User talk:Coolo
W No stupid shit here unless its funny then its funny shit
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Another run?
Johnny Lunchpail and the U.S. ARMY INFANTRY are planning a new campaign to Blesley. Doc Groucho and Silent Running seem interested as well. I suggest you contact Johnny Lunchpail and get onto his forum where we can all coordinate in private. --Stickman 15:48, 31 August 2006 (BST)
Thanks for registering you and are all set up now Johnny Lunchpail
Back (but not in black)
Anyhow, back from Cuba. Gonna re-activate my accounts some time soon, though not today, and probably not tommorow, too busy. We'll see how things go after and I'll catch up with things. And yeah, I spy. I used to be part of that group, so I had good acess to information, and I used wathever methods necessary to advance our cause, especially since they were using Z spies to snitch out safe houses. Anyhow, talk 'later -Certified=InsaneUG 02:58, 21 July 2006 (BST)
Friend or Foe? I'm a neutral party.
Coolo, you are welcome to stay at Blesley Mall and help out however you can. I do not represent any particular group and I have no power over the decisions of group leaders. I just pass on the news as I hear things. No one is against you being there, they are just skeptical. And you can't blame some survivors for being cautious. I'm sure if you cause no trouble people will be happy to have you there, especially if you bring your group with you. We need more people if the Big Bash is coming.
As a matter of fact, we could probably use some more organized groups of people to help maintain order. As you may have heard, the Scorpion Group (2 people named scorpionbob and NeilTheScorpion) are regularly destroying generators but no one seems to be able to track them down, so if the Black Hunters want to take on more involved role in Gulsonside, I'm sure many will be thankful.
As for me, I have no allegiance and I'm no leader. I'm just a survivor trying to help out. I will call you and your group friendly until I see a evidence to the contrary.--Stickman 15:12, 23 July 2006 (BST)
Channel 4 News Team
Sorry, buddy, but the News Team is in no possition to make a stand at any mall. We're scattered throughout Central Malton and we've got to regroup before we do anything. It should be a few days until we're all together- and as soon as that happens, we've got plans because most of the "very dangerous" suburbs on the wiki page aren't that bad. The Big Bash moved through and destroyed everything, but they didn't leave much in their wake. There are a good 20 zombies in Ackland, Hildebrand, and Nichols Malls- and that ain't much at all! We and some other groups are in a good possition to retake most of it. The zombies like to talk big about how things are going, but it's just talk and, therefore, there's not much call for a last stand. What's more, there's not much chance of stopping the Big Bash at a mall. If I had the chance to do it again, I'd pull everyone out and wait for them to move through, then I'd take on the stragglers. That's the sort of fight a group of 30 survivors could win. Best of luck, whatever you choose to do and I'd love to stay informed about it. We're a News Team, after all! I like your templates, by the way, and I'm sorry I can't be of more help. :) --Ron Burgundy 10:29, 24 July 2006 (BST)
Red Mafiya
Do you have any profile links? Getting profile links for the Red Mafiya has been like pulling teeth so far. –Xoid S•T•FU! 06:44, 29 July 2006 (BST)
- Um, I meant profile links of the Red Mafiya. Assault on Stupid Survivors already considers Red Mafiya to be a target, but we can't hit them effectively without profiles, or character names. –Xoid S•T•FU! 16:54, 29 July 2006 (BST)
Recent attacks
Coolo, I believe you and Cooloo have been singled out for zerging; you are on the zerg list and need to be taken off. Two of the players that killed you each claim to be zerg hunters. I chopped one of them up good; but apparently they may just come back for you. Lizardcoolz and I are currently keeping watch, but getting off the zerg list should help. If I can be of service in game just let me know. [I play on EST, btw, usually evenings or during the day] --Sanshiro 05:16, 3 August 2006 (BST)
Coolo, thanks for letting me join, but as I wish to stay in Gulsonside I think I should leave the group. Feel free to list me as an ally and I will contact you when Gulsonside cools down. In the mean time, know that I will be bringing the pain to the Scorpion Group; even as a zombie NeiltheScorpion keeps coming after me...although he was unaware that I now have several loaded guns ;). Best of luck in Kinch Heights, --Sanshiro 23:23, 8 August 2006 (BST)
August 27, 2006 OK, 1st of all, the 'cade plan at Buckley Mall (our rally point) is completely goofed up. I got stuck outside without an entry point, had to sleep in the street for 15 minutes, and woke up dead. Not a good way to start the morning.
I got messages from Stickman and Cooloo. They are ready to move out the the NE -- which is good because according to the logs the mall should be ready for us to move in and defend again. Before getting killed, I recon'd 3 blocks NE of Screech Lane PD (Knight Square 95,56) before running into resistance. The area revive points are empty at the moment, except for me (waiting at St Emilias, 98,52). Let's make our 1st stop on the way back at Ephrem General Hospital (93, 58) -- it should be at VS, will put us within easy reach of a few revive points, and give us spare AP to backtrack if things go bad. Stop and get me on the way up, will you? Colonel al 20:36, 27 August 2006 (BST)
I have arrived at Blesley, and more from Combat Revive Eligible Society and the Blesley resistance are coming in behind me. Colonel al 3 Sept.
Spelling LOL
you spelled "suburb" wrong on your user page.--∴Gage 01:16, 1 September 2006 (BST)
Did you violate the Sacred Grounds Policy?
Seems that you ticked somebody off -- -- I actually don't care, because I figure you stumbled upon a bad guy or something that wasn't deserving of a revive. I just thought I'd let you know. Colonel al 03:50, 3 September 2006 (BST)
Recruitment Advert
Your Ad is about to expire, please update the timestamp or it will be deleted by Wednesday, 06 Sep. 2006. Thank You. Conndrakamod T CFT 22:28, 4 September 2006 (BST)
Thanks for your help on the blesley mall operations. If you need help you can count on the US ARMY INFANTRY in the future. Johnny Lunchpail 04:48, 12 September 2006 (BST)
Scartletwood, next?
16 Sept 2006 We have declared victory at Blesley Mall. Thanks to everybody involved (see Stickman's master list at the Blesley Mall discussion page). Just a few more things to do, like make sure that fuel, gens, and transmitters are in place, then I'll start thinking about Scartletwood. Probably the 1st thing on the agenda is to make sure Zacharias General Hospital (72,79) is back in operation -- the last time I was in Scarletwood, this Gulsonside hospital was full of zeds and weary survivors from the attempted Scarletwood/Greyside border defense. Any chance I can get a few of you to come with me? Colonel al
- If you go to Scarletwood, you may ask the services of the Fuel Coop, we'll be glad to help you. -Certified=InsaneUG 00:50, 23 September 2006 (BST)
Been a long time we didn't chat, please register at our forums and send me a pm. -Certified=InsaneUG 21:22, 27 September 2006 (BST)
- I would greatly appreciate private talk. -Certified=InsaneUG 20:53, 29 September 2006 (BST)
- Since it is now official and we do not need to prepare "incase" something happens, I'm requesting your aid, of you and your group. We worked together in the past, it would be great to do so again. -Certified=InsaneUG 22:04, 30 September 2006 (BST)
- I'm usure where you are going... I am asking for some assisatance for our return in Dakerstown. Obvioulsy, ne details are, nor will, be mentionned on this wiki. -Certified=InsaneUG 21:26, 3 October 2006 (BST)
Need Help at Zacharias
28 Sept 2006 I am at Zacharias General Hospital (72,79) and am running into issues regarding the Creek NT Building to the NW. Those of us running the hospital have discovered that the zeds outside Creek are bots of some sort. Every time we close a door, it opens back up again and we get flooded with zeds. It has happened too many times for it to be a coincidence. I'm headed back to Blesley Mall to round up reinforcements and a transmitter. We could use some help. Colonel al
Sighting of a PK
P A B L O killed midnightalone an hour ago in Urban General Hospital. I hope this is info that you can use. (If you want proof, I took a PrintScrn) Bongonesia 22:45, 3 November 2006 (UTC)
Pathetic Bill
Sorry wrong Bill, always check before claiming the kill. However nice try to stop the menace called Bill, too bad it wasn't the man himself. --Pathetic BiII 10:26, 11 November 2006 (UTC)
Genny's Revenge
Hey, Hesh got your message and posted something in your group talk page. Hesh is down at Giddings Mall, that's where the Scorpion Group is right now, and Private Bill Paxton isn't remotely close to that area right now. It looks like because Hesh is down there alone, he's gonna get the full brunt of the Scorpion Group. Hesh is willing to do the dirty work, but would also really appreciate support if you're willing to head out (although if Hesh remembers, Gulonside is a long ways away itself). -- Hesh Applewhite 8:45 EST, 14 November 2006
- Awesome. We'll see you there. --Hesh
- Hey, polished off Scoripion Bob again. Anyway, while we greatly appreciate allies, Private Bill Paxton and I put too much effort into creating that wiki page and the background info on Genny's revenge (Genny's Cream Ale, 867-5309, etc.) to simply merge groups. I think coordinating efforts for now would be great, though. And when we polish off the scorpion group, we can move the two groups to two seperate malls, assess the GK'er situation and figure out if we should focus on one. -- Hesh
- Hey, had a rough morning even trying to find scorpion group members near Giddings. The lanes south and west of the mall appear to be clear and they weren't in the mall itself (they generally aren't unless they're active), so if your people are around they should check the free running lanes (and any safehouses directly adjacent to them) North and East of the Mall. Also, it may be worthwhile to see if they're at the revive points, and therefore temporarily neutralized. If you need their profile links to add them to the contacts (and therefore recognize them as zombies), they're on the Genny's Revenge site. Thanks for your help on this. -- Hesh, 17 November 2006
Hey, I'm at Tompson Mall right now and that's where the Scorpions are. Just polished off Neil and posted the screenshot on the Genny's Revenge wiki page as our Christmas gift to Malton. Also, I brought this up on the Possum Posse discussion page, but we've also started Genny's Forum to coordinate anti GK'er efforts. It's really easy to set up a subforum for the Possum Posse if you don't already have one. -- Hesh, 23 December 2006
Scorpion Group
Coolo, I'll send someone to meet you. Where are you now? We'll discuss further. --Stickman 05:13, 16 November 2006 (UTC)
- Just resting up. The contact will be in Pitneybank in 2 hours. --Stickman 04:01, 17 November 2006 (UTC)
- Arrived in Pitneybank. resting. Where can I find you?--Stickman 05:40, 17 November 2006 (UTC)
Just got your message... Scarletwood is quiet at the moment, so count me in! Colonel_al 21:35, 20 November 2006 (UTC)
I just got axed by Thedosius, and he's changed his group affiliation from 151st Brigade to 125th Rangers. Looking at it, I think I might have got some bad intelligence on who's a good guy and who's not. Come and get me at the Pitneybank Cemetary to the SW. Colonel_al 16:01, 27 November 2006 (UTC)
Good Luck
I see you have gotten yourself a conflict? I wish you the best of lucks, and hopefully your conflict will be shorter than ours ;) -Certified=Insane☭ 02:44, 18 November 2006 (UTC)
- Hopefully after you kill them a few times they'll give up ;) -Certified=Insane☭
03:14, 18 November 2006 (UTC)
So Coolo, I have been searching for the last few days, haven't seen them or found a hideout yet. I figure they probably move around a lot, but they have to be within walking distance of the mall. I did get killed the other day by ScorpionXL, but I'll be sure to return the favour sometime. As for Lud Lum, she and I have an unspoken agreement to remain friendly. She's never done me any harm, so I'll leave her be. Besides, she's funny. Anyway, if you have a secure forum where we can discuss this, let's use it. Kinda hard to share intel when you know they're reading this. --Stickman 15:26, 23 November 2006 (UTC)
151st Brigade
Hello this is Boba Fett and I gladly and openly accept your request of ridding Malton of the pk'ers and Lud Lum.
Your Friend,
the 151st Brigade
From Torec
Please note that you cannot convince or threaten me to stop killing, it's just my nature. And if you look at a lot of killing group's pages, you'll see I was nice to every one of them. I have since heard how Lud Lum conducts herself (though a man plays her... that's the case right?) in-game, and have no real intention of drumming up anything futher with her/him. It's not smart to tell me not to do something, because I might just do it to prove a point, eh? ;) Torec T-CC 03:15, 28 November 2006 (UTC)
- (OOC)To your later edits: I play a career zombie, a career scientist, and a PKer. Torec is not turning away from killing. I have started and ran a successful survivor group, which is now in a friend's hands. I wanted to experience life as the leader of a killing group. I'm afraid there's nothing else to it. Torec T-CC 03:19, 28 November 2006 (UTC)
Lud Lum
You guys are hopeless, you'll never stop me, go home and cry!--Lud Lum 01:52, 4 December 2006 (UTC)