Talk:The Malton Vietcong
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We'll tear you apart
Next time I'm in Whittenside, or wherever you lurk, I'll ram an axe into your skull and throw your burning corpse out of a window, Hong. You won't know when, but it's going to happen. Probably some time after I and my colleagues inhume Zephyr and his band of imbeciles. User:VI/signature
- In the words of John McClaine, you sound like a very scary person. Well, in both cases, it's sarcastic. Good luck finding us, Comrade 47, 00:59, 27 April 2008 (BST)
The Vietcong Discussion
Communism delenda est. Nalikill TALK E! W! M! USAI 21:24, 1 January 2008 (UTC)
- And you do know that the Vietcong only won because Westmoreland wasn't allowed to cross into North Vietnam and kick their commie asses back to timbuktu? Their losses for the war, and I quote: "NLF dead/missing: ~1,100,000; wounded: 600,000"
And I know there was a difference between the Vietcong and the NVA; but really, any battle they actually fought against the US forces, they lost. Unequivocally, and with grievous losses. So losers really aren't your best model for a group. How about the U.S. Army during the revolutionary war? Or at least the Swamp Fox and Gamecock in S.C. Nalikill TALK E! W! M! USAI 23:13, 3 January 2008 (UTC)
I don't think that the Vietcong were anywhere close to losers. The U.S army, with they're fancy assault rifles and napalm and cluster bombs lost to, forgive my apparent sterotyping, a bunch of guys living in tunnels, with weapons built in the 40's. The U.S, the technologicaly advanced super power of the world, got their asses kicked by guys with assault rifles from 1947. So you tell me who the real loser was.: A most sincere 'screw you', Comrade 47
- From a US officer to a Vietnamese Officer, years after the war in Hue (bastardised by bad memory) "You never won a single major battle of the war" The reply? "yes, but that is irrelevant" Learn a bit about the history and nature of the war and of Vietnamese history pre-American war before you jump to arrogant conclusions about the 'only' reason the USA got their arses handed to them -- Sanpedro 03:51, 1 February 2008 (UTC)
- The USA won the war on the ground, in the air, and in the seas- but lost it in the hearts and minds of our own people and of the Vietnamese people- and in a guerilla war, that is an irredeemable loss. Nalikill TALK E! W! M! USAI 06:08, 1 February 2008 (UTC)
You know, since you put the columbine kids on your list of enemies, I take back what I've said bad about you. I was just being snippy about the group name because of my perception of what that implied about your group. Nalikill TALK E! W! M! USAI 05:49, 1 February 2008 (UTC)
What did you think I was implying? Comrade 47 12:26, 01/02/08
The U.S. haven't won a war on their own, ever. They even mostly go to war against contries with weapons older than my grandad and couldn't hit a tank within 3 feet of it. They had frence help in the revelution, they had our help in iraq. They didn't even win a war against themselves (civil war).--Warlord zephyr 10:51, 14 March 2008 (UTC)
Wouldn't it be more along the lines of RPing to harass someone like USAI or the 82nd Airborne Division? ----Secruss|Yak|Brahnz!|CGR|PKA||EMLN|Templates|RRF|RFTM|Crap|WHOZ|
|23:34, 16 March 2008 (UTC)
Re. Malton Veitcong needs help.
- Greetings members of the Malton Veitcong. Would like to say that MRSA would be glad to help you in your war against the columbine kids. At this time our shooting is as bad if not worse then our spell, as we are all dead. Revives would expedite any help you may recieve from MRSA. Revive our members and then we will talk about sending you some of our better men. Repsond on the MRSA talk page, we have had some troubles keeping up after the Excursion attacked Stanbury. To be specific, revive the zeds standing in the rubble of our hq. All four of them are MRSA. They will be the first to help you.
- PS. Sorry for any delay in response.
I am currently in the area of stanbury village, maybe we could get a joint operation going?
PS. first i need a revive though. outside daynes alley.--Warlord zephyr 11:58, 9 February 2008 (UTC)
MRSA as an ally
MRSA would be glad to assist in the eradication of pkers throughout Malton. However, unless you feel the need to have a flet of zombies knocking on every door in Shackleville, we won't be of any help. Upon our return, we will search the area for any signs of Columbine life. We can work out a better plan once we more resources to pull apon.
- We can work something out, mystery man. The Malton Vietcong are suffering a few problems and can assist the MRSA in about a week. We have a man headed to Stanbury Village, we have a man down (I'm in need of a revive), and the only other member we have is MIA. As you can understand, we are busy with this. But we can work out some joint operation plans.
- THANK GOD!!! Men who need revives are: (there already) (later today) (there already not part of MRSA but he can pass on revives)
We will be off reviving other members of MRSA. I have arranged to provide you with Tando and Whiskey Fireteams (once they are all alive)
- Lee Hong needs 24 hours, maybe less, to heal your men. He's IDed your men and is currently participating in Operation Hardhat (my mission to heal your men, myself, and find a decent headquarters in Stanbury for the MV). How many heads in Tando and Whiskey will be at our disposal? Good luck Chuck, Comrade 47: Now available in Large!
- Around 9 of our strongest, others will be running recon (weak ones :P) to locate members of the opposition. We will be rebuilding our HQ on the 18th and 19th.
- Lee Hong needs 24 hours, maybe less, to heal your men. He's IDed your men and is currently participating in Operation Hardhat (my mission to heal your men, myself, and find a decent headquarters in Stanbury for the MV). How many heads in Tando and Whiskey will be at our disposal? Good luck Chuck, Comrade 47: Now available in Large!
Cheers for the revive guys. There appears to be a disturbance at my base but i will help you none the less. Anyone heard of project mudfall? I suggest we concentrate on the Went building. It is currently running with around 35 survivors, It would make a good base for reviving. --Warlord zephyr 19:35, 18 February 2008 (UTC)
Lee Hong and myself are at the Went building. Comrade 47, 22:05, 18 February 2008 (UTC)
When can we expect the Fire Teams to be at our disposal?Comrade 47, 03:50, 24 February 2008 (UTC)
Wiki site
Need any help with the site?--Warlord zephyr 22:12, 10 February 2008 (UTC)
- The MV page? Sure, but please don't delete or majorly change naything. I can't imagine what you'd add, though... Comrade 47 15:56, 11 February 2008 (UTC)
War on the CC
I support you war against the CC Kids, i find there page just too far, it may be a game, but to make a joke out of that type of think is just plain wrong. The Super Six'es would like to give their full support. Super Six One
- Is this your way of adhering to the HAT policy? Nice if you showing your true colors as a bounty hunter. ---Wisuguya
- Maybe we can get a joint op or two against the CK or something... We'll do whatever we can. Comrade 47:Now's he's a general!
I tried to get you to "Stand Down" and look on behind the CK page only to see it is black humor but looks like it is a waste of effort.--Forgotten86 MCDU:The Shadowmen:CK:AH 08:23, 16 February 2008 (UTC)
- Hahah it dead funny, mabye we should laugh a Jews cus Hitler kill them, how bout we all make fun of 9/11 too. I mean it was only innocent people being killed for no reason at all but hey as long as we get a good laugh out of it.
- As for the HAT, its not a law, i can choose to ingonre it when i please. Super Six One
- Yeah, if I made a page about how hillarious it was that about 3000 died on 9/11, that'd be just as if not more hillarious then the Columbine shooting, right? Comrade 47, 18:32, 16 February 2008 (UTC)
- We at CK are NOT praising what Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold did on that fateful day! We did wish such a thing would not happen again but it did and we are upset and mourn for those killed during the Northern Illinois University not applauding it.When the Columbine incident happened I was 14 and was in my final year in Primary School and I did hope that such a thing would never happen here in my country Malaysia.And about the holocaust and 9/11, I am not bloody laughing.Ignore HAT?! Then why bother supporting it if you choose to ignore it.Hopefully your shooting is not as bad as your spelling.--Forgotten86 MCDU:The Shadowmen:CK:AH 18:42, 16 February 2008 (UTC)
- You must be mourning really hard, what with you page and all. You're showing so much respect, it's making my head spin. Comrade 47: Now with 25% less cholesterol!
While I find this "war" to be a bit confusing (you've certainly never killed a CK; have we even crossed paths?), I'll be a good sport & spill the proverbial beans: The CK will be wrecking havoc in Dulston in the very near future. I'm sure I can speak for all of CK in that we sincerely hope to see you there. Cheers! --Canker Sore|CK | GC | ZHU | MEM | 00:28, 18 February 2008
- True, I've never killed a CK, but the war is still young, and I have nothing but time on my hands (well, time and Cheetos-dust). And as for your future activities in Dulston, I will not be there. There'd be nothing stupider than me walking into a suburb full of PKers who are pissed off at me. Watch out for my 'spies', however. The very CK member you trust the most could be one of us...... Comrade 47: He makes you feel better 'bout yourself!
- MRSA will be there (well the good part)! We haven't killed (nay even seen) a Columbine kid. MRSA intends to change that in the near future. To be honest, we don't really care about what your group is about. MRSA itself is a little out there. We only attack the Columbine kids because you pk, adn thats enough for us to warrent an attack. This should make for some exciting (or maybe a sluaghter of the men of MRSA by half the pk hordes of Dulston) game play. See you soon! xD MRSAHome: I KNOW WHO I AM!
- Woah, i never noticed no pk hordes of dulston up there... i totally got to find these guys! -- Wisuguya
- MRSA will be there (well the good part)! We haven't killed (nay even seen) a Columbine kid. MRSA intends to change that in the near future. To be honest, we don't really care about what your group is about. MRSA itself is a little out there. We only attack the Columbine kids because you pk, adn thats enough for us to warrent an attack. This should make for some exciting (or maybe a sluaghter of the men of MRSA by half the pk hordes of Dulston) game play. See you soon! xD MRSAHome: I KNOW WHO I AM!
I can't have you guys taking all the glory. NecroInquisition will do what we can, when we can.--Warlord zephyr 15:55, 24 February 2008 (UTC)
- That is awfully nice of you, but i don't see how this is a war, have we even seen you (2 members rigth?) ingame yet? --Wisuguya
MV have 3 members, NI have 10 (and the Imperium now) and MRSA have about 30.--Warlord zephyr 23:25, 7 March 2008 (UTC)
- Well, we should it appears that some have idled out but they are getting back on again. Also things are going very poorly in organization and keeping people on. We are trying to get men back on track to finish the job we started before the appearence of the dead. THings are hard right now so please bare with us.
NecroInquisition has undergone a big reformation. We are now part of the Imperium and operating from gibsonton.--Warlord zephyr 10:46, 14 March 2008 (UTC)
The Player Killer Alliance cordially invites the Malton Vietcong to a gathering of murderers, warriors, and thrill-seekers at a more or less malevolent event in the near future.
More info would be given, but that may compromise the end result.
Hope to see you there!
|23:27, 16 March 2008 (UTC)
- Well, I guess the MV is in the PKA. This will probally cause some problems with our current affilates. I'll need some feedback on this from the MRSA, the Super Sixes, and NercoInquistion. Comrade 47, 22:42, 19 March 2008 (UTC)
- The Malton Vietcong never really were anti-PKer, but we've shifted towards it. Our members have begun randomly murdering civillans, and I guess joining the PKA couldn't be a bad idea... Comrade 47, 19:30, 25 March 2008 (UTC)
- Yes, yes we are.Comrade 47: Now with 25% less white kids!, 23:02, 29 March 2008 (UTC)
The Great Suburb Group Massacre
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Group Active? Request. |
In order to maintain the wiki as an up to date source of information groups are occasionally removed from the Suburb pages when they are no longer active. Is this group still active? If so simply confirm here by writing something below. If not it will be removed from suburb pages in 14 days. |
Currently the suburb in question is Dentonside but one response to this query will be all that is needed to protect your group link on all suburb pages. I know this is a random request but its for all groups regardless of size. Thank you. --RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 12:48, 12 July 2008 (BST)
--RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 11:58, 28 July 2008 (BST)