Humorous Suggestions/New Weapons

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Funneh Ha Ha

Red Ryder BB Gun

Type: New Item
Tally: 0

Found only in mall sports stores (2% chance), this weapon has 100 shots that deal out 1HP damage, 30% chance to hit. There is also a 5% chance you'll hit your target in the eye, giving him blindness for 24 hours (think of the fog on Halloween, only also in the square you occupy). For every miss, there's a 5% chance the BB will bounce off something solid and hit the shooter in the eye, causing the same blindness effect. Bullets can also be found in sports stores, 100 shots, 2% chance.

Also, there's a compass in the stock and this thing that tells time.--Actingupagain 16:32, 6 February 2008 (UTC)

Funny votes: {{{FunnyVotes}}}
Unfunny votes:


Type: New Item
Tally: +2

You can find Katanas in museums. The text would read -you find a katana, it is inscribed with ancient Japanese symbols that read OMGWTF!- You can only use a katana if you have the martial arts skill (which doesn't exist). If you have the martial arts skill, the katana has a 50% chance of hitting for 72 damage. There is a 25% chance per day of the OMGWTF! symbols glowing. If they glow, you can activate the special ability NINJA AIRSTRIKE!!!!!11!!ONE Helicopters then drop ninjas into the block where you are. The ninjas are your pets, and will automatically attack all zombies for 24 hours. Then the ninjas get boners, and the boners are their pets, and they will automatically attack all zombies for 24 hours. Then all the zombies explode. Then the boners explode. If you simultaneously posess both a trenchcoat and a katana, you are automatically infected, headshot, and dumped outside. Then you recieve a message reading -You lose.- Then your browser crashes to the desktop. --Steakfish 03:25, 5 August 2007 (BST)

Funny votes: {{{FunnyVotes}}}
Unfunny votes:

M1 Abrams

Type: New Item
Tally: +2

Zombies automatically get Abram tanks that takes out vehicle, nerf, and every other stupid suggestion. Can only be used by zombies. This is not overpowered and if you vote kill then chances are you're a Communist. Also fires out laser Ninja grandmas with syphilis. And if your MoosePizza you get a pony.

Funny votes: Laser ninja grandmas with syphilis? Where do people get this stuff? --Reaper with no name 03:22, 12 October 2006 (BST)
Unfunny votes:

A Balanced Sniper!

Type: New Item
Tally: +2

Most survivors like the idea of having a sniper in the game, but for some strange reason, zombies don't seem to like the idea of a one-hit-kill w/ 50AP headshot, from 75 blocks away. So, I would like to propose the following-

Add a new item called a "Sniper Rifle" to the game, which can only be found at Mall Gun stores at a rate of 65% (Why stop the game-breaking mall mechanics now?) However, don't include any new bullets. Survivors can attempt to load up to 2 shotgun shells into it for 1 AP, or use a pistol clip, somehow fitting 6 bullets into a gun with room for only 2.

The sniper rifle would be able to shoot anything outside up to 10 blocks away, however since the survivor didn't bother to consider the consequences of shoving in a bullet three times to large for the gun itself, it will explode dealing 72 HP damage to the user.

Funny votes: Serves 'em right :p --Specialist290 03:57, 26 March 2007 (BST) I agree wholeheartedly. Although, sniper rounds are actually larger than pistol bullets (though certainly not a whole clip of them). --Reaper with no name TJ! 20:35, 26 March 2007 (BST)
Unfunny votes:

The Uber-Killifying Machine-Cannon-o-Much-Death-Causing (UKMCMDC)

--Charley C. 22:06, 1 June 2007 (BST)

Type: New Item
Tally: +3

Survivors! Are you tired of those pesky Zombies requiring SO MUCH AP to kill, only to have them rise back up again? Are you concerned that, unless immediate action is taken, the very balance of the game will plunge irrevocably over to those mischevious Zombies? Trenchcoaters! Are you discovering that your usual array of Katanas, AK-47s, Uzis, and Thermonuclear Explosives aren't getting the job done swiftly enough? If so, have we got a product for you! The Uber-Killifying Machine-Cannon-o-Much-Death-Causing (UKMCMDC for short), brought to you by the makers of plastic glue, is such a product to satisfy all of your needs! You can find it at your average Police Department (They were very persuasive at this years National Defense Budget Convention) at a 125% rate of search success! Ammo is irrelevant, as the UKMCMDC is fueled by a Constantly Replenishing Cold-Fusion Powerhouse-Dynamo-Matic 5000 (CRCFPDM5000) which comes with the package free. Yes, that's right, FREE! More to the point, the UKMCMDC comes equipped with a Long Range Aiming-Assisting Ocular-Based Lense, more commonly known as a sniper scope, with a range of up to two suburbs, allowing it's user to put to good use it's 2.5 times 10 to the seventh power damage (That's scientific notation, just to let y'all know) within a large radius of his person. In addition, this damage is dealt out in a area of effect 23.5 suburbs from the central target, and completely annihilates the body of any of it's (likely numerous) victims, removing all of their HP, XP, AP, Inventory, Skills, and indeed, Points of Existence.

As a secondary function, it has an underslung grenade launcher.

Should a discharge of this weapon's area of effect reach over the quarantine barrier, all military personell at that point will be immediatly disintigrated, opening up the rest of England for play. Any buildings within the affected radius shall be flattened, owing to the pure destructive power of the weapon.

As you can undoubtedly tell, Urban Dead NEEDS this weapon, as otherwise, those unappreciative Zombie players would stand something akin to a chance. Thank you, that is all...

Funny votes: Nice. I want one! --Reaper with no name TJ! 06:46, 31 May 2007 (BST) Author Vote- Well, it's about time I vote for my own thingy... --Charley C. 20:09, 5 June 2007 (BST) DO WANT! --Rena Ryugu 18:24, 10 January 2008 (GMT +1)
Unfunny votes:

Politely Ignored

Vote Gun

Type: Item
Tally: 0

Player can find a Vote Gun by searching this Wiki. If another player states an idea or suggestion on how to improve the game, the wielder of the Vote Gun can blow their head clean off with a compressed blast of bile. 100% to hit, 60 damage, victim takes 200 AP to stand, (which will result in negative AP) and they lose 50 XP for every level they have.

Note: Often wielded by members of the WCDZ.

Funny votes: #Insert vote here
Unfunny votes: #Insert vote here


The POV gun

Type: New Weapon.
Tally: -1

The most powerful gun in The Hitchikers Guide to The Galaxy is now in Malton! Designed by the supercomputer Deep Thought the POV gun has infinite ammo and has a .001% chance of showing up in any search. The POV gun does no damage but makes the one getting hit immediatly see things from the Shooters point of view.

Funny votes: Spam - Fun idea, certainly, but shouldn't this be moved to humorous suggestions? --Rgon 22:00, 4 July 2006 (BST), Humorous - Move it to Humorous suggestions before the mods come down on you. -- Krazy Monkey W! 22:14, 4 July 2006 (BST) I have mixed feelings about this one, but I've decided it's at least moderately funny. Jenny D'ArcT 13:52, 5 July 2006 (BST)
Unfunny votes: Rpgfan 22:52, 27 August 2006 (BST) Sheesh - Why do you have to post this crap to the real suggestion page? Move it to humorous suggestions. --Nob666 22:22, 4 July 2006 (BST), Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy? C'mon. Be original. –Xoid 04:54, 5 July 2006 (BST) Oh, and exactly HOW do you propose that happens?--Gold Blade 05:40, 17 July 2006 (BST)


Type: Elf Arrows
Tally: -3

Arrows that never miss, only your name must be Legolas and you must have braided hair and manicured toenails and ALWAYS speak in Elvish and think you are better than absolutely everyone in the game.

Funny votes: Votes Here
Unfunny votes: Stupid, not funny--The General U! P! Mod08:04, 25 July 2006 (BST) 08:03, 25 July 2006 (BST) This lacks scope. It only applies to one person, for an item that we don't have, with requirements tha- Oh, wait, you weren't serious. I was misled by the sound of the ocean from standing too close to your HEAD. --Craer 07:07, 30 August 2006 (BST) Sometimes, geniuses come up with hilarious, witty humorous suggestions that change the Humorous Suggestion section forever. This is not one of them.Waluigi Freak 99 20:21, 4 November 2006 (UTC) GuesssWho 04:39, 29 December 2006 (UTC) Um . . . what? I'm sorry, but . . . this is irrelevant, isn't it?

Gauss Weapons

Type: New Item/skill/barricade level
Tally: -3

You can build a Gauss cannon for 20AP in any necrotech building, powered or not, so long as you have the Gauss cannon skill. There are 2 types of Gauss cannon, portable (can hit any zed/survivor in the suburb you are currently in, it uses ammo just like a normal gun) and the Stationary Gauss. The stationary Gauss can be set up on any building and has unlimited ammo if the building has a generator hooked up in it, or is set up on a mall, PD or Necrotech building. once they are set up, they cannot be taken down or destroyed it costs 4AP to move 1 square if you are carrying a stationary Guass, there are no limits on how many you set up on any one building if there are more than 1 set up on a building that number is halved and then rounded down, that number of Gauss cannons are now automatic defences and attack any zed outside of that building, but only if the building is powered. There is a button to enter the cannon when you are inside the building, you can enter any Gauss cannon whether it is auto or not, if it is when you leave it it goes back to being an auto, it costs 1 AP to enter it and none to fire. The stationary guns can hit any zed/survivor in any suburb and even in a building with a 100% chance of DEATH if you are hit by one, when you enter one it brings up a map of all the suburbs and if you click on a suburb it brings up a close up on that suburb, then you can choose a building, inside or outside the building, and finally you can choose a target. there are 2 types of ammo you can get, Revive ammo (unlimited on stationary guns strapped to a NT building only or costs 1x syringe from your inventory to use on a portable costs 0 AP to fire and revives even those with brain rot, also kills individual survivors) and the High Explosive round (unlimited on every satationary gun or portable gun uses ammo found in a PD. kills any zed/survivor inside or outside the building, reduces barricades to 0)

Funny votes: (Amusing in how it satires other suggestions that are meant to be serious but are rediculously over powered.) -- Mia K. 19:21, 28 April 2006 (BST), Agree with Mia. --Xoid 18:20, 31 July 2006 (BST)
Unfunny votes: 'STER-Talk-Mod (It's just an overpowered thing. Yes, it's ridiculous. that's not the same thing as funny.),Velkrin 08:47, 28 April 2006 (BST) The General W! Mod --Mookiemookie 15:31, 24 May 2006 (BST) (More stupid than funny.) MordredMalTel 18:49, 16 June 2006 (BST)