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(The rot!)
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Sub-Skill of Flesh Rot. Cost: 100 XP
Sub-Skill of Flesh Rot. Cost: 100 XP

The body is now so far gone with rot that even in a powered NT it often takes more than a single syringe to revive, not only that but prolonged contact with this walking cadaver risks infection!
The body is now so far gone with rot that even in a powered NT it often takes more than a single syringe to revive, not only that but prolonged contact with this walking cadaver risks infection! However the advanced decomposition may be noticeable to those nearby

Powered NT revives fail 50% of the time. Revive Attempts & Body Dumps have a 1% chance to spread infection (as if bitten)
Because of the advanced state of purification that this body has reached it has become harder to successfully reinvigorate, even inside a powered NT revives will fail 50% of the time. Revive Attempts & Body Dumps have a 1% chance to spread infection (as if bitten)
Due to the advanced state of decomposition the body of those rotters may give warning to those nearby, The areas description will include a note of how many zombies smell particularly noisesome. IE: there are two zombies here, one of them smells worse than normal@

Contributors:[[User:Zombie Lord|Zombie Lord]]
*Many did not like the idea that scans  and (particularly) attacks could also result in the infection which is exactly why they are no longer included.
*A lot of people did not like the idea of no warning. This is now included and there is always the potential for a later medical or NT skill to further identify those with advanced rot (as well as possibly negate the infection chances!)
Contributors: Thanks go to [[User:Zombie Lord|Zombie Lord]] for his enthusiasm in pushing this
====Discussion (Advanced Rot)====
====Discussion (Advanced Rot)====

Revision as of 20:01, 20 March 2009


Interwebz all fixed so I am back! Mostly going to stick to talk suggestions though...--Honestmistake 09:24, 24 February 2009 (UTC)

Because its more fun that way

TUMBLEWEED-aikido-river'n-stuff.gif Supporter of No Tactics
I have no clue what I'm doing.

Advanced decomposition

Hows this sound?

Advanced Decomposition:

  • flavour The body is now so far gone with rot that even in a powered NT it often takes more than a single syringe to revive, not only that but prolonged contact with this walking cadaver risks infection!
  • Effects powered NT revives fail 50% of the time. Scans, Revive Attempts and Body Dumps have a 50% chance to spread infection (as a bite)

Pre req is fleshrot so its only going to be the most dedicated zeds that run with this. --Honestmistake 12:58, 16 March 2009 (UTC)

ressurect Zombie girls are easy? hell, yeah!

I have a newbie alt soon to be in need of a home... And that's the perfect group for him, too! ;P I'm very interested in getting in touch with the old members and ressurecting it. Also, I want to keep the general chaos and mayhem philosophy they outline on their wiki. Including no restrictions on PKing... Also, you should join my new zombiesexdvoodoodeathcult, XIII! Everyone should join!! We've been having a lot of lolz with it so far... going to post some new exploits to the wiki soon. Anyhooo... Cheers! --WanYao 02:18, 4 July 2008 (BST)

who the hell is ben? is he a rat? ratz iz kuhl!!! --WanYao 00:55, 5 July 2008 (BST)
goodness me, you must learn and follow the cult's tenets. already you blaspheme! playing our particular interpretation of Dual Nature, members of XIII don't actively seek revives... that being said, shamble up to dagobah, erm, yagoton... and join the forum... when the team is together, uncanny things can happen! ;) --WanYao 14:58, 7 July 2008 (BST)

Just wondering if you still have an alt with the zgae tag... --WanYao 12:33, 28 December 2008 (UTC)

The "Red" Box Rule

If you don't like it don't play Cyberbob's little troll game and stop complaining about it. Come up with a better way to state something that shows it isn't a rule. The box is meant to be a guideline, it's meant to say the exact same thing that is enforced everywhere else on the wiki, specifically, Don't spam the page, keep on point, and don't comment if it isn't relevant. As such that box is not an extension of anyones ability to do anything, nor is it meant to be. If you can think of a better way to word it that makes that clearer I will more than willingly change it to that. However, complaining about it being a means to punishing users, when only one user, in my memory, has ever been punished for something even slightly related to that doesn't help anyone and doesn't get anything done. --Karekmaps?! 03:14, 27 April 2008 (BST)

It may have only been used once to back up punishment but that was one more time that than it should have been used. It is also frequently used to stifle debate/opinions and that is out of order. Don't say that doesn't happen because Grim did it to me on more than one occasion and the current system gets used or ignored depending more on the users involved than the content of comment. Last time I brought this up I was told to drop it because no one else agreed with me that it was a problem, it is and others seem to agree (even if the most vocal is mostly using it as a way to troll)--Honestmistake 13:12, 27 April 2008 (BST)
Without you linking said occasions I can't help but assume you are furthering your dislike of Grim. It's not used in the manner you say it is, show that I'm wrong if that's really the case or stop making accusations to the contrary, because they won't be taken seriously. The burden of proof, as always, is on the accuser(That's you).--Karekmaps?! 03:51, 28 April 2008 (BST)
I am not furthering any dislike of Grim. I actually miss the crotchety old bugger and despite disagreeing with him on a good many things I also had a lot of respect for him. As for trawling through A/VB looking for examples... you have got to be kidding, that I remember is good enough for me and that I can illustrate how easy it is to abuse should be enough for you.--Honestmistake 09:03, 28 April 2008 (BST)
Yeah, but see the problem is that just because someone remembers something isn't good enough for me. Memory is fallible. I'll look through the case you linked below.--Karekmaps?! 09:16, 28 April 2008 (BST)

Try this case though, yes despite what I just said this is a Grim case but it is the last one that directly involved me and co-incidentally Cyberbob which is why it was easy to find. There is athread on Bob's talk page regarding this too if you want to look.--Honestmistake 09:09, 28 April 2008 (BST)

What does that sham of a case(I've always seen that case as an example of abuse of both Arbitration and A/VB) have to do with the red notice? Unless you mean the fact that content got moved from the main, which was already extremely messy, and, if that was what you meant, please, read over that content that got moved a few dozen times. There's one hell of a lot of crap that had nothing to do with the case at all there, some of it, like yours even, quoted below, are little more than personal insults of one of the involved users.
Honestmistake said:
Grim, breaking the spirit or the word of the ruling matters squat. You did this to prove your own (imaginary) superiority and in the full and certain knowledge that it would cause drama, if that isn't the very definition of a "bad faith" edit then what is? Bad faith = vandalism... You have well and truly overstepped the mark this time.
Aside from that I don't see what justification you have for claiming that that is an example of abuse. Nor do I understand this view that the discussion being on the Talk page while the relevant rulings remain clear and visible on the main page makes them any harder to find or less impactful{(?), I frequently use the Talk page in such a manner and have, in the past, gotten SysOps to review their ruling. That case is an example of that if memory serves(although in truth I was not the one responsible for most, if any, of the changing of rulings involved in that case) and the current case in A/VB, DoohickyBones, Killbottom, and Kid Sinister is another one.--Karekmaps?! 09:27, 28 April 2008 (BST)

It was "abuse" in the sense that pretty much the whole case had descended into chaos and should all have been on the talk page. Instead Grim left many comments that he made intact while moving relevant argument off the page (often losing context and impact or even semblance of comprehensibility) Simply put, all discusion should be on the talk page or all discusion should be on the main page. We should not have 2 rules for such things... as soon as it is evident that a case is sparking controversy and debate all such should be kept together to keep things co-herent. Allowing one group of users to decide which comments are relevent is counter-productive... allowing them to arbitrarily leave views that they agree with but move those they don't is always going to cause more drama. Ask yourself this, how many times has a disagreement between sysops on handling a case led to insults and discussion on the main page that should (and if not for that red box) would be moved to the talk? If your answer is zero then you obviously don't read the same page as me... if its 1 or more then you can surely see what i am getting at with this line of argument? As for how this got started.... It was the implicit threat to use that guideline to prove bad faith. Thats a different case but again not one i fancy wading through archives to prove.--Honestmistake 09:51, 28 April 2008 (BST)

I know of a few, I also know that after the discussion has ceased being active(i.e. users updating it every few minutes) it usually gets moved to the talk page. I've done it myself at least once in the recent(relative) past. I should probably also point out that I don't think Grim was the one that did most of the moving in that discussion.--Karekmaps?! 09:56, 28 April 2008 (BST)
That was possibly my being lazy in citing that case.... I remember it specifically only because Grim had pulled a similar stunt on me very recently and I spotted him do something similar to Bob in that discussion. The thread on Bobs page about Grims Joke is how I knew what time/date to look for. Don't get me wrong here, I am not saying that this is all part of a big mod conspiracy to silence/cow the rest of us, only that it can and has been abused and there is no reason why it should be allowed to be used in any fashion other than to keep the main page clean. All that should really be there is Report; Evidence; Ruling. Anything more (including an explaination if the sysop involved feels he need make one) should be on the talk page. Done that way the page would be kept spam free and there would be no possibility of the red box being used as grounds for warnings/bans and no way that relevant comments could be brushed aside by overzealous sysops strying to avoid things getting messy.--Honestmistake 10:10, 28 April 2008 (BST)
Ok, I'll never be able to agree with that. That's you taking it to a bit of an absurd extreme and attempting to prevent drama by actually removing the usefulness of the page. If the SysOp can't explain the ruling when they make it there's no point in having the page at all. It's there to document the reasons why an edit may or may not be vandalism and to request review on said edit. What you suggest is A/VD which is to note when action has been taken.--Karekmaps?! 10:26, 28 April 2008 (BST)
I sould have made that a lot clearer (in work, keep getting disturbed). What i mean by those 3 sections is: Report. including the links to the vandalism you are reporting. Evidence. any links to similar cases to support the current case (ie user X posts "just spotted these too .....") that another user wishes to add. Brief factual statements should be allowed to support these. Ruling. Sysops decision as to vandalism or not with the usual short statement explaining why (ie "only 3 edits, all bad!" or "Newb mistake, explained on his/her talk page") Anything more controversial that a sysop judges likely to draw comment should be explained on the talk page so that the following shit storm can be seen in full context. Similarly if another sysop comes along and strongly disagrees with the ruling a simple note of their opinion should be all that goes on the page until the following shitstorm is resolved. Its all very well saying sysops and the directly involved only, but when the resulting precedent of any given case could affect every other user then we are by definition involved. Remember too that many of us who are not sysops have been here for a long time and are not totally without a clue, most A/VB cases are straightr forwards but with the growing tendency to cry Vandal as a way to persue vendetta's it is inevitable that more and more controversial cases will pop up and there outcome will affect a wide circle of folks not directly involved in the initial case! --Honestmistake 10:48, 28 April 2008 (BST)
That's kinda funny actually, I recently had a debate with another user outside of the wiki of the difference between when precedent does and does not matter. Not every case is a "global" issue. Most aren't. Cases should be treated based on each cases individual merits, same with all content on the wiki and it's placement. This is why we can't have something like that cemented in policy and why it works best in its current state, as an unenforceable notice that the comments will be removed. Sometimes users have something to contribute to a case in the form of evidence or commentary on a bit of evidence that relates directly but seems to have been missed. Most of the time they don't. That is the stuff that should be moved off of the page, it's the stuff that usually is. Discussion about peoples opinions on the handling of the case meets under that category, much like discussion on news items on Suburbs pages does. It's talk, it goes on the talk page. It's really that simple.--Karekmaps?! 10:56, 28 April 2008 (BST)
Sadly its only that simple in theory.... It happens the way I put it far too often. Of course my preferred methods for dealing with such wouldn't work any better in the real world either because too many people are assholes--Honestmistake 11:05, 28 April 2008 (BST)
Not you by the way.... was thinking more about Bob's recent behaviour, not to mention far too many of those involve in the Dead's cases!--Honestmistake 11:06, 28 April 2008 (BST)
Well gee Honest, it's a bit hypocritical of you to be calling an arsehole for standing up in what I believe in when you've attempted to raise so many shitstorms I'm surprised your user page isn't permanently brown. --Cyberbob DORIS CGR U! 11:35, 28 April 2008 (BST)
Bob all you seem to do these days is fling insults and troll every page you post on. I would say you have a point in this case but I am not sure what it is you want done? I don't like the current system, as I said its too open to abuse or even just accusations of abuse. That said it does (mostly) work and what I want is a sensible discussion about how to make it better, what you seem to want is to start a fight with someone/anyone. I am not going to fight with you as frankly i just can't be arsed.--Honestmistake 17:25, 28 April 2008 (BST)
You're taking my behaviour elsewhere and tarring my behaviour in these matters with the same brush despite the blatantly obvious differences between the two. Please don't. --Cyberbob DORIS CGR U! 10:14, 29 April 2008 (BST)
I hope you are being serious for once on this issue as you used to be a good (if abrasive) contributor to this wiki. Hell I even vouched for you last time you stood as sysop if you remember? Sadly since then your behaviour has been awful and i am pretty sure I remember you commenting that these days you have better things to do (Nexus War?) and only come here to piss folks off! Anyway you have said it yourself more than once that you often act like an Ass so you can't blame me for agreeing with you ;) In any case I think you are trying to be constructive on this issue but are going about it in a deliberatly confrontational manner which doesn't seem to be winning any hearts and minds. This is a matter that I personally feel would benefit from serious discussion but as usual it is turning (has turned) bitter making us all look like monkeys flinging shit at one another instead of people trying to work out a good balance between the principles of free editing and spam avoidance/drama mongering!--Honestmistake 10:37, 29 April 2008 (BST)
Wait wut? That's a bit strange. Out of character even.--Karekmaps?! 13:46, 28 April 2008 (BST)
I think it's more of a matter of putting trust/trusted users back in a position meant for trusted users. But that's a bit of a different debate thingy. --Karekmaps?! 11:13, 28 April 2008 (BST)

feeding frenzy


Timestamp: Honestmistake 14:16, 25 September 2008 (BST)
Type: Skill, balance change, improvement, etc.
Scope: Who or what it applies to.
Description: Full description. Check spelling and be descriptive.

Discussion (Suggestion Name)

Feral Frenzy

Peer Rejected but with a lot of support!

Timestamp: --Honestmistake 09:49, 19 February 2008 (UTC)
Type: Combat Skill
Scope: Zombies
Description: Unceasing hunger and decayed pain receptors are driving zombies beyond the limit of human endurance. Zombies with Feral Frenzy are able to drive themselves to unnatural exertion. Driven by instinct and pure spite for the living a zombie with this skill may enter a frenzy when they reach 0AP AND have entangled a survivor (tangling grasp). The frenzied zombie may continue to attack his current target until such time as his victim breaks free (grasp is lost) or dies! Because the zombie is exceeding his normal capabilities a heavy cost is paid for these attacks, each will cost 3AP and 2HP. This cost represents the strain and damage a zombie is doing to itself by ignoring the limits that nature (kevan) put upon its body
  • The zombie obviously needs "tangling Grasp" to take this skill.
  • The screen still fogs over at 0AP but an attack box with suitable flavour text replaces the normal description. For example: "The days exertions fog your mind and you can focus on nothing but the manbag struggling in your grasp"
  • Should the HP loss be drop the zombie to 0 or below it will count as a headshot.
  • Grim Karek expressed concern that this could be used to kill a healthy survivor by grabbing him with your last AP and then getting (very) lucky. However even without body development a maxed out zombie this would require 12 consecutive bites or 16 consecutive claws (at a cost of 36 and 48 AP respectively) all without losing tangle... doesn't seem likely to me and seems awfully expensive.
  • It was also noted that this wastes zombie AP. It does, but only if the zombie player chooses to use it. There will be times that the extra attack or 2 are well worth the steep AP cost and there will be times when its not. There will also be players that do not know the difference... well surely thats their problem not mine :D
  • I know a lot of people will question whether zombies need another boost right now, my answer to that is that we should be voting on the merits of the suggestion. Kevan deals with balance and there is no reason why this could not be introduced alongside any of the excellent survivor skills already in PR.

Expected game effects Given the prospective cost versus benefits this should mostly be a boost to ferals and small gangs of zombies. During a major break in by a horde the high AP cost is going to make it counter-productive to do more than risk 1 or 2 extra swings, if there are enough zeds inside that those extra swings will make a real difference you are already dead ;) Ferals who waste a huge amount of AP on barricades are far more likely to be tempted to burn the AP for a few extra pokes! What I imagine this will mostly do is result in a few more infections, a few more feeding drags and a more enjoyable game for ferals who (in my experience) would rather play less if it meant having an effect other than fight with barricades!

I never said it was an auto-attack. I said it was close to the concept of auto-attack. --•▬ ▬••▬ • •••• •▬ ▬•▬• ▬•▬ #nerftemplatedsigs 14:41, 21 February 2008 (UTC)

For one thing, put yourself in the survivor's shoes of this thing. If they're a veteran without a account on the wiki, they'll be thinking Kevan has updated the game to either 1) give zombies auto attacks when they run out of AP, or 2) give zombies a way of earning a few extra AP. --•▬ ▬••▬ • •••• •▬ ▬•▬• ▬•▬ #nerftemplatedsigs 14:51, 21 February 2008 (UTC)

(in response to your comments left on my discussion page)In case you are unaware, they can ONLY do that action when in POSITIVE action points. Zombies can do the exact same thing when standing up from a headshot with only 1 AP left. If you are at zero AP or below, no more moves, period. Please think these things out in the future.--Dr Doom86 06:06, 22 February 2008 (UTC)

doom said what i was going to say ... an action that takes you into negative AP >< acting while in the negative. your suggestions does exactly the latter. WanYao 12:31, 22 February 2008 (UTC)
I really do like the idea but its the potential abuse that could come of this. All you'd need to totally destroy a building is a few zergers with characters with tangling grasp and then can just keep bombarding them with them. I'd suggest a limit of how far you can go into negative AP (say 5-10AP) then that'd get my vote. Again, I do like the idea. Its just the abuse I dont. -- Cheese 18:36, 22 February 2008 (UTC)


Just copy the code of the template into your userpage. --Cyberbob DORIS CGR U! 21:35, 7 January 2008 (UTC)

If it has a #If or #switch type code in it, or anything like that, contact me on my talk page and I'll see what I can do.--Karekmaps?! 04:37, 8 January 2008 (UTC)

Thanks for the offer of help guys, much appreciated. tried to copy/paste that doesn't work though and I suspect that i need to access the "edit" page to get the actual code. Sadly I am at work and some asshat has had us all banned from wikipedia edits for a long history of vandalism... will try again later from a different PC. --Honestmistake 09:59, 8 January 2008 (UTC)

There is now a working version on my talk page, {{User DGAF}}, now it's here too.--Karekmaps?! 20:10, 8 January 2008 (UTC)

Mk III Syringe

At the moment there are very few good reasons to manufacture rather than search. What I would suggest is making any syringe that is manufactured (at the current 20AP cost) be a new Mk3 variant which has a 50% chance of also curing infection. Flavour wise this boost to manufactured syringes could easily be explained as the result of a research breakthrough!

I would put it at 100% but frankly we all know that it would get spammed by many. At 50% its not at all certain (it can also be tampered with by Kevan) and some might still prefer to use a FAK as well to make sure.
The syringe would not have any other benefits of a FAK and those carrying both types would have to decide which to use. This should in no way effect the speed of revives and would mostly benefit new players who don't know to keep a FAK for such emergencies!
Even taking into account the AP saving in not searching for a FAK and inventory for not having to carry it I still think most would search rather than manufacture.
Should this be a new skill (learning the new formula) or a free update?
One last point is that it may be worth considering if we want to be able to use these on survivors as a way to cure infection? A waste but still...

Free Speech Policy

Hilarious comment to wooty, had to come let you know I enjoyed it! :D 'arm. 10:31, 27 September 2007 (BST)

Honestmistake said:
no what this policy does if justify abuse by claiming it as a right of free expression. half a line pointing out that "civility" is preferred does not reflect the majority of users preference at all, what we want is needless abuse toned down!

How about a Project Civility? I was thinking about this a few days ago, and something like that would be much more akin to the 'community-lead civility encouraged for others to use' that most/all seem to desire. A civility policy would either try to FORCE civility (and would never go through, or work) or just be so wishy-washy that it wouldn't actually even be a real policy. I'd probably put a !C link in my sig, if it started. However, I don't really have time for the wiki at the moment, and so I'm probably not the right person to start the thing. 'arm. 22:14, 3 October 2007 (BST)

Wiki Guide thing

To be perfectly honest, I think you summed up exactly why the rules surrounding being rude don't need to be enforced strongly with Hiding behind the anonymity of the internet so as to get away with offensiveness is cowardly, immature and pathetic and most of the community look down on it as such.. The only issue with stating it too forcefully would be that this is a guide that is designed for new wiki users, and as such will be (hopefully) friendly and informal. I think that forcefully stating anyting too much may make people overly nervous, or just turn them off completely. If you want to put a few sentences together to sum something up that treads the line between being informative whilst not being overly harsh, I'd be grateful.--Seventythree 15:56, 26 September 2007 (BST)

Oh dear....

I never knew making a point about dramamongering and nastieness would cause so much.... well, drama and nastieness.--Seventythree 01:43, 16 September 2007 (BST)

Re:Slaves of the Mistress

You say that Slaves of the Mistress is still around? How has the mistress being doing these days? Are there any more members still around?--Private Mark 15:55, 11 July 2007 (BST)

We have always been more a group of like minded reprobates to be honest and i have not seeen the mistress for a long while... course she was on the other side of the city. Mr A. seems to have left the wiki but i believe he still plays! Arson Lover on the other hand was amongst the first recruits and is currently plaguing hildebrand! --Honestmistake 17:53, 11 July 2007 (BST)

Alright, that's enough for me. I'll go change me vote now.... And I look forward to fighting one of you these days. :D --Private Mark 01:01, 13 July 2007 (BST)
And i look forward to ramming Bananahz somewhere very uncomfortable :D metaphorically of course!--Honestmistake 10:07, 13 July 2007 (BST)


RIP bottle of Ardbeg 10 y.o. Lifetime Feb 08 - Feb 13. Well made a good effort yesterday afternoon to finish the bottle and fell just a little bit short. The taste definitely grows on me but my next bottle will be something less peaty (and cheaper!). Might be time to start drinking the choice of professional alcoholics world wide - vodka. Cheaper and less hangover...--SporeSore 22:06, 13 February 2007 (UTC)

Whisky, water, GlenLivet

I was too hard on the GlenLivet I think. Last week-end I was feeling cheap, and got a mickey of vodka and a bottle of GlenLivet 12 y.o. May they both rest in piece. The GlenLivet was a pleasant companion this week, and given the fact that I tend to shoot rather than sip these days, a better bottle would be wasted. GlenLivet 12 == $35. GlenLivet 18 == $80. I do not think I will be getting the 18 any time soon. As for water and ice. I tend to agree that if you have to add water or ice, it is not worth drinking, but sometimes, in my more contemplative moods, I like a little water to watch the tiny swirls. --SporeSore 00:23, 23 February 2007 (UTC)

Mmmm, tiny swirls... even better if its not been chill filtered! I myself was feeling poor last week so bought a bottle of ladaig because it was on offer. Never heard of it and now wish i never had!!! So bad i had to go out and buy a bottle of something decent to cheer myself up!--Honestmistake 17
13, 23 February 2007 (UTC) Hey its an excuse and i will stand by it!
Picked up a bottle of 10 yo laphroaig today. Will try and hold off on cracking it for a few days. More peaty goodness.
I think I am in love! This is the perfect blend of peat and malt to me, and it is not too dear. I have to admit I still prefer to add a few drops of water to it... :) --SporeSore 16:32, 26 February 2007 (UTC)
I am continuing to enjoy my bottle of LaPhroaig. The fact that it is still around is proof that I am savouring it! BTW. have you ever heard of the GlenBreton, the only single malt scotch produced outside of Scotland in Cape Breton? I live in Nova Scotia Canada of which Cape Breton is a part and that is where GlenBreton is produced. It is not bad, but over priced with a weird aftertaste. However, I have in my possession a bottle of GlenBreton ice, a single malt aged in ice wine kegs. Ice wine is a sort of specialty of Nova Scotia; we can not grow decent grapes but our frost produces some mightly fine ice wines. This Scotch is aged in used ice wine barrels. I have a bottle hidden in my underwear drawer waiting for that special moment, a moment of cannibis excentuated taste buds and drunken depravity...--SporeSore 21:46, 4 March 2007 (UTC)

I envy you. It's been too long since my budget has allowed for much better than a £15 bottle of Jameson.--Seventythree 18:41, 5 May 2007 (BST)

Ahhh... ASDA. Perpetual friend to the poor, alcoholic and lazy.--Seventythree 22:20, 5 May 2007 (BST)

Who are you calling... erm... ah...oh... Bugger! --Honestmistake 00:46, 6 May 2007 (BST)

Mostly I was talking about my own needs for cheap booze to be honest. I'ts a bit of a dillema, the entire ASDA thing. I live about 2 miles from ASDA so the choice is do I buy a little expensive booze from the local Londis (chain of overpriced offlicences for anyone not living in england) or do I get the energy together to get the bus out to ASDA to fufill my need for Booze, smokes and snacks? Problems, problems, problems....--Seventythree 00:56, 6 May 2007 (BST)

Isle of Jura ... .... .... ah!

Oh my goodness. Aberlour A'Bunadh... --SporeSore 14:07, 12 May 2008 (BST)


I think we need an emergency room type skill designed to deal quickly with the badly injured/infected! feel free to comment! --Honestmistake 20:40, 4 May 2007 (BST)

Yes, yes we do... Because, lets face it, being a doctor kinda sucks at the moment. YOu don't exacly have huge goals to work towards. The main complaint seems to be that they don't like people using 1FAK to heal many. How about triage creating a sytem where half of any HP wasted or not used by the use of the FAK go on to someone else of your choice? --Seventythree 13:56, 5 May 2007 (BST)

I personally think that a big problem with it as was is that for the multiple AP it became a worse option! i think a few options are available... we could look at making this more like an A&E skill to deal with minor injuries. All the current restrictions about power and no zeds etc but make it focus on treating wounds under 5HP. currently they are a real pain in the ass and often go untreated, a triage skill that split say 10HP between the least wounded might be acceptable and very useful. If it worked from the least wounded down and cost 1AP per patient and only 1 FAK i would use it. I also like the idea of a skill that does not heal HP but cures the infection on multiple targets would be useful too. What do you think of being able to use a revive syringe to make an anti-virus. The way i see it the syringe must be pretty big for it to take so long to use but a "cure" would only need a smaller amount. So Pharmacist skill + syringe + powered hospital and X AP could be turned into an innoculation kit that worked like a spray can (ie variable number of uses) As above it would cost 1 AP per cure! An advanced skill might decrease the chances of the kit running out. Making it need a visit to an NT and a Powered hospital but be usable outside them would make them very desirable in seiges!

So over too you. what do you think? --Honestmistake 20:51, 5 May 2007 (BST)

Hmmm. How about this. New skill/Item Consultant. Works in a similar way to diagnosis, exept it shows up those who are infected (maybe a little I in brackets next to their name.) New Item Antiviral drugs. 5 uses, 2% encumbrance can be used to treat infections. As for the triage hitting only minor injuries, you're onto something there.--Seventythree 21:21, 5 May 2007 (BST)

I think the triage as a buff to medics dealing with the minor wounds is well worth a write up, do you want to do it or shall I? As for the infection fighting stuff i think a write up for the discusion page may be in order. The diagnose part of the anti-virals is a dupe but i am not searching for it. And i gotta say i like the idea of necrotech loading an infection fix onto the net to help out its employees rather than just finding the stuff, it also has the benefit of not making a new item magically appear after what.. 2 years? --Honestmistake 14:37, 8 May 2007 (BST)

So I guess that antiviral stuff would only be found in necrotech buildings then... Maybe as a result of al those godamned cataloged scans. How about the antiviral serum would be manufactured in necrotech buildings? Then you could have antiviral injector 4% encumbrance, 4 uses. Refill antivaral injector costs 5AP, oh I don't know. But how would you know who was infected without some kind of skill? --Seventythree 17:27, 8 May 2007 (BST)

people in the past have been against seeing who is infected for free so i suggest that "Necrotech Chemist" or whatever we call it allows the character to take a standard revive syringe and turn it into an Antiviral syringe in either a powered hospital or NT at the cost of 5AP. This syringe would have a variable amount of uses much like a spray can. Anyone with antivirals and diagnose should be able to try to use them at the cost of 1AP + the number of targets they affect. You do not know how many are infected until you try and even then if you run out of drugs you still won't know (i like the uncertainty of it working like a spraycan!). This is a fairly expensive means of curing infection but would be very useful in live seiges especially if its use made you immune to further infection for 3 hours! A possible advanced skill "Immunologist" might allow you to spot the infected with the asterix but should in any event increase the doses you get from the needle! --Honestmistake 10:16, 9 May 2007 (BST)

So- we have two potential suggestions. 1 is triage, which will be used to heal minor injuries (anything bleow 5 hp lost?) And Antiviral treatment, which is pretty random and expensive but would still have it's uses in seige situations. I like the idea of hte antivirals protecting againgst infection for 3 hours. Would there be a little message when you run out of the drugs? That could be pretty cool. You try to inject XXX but the syrynge is now empty Scare the shit out of people, that would.--Seventythree 11:17, 9 May 2007 (BST)


A new skill requiring diagnosis. Allows the nurse to administer 1 FAK between upto 5 lightly wounded characters restoring upto 10HP in total. Those tended are taken in the following order: 49/50hp, 48/50hp, 47/50hp, 59/60hp, 58/60hp, 57/60hp. It has no effect on the infected (who are unlikely to be on such totals anyway) and costs 3AP to perform.

Why? well hospitals deal with the most severe injuries first leaving the cuts and bruises to well trained (and under appreciated nurses) just look at this as the nurse treating your saturday night punch ups in casualty or changing your bandages after surgery! --Honestmistake 14:15, 9 May 2007 (BST)


So what do you think shall we post something like the above or do you think we need more work/talk page first?--Honestmistake 14:16, 9 May 2007 (BST)

Iv'e gotta say I like all of these. Hmm. I don't think that damaging a zombie by one point when infected is going to be liked, maybe instead of protecting for 3-6hours, it protects againgst the next bite that would infect? I reckon we should put them on discussions... i'ts up to you who does it, I think we've both put work into it, so if you want to take nursing/triage and i take the infection one? Or the other way round, whatever way you know i'm gonna acknowlege that both of us worked on it. Don't wana be taking credit for someone elses work. --Seventythree 15:50, 9 May 2007 (BST)

I like the 1 point of damage and given that the zed probably has digestion anyway its more for flavour (bad pun) anyway! As for putting them up on the talk page I think whichever one of us does it we should both sign as authors anyway. Its not like one of us did more work. I am crap with templates and often break the page but if i get time in work tommorow i will try to template one of them and put it here, then when you notice just add your sig and paste it over to Talk. and i will try to do likewise ;-) --Honestmistake 16:33, 9 May 2007 (BST)


Thanks for that. I'm really glad to see that you're willing to give me a chance. --Cyberbob Sys U! 12:26, 11 May 2007 (BST)

And again! You're too kind for words, Honest. Your comment was spot-on. --Cyberbob DORIS CGR U! 15:25, 13 September 2007 (BST) <math>Insert formula here</math>


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Are you wanting to sign with "Honestmistake" on most parts of the wiki, but use another name for other parts? --  AHLGTG THE END IS NIGH! 18:32, 25 February 2008 (UTC)

Alrite? I noticed your question while trawling Gnomes page to maybe mess stuff up a bit :). the only way I know to change your sig invloves a bit of effort on your part. Basicaly instead of signing as normal, you'd make the timestamp and type something like this: (I'm using my sig as an example here) [[User:Seventythree|Beanz!]] ~~~~~

This then turns into this: Beanz! 23:53, 25 February 2008 (UTC)

(using 5 of these ~ creates a timestamp)

Heh. Hope this is helpfull.--SeventythreeTalk 23:53, 25 February 2008 (UTC)

T-Bone 09:06, 26 February 2008 (UTC)

No problem! If you want you could just have this text somewhere, and just copy paste.

--[[User:Honestmistake|T-Bone]] ~~~~~

Then you can just copy paste.--SeventythreeTalk 09:10, 26 February 2008 (UTC)

Seems like 73 got to it before I. :D --  AHLGTG THE END IS NIGH! 18:43, 26 February 2008 (UTC)
Yup. recent changes, boredom and general nosieness wins again!--SeventythreeTalk 19:09, 26 February 2008 (UTC)

RE: Feedback

No problem - that's the entire point of the suggestions process as far as I can tell (well, either that or an excuse for a couple of guys to troll mercilessly) :) --Target Practice 23:21, 26 September 2008 (BST)

your vote

Hello, just a heads up, Swiers withdrew from the Bureaucrat Promotion election. this means you can now vote for someone else if you so choose.--'BPTmz 16:27, 28 September 2008 (BST)

Careful who you poke with that thing!

You didn't revive Silisquish the Feral. :p niyaa-niyaa-niyaa niyaa-niyaa niyaa! --Silisquish 20:52, 22 October 2008 (BST)


just lettin' you know the proof that cybey knew about it has been found. Tis here.--xoxo 01:09, 22 January 2009 (UTC)


UDWiki:Administration/Promotions#Candidates_still_requiring_vouches --Karekmaps?! 01:33, 31 January 2009 (UTC)


I was never sane. I occasionally understood grim. Laters.--RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 22:33, 12 February 2009 (UTC)

Only occasionally?--Karekmaps?! 04:35, 13 February 2009 (UTC)

17 Pence?!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.......No! --ZsL 17:03, 22 February 2009 (UTC)


Which kind of computers are you using? Maybe it's the browser, or computer... perhaps the monitor. Can you do a screen of the colours for each of the computers you're using? Thanks.--  AHLGTG THE END IS NIGH! 18:37, 6 March 2009 (UTC)

Ah, it's fine. The rounded edges won't show up if you're using IE, we tried using images as the corners but it didn't work out right. --  AHLGTG THE END IS NIGH! 21:43, 6 March 2009 (UTC)

reminder for me

The rot!

Advanced Rot

Timestamp: --Honestmistake 19:46, 20 March 2009 (UTC)
Type: Skill.
Scope: Zombies.
Description: Sub-Skill of Flesh Rot. Cost: 100 XP

The body is now so far gone with rot that even in a powered NT it often takes more than a single syringe to revive, not only that but prolonged contact with this walking cadaver risks infection! However the advanced decomposition may be noticeable to those nearby

Because of the advanced state of purification that this body has reached it has become harder to successfully reinvigorate, even inside a powered NT revives will fail 50% of the time. Revive Attempts & Body Dumps have a 1% chance to spread infection (as if bitten) Due to the advanced state of decomposition the body of those rotters may give warning to those nearby, The areas description will include a note of how many zombies smell particularly noisesome. IE: there are two zombies here, one of them smells worse than normal@

  • Many did not like the idea that scans and (particularly) attacks could also result in the infection which is exactly why they are no longer included.
  • A lot of people did not like the idea of no warning. This is now included and there is always the potential for a later medical or NT skill to further identify those with advanced rot (as well as possibly negate the infection chances!)

Contributors: Thanks go to Zombie Lord for his enthusiasm in pushing this

Discussion (Advanced Rot)