Suggestion:20071206 Custom Clothing Shop

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20071206 Custom Clothing Shop

Jon Pyre 15:43, 6 December 2007 (UTC)

Suggestion type

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Suggestion description
It'd be nice to create a few articles of clothing with custom lettering. I suggest adding a new shop to one corner of three or four malls around Malton: Custom Clothing Store.

These are those pretty common stores/kiosks that create writing on clothing either using iron on patches, studs, or stitched lettering. You see them everywhere. Clicking on the shop opens a new display, just as clicking to retune a transmitter opens up a new little display.

The display would have a text box and a drop down menu. The menu would list the articles of clothing the shop would have available for you to customize and the text box would allow you to enter the very short message you want to have. Once everything is set clicking on a "customize" button would automically put that article of clothing on your body, replacing anything currently taking that clothing slot.

So let's say you could choose a "jean jacket" as one article of clothing. You could enter BBB (for Blackmore Bastard Brigade) and then you would be wearing a "BBB jean jacket". Or you could create a "I'm with victim -> T-Shirt". Anything a player wants.

There would be a limited number of items in the shop, so if you want something more stylish or fashionable you may need to do without a customized message. An embroidered tuxedo stretches the imagination.

And yes the shop would need to have power. Creating an item would cost 1AP. It provides no benefit beyond getting the clothing of your choice. Harmless fun.

Voting Section

Voting Rules
Votes must be numbered, justified, signed, and timestamped.
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Votes that do not conform to the above may be struck by any user.

The only valid votes are Keep, Kill, Spam or Dupe. If you wish to abstain from voting, do not vote.

Keep Votes

  1. Author I'd wear a C4NT windbreaker. --Jon Pyre 15:46, 6 December 2007 (UTC)
  2. Keep/Change - as Jon Pyre and Midianian. --Pavluk A! E! 16:21, 6 December 2007 (UTC)
  3. Keep Yeah, I'd quite like to have a "nondescript" T-shirt, jacket ect. --SeventythreeTalk 17:30, 6 December 2007 (UTC)
  4. Keep - Don't know what everyone's problem is with this. --Uncle Bill 21:20, 6 December 2007 (UTC)
  5. Keep - My Discordian needs a golden apple t-shirt. --Howard Bentley 21:41, 6 December 2007 (UTC)
  6. Keep - As Pyre, but substitute UNIT. --Sgt. John TaggartUNIT 11/5 WCDZ TJ! 23:00, 6 December 2007 (UTC)
  7. Keep- Flavor = good. --Darth LumisT! A! E! SR 23:56, 6 December 2007 (UTC)
  8. Keep - 1 AP does seem alittle cheap, but its still good --Bring The Pain!Anti Gorefest5Fight The Pain!TMW!B! 02:26, 7 December 2007 (UTC)
  9. Change - to make it 10 to 20 AP. UCFSD 14:20, 7 December 2007 (UTC)
  10. Keep/Change - Get a word filter, so that griefers, trolls, and UD tough guys won't have idiotic t-shirts, and up the AP value. Glenstone 16:13, 7 December 2007 (UTC)
  11. Keep - Adds plenty of flavour, but increase AP cost. ~AriedartinTalkA KS J abt all 06:16, 19 December 2007 (UTC)

Kill Votes

  1. Kill/Change - Make it cost something like 10AP. 1AP is way too cheap. --Midianian|T|T:S|C:RCS| 15:59, 6 December 2007 (UTC)
    • Re Why? It's just clothing. Getting normal clothes is free. The 1AP is just a token cost for the work of putting some studs or patches on. --Jon Pyre 16:01, 6 December 2007 (UTC)
    Because I don't want everyone to be wearing "I FUKKD UR MOM!!1" t-shirts. 10AP makes them think before making something. --Midianian|T|T:S|C:RCS| 16:06, 6 December 2007 (UTC)
  2. Kill/Change - I have to agree with Midianian - make this cost more than just 1AP to deter the handidarts. If you revise this suggestion, I'll change my vote on the revision. --Ryiis 16:37, 6 December 2007 (UTC)
  3. Kill- I disagree with everyone, stop trying to get emotes in the damn game, in any form you can think of. -- BKM 17:26, 6 December 2007 (UTC)
  4. Kill - I'd vote keep if the vast majority of Urban Dead players weren't idiots. Also, I'm having suspicions that Jon Pyre is a robot.--  AHLGTG THE END IS ACTUALLY NIGH! 17:30, 6 December 2007 (UTC)
  5. Kill - Out of theme. For some reason, models, starting up business, and people sewing things for other people seem not to be very popular in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. I can't imagine why. Maybe these business conglomerates have trouble offering health insurance, and so people are looking for jobs outside Malton? --Pgunn 18:27, 6 December 2007 (UTC)
    • Re While out of theme in a standard Romero movie, it works in the context of the groups and organizations that already operate widely throughout Malton. I mean, you have zombies screaming "Banana gangbang!" and groups like C4NT on the radio. A bit of silliness is ok. --Jon Pyre 19:10, 6 December 2007 (UTC)
  6. Kill - Ya hit it on the head Gnome... --/~WOOT~\ 19:16, 6 December 2007 (UTC)
  7. Kill -
    A zombie pointed to himself.
    A zombie said "gangbang!"
    20:17, 6 December 2007 (UTC)
    • Re While I regret your decision I love your vote. --Jon Pyre 23:01, 6 December 2007 (UTC)
  8. Kill - Midianian has a good point, and I figured that we already had "character descriptions" for this. --Private Mark 01:15, 7 December 2007 (UTC)
  9. Change - Why can't you just find a sharpie marker and mark up your jacket with special lettering? Or use t-shirt paint? I've done that to t-shirts before. I don't see why you'd need a special store to do this. And once a piece of clothing is blood soaked, you shouldn't be able to see the letters anyway... 'cuz the blood is covering it. --Ms.Panes 02:01, 7 December 2007 (UTC)
  10. Kill - Too much assclownsmanship would ensue. Perhaps it could be limited to only 3 letters, or something. --Steakfish 03:21, 7 December 2007 (UTC)
  11. Kill - I shudder to think about what some of you freaks would be wearing. - Rutherford 16:05, 10 December 2007 (UTC)
  12. Kill - How the hell would there be a working "custom clothing shop" in a city consumed by a ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE? Honestly.  ::shakes head:: --Mister Nathan Marbles 22:40, 10 December 2007 (UTC)
  13. Kill- Do we not have profile descriptions (Where we can type in our appearance, including what clothes we're wearing)?--Chris Field 20:41, 16 December 2007 (UTC)

Spam/Dupe Votes

  1. Spam - Tired of this and all similar suggestions. --The Hierophant 17:46, 6 December 2007 (UTC)
  2. Dupe - it was called something like "t-shirt factory" - and i liked it betteer than this. --~~~~ [talk] 19:59, 6 December 2007 (UTC)
  3. Spam - STREETS IS WATCHIN FROM MY BACK.--Karekmaps?! 20:19, 6 December 2007 (UTC)
  4. Spam - We already have clothes, go search for them. --Ducis DuxSlothTalk 21:39, 6 December 2007 (UTC)
  5. Spam - you can already write anything you like about yourself in your description. I'd vote Keep to get rid of all the clothing in the game. Yes, that's right: Nude Urban Dead. --Funt Solo QT Scotland flag.JPG 22:32, 6 December 2007 (UTC)
  6. Funt nailed it. God...I miss the good old days of UD... --Axe Hack Talk 11:09, 7 December 2007 (UTC)
  7. Spam - Isnt this what the description is for? --Druuuuu Oc 22:48, 10 December 2007 (UTC)