User:Rosslessness/Random Rambling/Sandbox13a

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The Malton Suburb of Oatlands
woodland a field a field a path a field a field a field a field a field a field
woodland a field a field a path a field a field a field a field a field a field
woodland a field a field a path a house a house a house a house barn barn
woodland a field a field a path a path a path a path a path a cornfield a cornfield
woodland a field a field a house a house a house a house a path a cornfield a cornfield
a field a field a field a house a house a house a house a path a cornfield a cornfield
a field a field a field a path a path a path a path a path cornfield cornfield
a river a river a river a river a river a river a river a river a river a river
a field a field a field a field a field a field a field a field a field a field
a field a field a field a field a field a field a field a field field a field


Submitted by User:Lailai

Queens Quarter

The Malton Suburb of Queens Quarter
River River The Cutter's Wharf Stranmillis Road Stranmillis College Elms Village Malone Road Lisburn Road Police Station Lisburn Road Supermarket
River River Harlestone Street Stranmillis Road Stranmillis College Elms Village Malone Road Lisburn Road Fire Station Lisburn Road Supermarket
River River Laganvale Gospel Hall Stranmillis Road Chlorine Gardens The Eglantine Malone Road The Botanic Inn Lisburn Road Eakin Gallery
Landseer Street Landseer Street The House Bar Stranmillis Road The Ashby Building Fisherwick Church Malone Road Eglantine Avenue Lisburn Road Cordia Apartments
Botanic Gardens Friar's Bush Graveyard Friar's Bush Graveyard Stranmillis Road The David Kerr Buidling The David Kerr Buidling Malone Road African Art Gallery Lisburn Road The Porterhouse
Botanic Gardens Botanic Gardens Ulster Museum Stranmillis Road Malone Road Malone Road Malone Avenue The Mad Hatter Lisburn Road Edinburgh Street
Botanic Gardens Botanic Gardens Ulster Museum University Road Methodist College Lyric Theatre at Queens Queens Bookshop Student Advice Centre Lisburn Road Ulster Bank
Botanic Gardens Botanic Gardens University Road University Road Elmwood Avenue The Parlour Catholic Chaplancy Lisburn Road Medical Biology Centre Hospital Carpark
Queens University Queens University University Road Mandella Hall The Elmwood Building Elmwood Learning and Teaching Centre Zen II Lisburn Road Dunluce Avenue Dunluce Avenue
Queens Film Theatre Queens University University Road Students Union Shop The Speakeasy The Bunatee BarSub Lisburn Road City Hospital Railway Station Belfast City Hospital

Union Bank

The Malton Suburb of Union Bank
a field a field a field a field a field a field a field a field a field a field
a field a field a field a field a field a field a field a field a river a river
a field a field a field a field a field Leika Row a river a river a river a river
a river Hankins Grove a field Thomas Lane Jefferson Avenue Bacon Fire Station a river a river a river Toennies Hotel
a river a river Goldschitz Square Hobbes Road Thucydides Tower a river a river a river Nicholas Row Gottlob General Hospital
a river a river a river a river lock a river a river a river Machiavelli Road Machiavelli Road a carpark
William Drive a river a river a river lock a river a river Club Frege Machiavelli Road Queens Stadium Queens Stadium
a field Louis Drive Charles Boulevard Hobbes Road Henry Alley Russell Tower Alexander Way Machiavelli Road Queens Stadium Queens Stadium
a field Elizabeth Avenue Peter Boulevard Hobbes Road the Burke Building Harrington Railway Station Plato Police Department Machiavelli Road the Jean Building Queens University
a field a field Ferdinand Walk Hobbes Road Hobbes Road Hobbes Road Hobbes Road Machiavelli Road Baptiste Auto Repair Colbert Bank


Submitted by --TripleU 04:16, 16 February 2010 (UTC)

Nintendo Land

The Malton Suburb of Nintendo Land
park fence park fence park fence park fence park fence park fence park fence park fence park security bunker employee exit
park fence 4D theater 4D theater 4D theater 4D theater ticketing walkway Park Fire Station Park Medical Center Special Care (NT) employee exit
park fence games & food games & food games & food games & food Mario Party Street walkway Peach's Castle Hotel Park Security park security bunker
park fence games & food games & food games & food games & food Nintendo Museum walkway Bowser's Castle Hotel Luigi's Mansion Hotel park security bunker
park gate entry road walkway walkway walkway walkway walkway walkway walkway park fence
park gate entry road walkway walkway Samus' Escape Mariokart raceway walkway Koopa's Casino Koopa's Casino park fence
park gate entry road walkway Kirbies' Air Ride Bobomb's Blast Donkey Kong's Treetop Adventure walkway Koopa's Casino Koopa's Casino park fence
park gate entry road walkway Wario's Mine Runaway Cart Boo's Haunted House Skies of Arcadia- Skyside Super Mario Sunshine Road waterpark waterpark park fence
park fence Yoshi's Petting Zoo Toad's Kittie Rides Super Mario Obstacle Course Super Mario Obstacle Course Shoemaker's Arcade waterpark waterpark waterpark park fence
park fence park fence park fence park fence park fence park fence park fence park fence park fence park fence


Submitted by --The Shoemaker Talk Red FactionDinosaur.gif 14:41, 11 February 2010 (UTC)

Park fence squares act the same as a border.

Yoshi's petting is an outside area.

People and zombies have to search to find each other in the obstacle course.

Gates can be barricaded, to bar access as in a fort.

Koopa's Casino is a multi-block building.

The 4D theater is a multi-block building, similar to the big brother house. Only the ticketing area has doors and can be barricaded.

The arcade and bunker building types are two completely new building types.You can find portable pinball machines in the arcade, amongst other stupid joke weapons. In the bunker, you can find weapons with the search rates of a gunstore in a mall.

Rammlied Ruins

The Malton Suburb of Rammlied Ruins
a field a field a field a field a field a field a field woodland woodland woodland
a field a field a field a field a field a field woodland woodland woodland woodland
a field a field a field a field woodland woodland woodland woodland Kruspe Tavern woodland
woodland woodland woodland woodland woodland woodland A Ruined House woodland Kruspe Tavern woodland
woodland woodland woodland woodland woodland woodland woodland woodland woodland woodland
woodland woodland A Ruined House woodland woodland Haifisch Abbey Haifisch Abbey woodland woodland woodland
woodland woodland woodland woodland woodland Haifisch Abbey Haifisch Abbey a yard a yard woodland
Benzin River Benzin River Sehnsucht Mansion Sehnsucht Mansion woodland woodland woodland woodland Lindermann Hut woodland
A Ruined House Benzin River Sehnsucht Mansion Sehnsucht Mansion woodland woodland Benzin River Benzin River Benzin River Benzin River
woodland Benzin River Benzin River Benzin River Benzin River] Benzin River Benzin River Lorenz Tower woodland woodland

Sehnsucht Mansion, Haifisch Abbey and Kruspe Tavern are mulit block structures.
All buildings except the hut act as Ruined Abbys

Submitted by --Michalesonbadge.pngTCAPD(╯°□°)╯ ┻━┻ 00:00, 22 March 2010 (UTC)

New Town

The Malton Suburb of New Town
Desert Desert Border a field a field Airplane Hangar a field a field a field a field
Desert Desert Border a field runway runway runway runway runway runway
Desert Desert Border a field a field New Town Airport a field a field a field a field
Desert Desert Border a field New Town Fire department Borough Avenue a field New Town Apartments The Panes Building (NT) a field
Dirt Track Gravel Road City Gate Lincoln Road Cross Street Cross-Bourough intersection Cross Street Jet Boulevard Jet Boulevard a field
Desert Desert Border a field finn General Hospital Bourough avenue new town PD a field Gravel road a field
Desert Desert Border antique shop Georgia Place Bourough avenue a field a field Gravel Road a field
Desert Desert Border a field a field Bourough avenue a field Fort Mirada Armoury Fort Mirada Gatehouse Fort Mirada Infirmary
Desert Desert Border Gun Store shackle road borough avenue a field Fort Mirada Barracks Fort Mirada Training grounds Fort Mirada Vehicle Depot
Desert Desert Border a field 2-cola factory The Cove Arms a field Fort Mirada Storehouse Fort Mirada Exercise Yard Fort Mirada Helicopter Pad


-"Gun Stores" are like gun stores in the mall, with the exception of finding a taser gun, (3% find, 2 dam, holds 5 charges, 70% hit, no skills availible.) and flak jackets (3%)

-"Antique Stores" are mostly flavour, holding old time-y clothes for your character.

-"Airports" have A limited amount of civilian clothes, and have airport-specific uniforms.

-New Town Police department now also hold flare guns and taser guns. (flare: 2% taser: 6%)

-The Gate can be opened with a key you can search from the antique store (1%) Once opened, it cannot be closed.

--Jack Kolt 05:23, 7 February 2010 (UTC)

Wolf-Rock Forest

woodland hill hill woodland woodland woodland woodland woodland woodland woodland
woodland hill shack woodland woodland woodland woodland woodland woodland woodland
woodland woodland woodland woodland hermitage glade glade glade woodland woodland
woodland woodland woodland woodland woodland glade glade woodland woodland woodland
woodland woodland woodland woodland woodland woodland glade woodland woodland woodland
woodland woodland glade woodland woodland woodland woodland woodland woodland woodland
woodland glade glade woodland woodland woodland woodland woodland woodland woodland
woodland woodland woodland woodland woodland woodland woodland woodland woodland woodland
woodland woodland woodland woodland woodland woodland forester's lodge woodland woodland woodland
roadway roadway roadway roadway roadway roadway roadway roadway roadway roadway

'Slot' 18
Hermitage= church (no idea what else;/)
Forester's Lodge contains (very low percentage): fuel, axes, radio, shotguns, shells.
Hill allows the use of binoculars.
Shack= Search rates of junkyard. Begins ruined.
Submitted by --Gargulec 12:07, 2 April 2010 (BST)

The Disintegration of the Persistence of Memory

The Malton Suburb of Disintegration of the Persistence of Memory
Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Mountain Disintegrating Melty Clock
Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock
Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock
Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock
Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock
Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Fish Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock
Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock
Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock
Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock
Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock Disintegrating Melty Clock

And with that, I'm off to bed. For hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee 06:27, 17 August 2010 (BST)

world's greatest manhunt ever.--User:Yonnua Koponen/signature2 23:47, 20 August 2010 (BST)

Green Alley District

The Malton Suburb of Green Alley District
Wasteland Wasteland Wasteland Wasteland An office Block Time Bank An office Block The Pleasant Hotel An office Block Wasteland
Wasteland The Masters Building The Masters Building Wasteland An office Block Dust Way An office Block Dust Way An office Block Wasteland
Wasteland The Masters Building The Masters Building Wasteland An office Block Dust Way An office Block Dust Way An office Block Wasteland
Wasteland Wasteland Wasteland Wasteland An office Block Dust Way An office Block Dust Way An office Block Wasteland
Wasteland Wasteland Wasteland Wasteland An office Block Dust Way An office Block Dust Way An office Block Wasteland
Wasteland Wasteland Green Alley Cemetery Wasteland An office Block Dust Way Dust Way Governor’s Corner An office Block Wasteland
Wasteland Wasteland Wasteland Wasteland An office Block An office Block An office Block An office Block An office Block Wasteland
Green Alley Green Alley Green Alley Green Alley Wasteland Wasteland Wasteland Wasteland Wasteland Wasteland
Green Alley Green Alley Nuclear Facility Green Alley Nuclear Facility Green Alley Overpass Highway Highway Highway Highway Highway Highway
Green Alley Green Alley Nuclear Facility Green Alley Nuclear Facility Green Alley Wasteland Wasteland Wasteland Wasteland Wasteland Wasteland


  • All Buildings: "An office Block", "Time Bank", "The Pleasant Hotel", "The Masters Building" decay at the standard rate, regardless of whether they are ruined or not. If unruined, they will ransack at a rate of 1 level per day, and if the building becomes ruined with survivors inside, they will be informed of this, but stay inside at the current barricade rate.
  • "Green Alley Nuclear Facility" is treated as a Power station, but is constantly ruined.
  • All "Office Buildings" are treated as standard non-NT buildings. "The Masters Building" is a multi-block NT facility and functions as four NT buildings which you can move between freely (including when a zombie or without free running).
  • Located at square 91.

--Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 16:26, 24 October 2010 (BST)