User:Secruss/Part Three

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Emot-suicide.gif End It All
This user wants to quit UD and leave the stupidity, but is very, heavily addicted.
This user collects TPs for their bathroom.


Troll template.PNG

Ass role.PNG

Imp.gif DOOM
Remember to tell your grandkids to put a rocket launcher in your coffin. If you go to Hell when you die, you’ll need it for some final cleaning-up.
EscapistLogo.PNG Escapist
Punctuation? Blake needs no stinking punctuation!
Medic.png Combat Reviver
This user or group supports the strategy known as 'Combat Revival'.

Fortress.jpg Resident of Fort Creedy
This user pretty much only ever visits Fort Creedy to get clean berets and dogtags. He will defend it though, if needed.
FrequentSuggestor.png Frequent Suggestor
This user frequently submits ideas through the Talk:Suggestions and Suggestions pages.

Most of those ideas were deemed to be utter garbage.

Back2future.jpg Back to the Future
This user is a fan of the BTTF movies.
Stspringfieldxd061206akn8.jpg Two Pistols
Every character Blake has, carries two or more pistols at all times.
Th Zweig.jpg Crusader of Logic
This user believes that any irrational comment on the Developing Suggestions page can be countered in a logical and realistic manner, without the need for petty insults.

Burnzedburn.gif Burn Brightly Little Zombie
This user supports the use of burning zombies to light the night sky.
DuxBrrLogo.png The Brotherhood of the Reckoning
This user is a member of The Brotherhood and enjoys killing the innocent
I Support Copyrights!
This user supports Copyright Law.
This user or group supports the proper use of the Spam Vote for the most utterly ridiculous suggestions. They also realize that a Spam Vote is not a Strong Kill.
Monroevilleseal.png Monroeville

Population: 42,642
Current Population
3 survivors
30 zombies

Brother Akule's Popular Uprising
This user supports The Mad Demagogue Monk's evil machinations and subscribes to his newsletter.
Who's got a minion? Who's got a minion? You do!
This user has received a minion. Aren't you jealous?
I'd Rather Be Sleeping.
This user finds that even with 10,000 lines of code changed Nexus War is still boring.
Theodor Kittelsen-En uheldig bjørnejakt.jpg
Mall Bears
This user believes that bears exist in Malton solely to hunt down humans in their natural habitat.
I'm so retarded that I don't understand the question. --Funt Solo Scotland flag.JPG 22:51, 11 March 2007 (UTC)
Offshoregold.jpg Gold in Offshore Accounts
This user feels that putting gold in an untouchable offshore account is better than in a basket.
Laffo5th.gif The Fifth Horseman Fan Club
Secruss/Part Three is a member in good standing in The Fifth Horseman "Fan Club."
I'm a minion!
This user is a minion of evil.
Boxes.jpg Categoriser
A place for everything, and everything in its place!

This user loves categorising the wiki.

Arfcom Zergs
Arcfom zergs.png
This user believes that the majority of the members in Arfcom zerg.

This user fears his wiki overlord(s).
Scarface al pacino.jpg Scarface
You wanna play games? Okay, I'll play with you. You wanna play rough? Okay! Say hello to my little friend!
Metallica ride.jpg /METALLICA\
Secruss loves Metallica.
OS infantry Final.gif Hunter, Killer, Raider, Guerrilla, Soldier
Secruss is a guerrilla that hunts and kills the occupation's lackeys in order to secure freedom and liberty.
Johnmccain healthyasazombie.jpg Th rockin.gifJohn McCain: Our 44th PresidentHeadbang.gif
Domodance.gifSecruss is totally voting for McCain.Laughingnoble.gif
Jesuswasntblack.jpg Jesus Was White
This user believes that Jesus was an Aryan.
Blackjesus.jpg Jesus Was Black
This user believes that Jesus was a brother.
ChineseJesus.jpg Jesus Was Asian
This user believes that Jesus was from the far East.
Jew-jitsu.jpg Jesus Was Jewish
This user believes that Jesus was most likely Jewish.

Why? Because both his parents were Jews.

Fatdinosaur2.jpg Fat Dinosaurs
It was fast food that killed the dinos!
Pulp fiction.jpg Unholy Alliance
"We should be fucking dead, my friend."
Red Army Choir.jpg Red Army Choir
This User or Group believes the Red Army totally knew how to rock the world, and all modern bands are wannabe sissies. Kalinka, my love, come back to me!
Uprising.JPG Seeds Of Rebellion
This user or group had a hand in the Malton Uprising and overthrew the chafing yoke of the DEM oppressors.
Slayer logo.jpg Slayer
Raining blood

From a lacerated sky

Bleeding its horror

Creating my structure

Now I shall reign in blood!

Mengele.jpg Josef Mengele
Angel of Death

Monarch to the kingdom of the dead

Sadistic, surgeon of demise

Sadist of the noblest blood

Amongthelivinggt7.jpg Anthrax
Can't stand it for another day

I ain't gonna live my life this way

Cold sweat, my fists are clenching

Stomp, stomp, stomp, the idiot convention

Palin.jpg Sarah Palin for President in 2012
This user believes that Sarah Palin should run for President in 2012.
Octagram.jpg Octogram
60% more evil than the average pentagram.

Preorder your very own today!!!

Andjusticeforall.jpg ...And Justice For All
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." -Edmund Burke

"Evil unchecked grows, evil tolerated poisons the whole system." -Jawaharlal Nehru

Start quote rb.gif You were unfit for the job, and your subsequent tantrum proved as much to even the most jaded of eyes.   End quote rb.gif

-- Grim s (on Kevan's talk page - referring to J3D - after Grim's Misconduct case but before the coup)
VXnerveagent.png Nerve Agent: VX
Lethal Dose: 6-10mg
DonKing.jpg Don King
"Only in America."

"Thank god for money."

Red Mage.gif Roleplaying Notice
Notice: This User or Group enjoys the RPG aspect of MMORPGs, the category of games that Urban Dead falls into. As such, there is probably quite a bit of roleplaying and/or creative writing on this page and in said User/Group's in-game actions. In other words, if you think the difference between IC and OOC is "One has an 'I' and the other has two 'O's," buzz off.

Outside, open, or ruined

Please spray Homeless Shelter or Boarding House or Tenant Building or Low rent! Inquire within! on all buildings.

Please spray Barricades are fire hazards! Keep this building open! or spray "Don't panic!" in large friendly letters in all buildings.

Please spray a pleasant mural of zombies eating harmanz or Cthulhu ftaghn. on all open sections.

Do not edit the WHOZ Barricade Plan without agreement. All changes should be discussed on the WHOZ discussion page, that's what it's for, discussing.

Kick Browning carpark Kerby Gell Lane Silly Younger Luscombe junkyard Forse
Broadbent Warburton Marten Wollen Dibbings Milne Voke Bugden Shartman Sherstone
Douglass Plumb Mclaverty Hendrich junkyard Mooney Krinks Krinks Woodhouse Merryweather
Chudley Wiley Sergeant Gartell carpark Clayton Krinks Krinks Condon Eastwood
Mcilhargey Heydon Waller Voller Lahey Trask carpark Reddrop Bullor Jervis
Kempster Seward Poulter Coutts Wasteland Millward Mayer Missen Hurst Luttrel
Forst Charasse Brookman Fagan Vale Mant Pincombe Margesson Wasteland Mansbridge
Peach Geard Pulsford Cyprian's cemetery Montgomery Kempster Spurr Servatius's Shfield
Melliar Howord Cupper Buckett Dalgliesh Carse Grannum Sams Perceval Balch
carpark bodmin Boddy Eckersley Whitty Velvick Woolacoot Whyppey Borrer Penfold
FastHorde.PNG Unstoppable
This user was part of a Horde that Kevan declared Unstoppable.
Ultimate Monitoring Tool
UD monitor.JPG
Drama nests: Vandal BanningArbitrationMisconductPolicy Discussion



Active Sysops:

Boxy WGrim s WDux Ducis WHagnat WMatthewfarenheit WThe General WVista WZombie slay3r W

Passive Sysops:

Brizth WConndraka WDaranz WKevan WMax Grivas WSA-TA-EK-Rumisiel WThari WVantar W

Inactive Sysops:

BobHammero WDarth Sensitive WKarlsbad WLeakyBocks WLibrarianBrent WMorlock WNovelty WNubis WSpiro WUrbandead WZaruthustra W

Maltoncatpile.JPG Birthtofreedom.PNG