User:Mad Pierre
That Was Then
I used to be a street bum. Every day so-called 'normal' people would rush past, looking through me as if I didn't exist or looking off at something more pleasant than a homeless man who sleeps on the streets. Some people would throw a few coins at me as they passed. Last twinges of conscience? Perhaps. My guess is that 'down and out' is a disease they thought they could catch via human contact. Stupid buggers.
On the day my luck changed I was begging for money outside the Corless Bank in Vinetown. 10 yards down the street I could see Sammy Jones punting his copies of
The Big Issue. Sammy had a good gig, comparatively speaking. Selling that magazine earned money, it was a job and self-respect rolled into one. But I could tell that Sammy wasn't his usual self that day. He just stood there holding out his magazines to everyone who went past, no verbal, no walking along beside them, no money changing hands. People just went hurrying past Sammy as if he was wearing his special 'invisibility hat'. Weird. Then Sammy grabbed a bloke in a suit, a businessman, a flash looking git. The bloke started yelling. I was shocked, amazed, it had to be a joke, right? So I sniggered. And then Sammy bit into his throat, the bloke started screaming and both of them went down in a pile of arms and legs. And still the people went rushing past. Nobody stopped to help.
I scooped up my cash float and begging hat and ran over for a look-see. The businessman's feet were drumming on the ground as if he was an Irish dancer someone had knocked over. "Sammy" I said. Sammy turned and looked up as I approached. He had a wave of blood running down his face onto his white Kappa shell suit. Little strings of pink flesh were hanging from his teeth. His eyes were misty white and vacant. He stood up and spoke, just one word but a big word all the same...
This is Now
That's how it started for me. It only took a couple of days. I never would have guessed that some day everyone in the city would be living 'on the streets'. Well, everyone in the city who is still alive. Now we're all equal. It's Chaos everywhere. I like it. People don't rush past me any more. The desperate ones smile at me, glad to have some human company. The crazy ones grin, they know their own. And the rest huddle like frightened mice.
Me? Nowadays I'm wearing Armani suits, smart shirts, Gucci shoes and silk boxers. Everything comes fresh from the store. The security guards are gone, the locks are smashed and money counts for nothing. It's survival skills that count now... and I'm a survivor. Are you?
Survival Of The Fittest
These people were awarded the Golden Apple:
10/03/2011 - the Kirkby Building, Roftwood
pve liam briggs - The law of threes.
06/03/2011 - the Kirkby Building, Roftwood
i die die2 - Die three?
04/03/2011 - Dempsey Grove Police Department, Roftwood
Aleksandir Molotov - Gotta catch 'em all!
21/02/2011 - Langsford Drive Fire Station, Penny Heights
El Nosferatu - My Emo Sense is tingling!
Deathcab For Zombies - "No One Ever Dare To Touch This Person." - Touched. Repeatedly.
11/12/2010 - Deacon Alley Police Department, Penny Heights
Long Dick Willy - I like to start the day with a total dickhead.
07/09/2009 - Cummins Alley Police Department, Pennville
cineraryone - First score in the PKer Scavenger Hunt.
04/09/2009 - Brockliss Grove Police Department, Osmondville
Commander O'Neil - A French Foreign Legionnaire!
Jack Bonswell - And another!
velesam - Not a French Foreign Legionnaire :(
17/06/2009 - Calvert Mall, Quarlesbank
Das Lenny - Der totenkopf...
Dreten - Oops!
18/05/2009 - Calvert Mall, Quarlesbank
Kurt Sievers - Education for the nation!
Garret J - If you're a bystander you're not innocent!
18/04/2009 - the Norgan Building, Judgewood
adam jhones - Happy days! NW corner claimed. Four Corners complete!
08/04/2009 - Pritchard Grove Railway Station, New Arkham
Kuyamba - Eris is indeed playful! SW corner claimed.
05/01/2009 - Veresmith Street Police Department, Spicer Hills
civa Brooklyn - The Goddess sent Temptations...
Arkantos Freeman - ...they were difficult to resist...
Dr Samuel D Tran - ...very, very difficult...
18/12/2008 - Stewart Auto Repair, Lockettside
Chupa Calvin - Tompson Mall Insecurity #1.
Kormosch - Tompson Mall Insecurity #2.
07/12/2008 - Tikhon General Hospital, Ruddlebank
kolechovski3 - A much-needed lesson on alt separation.
04/12/2008 - Tompson Mall, Lockettside
Michael Keikeya - A bit dead ATM.
Moonlight Phoenix - Crash and burn.
28/11/2008 - Hinckesman Bank, Ruddlebank
gutsallover - Indeed! All over the floor.
woundedarm - Fatal wound.
Shirax - Special Zombie Exterminated Squad.
Malik Cyris - Wrong place, wrong time, wrong state-of-health.
11/11/2008 - The Claxton Museum, North Blyville
Bobby Kennedy - Dead Kennedy.
10/11/2008 - Beaver Towers, Havercroft
Baby Bitch - An offensive lady most deserving of an apple.
09/11/2008 - The Axworthy Hotel, Havercroft
GRUNDER - Six feet under?
Aeris Windwalker - Dirtnapper.
04/09/2008 - Club Morris, Wyke Hills
Dr SummerOff - He recommended amputations...
03/09/2008 - McCullack Bank, Miltown
Muppet Puppet - Cut those strings. SE corner claimed.
09/08/2008 - the Barrow Building, Danversbank
Nobdi - Yesterday upon the stair...
20/06/2008 - Ackland Mall, Havercroft
BLooDCLotT - Messy.
CyAdora - Sweeet.
30/05/2008 - Troubridge Cinema, Dulston
McPunchinface - Don't mind if I do. NE corner claimed.
04/05/2008 - Fort Perryn Gatehouse, Whittenside
CootieShot - Headshot.
TheGoatRidersHorde - Wrong place, wrong time, bleeding hard.
09/04/2008 - Buckley Mall, Wyke Hills
TerminalFailure - An appropriate name for an evolutionary mistake / Halo muppet. Definitely not one of the fittest.
26/02/2008 - Kendall Row, Lockettside
Mike Smith - Survival lesson.
25/01/2008 - Tompson Mall, Lockettside
Marshal Dillon - Is that a Marshal's badge?
a random mall cop - Random shooting victim...
Avatarded - Need I say more?
17/01/2008 - Chippett Grove Police Department, Spracklingbank
John Holmes' Penis - Wow! Too big to miss!
Shineonme - Crazy diamond?
Pu Bu - I agree.
Staticwolf - Wrong place, wrong time.
14/01/2008 - Giddings Mall, Pitneybank
XxCannon FodderxX - Fodder indeed!
Jacques The Mime - Definitely fodder.
Thrillhouse88 - Thrilling!
Will Cathers - Even more fodder.
12/01/2008 - Giddings Mall, Pitneybank
vkhamull - Love those Army boys :x
08/01/2007 - The Marks Building, Peppardville
Jacques de Molay - The 23rd Templar Grand Master in Malton? Returned to the grave.
08/01/2007 - The Nuttall Museum, Pimbank
rapeyourmom - Another one with a target on his back.
05/01/2007 - Chaffey Alley Police Department, Heytown
Benouze - Kill the disciple of Gozer!!
02/01/2007 - The Farmer Building, Pitneybank
Blanemcc - A trenchcoater near Creedy? Surely shome mishtake?
31/12/2007 - Dowdney Mall, Santlerville
Zombie Hasselhoff - Hollywood needs you for 'Zedwatch'.
29/12/2007 - Hopping Boulevard Railway Station, Spracklingbank
jj4022 - In an apocalypse you really need people to diagnose methods of death.
27/12/2007 - Hamlen Auto Repair, Pegton
Father Icky - Just taking out the trash...
26/12/2007 - Fort Creedy Infirmary, Peppardville
The Duke of Earl - Seems that he can be stopped.
16/12/2007 - Sheehan Lane Police Department, Raines Hills
LilGreenMan - The UFOs made me do it.
13/12/2007 - Club Webley, Earletown
ihateniggers - He may as well walk around wearing a target on his back.
12/12/2007 - Fenwyk Plaza Police Department, Lamport Hills
chaos007 - No Mr Bond, I expect you to die!
11/12/2007 - Bale Mall, Yagoton
Melody Arachne - A firefighter groupie with a Marshal's badge :)
06/12/2007 - Bale Mall, Yagoton
Kolleen - Ain't payback a bitch? And cleaning up those bloodstains will take some time.
02/12/2007 - The Latrobe Building, Darvall Heights
Superzero115 - Mercy killing.
24/11/2007 - The Herman Building, Darvall Heights
Tonzateef - Fear him for he wears a Punisher T-shirt.
thealmightyone - Not so mighty.
23/11/2007 - The Sweeney Building, West Becktown
Magnamanus - The Vril Society? A bunch of wannabes.
17/11/2007 - Treweeke Mall, Dulston
Vayt - Spot the trenchcoat.
Mykle - See previous comment.
11/11/2007 - The Ducat Building, Gibsonton
Dr Herbert West jr - Shocking spelling and punctuation. Shocking rewrite of the barricade plan.
Miss Val - You're never more than 12 feet from a Burchell Arms Rat.
02/11/2007 - St Benedict's Hospital, Pitneybank
Zorastor - Payback and an apple for the trenchcoater.
26/10/2007 - Fort Creedy Gatehouse, Pitneybank
Novacane - CDF? Check! Trenchie? Check! Dead? Check!
Speedyneo - Black garbed vigilante. Never killed one of those...
22/10/2007 - Kinsman Cinema, Peppardville
Norman Black - Another CDF trenchcoater.
21/10/2007 - Fort Creedy Storehouse, Pitneybank
Brian Schaefer - SWAT this...
19/10/2007 - Fort Creedy Gatehouse, Pitneybank
Farmer Bob - CDF? Good bullet catcher.
Nano Psi - Bleeding on my loafers.
16/10/2007 - Giddings Mall, Pitneybank
Da Terminator - He'll be back :E
15/10/2007 - Giddings Mall, Pitneybank
Aidan Blake - Evasive action, soldier!
14/10/2007 - Fort Creedy Gatehouse, Pitneybank
Luthorian - A whiff of bounty hunter, a pinch of trenchcoat.
13/10/2007 - Fort Creedy Barracks, Pitneybank
Franz Molotov - An ideal candidate for an apple, as are many of the CGR.
11/10/2007 - Chaffey Alley Police Department, Heytown
Lieutenant Murtagh- A subject most deserving of a καλλίστῃ apple.
08/10/2007 - Giddings Mall, Pitneybank
Roger Thirnell - Quote taken from profile - "Around his neck dangles a chain of Ketracel White" - Trekkies?! F*cking Trekkies!! They're almost as bad as hippies!
06/10/2007 - Cowing Way Police Department, Pegton
Jesus Almighty - Our Father, who art in Heaven, lead us not into temptation...
04/10/2007 - Giddings Mall, Pitneybank
edge2112 - A fledgeling murderer or a bounty hunter? Difficult to tell therefore erred on the side of lead poisoning.
03/10/2007 - Giddings Mall, Pitneybank
Sporelock2 - MadPierre does not appreciate being headshot whilst standing at an RP.
01/10/2007 - Fort Creedy Gatehouse, Pitneybank
HANTRU - And why not?
01/10/2007 - Fort Creedy Armoury, Peppardville
hoffmeister - Ballerina don't dance?
25/09/2007 - Clewett Alley Police Department, Dulston
Bruno Lawrence - Final recipient of a Dulston Tour apple!
23/09/2007 - Spicer Row Police Department, Dulston
Enzyte Bob - It's good to be back!
18/09/2007 - The Naisbitt Building, Dulston
Hippies - Hippies! Worse than cockroaches!
18/09/2007 - Oake Walk Police Department, Dulston
kamakazi213 - Death wish is granted.
14/09/2007 - Dowdney Mall, Santlerville
newton pippin - The vain ones always reach for the apple. Many snatched but the Goddess selected a special one.
12/09/2007 - Treweeke Mall, Dulston
Vortexx - RCDC mall rat.
10/09/2007 - Midelton Crescent Police Department, Dulston
supersid - Deadsid.
08/09/2007 - Hindmarsh Row Police Department, Rhodenbank
whatisl33t - RCDC sitting pretty whilst people are being eaten? Reality check.
08/09/2007 - Broadbent Plaza Railway Station, Rolt Heights
Pr0nAddict - CIA? KIA.
05/09/2007 - Ayliffe Street Police Department, Rolt Heights
Blanemcc - Too busy drinking to give a bum some time...
04/09/2007 - Schreiber Drive Police Department, Rolt Heights
MyNameIsStJimmy - Martyred for the Malton Liberation Army.
02/09/2007 - Younghusband Square Police Department, Rolt Heights
BloodyPanda - Dance, panda! Dance!
Archonicus - A shining example of public office...
29/08/2007 - Rawkins Row Police Department, Pashenton
Synerbie - Bleeding all over my shoes. Messy.
28/08/2007 - Cull Avenue Police Department, Rhodenbank
Petemadera - Right place, wrong time.
28/08/2007 - a factory 91,6, Dulston
jamsies - Cocky!
27/08/2007 - Treweeke Mall, Dulston
Taurean Ajax - Named for a brand of aftershave?
27/08/2007 - Pegrum Place Police Department, Dulston
Pilaski - Don't look at me like that!
Necro Slayer 2 - Fearsome hunter of PKers!?
24/08/2007 - Mander Plaza School, Raines Hills
BriAnna Blackmoor - Foxy cop. Nice gun. My gun now...
23/08/2007 - Orders Crescent Police Department, Raines Hills
Soten the Great - Not so great.
Vampire Lestat - The temptation was too much! A traditional Malton welcome for the famous villain...
22/08/2007 - Pinchen Road Police Department, Millen Hills
Officer Juicy - So many cops, so little time.
Hakball - Shotgun medic.
20/08/2007 - Breeden Way Police Department, Pashenton
Realslimshady - Another whitemeat wannabe rapper?!
18/08/2007 - Breeden Way Police Department, Pashenton
Brains for Brunch - Smells like death.
15/08/2007 - Billinghurst Place Police Department, Rhodenbank
officer Dre - A cop/rapper crossbreed?! How delightfully stupid.
colonel hellfire - A genuine Malton Nazi. Obviously a dying breed.
NinjaOnRoof - And a ninja to round out the hat-trick.
Scottish | |
This user is Scottish. |
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Discordian |
Mad Pierre is a Pope of The Discordian Society and seeks Chaos as well as Order. Hail! Eris! Discordia! |
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PK Count |
Mad Pierre has PKed 121 people. |
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Player Killer |
"One kills a man, one is an assassin; one kills millions, one is a conqueror; one kills everybody, one is a god."
This user is a PKer and supports the act of Player Killing. |