to dislodge them, but odds remain high that the D.I.T.P.S may attempt to weaken their numbers.

November 15th, 2008 - It is with heavy hearts that the D.I.T.P.S reported the fall of Anne General Hospital. Despite the combined efforts of Deathwire and, probably, other members of D.I.T.P.S the zombies still managed to breach the building's defences and killed everyone inside. When asked to comment on the recent ruination of his beloved hospital and his subsequent death, Deathwire had this to say, "F**k everyone". Ummm. Deathwire seemed kinda bitter about the loss of his statues.

November 14th, 2008 - D.I.T.P.S recon reported there were now 18 zombies outside of the hospital. The situation was looking worse and worse with each passing day. DarthKnight of D.I.T.P.S commented, "It looks like they want to destroy Deathwire's collection..."

Update: A breach was reported by D.I.T.P.S as 8 zombies managed to get inside past the ruined barricades.

November 13th, 2008 - SNAKEHOUND reported that there were 10 zombies outside of Anne General Hospital (aka "Deathwire's Sculpture Horde").

November 11th, 2008 - SNAKEHOUND reported that 11 zombies had managed to breach the hospital's barricades and were now in the lobby. This was very much to the consternation of the hospital staff and patients, mostly the ones who were being eaten. Then ScouterTX rallied the members of D.I.T.P.S who were present with the cry, "Quick, protect Deathwire's African sculpture collection!"

Update: Deathwire, D.I.T.P.S Chief of Staff for Anne General, reported, "Damn right. In the event that my sculpture collection falls, I will rebuild the D.I.T.P.S to their former glory and start a suburb-wide crusade to make sure this sort of atrocity will never occur again. It just isn't right, damn it."
Update: SNAKEHOUND reported that there were now only 3 zombies left standing in the hospital.

November 6th, 2008 - Anne General Hospital is in excellent condition these days. The D.I.T.P.S has seen to it that their hospital is Very Strongly barricaded, powered, and even has a radio that is playing classic jazz. Furthermore, Deathwire's cultural revolution has been a major success as African sculptures now decorate every corner of the hospital to the point where some staff and patients are complaining they cannot even get around them. But they're not 'obstructions', that's culture people! CULTURE!

November 2nd, 2008 - The hospital is lit and Very Strongly barricaded. What more can we say? Life is good.

October 24th, 2008 - First off, the hospital is Very Strongly barricaded and powered. That said, Deathwire reported that it was "Business as usual for the D.I.T.P.S" as he began what many few he considered a 'cultural revolution'. Perhaps the very first of its kind in human history! Or very likely not. Even so the hospital's Chief of Staff started his new term by placing the very first African sculpture in the hospital lobby. The first, no doubt, of many.

October 13th, 2008 - A desperate attempt by the D.I.T.P.S to reclaim the hospital again has met with zombie resistance. At last report the barricades were down and the doors closed. Flyte, leading a rag-tag team composed of Ryan Marsh and kazypoo1 (which makes one wonder how many people it takes exactly to forma 'team') are trying to hold the zombies off. Odds of their success are slim.

October 9th, 2008 - Surprise, surprise. The hospital has fallen and is ruined. Again. Reports are unclear as to whether anyone was actually in the building when it was overrun as the odds of holding the hospital were slim from the beginning. At this time there are 4 zombies inside.

October 8th, 2008 - Zombies are everywhere, but for now that 'everywhere' does not include inside the hospital. D.I.T.P.S have managed to re-secure the building and raise the barricades to VHB. Even so, with so very few survivors inside the building odds are slim it will hold-out.

October 3rd, 2008 - Officer Murphy of Dead vs Blue reported that DvB had cleared out the last zombie, repaired, and barricaded moments ago. Enjoy.

September 28th, 2008 - D.I.T.P.S reported that 6 zombies had managed to breach their barricades and were now inside the hospital. Deathwire, who was present during the attack, was quoted as having said, "They're really striking back at the greatest place in Dulston". Of course this remark was quickly refuted by noted NecroTech scientist Caleb Usher who insisted that the Whitlock Building was in fact the greatest place in all of Dulston.

Update: Kittithaj, a freelance Dulston Alliance operative, reported, "The zombies crashed into the survivor reunion party at Anne General Hospital. Anyone that couldn't get away in time were killed. Casualties include me."

September 25th, 2008 - Anne General Hospital is Heavily barricaded, but recently lost its portable generator to a vandal. The vandal in question has been identified as Dale Crover and while the D.I.T.P.S are not a violent group they would very much like it if he was shot on sight. For the greater good of course.

September 21st, 2008 - The hospital is still unliveable by survivor standards, what with 3 zombies still inside it. The D.I.T.P.S continue to use guerilla tactics to weaken the zombie invaders, but the zombies just keep coming back for more punishment. I could work a S&M joke in here, but I'm above all that. So until the D.I.T.P.S have these zombies whipped- aww crap. Just forget it.

September 13th, 2008 - Anne General Hospital is now infested with zombies, not a human in sight. Doors are wide open and the building is in ruins. Only a slight number of humans survived the attack and retreated to nearby towns. --Izlude7980 06:34, 13 September 2008 (BST)

September 9th, 2008 - Imperium recon reported that there were only 4 zombies inside the hospital.

September 7th, 2008 - Metal Fox recon reported that the hospital was ruined.

September 6th, 2008 - Rotten Ray of the D.I.T.P.S reported that the hospital had been cleared and was back in survivor hands. Efforts were being made by the D.I.T.P.S to reinforce this position in order to provide medical aid to Dulston Alliance operatives working throughout the suburb.

Update: The Electric Light Torchestra reported that 2 zombies had breached the hospital's barricades and were rampaging through the lobby. Xahn Borealis, of the ELT, had done his best to critically injure one of them (2 HP left).

September 1st, 2008 - The Malton Fire Department reported that a recent recon of the building revealed there were now 7 zombies still inside the hospital.

August 29th, 2008 - Dead vs Blue recon reported there were 9 zombies inside the ruined hospital.

August 26th, 2008 - Through a taxing war of attrition, a mob of 24 zombies finally managed to overwhelm the hospitals defenses and are finishing off the remaining 6 or so survivors left inside the building. This was considered by many to have been a truly gruesome fight for the control of hospital.

Update: It rumored that Deathwire, the hospital's Chief of Staff, declared in his best General Douglas MacArthur voice, "I shall return". Setting in motion plans for the eventual retaking of the hospital by D.I.T.P.S.

August 25th, 2008 - A mob of seventeen zombies attacked the hospital. The generator was destroyed. Many survivors were killed. -- Kittithaj 15:16, 25 August 2008 (BST)

August 23rd, 2008 - One break-in today, but the hospital still holds, with power. A siege is expected. Only experienced survivors are advised to stay. -- Kittithaj 14:28, 23 August 2008 (BST)

June 11th 2008 - The hospital was struck thrice today, not by zombies, but by fellow humans. It started at dawn when Umlitka returned, in human form, bypassing all the barricades. He killed two survivors and successfully escaped before he could be righteously punished. In the afternoon, a local saboteur He's dead Jim sneaked in and destroyed the generator. Then Perzeus, an ex-D.I.T.P.S member gone rogue, came in to visited Deathwire before pumping his former boss full of bullets. Looks like D.I.T.P.S will have to do a background check and psychological test before accepting a new member from now on. -- Kittithaj 18:39, 11 June 2008 (BST)

June 10th 2008 - The hospital was still under siege. One persistent zombie broke in, killed, was thrown out, and broke in again a few minutes later, only to be killed and thrown out again. Another zombie which followed it also recieved the same treatment from the hospital staff. After that, the undead tried a new tactics, by parachuting Umlitka, an infected survivor with free running, into the hospital, who then turned into a zombie. Vigilant survivors quickly handled this threat and no serious damage was done. -- Kittithaj (recorded on 11 June 2008)

June 9th 2008 - Survivors were lured into a false sense of security when half of the zombies moved away from the hospital and started attacking other buildings. D.I.T.P.S Medical Student jackspear9 declared the siege over around midnight. One hour later a zombie had broken in and damaged the generator before it was killed and tossed out. After many hours of peace, D.I.T.P.S leader Deathwire declared the siege over once again at dawn. In the evening it was decided that barricades should be torn down to VSB. This turned out to be a big mistake when three zombies broke in, killed Officer Murphy (again!), and destroyed the generator. The siege continues. -- Kittithaj 16:20, 9 June 2008 (BST)

June 7th 2008 - Tragedy struck today when a zombie from The Dead broke into the hospital, killed Officer Murphy, the founder of the Dulston Alliance and co-founder of Dead vs Blue. Another feral zombie followed in and destroyed the generator. It doesn't look like a random attack; perhaps The Dead is targetting high-profile survivors. Mikhos swore revenge for his fallen comrade. Officer Murphy was revived later that day, though. -- Kittithaj 16:32, 7 June 2008 (BST)

June 6th, 2008 - By the looks of things the hospital seems a little bit safer there are a lot of survivors inside the building with the barricades at HB we also have a genny and there are only 8 standing zombies outside but what worries people the most is the fact that there are around 17 zombies lying on the floor just waiting for the right time to get up come on people don't let the zombies win. --Firefighter00789 05:43, 6 June 2008 (BST)

An eyewitness, Kade Decker, report in Treweeke Mall that there was a break-in today with three zombies got in. They were pushed out by the defense, but not before destroying the transmitter, cutting off the communication from the outside world. -- Kittithaj 18:09, 6 June 2008 (BST)

June 5th, 2008 - One week into the siege. Zombies are still gathering outside with no intention to give up. Deathwire, leader of D.I.T.P.S, said that there is only one option - to lock all windows and exits and fight on. "Anne General shall never fall!", he boldly proclaimed. Officer Murphy offered a cunning plan; all survivors should sneak out of the back door quietly, push the building so it falls on top of all the zombies, then rebuild it from the ground up. Survivors are weighting either of the options. -- Kittithaj 20:32, 5 June 2008 (BST)

June 4th, 2008 - O no this is pure madnes i have no idea why but someone inside the building destroyed all of the barricades there are no longer any barricades in the uilding except for the closed doors whe have no genny and no trasmitter please come and help us defend this place otherwise this place will fall. --Firefighter00789 23:28, 4 June 2008 (BST)

June 2nd, 2008 - The last 3 zombies were driven out of the hospital, using both conventional method and combat reviving. Deathwire, leader of D.I.T.P.S, offered cake for everyone participating in the siege. However, the feast was interrupted by Mikhos, who wanted everyone to build up barricade first. Now the hospital is back in operation. Still, a trouble is looming ahead with more than twenty bodies piling outside. -- Kittithaj 18:37, 2 June 2008 (BST)

June 1st, 2008 - The building has finally fallen, lost generator radio transmitter and survivors.3 zeds outside.--Dr houser 19:23, 1 June 2008 (GMT)

May 30th, 2008 - Anne General Hospital status is VSB and powered but it seams to be attracting a lot of unwanted attention particularly zombie type at the moment there are 15 standing zombies outside the building banging at the doors but survivors seam to be able to withstand the attack altought i have no idea how much longer. --Firefighter00789 05:28, 30 May 2008 (BST)

March 17th, 2008 - Anne General Hospital has, on the momentous day, achieved artistic glory. What do we mean? Well apparently so much artwork has been placed within the hospital that there is simply no more room for anything else. It's literally packed with artwork, mostly in the form of African Statues. With so much artwork here everyone inside the hospital by now must be irradiated with high levels of culture. Local science staff are curious whether this may lead to a higher consumption of fine wines and cheese by hospital staff. --Mobius 13:23, 18 March 2008 (UTC)

February 21st, 2008 - After being offline for a while due to a recent invasion Anne is back and powered powered ready for business. Be aware that it may be barricaded above the normal VS+2.--c2s 23:23, 21 February 2008 (UTC)

January 9th, 2008 - A recent (five minutes ago) check revealed that Anne General has once more been restored to its former glory. Power is on, FR lanes are up, and we're warming some brandy over a bunsen burner- come on up for the party! --Boris 17:26, 9 January 2008 (UTC)


December 14th, 2007 - Due to recent claims that Anne General Hospital has been ransacked by the Infected Swarm and other miscellaneous zombies, official DITPS Official Deathwire is reported with saying the following; "Anne General ransacked? Oh, 'at's not it. No, it's just bein' remodeled 'n all, mate. Y'see, 'ose chaps with the terrible odor and and ripped clothing are simply our construction workers, savvy? Anyone who says otherwise obviously does not support the Greater Good 'n should be hit with a rake or something..don't say that last bit though." Whether these claims by the DITPS hold any merit is for the people of Dulston to decide, though the facts lean toward Deathwire simply being in denial about his hospital being ransacked. --Not Deathwire 22:38, 14 December 2007 (EST)

December 10th, 2007 - It seems that the D.A. has not been living up to their own claims to protect the people of Dulston, for we the Infected Swarm have taken another of their HQ's, though this building did put up more of a fight, by the feral humans, it was still taken by a small force of Swarm members.--Vachon Blaze 21:07, 10 December 2007 (UTC)

Update: I reiterate: LESS PROPAGANDA, PLEASE. While I don't mind reports, and if you're making progress with your horde you admittedly deserve to announce as such, please cut down on the flowery language. It's irritating to have to sift through the newspeak to get to the point. --Boris 17:31, 11 December 2007 (UTC)

October 3rd, 2007 - The horde of zombies seems to be dwindling, thanks to timely efforts at barricading by Dulston Alliance members and others, including (and yes, I'm plugging us here!) the Flustered Brethren. --Freddy 20:55, 3 October 2007 (BST)

September 28th, 2007 - Passing by, NecroTech scientist Cecil Barns detected a large mob of 30 zombies standing in front of the hospital and small groups of respectively 2 and 4 zombies on buildings adjacent from the east. --James beckerson 14:44, 28 September 2007 (BST)

September 21st, 2007 - A series of battles took place in the hospital. At times, the situation looked hopeless and a majority of the survivors inside fled. However, the actions of the DITPS agents and several civilians saved the hospital from returning to its ruined state. As the zombies brood outside the hospital, hoping to finally seize it from the hands of the living, survivors rally inside and prepare to repel these zombies again and again.

September 14th, 2007 - The hospital fell to the zombie attack from several days ago, but the situation has slowly improved over time. Of the original zombie numbers only 2 zombies remain inside at this time. The building though is still ransacked and ruined. A planned strike by DITPS plans to resecure their headquarters by clearing out the last remanents of the zombie intruders.

Update: In a battle that will no doubt be forgotten by historians the members of DITPS have resecured the hospital. At this time there are no zombies inside and power has been restored. Looks like it's back to business as usual.

September 1st, 2007 - The barricades have fallen and 10 zombies have entered the main lobby. With only 5 survivors still alive it appears as though the headquarters of the DITPS is doomed...

August 23rd, 2007 - Although the zombie population around the hospital has began dispersing, there still remains a small group of dedicated zombies holding the hospital. There are rumors that a group of survivors will soon begin combat reviving all zombies found inside, but this is not endorsed by the building's current staff, the DITPS, and is, in fact, frowned upon. Nor is this planned "action" endorsed by any group within the Dulston Alliance, as their policies are very clear when it comes to combat reviving.

August 20th, 2007 - Wuhan, a member of DITPS, reports that Anne General Hospital has been completely ransacked with 10 zombies standing inside. The young medical student killed some of the zombies that had invaded the building before falling back.

Update: In a humorous turn of event the following was found inside the hospital: "Somebody has spraypainted a mural of Deathwire astride a pile of zed corpses onto a wall". It would seem that the second-in-command of DITPS is well known among the local populace.

August 16th, 2007 - The hospital has changed hands a few times during the turbulant times, but for now remains in the hands of those survivors still inside. However there is a mob of zombies knocking at the doors just waiting for another chance to get inside and "Murh!" around. The hospital has asked that anyone willing to come to their aid is free to take refuge behind a gurney and unleash gunfire at any invading zombies.

August 15th, 2007 - The Hospital has been retaken by a few survivors, after a few tenous hours of the place being in zombie hands, and now stands empty of unlife and barricaded. The DITPS, when asked about the current status of their hospitals, had this to say, "The zombies are putting up a fight to take Anne General, but they seem to be making no effort to hold it. If the zombies continue in this stratagem, we will be able to keep our services running indefinitely." Also, the DITPS Security team has begun recruiting anyone willing to pick up a pistol and hold the line.

August 13th, 2007 - Break-ins occurred multiple times today, with three zombies currently inside, and around twenty outside. Reinforcements are requested.

August 12th, 2007 - The hospital has been retaken and barricaded by a mixed group of random survivors and DITPS agents. Thirty zombies shuffled around blankly outside of the hospital, and it is only a matter of time before they notice the change in ownership.

August 10th, 2007 - The hospital has been breached and 17 zombies are inside with the survivors. The building has been re-barricaded, but survivors need help clearing the zombies out.

July 6th, 2007 - Though the horde of zombies that shamble around outside of Anne General Hospital are persisnant, the valiant staff of the Anne General Branch, the Field Team Branch, and the Security Branch of the DITPS have managed to hold off the zombie onslaught and still provide quality healing services for those in need. DITPS Temporary Security leader Ryan Marsh had this to say on the matter, "Those of us on the security force are trying our best to keep the zombies out, and despite multiple break-ins, have kept the zombies at bay." He went on to explain how the security team and other members of the DITPS would appreciate further assistance and wanted to remind the public that they were always willing to welcome new members into their group.

June 4th, 2007 - A NecroNet report, issued by the Electric Light Torchestra from the Whitlock Building, indicates that a small force of zombies totalling 5 in number are currently outside the hospital. The DITPS have been alerted to this potential threat.

May 26th, 2007 - The hospital is under siege from a small, but well coordinated, group of zombies. They managed to break-in once already and destroy the generator before dragging a survivor out into the street. DITPS staff retaliated by killing several of the zombies and treating the wounded, but the attack has continued unabated.

March 14th, 2007 - Anne General Hospital's barricades have been breached! Reports indicate that a fierce battle is taking place inside as one of the zombies, the oddly named baybeaphelcher, was reported inside and contaminated with brain rot, not that its recommended to combat reviving any zombies. Members of the D.I.T.P.S are attempting to fend off the attack.

February 13th, 2007 - The Shamblin' Crooners crashed the hospital, making it the twelfth stop in their new SHAMBLIN' CROONERS APOCALYPSE tour. Dulston survivors heard a lot more angst in the zombie tunes as they sang heavier music including Metal, Grunge, and of course Death Metal. Sick and injured survivors, possibly even some gathered here from the Shamblin' Crooners earlier venues eventually scattered under the vocal and physical assault.

February 8th, 2007 – Over-barricading seems to have returned for the last two days, even though zombie activity seems minimal.

January 21st-29th, 2007 - The Shamblin' Crooners made their usual grand entrance and entertained everyone inside with their famous "break-in & concert" style of zombie rock. Some humans were eaten. Some zombies were shot. Bottom line, everyone had fun. Rock on Crooners, rock on...

January 12th, 2007 - After several zombie break-ins and general havoc, the Dulston Infection Treatment and Prevention Squad have managed to regain complete control of the situation. Injured survivors looking for assistance should consider our doors open to them once again.

January 4th, 2007 – Over-barricading has been noticeably lessened, as most people are now recognizing the Dulston Infection Treatment and Prevention Squad's activity in the hospital. New medical staff have been recruited into the D.I.T.P.S, and are currently upholding the hospital and patrolling the suburb to revive any zombies who wish to live again.


December 12th, 2006 - Flyte arrived at Anne General Hospital, along with medical staff from the Dulston Infection Treatment and Prevention Squad, in order to bring dedicated medical assistance to survivors. As such, the hospital now falls under the policies set forth by the D.I.T.P.S. charter.

November 15th, 2006 - Members of DORIS persist in their claims of controlling all Dulston. Taking a page straight from Conquerors 101 DORIS has instigated a policy whereby local buildings and streets throughout the suburb have been renamed by their group, in this case, the hospital is now known as the Bagdad General Hospital as far as DORIS is concerned.

July 25th, 2006 - Anne General Hospital seems to be the best place for tourists to stay. Although the hospital has been attacked several times, many survivors work to help each other stay alive, even with zombies attacking and opening the doors. Meowdam and Bubyax, famous for their help throughout Dulston, came to visit there friend Yellowducky here.

April 8th, 2006 - After their initial warm welcome and success here a few days ago the Shamblin' Crooners made a return performance to satisfy all their fans who still hungered for more Z!ng, Z!ng. Again, the only fatalities were all good natured ones.

April 4th, 2006 - The Shamblin' Crooners made their usual grand entrance and entertained everyone inside with their famous "break-in & concert" style of zombie rock. Some humans were eaten. Some zombies were shot. Bottom line, everyone had fun. Rock on Crooners, rock on...


December 15th, 2005 - 53 Drunken Dead laid siege to Anne General Hospital. Fireman Tom Mot was killed when the barricades were overrun on the previous night, but was soon revived only to be killed again within minutes of re-entering the hospital. The culprit was the Drunken Dead zombie named Brainsrgood.

November 19th-21st, 2005 - After two days of fighting, the survivors occupying Anne General Hospital opted to retreat or have been eaten by zombies from the Drunken Dead. It was from the top of the hospital that the Drunken Dead spied the Much Arms, and vowed to empty its wine cellar, regardless of the cost. The Drunken Dead abandoned the hospital and shambled towards the greatest undead drinking binge the world has ever known.