User:A Helpful Little Gnome/Archive2

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A Helpful Little Gnome
talk / EVIL! / help /

signature / archives / sandbox & 2 , 3

AquaBulletin.jpg Notice : them robots! || 05:16, 17 February 2008 (UTC)

Proof that Karek is an (evil) robot.


Line Break!

Spooky ShartakAd.jpg


Set in a jungle island with a striking resemblance with Hispaniola, Shartak is a game where Native, Outsiders and stranded Pirates contend for dominance over the island. There really isn't an aim to Shartak, but things usually lead to plundering, random massacres, angry spirits and politics.

Albeit small, the community is most excellent, but keep in mind that the Shartak wiki is also small and still developing. The game itself is completely open to improvments and new mechanics; suggesters will find themselves quite at home. So yeah, check it out! Feel free to ask any questions on my talk page.

Random stuff to complete this sidebar

Lolcat of the day

(Not neccessarily updated each day) - (Not necessarily a lolcat)

i hav mah favarit lolcat ;heere


To-do list

  1. Become evil ruler of wiki.
  2. Finish the Evil Plans page, including my Gnome Army and Battles pages.
  3. Add barricade plans, history/descriptions to the Ruddlebank and Dartside locations.
  4. Categorize images! You keep forgetting, darn Gnome!

Things that I've invented

  1. Somewhat sure I invented that "Don't be a nobody - Sign your posts!" seen in just about every 'burb page.
  2. A wiki learning development philosophy (see left).
  3. The popularity-o-meter (see my characters, left).
  4. A foolproof way to beat LUE (I'm serious).

Did you know?

  • ... that I'm not really sure how to start this?
  • ... this used to be "random facts?"
  • .... that the above "Did you know" should have had a "that" in front of it?
  • ... that the above had an extra period?
  • ... that this is a sad attempt to make the sidebar reach the bottom so it looks pretty with everything else?
  • ... that I like South Park?
  • ... that robots and mudkipz are eating your children?
  • ... and that we should all destroy the robots and mudkipz?
  • ... that I actually created a lot of this code by myself, instead of stealing?
  • ... that I just killed your character? (Seriously, go check)
  • ... that I actually did kill your character?
  • ... I'm serious.
  • ... have you checked?
  • ... what about now?
  • ... that I probably have a bigger monitor than you?
  • ... OMFG! A Ninja is behind you!
  • ... that I've uttered the phrase "BOOMHEAD SHOT!!!" a few times?
  • ... that this is probably the most extensive user page you've ever visited?
  • ... and also the coolest?
  • ... that you are being thoroughly entertained?
  • ... monkey?
  • ... that I actually have a Gnome Army, and that I'm 3ft tall Gnome lurking under your bed?
  • ... that I'm more awesome than you?
  • ... that your cooking is terrible?
  • ... that barricading is a myth?
  • ... that myths are myths?
  • ... still really doesn't understand what cellspacing and cellpadding does.
  • ... finds Wikipedia user pages mostly bland and boring.
  • ... notice how I'm getting away from the "that" prefix?
  • ... yes, I noticed. I can read you know.
  • ... O Rly?
  • ... nice come back, idiot.
  • ... if you were not myself, I would smash kick you!
  • ... that that squabling was a way to increase this sidebars length?
  • ... that there was two "thats" there?
  • ... that its called english?
  • ... that I'm not even sure if it's really english?
  • ... that I could probably think up better stuff if I gave it some thought?
  • ... that I tend to accidently ignore half the things in IRC?
  • ... that π taste horrible, but pie tastes great?
  • ... that 2 + 2 = 5?
  • ... that this is a really absurdly hard way to finish this sidebar?
  • ... that I could probably finish it with meaningless templates?
  • ... that every single one of my characters has been created on the 29th day of X month?
  • ... that Karek always votes "spam"?
  • ... that Funt votes spam a lot too?
  • ... moo.
  • ... that I will never sign up for the Signature Race, but pretend to still be a member?
  • ... that I don't Clothes/Suggestions seriously? (anymore)
  • ... that hurring increases your life span by 12.3%?
  • ... that I'm on the top?
  • ... -1
  • ... that Grim made a mistake?
  • ... that I'm still amazed that so many people don't understand what "inc" is short for?

Templates that used to be big, but are small so they can fit, which is rather unfortunate

Un-w.png Project UnWelcome Member
Need help? Piss off.
ProjectEvil.png Project Evil Member
Fools! I'll destroy you ALL!
Pmlogo.png This User is a Mentor
This user is mentoring JFX, to show him how we work on this wiki.
WikiPatrol.png Project Wiki Patrol Member
Dedicated to maintaining the wiki.
Pwlogo.png Project Welcome Member
Need help? Just ask.
Justice.PNG Sysop
This user is a sysop.

My greatest momment

  1. I'll vote keep for the thongs again though.--Engel
    I remember that. Vaugely. What idiot suggested them?--73
    You did.--The Gnome
    Ahem. Boy is my face red.--73

NOTE: This is a archive, NOT my userpage.


Hello, and welcome to my userpage! It's kept massive on purpose, even if people don't actually read the content. Never ask me to summarize what's on here, because I honestly do not know what's written. I wrote a lot of this content a long time ago in one of my spontaneous acts of creative idiocy. That's the good part. Everytime I skim through my user pages, it provides such endless entertainment.

I first stumbled upon this game through good ol' google and picked a zombie as my first character. I had never played a text-based game before, or even a zombie one, so things were rough at the start. Hence I picked "Target Zombie" as my character name because I thought I'd die alot as a result of my newb status. I was right. And I still die alot. I have over 70 deaths, despite how careful I am and regardless of me being a pro-survivor (those poor zombies die too much). I have killed alot too, and also used an excessive amount of AP blabbering to people (and zombies) whilst others go around the place like robots and peeing their pants at the first sight of the dead.

Lastly, feel free to edit this page and subpages for any grammatical or spelling errors, but only that (don't touch my code without permission from me).

Wiki Philosophy

This more in terms of wiki development rather than a philosphy of what goes on. I've determined that there are certain levels and sub levels of knowledge for a wiki. The further down the level, the more a wiki member might know and the ability to do more complicated tasks.

The following list below depicts each levels, mine being the one highlighted. Sub levels are essentially the same as the level its under, except with the differences specified. Obviously, not every part specified might be known, as there are usually holes in an editor's knowledge or sections that an editor is particularly good at.

  1. Utter newb - Completely new to the wiki deal; has no idea of whats going on.
    Artard - Also new, but is illiterate, stupid and could also be called a vandal.
  2. Newb - New to the wiki, knows really basic stuff, like signing, commenting on talk pages and raw links.
  3. Learner - Has begun to figure out stuff for him/her self, or with help of others. Able to do basic formating, like headers, bold and italic text and internal links. Has begun to mesh with the community.
    Constructive Learner - Contributes to his or group page or suburb. Likely to have some form of a user page.
    Deconstructive Learner - Not a bad person, but is making more mistakes than usual for a beginning member and/or is being a general nuisance.
  4. Adept - Has a pretty good understanding of the workings of the wiki. Can fill in templates like group boxes without messing up. Able to make a suggestion properly formatted and autoblock pages.
  5. Accomplished editor - Understands all the basics and some of the advanced. Knows how to make sub pages, templates, categories, templated signatures, image resizing, thumbnailing and galleries.
    Copy machine - As the above, but is able to copy wiki code and change it to suite his or her's color preferences and content wise, but not much else.
  6. Expert - Knows advanced editing, magic words and general things unknown to the average user, like hidden external links and custom titles. Able to steal just about any type of code and bend it to his/her will and even write a bit.
    Technical - Can decipher complex code and even create a sizeable amount him/her self. Usually uses copied code as a reference or for basic layout, and only steals code directly if its particularly liked.
  7. Master - Truly knows what he/she is doing. Able to make complex code on the spot with little difficulty.
  8. Freakin' God - Has the best understanding a user can possibly have. Is able to create difficult code and hit "save" and have it turn up exactly like they want.

These are all 3 of my characters. A trenchie (sort of, well not really. A trenchie zombie that turned harman). A PKer and a pacifist. All are insane. I didn't intend it that way.

Target Zombie


Specimen: Target Zombie

Creation: September 29th, 2006


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The higher the number, the more popular.

Alignment: Neutral Good, although sometimes portrayed as Neutral Evil

Attire: Straitjacket, target spraypainted shirt, blue jeans and high heels.

Current status: Alive

Physical appearance: 6.1ft, cuts, bruises, missing toes. Bloodshot eyes, unkempt facial hair. Very poor hygiene.

Affiliation: Tikhon Medical

Weapon(s) of choice: Hands, boot, shotgun.

History: Unamed, or at least forgotten to him, Target Zombie believes he was born somewhere on the streets of Malton and discarded like trash, left to fend for himself. From there he was probably found and put in an orphanage, where he grew up in relative safety.

At 12, Target Zombie, er lets call him Jimmy, managed to recall one of his few memories, the one in question being his least favorite. Although still vague, he remembers one of his infrequent outtings, where he fell down a well and smacked his head. Actually, lets call him Timmy. So Timmy fell down a well, smacked his skull and spilled his brains. Luckily, he was spotted and firefighters and paramedics were called. Sadly for poor Timmy, the big bad .....uh ....Mr. Bad was called upon to fix his skull, (remarkably he was still alive). Mr. Bad was evil, so when he patched up Timmy's skull, he placed a device that would force him to walk to his secret laboratory when he regained the ability to walk.

When Timmy awoke, the chip inside his brain activated his movements and before the nurses could stop him, he walked out the window and splattered to his death landed safetly for it was only the first floor. **Fast fowards a bit to when Timmy made it to the secret laboratory.** Upon getting there, the chip was supposed to deactivate to avoid a severe brain seizure. But it was not a good day for Mr. Bad and the chip in Timmy's head was defective. It exploded, and fried half of his brain in the process. Mr. Bad was angry that his future test subject was dead. But to his surprise, he lived! (OMFG look at that radical turn of events!) Quickly before he bled to death, Mr. Bad did his best to repair Timmy's Timmah's skull, but the brain damage was too extensive, so he was left with only half a brain.

For weeks, perhaps months, Timmah remained in Mr. Bad's laboratory. He was administered many different tests, some biological and others mechanical. By the time the outbreak came, Mr. Bad was long gone and Timmah was left to his own devices. He thought he was safe from the mad man scientist, but alas zombies are bitty. Timmah was infected in the early days of the outbreak. Doctors and scientists desperate for a cure to the virus managed to find Timmah in a gutter and bound and gagged before he could bite. Things were very hazzy for Timmah then, but all he remembered was intense chemical manipulation. He remembers them being unsuccessful and dumping him back in the same gutter, still gagged, chemical soaked and all. He also remembers being tied up, spraypainted with a target and shot at, but you wouldn't like that yucky stuff.

To this day, Target Zombie roams the streets of Malton eating brains and graaghing, no.... living in a hospital and flinging feces at passerbys living in a hospital and flinging monkey feces at passerbys. There we are.

You are inside Tikhon Prime, old socks and severed heads litter the floor. The Cheesy Poof cellar has been extremely heavily barricaded.

A kitty farm has been set up. It is running. Bath tubs filled with Cheesy Poofs have been set up, naked patients bathe in them. One of the wards has been decorated with 212 impressionist sculptures.

Somebody has spraypainted Tikhon Medical - helping you feel better onto the wall.

Since your last turn:

Target Zombie saves little Timmy (3 minutes ago)

Chances are, you don't know the significance of that message.


Smarties pic.jpg

Specimen: Smarties

Creation: April 29, 2007


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The higher the number, the more popular.

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Attire: Assorted multicolored clothes.

Current status: Alive

Physical appearance: Variable height depending on what shape is taken. Edible, colored candy product.

Affiliation: None

Weapon(s) of choice: (Dead) Teeth and claws. (Alive) Shotgun, pistol and teeth.

Cemetery stones 2.jpg PK Count
Smarties has murdered 62 people.
His record is 5.

History: Smarties is the evilest of all evil candy. Think of it as chocolate gone horribly wrong, then add a bad corpsey tang with multi-flavored poop coating instead of sugar.

It all began on Janurary the 4th, 1986 on what should've been an average day. One of the machines was malfunctioning and the technician sent to fix it never showed up. The manager was on a tight schedule and ordered the factory to stay in operation. Things had continued on as normal for about an hour when the machine suddenly stopped. One of the workers decided to try and hit it, but to no avail. He noticed one of the gears wasn't oiled, but he had no lubricant on hand. Not wanting to get yelled at by his boss, the worker poured rat poison (you can see where this going) on it instead. Luckily, the machine started up again.

Another hour passed and the machine stopped again. The same worker checked the machine again and found that the sugar coating squitter was clogged with the food substance. He looked in the sugar glaze tank and saw that it was too low on water and thus too thick. Fortunately, a disabled orphan girl was wander by, so he clubbed her over the head and drained her blood into the tank. He tried the machine again, and it started up as usual.

For the third time in three hours, the machine stopped. Now the worker was really pissed. His boss was sure to come and check on things soon and he couldn't find the malfunction this time. In frustration, he hit it with a wrench and slipped on the orphan girl's blood, cursing as he fell. Sadly, the worker didn't take the time to consider what he was cursing about and unlike his laziness before, this time it would really come to harm.

A gigantic rift opened and the demon Abaddon stepped through. The worker, in his foolishness, had utterd a summoning spell. Fueled by the worker's random acts of cruelty and stupidy, the demon ate the worker and.... slipped on the orphan's blood just as the worker did, but fell into the chocolate tank mixer and broke a nail. Embarrased by his humorous fall, the Abaddon jumped back in the rift, leaving only his nail. By that time, the boss had come and seen the mess on the floor, the missing worker and the apparently broken machine. Grumbling to himself, the boss plugged the machine back in. To his dismay, the machine only got through one batch before exploding, spewing smarties everywhere.

Since the worker incompetence fiasco, no more smarties was able to be produced at the factory, much to the utter confusion of the technicians. Eventually the factory closed down, leaving the (evil) smarties dormant until something woke it up.... Like that cliffhanger, eh? Hehe.

You are inside a Nestlé factory, a derelict building with blood staining the floor. The gates to hell have been left wide open. Also here are Abaddon and an undead disabled orphan girl.

The Machine has been set up. It is producing smarties.

Somebody has spraypainted 666 onto the wall.

There are 4,000 dead innocents here.

Since your last turn:

undead disabled orphan girl says "Mrh?" (3 years ago)

Smarties refuels the Machine. (0 seconds ago)


ALICE.png A.L.I.C.E. Is Watching...
Yabel is NOT paranoid. Yabel knows her every action is being closely monitored by A.L.I.C.E. and that she is manipulating everything and everyone to her own ends. It's all just one big test... ending with cake.

Specimen: Yabel

Creation: October 29, 2007


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The higher the number, the more popular.

Alignment: True Neutral


Attire: Assorted medical clothes.

Current status: Alive

Physical appearance: ---

Affiliation: NecroWatch

Weapon(s) of choice: Pacifist - No weapons.

History: In the works! Just created!

Keep your pants on! I'm still thinking! In the meantime, help yourself to her journal (also not finished). (very close now)(just waiting for when I have the time)


Awards that I've been well, awarded. Could possibly include anything from silly little medals given to me by 73 or something else entirely. I might not even be able to fathom it. Oh, did you know why this short useless description is here? It's a clever way to line it up with my sidebar, without leaving a huge blank white splotch.

Click to enlarge!

Mr nutter.gif - For learning to count and idiocracy.

Cat 2nd place.gif - Really is a first, but 73 was bribed by evil Vista.

Winner.gif - For winning the copycat battle, against the mighty demon monster antelope 73.

Yes, I realize that there's a big gigantic space here. I'll be on it soon. Although, if you have a small monitor, it'll probably be the sidebar that looks messed.



RiverlogoS.gif Supporter of River Tactics
I flow into the void.
Redcrosssmall.jpg Malton Hospitals Group
This user or group supports MHG in their attempt to restore health care in Malton.
Redcrosssmall.jpg Doctor
This user is a Doctor and is probably off healing someone.
Killer.jpg Player Killer
"One kills a man, one is an assassin; one kills millions, one is a conqueror; one kills everybody, one is a god."

This user is a PKer and supports the act of Player Killing.

Hat.jpg Honor Among Thieves
This user or group supports the Honor Among Thieves Policy & finds that PKing is more fun when only innocents suffer.
Wrhammer.gif The importance of one nail
This user thinks that one nail makes a big difference.

Handinhanddp1.png Pay It Forward
This User Pays It Forward.
Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user supports the Sacred Ground Policy.
Syringe.jpg Scientist
This user is a Scientist and is probably off reviving someone.
ALiM contrib.jpg Amusing Locations Contributor
This user or group helps compile the list of Amusing Locations in Malton
Cacti small.png South West Alliance
This user or group is a member of the South West Alliance.
This user or group supports the proper use of the Spam Vote for the most utterly ridiculous suggestions. They also realize that a Spam Vote is not a Strong Kill.


Canadianflag-sm.jpg Canadian
This user is Canadian.
Idiot.gif I arz stoopid!!1one!1eleven!
This user is a complete idiot and should not be on the wiki. !/ w00t!
MACz Rule!
This user loves macs, and thinks that we should nuke microsoft!
Noob.gif STFU N00B
This user recognizes the difference between a Newbie and a Noob.
Allseeingeye.jpg Sanity supporter
He is conspiring against us.

Allseeingeye.jpg Some evil OS
So is Vista.

Peasmonkey.JPG ZOMG! Lok at 73s peaz?!?
The Evil, Purple, Pea-King monkey mocks you!
Kitten Huff.jpg Heh...Kitten Huffing...
This user is a kitten huffer. Don't mess with him, as the effects of kittens on the mind is pretty disturbing..
This user is chargin their lazer.
RecentChanges.jpg In Need of WikiRehab
The Gnome is addicted to recent changes.

Welcome to the bottom of my page. Did you know that today is Sunday, March 9, 2025?