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=The Theories=
<div style="position:fixed; left:10; background-color:white; padding:.5em">[[Survivor-Zombie Imbalance#1|'''TOP''']]<br>[[Survivor-Zombie Imbalance#2|'''INFO''']]<br>[[Survivor-Zombie Imbalance#3|'''CAV''']]<br>[[Survivor-Zombie Imbalance#4|'''WHY''']]<br><br>[[Survivor-Zombie Imbalance#5|'''EDV''']]<br><font color='lightgrey'>2005<br>2006</font><br><br>[[Survivor-Zombie Imbalance#6|'''TS''']]<br>[[Survivor-Zombie Imbalance#.C2.A02007|2007]]<br>[[Survivor-Zombie Imbalance#.C2.A02008|2008]]<br>[[Survivor-Zombie Imbalance#.C2.A02009|2009]]<br>[[Survivor-Zombie Imbalance#.C2.A02010|2010]]<br>[[Survivor-Zombie Imbalance#.C2.A02011|2011]]<br><br>[[Survivor-Zombie Imbalance#7|'''TLT''']]<br>[[Survivor-Zombie Imbalance#2012|2012]]<br>[[Survivor-Zombie Imbalance#.C2.A02013|2013]]<br>[[Survivor-Zombie Imbalance#.C2.A02014|2014]]<br>[[Survivor-Zombie Imbalance#.C2.A02015|2015]]<br>[[Survivor-Zombie Imbalance#.C2.A02016|2016]]<br>[[Survivor-Zombie Imbalance#.C2.A02017|2017]]<br>[[Survivor-Zombie Imbalance#.C2.A02018|2018]]<br>[[Survivor-Zombie Imbalance#.C2.A02019|2019]]<br>[[Survivor-Zombie Imbalance#.C2.A02020|2020]]<br><br>[[Survivor-Zombie Imbalance#8|'''CONC''']]</div>
There are popular theories concerning the best ratio of survivors to zombies.
=====<font color='white'>1</font>=====
| width="40px" style="border-right:solid 1px white;color:white" | ...........  || style='padding-left:10px' | [[File:Survivor-Zombie Ratio.png]]

==Equal numbers of Zombies and Survivors==
Rarely stated explicitly, but rather implied by the word "balance", this viewpoint holds that Malton's population should be split 50:50 between living and unliving. This would mean that members of both sides could easily find opponents.
<div style="width:600px;text-align:left">
Often, people think that if one side numbers fewer than 50%, then it must have an inherent weakness, and so needs to be made more powerful. Game updates are often implemented to correct an uneven balance, but generally seem to only have a short term effect.
<big>'''The Survivor / Zombie Ratio, December 2005 to April 2020.'''</big><br>
The Y axis shows the ratio of survivors to zombies, with the dashed horizontal line at 1:1 indicating an equal number of survivors to zombies. Above the line favours survivors (e.g., 2:1 means two survivors for every one zombie). Below the line favours zombies. The tick marks on the X axis indicate the start of the year named below. At each time point (day), the ratio is the number of survivors divided by the number of zombies, collected at the 0:00 hour of the day.<sup>1</sup> The extra info on either side of the dashed horizontal line has some caveats.<sup>2</sup>

==Zombies Heavily Outnumber Survivors==
Data obtained from [ Urban Dead statistics], April 2017 to current day. Older data from the [[Wikipedia:Wayback Machine|Wayback Machine]] was collected manually.<sup>3</sup>
Considered to be particularly in-genre, here humans desperately try to survive against vastly larger numbers of zombies.
The risk (or is that the opportunity?) here is that the zombies may wipe out the last of the survivors, and without survivors to play with or against, the game is over.

==Let it be (Laissez-faire)==
This view says it's best if neither search/barricade odds are adjusted, or suggestions implemented for the purpose of changing the population ratios. This means that every event in-game is a result of player actions.

=====<font color='white'>2</font>=====
<Big><big><big>'''INTERPRETING THE GRAPHS'''</BIG></big></big>

The first graph shows the survivor-zombie ratio. The graph below shows the absolute survivor and zombie populations in a series of three parts: Early Day Volatility (EDV), The Swings (TW), and The Long Tail (TLT).<sup>4</sup> These graphs go in-depth, listing most game updates and a small number of player-initiated events. While the game updates are listed regardless of their impact on the survivor-zombie ratio, partly due to the relative infrequency of the updates, the player events are (usually) listed if they seem to be responsible for a shift in the survivor-zombie ratio.

=The Graphs=
An underlying assumption is that the ratio only changes if a force acts on it, be it a game update or player event. Although it often seems "obvious" that a game update or player event caused a shift in the ratio, it is impossible to identify all player events occurring at a given time; not all have been [[:Category:History|written into history]]. And given a specific time point, multiple events could be happening at the same time. How do we determine the degree to which each event influenced the ratio?
Graphical representations of the balance, using written reports from this page as reference before hourly logs began.

==Absolute Values==
Sometimes, however, an event is [[March of The Dead 2|so large]] that it undeniably caused a change in the ratio. Call it a [[Wikipedia:natural experiment|natural experiment]].  
This shows the actual changes in standing numbers over time, the magnitude of keys events can be seen easily.

All that said, '''the purpose of the following in-depth graph is to chronicle the game balance over the years, without pointing too many fingers.'''

==Ratio of Values==
=====<font color='white'>3</font>=====
By using the percentage of each, one can see changes independent of the ever changing total active population and some effects which are more well hidden on the absolute values become obvious here.
| width='5px' style='vertical-align:top' | <sup>1</sup> || style='padding-top:5px' | Urban Dead's statistics updates its data on every hour of the day, yet characters only seem to [[idle|idle out]] on the 00:00 hour of the day. This creates a "climbing" effect where the data increases throughout the day until it hits the 00:00 mark and drops. For simplicity, data from other timepoints were excluded. (Note that the Urban Dead statistics page missed its mark a few times, and thus on certain days the data was collected on the 00:01 and 0:02 timepoints.)
| width='5px' style='vertical-align:top' | <sup>2</sup> || style='padding-top:5px' |The percentage of days favouring either survivors or zombies was calculated by counting out the days when the ratio was above or below 1. The ratio never equals exactly 1, at least for the data shown here (see Caveat 1). To calculate the average ratio when the game favoured either survivors or zombies, the data was cut into two parts: one with the ratio above 1 (survivor favoured) and the other with the ratio below 1 (zombie favoured). Keep in mind, error exists because the data is sporadic before April 2007 (see Caveat 3).
| width='5px' style='vertical-align:top' | <sup>3</sup> || style='padding-top:5px' |Only 28 data points are plotted before late April 2007; 4,732 points are plotted afterward. You can see the effect this has on the graph of the Survivor-Zombie Ratio due to the oddly straight lines, as opposed to the "noisy" line thereafter. On the in-depth graph below, all the columns of white space are locations of missing data. When calculating the facts discussed in Caveat 2, the data is more heavily weighed after April 2007; there's simply more data there that "drowns out" the scant data before it. Thus, these facts are an approximation.
| width='5px' style='vertical-align:top' | <sup>4</sup> || style='padding-top:5px' |The scales are different on each part of the graph, which helps readability when the player populations become smaller.
| width='5px' style='vertical-align:top' |  || style='padding-top:5px' |One final caveat: this page is mostly the opinion of [[User:A Helpful Little Gnome|one person]].

=====<font color='white'>4</font>=====
<big><big>WHY ISN'T [INSERT EVENT HERE] ON THE GRAPH?</big></big>

The graph maker may have missed an important game event (and it should be included). But it's also important to minimize the number of events and game updates on the page, as there's only so much room available. Larger scale events, such as roaming hordes and "big picture" moments in history (e.g., protests) are typically included. While some events clearly had no impact on the ratio, such as [[The Big Bash 4]], they are still listed here. This is mainly included for the reader's interest, since the earlier versions of events tended to have a stronger impact.

A few [[cities|second city]] events are included for interest, even though their respective populations are not present in [[Malton|Malton's]] statistics. Some of the simpler or cosmetic game updates are also not mentioned, such as bug fixes, server upgrades, and unofficial changes ([[News/2005#December_18|example]]).

=The History=

==The Strike (12/2005)==

The Ratio: 21/12/2005 71% to 29% (36,509 to 14,720)

[[Survivors]] outnumber [[Zombies]]. This ultimately harms the game for everyone, since unbalanced sides reduce the excitement and fun of the game.

Now infamous, a large number of players went [[On Strike]] in protest. The events of [[Stanstock]] caused the biggest change in the balance, both absolutely and relatively, in the history of the game.
=====<font color='white'>5</font>=====
<BIG><BIG><BIG>'''EARLY DAY VOLATILITY'''</BIG></BIG></BIG><br><big>Plot of <font color='#98c1d9'>'''Survivor'''</font> and <font color='#8bd08b'>'''Zombie'''</font> populations. <br>2005 to 2006.</big>

==Before Syringe AP Increase (2/2006)==
<div style="width:560px">The first year or so of Urban Dead's history was marked by rapid game updates, establishing fundamental mechanics that flattened the ratio close to equality. These changes came quickly on the heels of social upheaval, the kind consisting of protests, violent riots, and roaming zombie hordes. It was an energetic, though uncertain time.</div>

The Ratio: 24/2/2006 64% to 36%
| width='100px;position:absolute' | [[File:oneone.png|560px]][[File:onetwo.png|560px]]|| style="vertical-align: top; width:600px;position:absolute" |

With the changes implemented after the strike, the balance takes a drastic turn towards equality and the survivor count nosedives. This is largely due to the strike itself in which a large number of survivors were willingly killed during the protest but also due to the changes in favour of the zombies. The balance had been improved to but a bias against zombies still existed.

== After Syringe AP Increase (3/2006) ==

The Ratio: Late March, Rough Equality

In late March, syringes were changed to use 10 AP when reviving, up from 1 AP. This change reduced the use of syringes as combat weapons, as even characters with large amounts of syringes were restricted to five a day. Previously, syringes had been an AP-efficient way to kill zombies since they were a 1 AP use, 100% hit rate weapon.

The number of survivors drops significantly, although roughly half of those remaining are zombie hunters.

The Ratio:
&nbsp;<big><big><span style='line-height:47px'>'''2005'''</span></big></big>
11/4/2006 51% to 48% (20,682 to 19,821) with 2,224 revivifying bodies and 5,917 corpses.
{| style='padding-top:6px'
28/4/2006 49% to 51% (18,955 to 19,546) with 2,503 revivifying bodies, 6,000 corpses and 9,085 zombie hunters.
|'''July 3rd.'''  [[Urban Dead]] goes live. [[News/2005|Between now and October 27th]]:
13/5/2006 52% to 48% (19,230 to 17,570) with 2,526 revivifying bodies, 5,416 corpses and 9,646 zombie hunters.
* Survivors can [[speak]] and zombies have begun to make [[Death_Rattle#Death_Rattle|noises]].
* [[Wirecutters]] have a use and survivors can jump out of windows.
* [[Zerging|Zergers]] are now punished semi-automatically.
* Survivors only get half the XP for [[PKer|attacking each other]], compared to attacking zombies.
* [[First Aid Kits]] can be used on other players, and [[Dna_extractor#DNA_Extractor|DNA Extractors]] on zombies. Survivors have begun tagging buildings with [[graffiti|messages]], as well as [[construction|barricading]] them. Survivors have gotten [[body building|tougher]].
* Players may begin the game as a [[corpse]].
* New zombies move more slowly, requiring 2AP without the [[Lurching Gait]] skill. They also forget how to [[Zombie_Skills/Memories_of_Life|open doors]].
* [[Dead bodies]] can now be dumped out of buildings. Experienced survivors are [[Zombie Hunter|hunting zombies]]. All survivors are also getting better at hitting zombies, which now need 10 AP to stand up again.
* Players now have a [[contacts|contact list]]. Headshots reduce some XP, instead of removing all of it.

After this, the short term effect of the changes is adapted to by survivors, and survivor numbers begin a steady increase. This is compounded by active zombie players also leaving in larger numbers. The ratio took a violent swing for the survivors as a result.
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|'''October 27th.''' [[First Siege of Caiger Mall]]. [[Statistics|Game statistics]] first available.
| <span style='line-height:14px'>'''November 4th.''' [[Profile|Profiles]] are now editable.</span>

==Redressing the Ratio (6/2006)==
{| style='padding-top:11px'
|'''November 18th & 22nd.''' The power is on. Survivors are now hooking up buildings with [[generators]], which doctors are using to perform [[Surgery#List_of_Scientific_skills|surgery]]. A few days later, the [[Mobile Phone Mast|mobile phone network]] reactivated.

The Ratio: 58% to 42%
{| style='padding-top:12px;'
| rowspan="2" width="75px" style='border-right: solid 1px grey' | <big><big>'''2006'''</big></big>  || style='padding-left:5px' | '''December 19th, 22nd, & 30th.''' [[News/2005#December_19|Another change to headshot]] serves as a launching point for players to go [[On Strike]]. Later in the month, [[User:Kevan|Kevan]] adds [[Zombie Skills/Feeding Groan|feeding groan]] and opens [[large building|large buildings]] to movement.
| style='padding-left:5px;border-top: dashed 1px grey' |  '''January 3rd. & 19th.''' Stemming from the protests last month, Malton's [[Mall Tour '06|first mall tour forms]]. Hundreds of zombies storm the city's malls and brings them to ruin. Under the cover of battle, scientist discover how to revive [[brain rot|brain rotten zombies]].

The slow survivor increase and the amount of zombies abandoning the game leaves the ratio in a sorry state and rocketing further out of whack. This is not left alone for long and new zombie skills are introduced. This doesn't seem to affect the amount of total characters, but the zombies make significant ground up on the unwary survivors and the ratio closes sharply, to rough equality.
{| style='padding-top:7px;'
| '''February 3rd & 4th.''' [[tangling grasp|Tangling Grasp]] is added. The Mall Tour '06 sets its sights on Caiger Mall, leading to an exhausting [[Second_Siege_of_Caiger_Mall|siege]] that ends in a zombie defeat as March closes.

The Ratio:1/7/2006 50% to 50% (17,904 to 17,312)
{| style='padding-top:39px;'
| '''March 9th.''' Zombies can now recognize the groans of members of their own [[group|horde]].

The impact is is sharp, short and permanent. From the equality, the numbers on each side are left to follow their own pattern with no sign of a quick bounceback for survivor numbers as they adapt. However, now left to their own devices, numbers for the zombies take a turn for the worse and begin a steady decline, while survivor numbers remain even.
{| style='padding-top:20px;'
| '''March 28th.''' Syringe nerf. Revivifying zombies takes 10 AP, up from 1.

==The Depression (12/2006)==

The Ratio: 22/12/2006 56% to 44% (17,969 to 13,582) with 9,968 zombie hunters.
{| style='padding-top:25px;'
| '''April 28th.''' Some of the more belligerent (or forward-thinking) zombies have begun [[ransack|ransacking]] buildings. Survivors have finally figured out how to shine the light in powered buildings to where the loot is, improving [[search odds]].

Months of steady survivor numbers but equally steady zombie decline have left the ratio out of whack. Zombies appear to be becoming disinterest, and zombie hunters now make up an additional 5% of the survivor population.
{| style='padding-top:15px;'
| '''June 1st, 3rd & 6th.''' A series of communication-related updates give a use to [[radio|handheld radios]] but restrict the 26.00 - 28.00 MHz band to [[Radio_operators#Radio_Operation|skilled operators]]. Zombies can [[Zombie Skills/Scent Death|smell]] distant hordes and bodies.
{| style='padding-top:0px;'
| '''June 16th.''' Critically-wounded survivors are now at risk of being [[feeding Drag|dragged]] from buildings by hungry zombies. Ransacked buildings must now be cleared of zombies before survivors can barricade them. '''July 3rd.''' Following in the footsteps of last year's strike and the mall tour, the first [[The Big Bash|Big Bash]] forms, eating the eastern and southern portions of Malton before blending with the next year's [[Mall Tour '07|mall tour]].

The Ratio:19/1/2007 63% to 37% (18,972 to 10,871) with 10,832 zombie hunters.
{| style='padding-top:5px;'
| '''July 18th.''' DNA-Extractors provide profile info and allow the survivor to immediately revive the zombie.

The Christmas/New Year period sees many zombie characters idle out, and a slight bump in survivor numbers. The ratio, fragile at this point, takes a bad hit. With zombie players becoming disinterested in playing things look bleak.
{| style='padding-top:37px;'
| '''August 18th & 28th.''' Survivors gain an unlikely foothold in the zombie homeland of [[Ridleybank]], turning into a two month siege, the [[Battle of Blackmore]], at the suburb's only [[NecroTech Building]]. Although frequently outnumbering the zombies, the survivors eventually succumb to a [[Shacknews|coordinated attack]] on October the 13th. Later in August, survivors become more effective with knives, while the zombie sense of death sharpens and have learned to make crude, [[flailing gesture|flailing gestures]].

The Ratio:1/2/2007 62% to 38% (18,748 to 11,309) with 10,748 zombie hunters.
{| style='padding-top:60px;'
| '''October 23rd.''' [[Caiger Mall]] falls to zombies for [[Third Siege of Caiger Mall|the first time]].

The effects of the holiday period seem to be slowing, but while the ratio is still significantly off, it does not remain so for long.
{| style='padding-top:0px;'
| <span style='line-height:10px'> '''October 31st.''' Malton's first [[fog]]. Players cannot see outside their current location until dawn tomorrow.</span>

==Redressing the Ratio, ''a lot'' (2/2007)==
{| style='padding-top:28px;'
| '''November 20th.''' The external military repairs Malton's two forts, patching holes in the walls and leaving the only entrances at the gatehouse.

The Ratio: 20/2/2007 53% to 47% (16,878 to 14,555) with 9,208 zombie hunters.
=====<font color='white'>6</font>=====
<br><BIG><BIG><BIG>'''THE SWINGS'''</BIG></BIG></BIG><br><big>Plot of <font color='#98c1d9'>'''Survivor'''</font> and <font color='#8bd08b'>'''Zombie'''</font> populations. <br>2007 to Mid 2011.</big>

A zombie buff sees the ratio radically redressed. Zombies see rapid and substantial swings in their favour. The growth of their numbers is strong. Survivors are assisted by a rise in the total active characters, but this only serves to stem their fall a little.
<div style="width:560px">While the ratio tries to stabilize at 3:2 in favour of survivors, mega hordes repeatedly swing the ratio back in favour of zombies... mainly by eating the humans. At the same time, crucial zombie game updates add potency to coordinated zombies who siege buildings and hold territory. Hence, "The Swings."  </div>
| width='100px' | [[File:twoone.png|560px]][[File:twotwo.png|560px]][[File:twothree.png|560px]][[File:twofour.png|560px]] ||  style="vertical-align: top;padding-top:65px;width:600px;position:absolute" |

The ratio:18/3/2007 42% to 58% (13,951 to 18,698) with 7,666 zombie hunters.

For the first time, the ratio is appreciably in zombie favour. The rate of growth in zombie characters remains as strong as ever, the survivor fall continued steadily, still lightly softened by new characters mainly flocking to their camp.

==Numbers Swing (3/2007)==
===&nbsp;<span style='line-height:8px'>'''2007'''</span>===
{| style='padding-top:6px'
|'''January 14th, 19th & February 3rd.''' [[Mall Tour '07]] begins. New skills enables zombies to detect [[Scent Blood|infected survivors]] and [[Scent Death|locate nearby horde members]]. Around this time, [[X:00]] tactics is developed. In early February, zombies get XP for de-barricading, ransacking buildings, and destroying machinery.
|'''March 6th.''' Survivors begin the useless pastime of collecting and exhibiting [[decorations|museum decorations]].

Official logging begins on April 22. During the little-over-a-month period since the zombie advantageous ratio of March 18, the numbers have changed dramatically. The results on the graph are an interpolation between the two dates and the true sharpness of the change is not know. From a 16% zombie leads, things go badly.
{| style='padding-top:10px'
|'''April 8th & 20th.''' [[The Battle of Santlerville]], which lasts deep into May, sweeps the [[Santlerville|suburb]]... until the zombie invasion disperses in defeat. Some quality of life changes to profiles allow, among other things, for survivors to auto-discard unwanted items.

The Ratio: 22/4/2007 51% to 49% (15,992 to 15,337)
{| style='padding-top:0px'
|<span style='line-height:13px'>'''May 31st.''' Survivors start wearing [[clothes|clothing]], ending an era of dangly bits for zombies to grab hold of.</span>

The general cause of this rapid change is not known, if anybody has a good theory, they should make it known.
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|'''June 18th.''' [[Yahoomas|Yahoo]] publishes an article on Urban Dead, prompting over 10,000 players to join in days. Clueless level 1 survivors wander the streets, eaten and idling out in the coming weeks.

By the end of May, things had gotten bad for the zombies.
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|'''July 29th.''' Though easily mistaken for a typo, zombies clench the [[Battle of SantLUEville]] in victory.
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|'''August 14th & 24th.''' The more territorial zombies can [[ruin]] buildings, needing a toolbox to repair. By next week, even the more agile survivors are slipping on the rubble of ruined buildings, preventing freerunning. Survivors tuning into the right channel can now catch [[EMRP|external military reports]].

The Ratio: 31/5/2007 63% to 27% (20,056 to 11,615)
{| style='padding-top:0px'
|<span style='line-height:10px'>'''October 10th.''' The [[Second Big Bash]] begins, again wrecking the city's eastern and southern regions.</span>

At this point, things peaked and trends began to reverse, the ratio started a move towards equality again. The true length or pervasiveness of this trend will never be known, because not long after it began...

==[[Yahoomas]] (6/2007)==

The Ratio: 17/6/2007 60% to 40% (19,261 to 12,611)
===&nbsp;<span style='line-height:0px'>'''2008'''</span>===
{| style='padding-top:9px'
|'''January 2nd & 23rd.''' The Second Big Bash hits a month long  [[Battle of Pitneybank|siege at Pitneybank]]. A controversial and incredibly influential game update in the third week of fighting, [[interference|barricade interference]], makes holding [[Giddings Mall]] and other tactical locations against the [[Beachhead Tactic|zombie beachheads]] untenable. <br/>'''February 25th & 28th.''' While a second city, [[Monroeville]], opens, a massive, [[The Dead|world-ending horde]] fuelled by an [[Wikipedia:Something Awful|external forum]] [[March of The Dead|marches on the city]]. The survivor population drops to 31%, the lowest to-date. <br/>'''March 28th.''' [[Monroeville]] is quarantined, blocking character creation. Headshot becomes permanent.

On June 18, the game was featured in an article on Yahoo. Yahoo, needless to say, is popular. Numbers sky-rocket for both sides.
{| style='padding-top:46px'
|<span style='line-height:10px'>'''May 28th.''' [[Decay]] sets in, making ruined buildings more costly to repair.</span>

The Ratio: 19/6/2007 62% to 38% (25,075 to 15,115)
{| style='padding-top:0px'
|'''June 13th.''' [[Monroeville]] reopens, closing forever only four weeks later.

Notice the sharp increase in both survivor and zombie numbers. An influx of several thousand players.
{| style='padding-top:55px'
|'''August 25th.''' Only [[The Monroeville 100|100 survivors remain in Monroeville]].

Yahoomas was a short effect affair, despite the big increases, the effect had almost entirely worn off by the end of the month, with numbers returning to their pre-Yahoomas levels and re-entering the trend from before. Survivor numbers continued their downward trawl with even greater speed. Zombie numbers returned to their marked increases after a period of slow decline so that it could rejoin the cycle where it left off.
{| style='padding-top:33px'
|'''October 14th.''' Zombies get the [[flesh Rot|flesh rot]] skill, [[digestion]], and mall [[FAK]] rates are nerfed. &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; '''October 28th.''' [[Borehamwood]], another playable map, opens.
|style='padding-top:8px' | '''November 28th.''' A month later, [[Borehamwood]] closes forever.

The Ratio: 30/6/2007 57% to 43% (20,186 to 14, 986)
{| style='padding-top:0px'
|<span style='line-height:0px'>'''January 9th.''' [[Mall Tour '09]] begins, then demolishes most of [[Malton]]'s malls.</span>

==Zombie Upswing... (8/2007)==
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|'''February 7th.''' The [[The Borehamwood 100|last 100 survivors in Borehamwood]] pick their way through the rubble and empty countryside.

Player numbers started to fall after this. Survivors, already their numbers falling, saw their rate of descent become steeper. Zombies, who had been enjoying a comeback, saw their rise slowly peak, and then began a slow and gradual decline of their own.
{| style='padding-top:122px'
|'''July 3rd.''' Groans made inside closed doors are now muffled. Survivors find the old, [[Emergency Broadcast System]] hidden in [[the Coram Building]].

The Ratio: 13/08/2007 56% to 44% (17,971 to 13,871)

After this date, zombies showed a marked growth at the expense of survivor numbers. a little later a change to free running involving ruins would further hamper survivors and press home the zombie advantage.  The combined effect would see a brush with equality at the end of October.

The Ratio: 31/8/2007 49% to 51% (15,811 to 16,539)

==...And Downswing (9/2007)==

Inexplicably (anybody got any good theories?), zombies numbers took a massive turn for the worse after the peak of the upswing. Survivors converted many, and yet more were lost due to idle outs. This massive downturn was to prove long term in its repercussions, after initially bottoming out on September 21.

The Ratio: 21/9/2007 62% to 38% (18,882 to 11,543)

==A Period of Stability (01/2008)==

After the sudden downturn, the ratio never really recovered. Zombie control stayed lowed for some time, the survivor ratio staying between 57% and 64% for the period. Both sides saw a general decline in player numbers.

The Ratio: 1/1/2008 60% to 40% (15,362 to 10,474)

The ratio then became more decisive, and the zombies were to find themselves in an ever worse situation. Survivor numbers began to rise steadily and zombie numbers managed to slump yet further, dropping below 10,000 for the first time ever.

The Ratio: 22/1/2008 66% to 34% (18,770 to 9,520)
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|'''June 1st & 3rd.''' Hundreds of players congregate at [[Ellicott Place Railway Station]], adjacent to [[border|Malton's border]]. The plan: [[Escape]]. The outcome: nothing in particular. Shortly after, [[Big Bash 3|The Big Bash 3]] begins shambling across the city, putting an end to what they believe is a fatal condition called "breathing."

The worse ratio since pre-Stanstock, the zombies were now outnumbered by an overwhelming 2:1.
{| style='padding-top:22px'
|'''August 16th.''' The last game mechanics update. Survivors receive a niche, rarely useful skill: [[Scout Safehouse]]. Zombies also receive a niche, though slightly more useful skill: [[Bellow]].

==The Zombies Strike Back (01/2008)==

The Ratio: 22/1/2008 66% to 34% (18,770 to 9,520)

Game mechanics are radically altered to aid the zombies. Survivors find themselves slightly beaten up, but the zombies didn't stop there. A wave of new accounts (presumably to enjoy the change) helped rocket the balance to near equilibrium.

The Ratio: 20/2/2008 50% to 50% (15,493 to 15,342)

This, however, was only the start.

==The Dead/SA & Monroeville aka The Great Crash (02/2008)==

The Ratio: 20/2/2008 50% to 50% (15,493 to 15,342)

The zombie boosts were still benefiting zombies as the ratio reached equality. A group of players from Something Awful came en masse to Urban Dead, creating a group later to become known simply as [[The Dead]]. Zombies gain around 4,000,  survivors 9,000 in the period of  9 days. It is, unequivocally, the fastest growth in numbers the game has ever seen.

Now add into the mix, a new Urban Dead city, [[Monroeville]], opening on February 25. Cue mash rush to sign up.
{| style='padding-top:65px'
|'''March 27th (ish).''' The world almost ends again. [[The Dead 2.0|The Dead]] [[March of The Dead 2|march on Malton for a second time]], leading to the most drastic population inequality in Malton's (recorded) history.* Survivor numbers plummet to its lowest in mid May, settling at 15%. Efforts to reduce this percentage even lower, preferably to 0%, are met with massive resistance from a key game mechanic: syringe search rates depend on the survivor-zombie ratio. The low relative abundance of survivors allow them to easily find syringes, even in ruined [[NecroTech|NecroTechs]]. Eventually, The Dead lose steam, leading to The Long Tail.

Up until now I've been using end of day statistics from the official records. Permit me now to use some hourly ones to make a point. The mass sign up had boosted numbers to their peak, as shown below.

The Ratio: 29/2/2008 17:00 56% to 44% (24,456 to 19,305)
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<small>* Technically, the first day of Malton's history (July 3rd, 2005) would have favoured survivors completely, as initially &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;players could not start the game as [[News/2005#July_19|corpses until mid July]].</small>

You can see the substantial rises in numbers for both sides over the period. Now factor in the opening of Monroeville some days earlier. People playing characters there could no longer use their IP hits in Malton. The characters they left standing would be idling out any time soon.

The first wave hit just an hour later.
=====<font color='white'>7</font>=====
<br><BIG><BIG><BIG>'''THE LONG TAIL'''</BIG></BIG></BIG><br><big>Plot of <font color='#98c1d9'>'''Survivor'''</font> and <font color='#8bd08b'>'''Zombie'''</font> populations. <br>Mid 2011 to 2020.</big>

The Ratio: 29/2/2008 18:00 47% to 53% (15,955 to 17,820)
<div style="width:560px">The lack of player events and game updates stagnates the game. It also provides convincing evidence that the "default" ratio is about three survivors for every two zombies, or about 60% survivors and 40% zombies. That is, unless something disrupts it.</div>
| width='100px' | [[File:threeone.png|560px]][[File:threetwo.png|560px]][[File:threethree.png|560px]][[File:threefour.png|560px]][[File:threefive.png|560px]][[File:threesix.png|560px]] ||  style="vertical-align: top;width:600px;position:absolute" |

The zombies lost 1,500 characters in this hour alone, the migration from the SA forums had cushioned this.

The survivors lost almost 10,000 characters, 40% of their entire population, in the space of an hour, back to pre-SA levels. It was the single biggest loss to either side in the space of an hour, ever.

It didn't stop there.

Survivor numbers '''''plummeted'''''. The English language lacks a suitably substantially insane word to describe it. Meanwhile, zombie numbers later made a recovery to numbers almost as high as their SA peak.

The economic downfall of 1929 pales in comparison.

The ratio reached its greatest post-Stanstock disparity, and it was in favour of the zombies. The final values at the survivors lowest point follow.

The Ratio: 24/3/2008 14:01 31% to 69% (8,478 to 18,394)
&nbsp;<big><big>'''2011 <small>(continued)</small>'''</big></big>

The loss was the greatest change (not just fall, but change) in numbers in the history of the game. The combined migration of players to Monroeville and arrival of strong zombie hordes had turned the tables, definitively, in little over a month.
{| style='padding-top:43px'
|'''October 3rd.''' Malton sees its last [[Mall Tour '11|mall tour]]. Although the late stage of the game tempers the size of the horde, survivors fare far worse. The malls&mdash;nearly empty, nearly ruined, or ruined already&mdash;fall easily to the horde.
|<font color='white'>1</font>
The first year in Urban Dead's history when nothing in particular happens. At least according to this graph, anyway.

==Survivors Bounce Back (03/2008)==

The Ratio: 24/3/2008 14:01 31% to 69% (8,478 to 18,394)

Zombie numbers had levelled out for sometime, but survivor numbers were still plummeting, having dipped under the 10,000 mark (Indeed, the 8,500 mark). The hordes had reached capacity, if the rate of attrition kept up, survivors would be gone in a month, maybe two. The game would be over.

Something was needed to turn it around, something equally as fast impacting as either SA or the opening of Monroeville.

That something happened, Monroeville closed. Since death (or rather, undeath) was permanent, and new characters could not be made, people flocked back to their Malton alts. Survivor numbers rose sharply. Zombie numbers fell equally as sharply as a result.

The Ratio: 03/04/2008 40% to 60% (11,296 to 16,711)

Numbers remained level after the jump. It has been a short boost after all, and not an effect that would have longer term consequences. The jolt had happened however, and a week or so later survivors would get back into the groove and begin to drive zombie numbers back down. It took time, but 2-3 months of effort had reversed the situation.

The reason was because no fundamentals had changed. The zombie boost and effect of SA had been as short term as anything else. Compare the periods on the graph around 11/2007 and 6/2008. They're not that dissimilar. Arguably, there is some long term effect, and the numbers are indeed slightly better for zombies. But over,all the effect was negligible.

The Ratio: 13/6/2008 63% to 37% (17,084 to 9,879)

==Monroeville, All Over Again (06/2008)==

Monroeville later reopens, but with much less effect. Less people migrate, zombie numbers are already in tatters, spurred on by neither a recent boost nor a mass influx of players on their side. Survivor number take a hit, but not much of one. The zombies fail to capitalize much. The ratio steers towards equality, but not with any great effort or driving purpose. The gain was mostly due to survivors idling out. The best zombie peak is below.

The Ratio: 26/7/2008 53% to 47% (12,908 to 11,342)

The survivors adapt again, and the gap widens back to previous levels, before the zombies begin to make up ground again and close it to a 10% difference. Levels are slow in their changes.

==Borehamwood (10/2008)==

The Ratio: 27/10/2008 54% to 46% (12,867 to 10,951)

Borehamwood opens on October 28, another new city. With zombies on good footing at this point, the effect of the survivor migration is enough to let them gain some strength. They capitalize well and flip the ratio round. It peaks during December.

==Search Rate Boost (12/2008)==

The Ratio: 5/12/2008 39% to 61% (8,259 to 13,162)

The diminishing number of total players over time means that smaller differences are creating bigger effects on the percentages. It also means smaller numbers of revives/survivor deaths will have a bigger effect on the ratio.

Search rates are quietly increased, this saves survivor AP, regardless of their skill. This core boost, though small, sends survivors off to reverse the current ratio pretty fast. Numbers swap drastically. The following is the survivor peak.

The Ratio: 16/12/2008 55% to 45% (12,033 to 9,701)

==Continued Decline? (2/2009)==

Zombie numbers continue downward, survivor numbers peaked mid December and are now also falling just as fast as the zombies, this has levelled the ratio out for now.

The Ratio: 1/2/2009 63% to 37% (13,883 to 8,030)

''This analysis is based on limited data, and so another trend may show up in due course.''

==Zombie Recovery? (3/2009)==

The Ratio: 60% to 40% (13,583 to 8,780)

The count of total players has risen a little compared to a month ago, and so "Continued Decline" may be incorrect. The survivor count has levelled out, and zombies have gained about 700, thus they have made a small gain on the ratio.
<font color='white'>.</font>
{| style='padding-top:105px'
|'''June 1st.''' [[Big Bash 4|The Big Bash 4]], the last bash and the last player event on this graph. This Bash is gravely concerned for survivor safety; survivors, who for a moment believe the zombies have their best interests in mind, quickly realize the zombies feel they are ''too'' safe. In other words, many zombies eat many survivors.

''This analysis is based on limited data, and so another trend may show up in due course.''

==The Future==

The future could hold many things for the ratio, and Urban Dead in general. However, based on the past history a few general assumptions can be made.

*Active player numbers will continue to decrease. They've been on a steady downward trend over the last 3 years, and that is unlikely to change.
*Game mechanic changes will remain short term. Due to the aversion of this wiki to accept suggestions altering core game mechanics, it is unlikely that the fundamentals will change. Players will adapt to any changes in due time with little long term consequence.
*Survivors will continue to make up ground, left to their own devices. Survivors have always improved things to their favour when not affected by other events. The core game seems biased to allow them the maximum adaptability they need. Zombies have developed a huge metagame, just to be able to compete.
*The best theory is none of the theories initially stated.
**The ratio refuses to settle anywhere near 50% and instead storms off in either direction.
**Zombies could easily end the game if they outnumber survivors (as the SA period showed it might happen)
**Letting the system be just leads to a gradual survivor victory or zombie curbstomp, as we've seen.

= External Links =

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|'''July 3rd.''' On Urban Dead's birthday, [[User:Kevan|Kevan]] opens up [ the State of the Apocalypse Survey]. The survey asked what suggestions you would add, the flavour and gameplay changes you are interested in, and what you like best and least. The results were never officially released, nor leaked surreptitiously. Kevan never appeared to act on the results, so far as anyone can tell.
<font color='white'>.</font>
<font color='white'>1</font>
{| style='padding-top:303px'
|'''November 3rd.''' Mass [[zerging]]. It is so obvious that it can be seen from space (i.e., this graph). Zombie numbers spike roughly 1,300 over two days, then plummet on the third. Levels of normal and revivifying bodies remain untouched, as do survivors, suggesting the zombies were banned en masse.
<font color='white'>.</font>
<font color='white'>.</font>
{| style='padding-top:48px'
|'''February 19th.''' For the first (legitimate) time since the Dead's second march in 2011, the ratio favours zombies. Nevertheless, the shift towards zombies is small and survivors regain their ground in April.
=====<font color='white'>8</font>=====
The ratio stabilized as time went on. By The Long Tail, there were three survivors for every two zombies. (To be precise, it's an average of 1.55 survivors per zombie over the entire game history.) Is this a sign of game imbalance?
Of course, "it depends." What things ''should'' look like is an opinion (pick one, none, or more):
*'''Equal numbers of zombies and survivors'''. This is the most "on the nose" interpretation of game balance. It implies that if survivors are more numerous, they are stronger than zombies (and vice versa). Typically this takes the form of one side being more efficient with AP, whether its killing the opposing side, revivifying them, or barricade dynamics.
*'''Zombies heavily outnumber survivors'''. The most in-genre, and some believe this is a way to [[end of the game]]. While it presents both great danger and excitement for survivors, it runs the risk of creating frustration in survivors who stay dead for long periods of time and for zombies who find nothing to munch on. The self-correcting nature of revivification rates through [[Syringe#NecroTech_Revivification_Syringe|syringe search odds]], as well as [[Imagine/DIRT:NAP|Dirt Nap]] tactics and new characters signing up, makes this scenario unlikely to hold up over the long term.
*'''An unstable ratio.''' Sometimes survivors outnumber zombies. Sometimes zombies outnumber survivors. The game might be the most fun if the ratio never stabilizes over the long term.
*'''Let it be (Laissez-faire)'''. In other words, don't alter the game mechanics and let the ratio go wherever it will. ''This is the current state of the game.''
The opinion of this author: the ratio favours survivors because they have more things to do and are more fun to play. The [[Action Points|AP]] efficiency of actions is secondary to this. The fact that players choose the side they want to play damages the idea that AP efficiency is the cause for the relative overabundance of survivors... with the exception of the few and far between [[Dual Nature]] players.
Consider game [[Wikipedia:chemical equilibrium|equilibrium]]. Whenever a survivor is killed, they become zombies until they are revived. The rate at which survivors go through this process depends on how much AP it takes to kill them, find syringes, find survivors to revive, and then revive them. But the game balance cannot be reduced to the math of AP efficiency. If dead survivors ''want'' to be alive, they [[Mrh Cow|go to revive points]], get revived, and try not to die again. This increases the rate at which survivors are revived, but it is based on player preference rather than the direct cost of AP. To drive the point home, if every player suddenly decides they only want to be zombies, then they purchase [[brain rot]] or jump out of buildings. This would greatly slow the rate at which zombies become survivors, increasing the relative abundance of zombies. If we really wanted to know how balanced the game is from an AP efficiency perspective, everyone would need to play as Dual Nature.
[[file:Level 1 graph.png|600px]]
<div style="width:600px;text-align:left">
<big>'''Plot showing the percentage of level 1 characters compared to all other levels.'''</big><br>
Level 1 characters include survivors (all classes) in blue and zombies in green. Time is scaled "loosely" because the data was obtained from the Wayback Machine; each data point is not necessarily separated by equal amounts of time. However, the data begins in late 2005 and ends in early 2021.
Keep in mind that level 1 characters can be legitimately created as alts or by players new to the game, as well as en masse by zergers. Given the waning popularity of the game, fewer new players are expected to join. Therefore, the later timepoints more likely reflect efforts by zergers.
A crude interpretation of this graph is that players have zerged more as time has gone on, especially by using survivor alts. A more nuanced position is that the zerging tends to be in the form of throwaway level 1 survivors, rather than zombies. The main exception are several spikes in level 1 zombies (some marked on the graph), which disappear either from banning or levelling up.
<Big><big><big>'''OLDER GRAPHS'''</BIG></big></big>
| [[File:SZI Graph.png|Survivor (<font color="#4491C4">blue</font>) and zombie (<font color="#5BBA5C">green</font>) populations from October 2005 to May 2016. Dips and peaks correspond to notable player [[:Category:Events|events]] (names) and [[News|game updates]] (numbers).|thumb|400px]] || [[File:Barhah.jpg|September 2005 to April 2009. [[A Brief History Of Barhah]] compares population statistics with a timeline of sieges and zombie campaigns.|thumb|400px]]
| [[File:UD-SZI-Relative-Graph.png|November 2005 to May 2011 relative graph. By using the percentage of each, one can see changes independent of the ever changing total active population and some effects which are more well hidden on the absolute values become obvious here.|thumb|400px]] || [[File:UD-SZI-Absolute-Graph.png|November 2005 to May 2011 absolute graph. This shows the actual changes in standing numbers over time, the magnitude of keys events can be seen easily.|thumb|400px]]
<Big><big><big>'''SEE ALSO'''</BIG></big></big>
* [[Statistics]]
* [[Timeline]]
* [[UDWiki:Project Timeline]]
* [[News]]
* [[Game Balance]]
* [[Equilibrium]]
* [[Game Assumptions]]
* See [[Survivor-Zombie Imbalance/Ratio History|Ratio History]] for descriptions of notable ratio changes. Mostly pre-2010.
* Odd Starter's [[User:Odd_Starter/On_the_imbalance_of_Survivors_and_Zombies|On the imbalance of Survivors and Zombies]]
* Grim s 's [[User:Grim s/Rants/Revival Imbalance|Revival Imbalance]]
* [[:Category:History]]
* [ Game Statistics Page]
* [ Game Statistics Page]
* [ Game Statistics Log] on which most of this data is sourced
* [ Game Statistics Log] for comprehensive data post April 22, 2007
* [*/ Wayback Machine] for sporadic data pre April 22, 2007
[[Category:Glossary|Population Balance]]

Latest revision as of 20:51, 30 July 2022

........... Survivor-Zombie Ratio.png

The Survivor / Zombie Ratio, December 2005 to April 2020.
The Y axis shows the ratio of survivors to zombies, with the dashed horizontal line at 1:1 indicating an equal number of survivors to zombies. Above the line favours survivors (e.g., 2:1 means two survivors for every one zombie). Below the line favours zombies. The tick marks on the X axis indicate the start of the year named below. At each time point (day), the ratio is the number of survivors divided by the number of zombies, collected at the 0:00 hour of the day.1 The extra info on either side of the dashed horizontal line has some caveats.2

Data obtained from Urban Dead statistics, April 2017 to current day. Older data from the Wayback Machine was collected manually.3



The first graph shows the survivor-zombie ratio. The graph below shows the absolute survivor and zombie populations in a series of three parts: Early Day Volatility (EDV), The Swings (TW), and The Long Tail (TLT).4 These graphs go in-depth, listing most game updates and a small number of player-initiated events. While the game updates are listed regardless of their impact on the survivor-zombie ratio, partly due to the relative infrequency of the updates, the player events are (usually) listed if they seem to be responsible for a shift in the survivor-zombie ratio.

An underlying assumption is that the ratio only changes if a force acts on it, be it a game update or player event. Although it often seems "obvious" that a game update or player event caused a shift in the ratio, it is impossible to identify all player events occurring at a given time; not all have been written into history. And given a specific time point, multiple events could be happening at the same time. How do we determine the degree to which each event influenced the ratio?

Sometimes, however, an event is so large that it undeniably caused a change in the ratio. Call it a natural experiment.

All that said, the purpose of the following in-depth graph is to chronicle the game balance over the years, without pointing too many fingers.



1 Urban Dead's statistics updates its data on every hour of the day, yet characters only seem to idle out on the 00:00 hour of the day. This creates a "climbing" effect where the data increases throughout the day until it hits the 00:00 mark and drops. For simplicity, data from other timepoints were excluded. (Note that the Urban Dead statistics page missed its mark a few times, and thus on certain days the data was collected on the 00:01 and 0:02 timepoints.)
2 The percentage of days favouring either survivors or zombies was calculated by counting out the days when the ratio was above or below 1. The ratio never equals exactly 1, at least for the data shown here (see Caveat 1). To calculate the average ratio when the game favoured either survivors or zombies, the data was cut into two parts: one with the ratio above 1 (survivor favoured) and the other with the ratio below 1 (zombie favoured). Keep in mind, error exists because the data is sporadic before April 2007 (see Caveat 3).
3 Only 28 data points are plotted before late April 2007; 4,732 points are plotted afterward. You can see the effect this has on the graph of the Survivor-Zombie Ratio due to the oddly straight lines, as opposed to the "noisy" line thereafter. On the in-depth graph below, all the columns of white space are locations of missing data. When calculating the facts discussed in Caveat 2, the data is more heavily weighed after April 2007; there's simply more data there that "drowns out" the scant data before it. Thus, these facts are an approximation.
4 The scales are different on each part of the graph, which helps readability when the player populations become smaller.
One final caveat: this page is mostly the opinion of one person.


The graph maker may have missed an important game event (and it should be included). But it's also important to minimize the number of events and game updates on the page, as there's only so much room available. Larger scale events, such as roaming hordes and "big picture" moments in history (e.g., protests) are typically included. While some events clearly had no impact on the ratio, such as The Big Bash 4, they are still listed here. This is mainly included for the reader's interest, since the earlier versions of events tended to have a stronger impact.

A few second city events are included for interest, even though their respective populations are not present in Malton's statistics. Some of the simpler or cosmetic game updates are also not mentioned, such as bug fixes, server upgrades, and unofficial changes (example).


Plot of Survivor and Zombie populations.
2005 to 2006.

The first year or so of Urban Dead's history was marked by rapid game updates, establishing fundamental mechanics that flattened the ratio close to equality. These changes came quickly on the heels of social upheaval, the kind consisting of protests, violent riots, and roaming zombie hordes. It was an energetic, though uncertain time.


July 3rd. Urban Dead goes live. Between now and October 27th:
  • Survivors can speak and zombies have begun to make noises.
  • Wirecutters have a use and survivors can jump out of windows.
  • Zergers are now punished semi-automatically.
  • Survivors only get half the XP for attacking each other, compared to attacking zombies.
  • First Aid Kits can be used on other players, and DNA Extractors on zombies. Survivors have begun tagging buildings with messages, as well as barricading them. Survivors have gotten tougher.
  • Players may begin the game as a corpse.
  • New zombies move more slowly, requiring 2AP without the Lurching Gait skill. They also forget how to open doors.
  • Dead bodies can now be dumped out of buildings. Experienced survivors are hunting zombies. All survivors are also getting better at hitting zombies, which now need 10 AP to stand up again.
  • Players now have a contact list. Headshots reduce some XP, instead of removing all of it.
October 27th. First Siege of Caiger Mall. Game statistics first available.
November 4th. Profiles are now editable.
November 18th & 22nd. The power is on. Survivors are now hooking up buildings with generators, which doctors are using to perform surgery. A few days later, the mobile phone network reactivated.
2006 December 19th, 22nd, & 30th. Another change to headshot serves as a launching point for players to go On Strike. Later in the month, Kevan adds feeding groan and opens large buildings to movement.
January 3rd. & 19th. Stemming from the protests last month, Malton's first mall tour forms. Hundreds of zombies storm the city's malls and brings them to ruin. Under the cover of battle, scientist discover how to revive brain rotten zombies.
February 3rd & 4th. Tangling Grasp is added. The Mall Tour '06 sets its sights on Caiger Mall, leading to an exhausting siege that ends in a zombie defeat as March closes.
March 9th. Zombies can now recognize the groans of members of their own horde.
March 28th. Syringe nerf. Revivifying zombies takes 10 AP, up from 1.

April 28th. Some of the more belligerent (or forward-thinking) zombies have begun ransacking buildings. Survivors have finally figured out how to shine the light in powered buildings to where the loot is, improving search odds.
June 1st, 3rd & 6th. A series of communication-related updates give a use to handheld radios but restrict the 26.00 - 28.00 MHz band to skilled operators. Zombies can smell distant hordes and bodies.
June 16th. Critically-wounded survivors are now at risk of being dragged from buildings by hungry zombies. Ransacked buildings must now be cleared of zombies before survivors can barricade them. July 3rd. Following in the footsteps of last year's strike and the mall tour, the first Big Bash forms, eating the eastern and southern portions of Malton before blending with the next year's mall tour.
July 18th. DNA-Extractors provide profile info and allow the survivor to immediately revive the zombie.
August 18th & 28th. Survivors gain an unlikely foothold in the zombie homeland of Ridleybank, turning into a two month siege, the Battle of Blackmore, at the suburb's only NecroTech Building. Although frequently outnumbering the zombies, the survivors eventually succumb to a coordinated attack on October the 13th. Later in August, survivors become more effective with knives, while the zombie sense of death sharpens and have learned to make crude, flailing gestures.
October 23rd. Caiger Mall falls to zombies for the first time.
October 31st. Malton's first fog. Players cannot see outside their current location until dawn tomorrow.
November 20th. The external military repairs Malton's two forts, patching holes in the walls and leaving the only entrances at the gatehouse.

Plot of Survivor and Zombie populations.
2007 to Mid 2011.

While the ratio tries to stabilize at 3:2 in favour of survivors, mega hordes repeatedly swing the ratio back in favour of zombies... mainly by eating the humans. At the same time, crucial zombie game updates add potency to coordinated zombies who siege buildings and hold territory. Hence, "The Swings."


January 14th, 19th & February 3rd. Mall Tour '07 begins. New skills enables zombies to detect infected survivors and locate nearby horde members. Around this time, X:00 tactics is developed. In early February, zombies get XP for de-barricading, ransacking buildings, and destroying machinery.
March 6th. Survivors begin the useless pastime of collecting and exhibiting museum decorations.
April 8th & 20th. The Battle of Santlerville, which lasts deep into May, sweeps the suburb... until the zombie invasion disperses in defeat. Some quality of life changes to profiles allow, among other things, for survivors to auto-discard unwanted items.
May 31st. Survivors start wearing clothing, ending an era of dangly bits for zombies to grab hold of.
June 18th. Yahoo publishes an article on Urban Dead, prompting over 10,000 players to join in days. Clueless level 1 survivors wander the streets, eaten and idling out in the coming weeks.
July 29th. Though easily mistaken for a typo, zombies clench the Battle of SantLUEville in victory.
August 14th & 24th. The more territorial zombies can ruin buildings, needing a toolbox to repair. By next week, even the more agile survivors are slipping on the rubble of ruined buildings, preventing freerunning. Survivors tuning into the right channel can now catch external military reports.
October 10th. The Second Big Bash begins, again wrecking the city's eastern and southern regions.


January 2nd & 23rd. The Second Big Bash hits a month long siege at Pitneybank. A controversial and incredibly influential game update in the third week of fighting, barricade interference, makes holding Giddings Mall and other tactical locations against the zombie beachheads untenable.
February 25th & 28th. While a second city, Monroeville, opens, a massive, world-ending horde fuelled by an external forum marches on the city. The survivor population drops to 31%, the lowest to-date.
March 28th. Monroeville is quarantined, blocking character creation. Headshot becomes permanent.
May 28th. Decay sets in, making ruined buildings more costly to repair.
June 13th. Monroeville reopens, closing forever only four weeks later.
August 25th. Only 100 survivors remain in Monroeville.
October 14th. Zombies get the flesh rot skill, digestion, and mall FAK rates are nerfed.                 October 28th. Borehamwood, another playable map, opens.
November 28th. A month later, Borehamwood closes forever.


January 9th. Mall Tour '09 begins, then demolishes most of Malton's malls.
February 7th. The last 100 survivors in Borehamwood pick their way through the rubble and empty countryside.
July 3rd. Groans made inside closed doors are now muffled. Survivors find the old, Emergency Broadcast System hidden in the Coram Building.


June 1st & 3rd. Hundreds of players congregate at Ellicott Place Railway Station, adjacent to Malton's border. The plan: Escape. The outcome: nothing in particular. Shortly after, The Big Bash 3 begins shambling across the city, putting an end to what they believe is a fatal condition called "breathing."
August 16th. The last game mechanics update. Survivors receive a niche, rarely useful skill: Scout Safehouse. Zombies also receive a niche, though slightly more useful skill: Bellow.


March 27th (ish). The world almost ends again. The Dead march on Malton for a second time, leading to the most drastic population inequality in Malton's (recorded) history.* Survivor numbers plummet to its lowest in mid May, settling at 15%. Efforts to reduce this percentage even lower, preferably to 0%, are met with massive resistance from a key game mechanic: syringe search rates depend on the survivor-zombie ratio. The low relative abundance of survivors allow them to easily find syringes, even in ruined NecroTechs. Eventually, The Dead lose steam, leading to The Long Tail.

     * Technically, the first day of Malton's history (July 3rd, 2005) would have favoured survivors completely, as initially         players could not start the game as corpses until mid July.


Plot of Survivor and Zombie populations.
Mid 2011 to 2020.

The lack of player events and game updates stagnates the game. It also provides convincing evidence that the "default" ratio is about three survivors for every two zombies, or about 60% survivors and 40% zombies. That is, unless something disrupts it.

 2011 (continued)

October 3rd. Malton sees its last mall tour. Although the late stage of the game tempers the size of the horde, survivors fare far worse. The malls—nearly empty, nearly ruined, or ruined already—fall easily to the horde.


The first year in Urban Dead's history when nothing in particular happens. At least according to this graph, anyway.



June 1st. The Big Bash 4, the last bash and the last player event on this graph. This Bash is gravely concerned for survivor safety; survivors, who for a moment believe the zombies have their best interests in mind, quickly realize the zombies feel they are too safe. In other words, many zombies eat many survivors.





July 3rd. On Urban Dead's birthday, Kevan opens up the State of the Apocalypse Survey. The survey asked what suggestions you would add, the flavour and gameplay changes you are interested in, and what you like best and least. The results were never officially released, nor leaked surreptitiously. Kevan never appeared to act on the results, so far as anyone can tell.





November 3rd. Mass zerging. It is so obvious that it can be seen from space (i.e., this graph). Zombie numbers spike roughly 1,300 over two days, then plummet on the third. Levels of normal and revivifying bodies remain untouched, as do survivors, suggesting the zombies were banned en masse.






February 19th. For the first (legitimate) time since the Dead's second march in 2011, the ratio favours zombies. Nevertheless, the shift towards zombies is small and survivors regain their ground in April.


The ratio stabilized as time went on. By The Long Tail, there were three survivors for every two zombies. (To be precise, it's an average of 1.55 survivors per zombie over the entire game history.) Is this a sign of game imbalance?

Of course, "it depends." What things should look like is an opinion (pick one, none, or more):

  • Equal numbers of zombies and survivors. This is the most "on the nose" interpretation of game balance. It implies that if survivors are more numerous, they are stronger than zombies (and vice versa). Typically this takes the form of one side being more efficient with AP, whether its killing the opposing side, revivifying them, or barricade dynamics.
  • Zombies heavily outnumber survivors. The most in-genre, and some believe this is a way to end of the game. While it presents both great danger and excitement for survivors, it runs the risk of creating frustration in survivors who stay dead for long periods of time and for zombies who find nothing to munch on. The self-correcting nature of revivification rates through syringe search odds, as well as Dirt Nap tactics and new characters signing up, makes this scenario unlikely to hold up over the long term.
  • An unstable ratio. Sometimes survivors outnumber zombies. Sometimes zombies outnumber survivors. The game might be the most fun if the ratio never stabilizes over the long term.
  • Let it be (Laissez-faire). In other words, don't alter the game mechanics and let the ratio go wherever it will. This is the current state of the game.

The opinion of this author: the ratio favours survivors because they have more things to do and are more fun to play. The AP efficiency of actions is secondary to this. The fact that players choose the side they want to play damages the idea that AP efficiency is the cause for the relative overabundance of survivors... with the exception of the few and far between Dual Nature players.

Consider game equilibrium. Whenever a survivor is killed, they become zombies until they are revived. The rate at which survivors go through this process depends on how much AP it takes to kill them, find syringes, find survivors to revive, and then revive them. But the game balance cannot be reduced to the math of AP efficiency. If dead survivors want to be alive, they go to revive points, get revived, and try not to die again. This increases the rate at which survivors are revived, but it is based on player preference rather than the direct cost of AP. To drive the point home, if every player suddenly decides they only want to be zombies, then they purchase brain rot or jump out of buildings. This would greatly slow the rate at which zombies become survivors, increasing the relative abundance of zombies. If we really wanted to know how balanced the game is from an AP efficiency perspective, everyone would need to play as Dual Nature.


Level 1 graph.png

Plot showing the percentage of level 1 characters compared to all other levels.
Level 1 characters include survivors (all classes) in blue and zombies in green. Time is scaled "loosely" because the data was obtained from the Wayback Machine; each data point is not necessarily separated by equal amounts of time. However, the data begins in late 2005 and ends in early 2021.

Keep in mind that level 1 characters can be legitimately created as alts or by players new to the game, as well as en masse by zergers. Given the waning popularity of the game, fewer new players are expected to join. Therefore, the later timepoints more likely reflect efforts by zergers.

A crude interpretation of this graph is that players have zerged more as time has gone on, especially by using survivor alts. A more nuanced position is that the zerging tends to be in the form of throwaway level 1 survivors, rather than zombies. The main exception are several spikes in level 1 zombies (some marked on the graph), which disappear either from banning or levelling up.


Survivor (blue) and zombie (green) populations from October 2005 to May 2016. Dips and peaks correspond to notable player events (names) and game updates (numbers).
September 2005 to April 2009. A Brief History Of Barhah compares population statistics with a timeline of sieges and zombie campaigns.
November 2005 to May 2011 relative graph. By using the percentage of each, one can see changes independent of the ever changing total active population and some effects which are more well hidden on the absolute values become obvious here.
November 2005 to May 2011 absolute graph. This shows the actual changes in standing numbers over time, the magnitude of keys events can be seen easily.